add helper function to prevent looping

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Andrew Martin 2017-09-17 13:03:02 -04:00
parent 13b0f64b69
commit 72ea18ba5e

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@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ module Reflex.Dom.Colonnade
, static
, capped
, cappedResizable
, cappedResizableTableless
, cappedTraversing
, dynamic
, dynamicCapped
@ -263,6 +264,23 @@ cappedResizable tableAttrs headAttrs bodyAttrs beneathBody trAttrs fascia cornic
c <- beneathBody
return (h `mappend` b, c, E.size annCornice)
-- | Same as 'cappedResizable' but without the @\<table\>@ wrapping it.
-- Also, it does not take extra content to go beneath the @\<tbody\>@.
cappedResizableTableless ::
(DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m, MonadHold t m, Foldable f, Monoid e)
=> Map Text Text -- ^ @\<thead\>@ tag attributes
-> Map Text Text -- ^ @\<tbody\>@ tag attributes
-> (a -> Map Text Text) -- ^ @\<tr\>@ tag attributes
-> Fascia p (Map Text Text) -- ^ Attributes for @\<tr\>@ elements in the @\<thead\>@
-> Cornice (Resizable t Headed) p a (Cell t m e) -- ^ Data encoding strategy
-> f a -- ^ Collection of data
-> m (e, Dynamic t Int)
cappedResizableTableless headAttrs bodyAttrs trAttrs fascia cornice collection = do
let annCornice = dynamicAnnotate cornice
h <- encodeCorniceResizableHead headAttrs fascia annCornice
b <- bodyResizable bodyAttrs trAttrs (E.discard cornice) collection
return (h `mappend` b, E.size annCornice)
dynamicAnnotate :: Reflex t
=> Cornice (Resizable t Headed) p a c
-> E.AnnotatedCornice (Dynamic t Int) p a c