update to reflex-4 and flesh out api

This commit is contained in:
Kyle McKean 2017-03-29 17:18:58 -04:00
parent c188d728bb
commit 7482a66b3e
3 changed files with 200 additions and 195 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
{ reflex-platform, ... }:
let dc = reflex-platform.nixpkgs.haskell.lib.dontCheck;
in reflex-platform.ghc.override {
overrides = self: super: {
colonnade = dc (self.callPackage (reflex-platform.cabal2nixResult ../colonnade) {});

View File

@ -18,14 +18,13 @@ library
base >= 4.7 && < 5.0
, colonnade >= 0.4.6 && < 0.5
, colonnade >= 1.1 && < 1.2
, contravariant >= 1.2 && < 1.5
, vector >= 0.10 && < 0.12
, text >= 1.0 && < 1.3
, reflex
, reflex-dom
, reflex == 0.5.*
, reflex-dom == 0.4.*
, containers >= 0.5 && < 0.6
, semigroups >= 0.16 && < 0.19
default-language: Haskell2010
ghc-options: -Wall

View File

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
@ -8,230 +11,226 @@ module Reflex.Dom.Colonnade
-- * Table Encoders
, basic
, static
, eventful
, dynamic
, dynamicEventful
, expandable
, listItems
, capped
, cappedEventful
-- * Cell Functions
, cell
, charCell
, stringCell
, textCell
, lazyTextCell
, builderCell
) where
import Colonnade.Types
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Foldable
import Reflex (Dynamic,Event,switchPromptly,never,leftmost)
import Reflex.Dynamic (mapDyn)
import Reflex.Dom (MonadWidget)
import Reflex.Dom.Widget.Basic
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import qualified Colonnade.Encoding as Encoding
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LText
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TBuilder
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as LT
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..),for_)
import Data.Traversable (for)
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import Control.Monad (void)
import Reflex.Dom
import Colonnade (Colonnade,Headed,Fascia,Cornice)
import qualified Colonnade.Encode as E
data Cell t m b = Cell
{ cellAttrs :: !(Dynamic t (M.Map T.Text T.Text))
, cellContents :: !(m b)
} deriving (Functor)
elFromCell :: (DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m) => T.Text -> Cell t m b -> m b
elFromCell e (Cell attr m) = elDynAttr e attr m
-- | Convenience function for creating a 'Cell' representing
-- a @td@ or @th@ with no attributes.
cell :: m b -> Cell m b
cell = Cell Map.empty
cell :: Reflex t => m b -> Cell t m b
cell = Cell (pure M.empty)
stringCell :: MonadWidget t m => String -> Cell m ()
stringCell = cell . text
charCell :: DomBuilder t m => Char -> Cell t m ()
charCell = textCell . T.singleton
textCell :: MonadWidget t m => Text -> Cell m ()
textCell = cell . text . Text.unpack
stringCell :: DomBuilder t m => String -> Cell t m ()
stringCell = cell . text . T.pack
builderCell :: MonadWidget t m => TBuilder.Builder -> Cell m ()
builderCell = textCell . LText.toStrict . TBuilder.toLazyText
textCell :: DomBuilder t m => T.Text -> Cell t m ()
textCell = cell . text
-- data NewCell b = NewCell
-- { newCellAttrs :: !(Map String String)
-- , newCellContents :: !b
-- } deriving (Functor)
lazyTextCell :: DomBuilder t m => LT.Text -> Cell t m ()
lazyTextCell = textCell . LT.toStrict
data Cell m b = Cell
{ cellAttrs :: !(Map String String)
, cellContents :: !(m b)
} deriving (Functor)
builderCell :: DomBuilder t m => LT.Builder -> Cell t m ()
builderCell = textCell . LT.toStrict . LT.toLazyText
-- | This instance is requires @UndecidableInstances@ and is kind of
-- bad, but @reflex@ already abusing type classes so much that it
-- doesn\'t seem too terrible to add this to the mix.
instance (MonadWidget t m, a ~ ()) => IsString (Cell m a) where
instance (DomBuilder t m, a ~ ()) => IsString (Cell t m a) where
fromString = stringCell
-- | This determines the attributes that are added
-- to the individual @li@s by concatenating the header\'s
-- attributes with the data\'s attributes.
listItems :: (Foldable f, MonadWidget t m)
=> (m () -> m ())
-- ^ Wrapper for items, often @ul@
-> (m () -> m () -> m ())
-- ^ Combines header with data
-> Encoding Headed (Cell m ()) a
-- ^ How to encode data as a row
newtype WrappedApplicative m a = WrappedApplicative
{ unWrappedApplicative :: m a }
deriving (Functor,Applicative,Monad)
instance (Semigroup a, Applicative m) => Semigroup (WrappedApplicative m a) where
(WrappedApplicative m1) <> (WrappedApplicative m2) = WrappedApplicative (liftA2 (<>) m1 m2)
instance (Monoid a, Applicative m) => Monoid (WrappedApplicative m a) where
mempty = WrappedApplicative (pure mempty)
mappend (WrappedApplicative m1) (WrappedApplicative m2) = WrappedApplicative (liftA2 mappend m1 m2)
basic ::
(DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m, Foldable f)
=> M.Map T.Text T.Text -- ^ @\<table\>@ tag attributes
-> Colonnade Headed a (Cell t m ()) -- ^ Data encoding strategy
-> f a -- ^ Collection of data
-> m ()
basic tableAttrs = static tableAttrs Nothing mempty (const mempty)
body :: (DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m, Foldable f, Monoid e)
=> M.Map T.Text T.Text
-> (a -> M.Map T.Text T.Text)
-> Colonnade p a (Cell t m e)
-> f a
-- ^ Rows of data
-> m e
body bodyAttrs trAttrs colonnade collection =
elAttr "tbody" bodyAttrs . unWrappedApplicative . flip foldMap collection $ \a ->
WrappedApplicative .
elAttr "tr" (trAttrs a) .
unWrappedApplicative $
E.rowMonoidal colonnade (WrappedApplicative . elFromCell "td") a
static ::
(DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m, Foldable f, Foldable h)
=> M.Map T.Text T.Text -- ^ @\<table\>@ tag attributes
-> Maybe (M.Map T.Text T.Text, M.Map T.Text T.Text)
-- ^ Attributes of @\<thead\>@ and its @\<tr\>@, pass 'Nothing' to omit @\<thead\>@
-> M.Map T.Text T.Text -- ^ @\<tbody\>@ tag attributes
-> (a -> M.Map T.Text T.Text) -- ^ @\<tr\>@ tag attributes
-> Colonnade h a (Cell t m ()) -- ^ Data encoding strategy
-> f a -- ^ Collection of data
-> m ()
listItems ulWrap combine enc xs =
forM_ xs $ ulWrap . Encoding.runBothMonadic_ enc
(\(Cell ha hc) (Cell ba bc) ->
-- Consider doing something better than union for
-- combining the two maps. For example, what if they
-- both have a class.
elAttr "li" (Map.union ha ba) (combine hc bc)
-- | A static table
basic :: (MonadWidget t m, Foldable f)
=> Map String String -- ^ Table element attributes
-> Encoding Headed (Cell m ()) a -- ^ Encoding of a value into cells
-> f a -- ^ Values
-> m ()
basic tableAttrs encoding as = do
static tableAttrs mheadAttrs bodyAttrs trAttrs colonnade collection =
elAttr "table" tableAttrs $ do
theadBuild encoding
el "tbody" $ forM_ as $ \a -> do
el "tr" $ Encoding.runRowMonadic encoding (elFromCell "td") a
for_ mheadAttrs $ \(headAttrs,headTrAttrs) ->
elAttr "thead" headAttrs . elAttr "tr" headTrAttrs $
E.headerMonadicGeneral_ colonnade (elFromCell "th")
body bodyAttrs trAttrs colonnade collection
-- | Table with cells that can create expanded content
-- between the rows.
expandable :: (MonadWidget t m, Foldable f)
=> String -- ^ Table class
-> String -- ^ Class of expanded table rows
-> f a -- ^ Values
-> Encoding Headed (Cell m (Event t (Maybe (m ())))) a
-- ^ Encoding into cells with events that can fire to create additional content under the row
-> m ()
expandable tableClass tdExtraClass as encoding@(Encoding v) = do
let vlen = Vector.length v
elAttr "table" (Map.singleton "class" tableClass) $ do
-- Discarding this result is technically the wrong thing
-- to do, but I cannot imagine why anyone would want to
-- drop down content under the heading.
_ <- theadBuild_ encoding
el "tbody" $ forM_ as $ \a -> do
e' <- el "tr" $ do
elist <- Encoding.runRowMonadicWith [] (++) encoding (fmap (\a -> [a]) . elFromCell "td") a
let e = leftmost elist
e' = flip fmap e $ \mwidg -> case mwidg of
Nothing -> return ()
Just widg -> el "tr" $ do
elAttr "td" ( Map.fromList
[ ("class",tdExtraClass)
, ("colspan",show vlen)
) widg
return e'
widgetHold (return ()) e'
-- TODO: figure out how to write this. It will need to reset
-- the interrow content whenever its corresponding row changes.
-- dynamicExpandable :: (MonadWidget t m, Foldable f)
-- => String
-- -> String
-- -> f (Dynamic t a)
-- -> Encoding Headed (Cell m (Event t (Maybe (m ())))) a
-- -> m ()
elFromCell :: MonadWidget t m => String -> Cell m b -> m b
elFromCell name (Cell attrs contents) = elAttr name attrs contents
theadBuild :: (MonadWidget t m, Monoid b) => Encoding Headed (Cell m b) a -> m b
theadBuild encoding = el "thead" . el "tr"
$ Encoding.runHeaderMonadic encoding (elFromCell "th")
theadBuild_ :: (MonadWidget t m) => Encoding Headed (Cell m b) a -> m ()
theadBuild_ encoding = el "thead" . el "tr"
$ Encoding.runHeaderMonadic_ encoding (elFromCell "th")
dynamic :: (MonadWidget t m, Foldable f)
=> Map String String -- ^ Table element attributes
-> f (Dynamic t a) -- ^ Dynamic values
-> Encoding Headed (Cell m ()) a -- ^ Encoding of a value into cells
-> m ()
dynamic tableAttrs as encoding@(Encoding v) = do
elAttr "table" tableAttrs $ do
b1 <- theadBuild encoding
b2 <- el "tbody" $ forM_ as $ \a -> do
el "tr" $ forM_ v $ \(OneEncoding _ encode) -> do
dynPair <- mapDyn encode a
dynAttrs <- mapDyn cellAttrs dynPair
dynContent <- mapDyn cellContents dynPair
elDynAttr "td" dynAttrs $ dyn dynContent
return (mappend b1 b2)
dynamicEventful :: (MonadWidget t m, Foldable f, Semigroup e)
=> Map String String -- ^ Table element attributes
-> f (Dynamic t a) -- ^ Dynamic values
-> Encoding Headed (Cell m (Event t e)) a -- ^ Encoding of a value into cells
eventful ::
(DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m, Foldable f, Foldable h, Semigroup e)
=> M.Map T.Text T.Text -- ^ @\<table\>@ tag attributes
-> Maybe (M.Map T.Text T.Text, M.Map T.Text T.Text)
-- ^ Attributes of @\<thead\>@ and its @\<tr\>@, pass 'Nothing' to omit @\<thead\>@
-> M.Map T.Text T.Text -- ^ @\<tbody\>@ tag attributes
-> (a -> M.Map T.Text T.Text) -- ^ @\<tr\>@ tag attributes
-> Colonnade h a (Cell t m (Event t e)) -- ^ Data encoding strategy
-> f a -- ^ Collection of data
-> m (Event t e)
dynamicEventful tableAttrs as encoding@(Encoding v) = do
eventful tableAttrs mheadAttrs bodyAttrs trAttrs colonnade collection =
elAttr "table" tableAttrs $ do
b1 <- theadBuild encoding
b2 <- el "tbody" $ flip foldlMapM as $ \a -> do
el "tr" $ flip foldlMapM v $ \(OneEncoding _ encode) -> do
dynPair <- mapDyn encode a
dynAttrs <- mapDyn cellAttrs dynPair
dynContent <- mapDyn cellContents dynPair
e <- elDynAttr "td" dynAttrs $ dyn dynContent
-- TODO: This might actually be wrong. Revisit this.
switchPromptly never e
return (mappend b1 b2)
eHead <- for mheadAttrs $ \(headAttrs,headTrAttrs) ->
elAttr "thead" headAttrs . elAttr "tr" headTrAttrs $
E.headerMonadicGeneral colonnade (elFromCell "th")
eBody <- body bodyAttrs trAttrs colonnade collection
return (maybe never id eHead <> eBody)
-- foldMapM :: (Foldable t, Monoid b, Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> t a -> m b
-- foldMapM f = foldlM (\b a -> fmap (flip mappend b) (f a)) mempty
dynamicBody :: (DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m, Foldable f, Semigroup e, Monoid e)
=> Dynamic t (M.Map T.Text T.Text)
-> (a -> M.Map T.Text T.Text)
-> Colonnade p a (Cell t m e)
-> f (Dynamic t a)
-> m (Event t e)
dynamicBody bodyAttrs trAttrs colonnade collection =
elDynAttr "tbody" bodyAttrs . unWrappedApplicative . flip foldMap collection $ \aDyn ->
WrappedApplicative .
elDynAttr "tr" (fmap trAttrs aDyn) $
dyn (fmap (unWrappedApplicative . E.rowMonoidal colonnade (WrappedApplicative . elFromCell "td")) aDyn)
foldlMapM :: (Foldable t, Monoid b, Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> t a -> m b
foldlMapM f = foldlM (\b a -> fmap (mappend b) (f a)) mempty
dynamic ::
(DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m, Foldable f, Foldable h)
=> Dynamic t (M.Map T.Text T.Text) -- ^ @\<table\>@ tag attributes
-> Maybe (Dynamic t (M.Map T.Text T.Text), Dynamic t (M.Map T.Text T.Text))
-- ^ Attributes of @\<thead\>@ and its @\<tr\>@, pass 'Nothing' to omit @\<thead\>@
-> Dynamic t (M.Map T.Text T.Text) -- ^ @\<tbody\>@ tag attributes
-> (a -> M.Map T.Text T.Text) -- ^ @\<tr\>@ tag attributes
-> Colonnade h a (Cell t m ()) -- ^ Data encoding strategy
-> f (Dynamic t a) -- ^ Collection of data
-> m ()
dynamic tableAttrs mheadAttrs bodyAttrs trAttrs colonnade collection =
elDynAttr "table" tableAttrs $ do
for_ mheadAttrs $ \(headAttrs,headTrAttrs) ->
elDynAttr "thead" headAttrs . elDynAttr "tr" headTrAttrs $
E.headerMonadicGeneral_ colonnade (elFromCell "th")
void (dynamicBody bodyAttrs trAttrs colonnade collection)
foldAlternativeM :: (Foldable t, Monoid b, Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> t a -> m b
foldAlternativeM f = foldrM (\a b -> fmap (flip mappend b) (f a)) mempty
dynamicEventful ::
(DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m, MonadHold t m, Foldable f, Foldable h, Semigroup e)
=> Dynamic t (M.Map T.Text T.Text) -- ^ @\<table\>@ tag attributes
-> Maybe (Dynamic t (M.Map T.Text T.Text), Dynamic t (M.Map T.Text T.Text))
-- ^ Attributes of @\<thead\>@ and its @\<tr\>@, pass 'Nothing' to omit @\<thead\>@
-> Dynamic t (M.Map T.Text T.Text) -- ^ @\<tbody\>@ tag attributes
-> (a -> M.Map T.Text T.Text) -- ^ @\<tr\>@ tag attributes
-> Colonnade h a (Cell t m (Event t e)) -- ^ Data encoding strategy
-> f (Dynamic t a) -- ^ Collection of data
-> m (Event t e)
dynamicEventful tableAttrs mheadAttrs bodyAttrs trAttrs colonnade collection =
elDynAttr "table" tableAttrs $ do
eHead <- for mheadAttrs $ \(headAttrs,headTrAttrs) ->
elDynAttr "thead" headAttrs . elDynAttr "tr" headTrAttrs $
E.headerMonadicGeneral colonnade (elFromCell "th")
eeBody <- dynamicBody bodyAttrs trAttrs colonnade collection
eBody <- hold never eeBody
return (maybe never id eHead <> switch eBody)
-- dynamicEventfulWith :: (MonadWidget t m, Foldable f, Semigroup e, Monoid b)
-- => (e -> b)
-- -> Map String String -- ^ Table element attributes
-- -> f (Dynamic t a) -- ^ Dynamic values
-- -> Encoding Headed (Cell m (Event t e)) a -- ^ Encoding of a value into cells
-- -> m (Event t e)
-- dynamicEventfulWith f tableAttrs as encoding@(Encoding v) = do
-- elAttr "table" tableAttrs $ do
-- b1 <- theadBuild encoding
-- b2 <- el "tbody" $ flip foldMapM as $ \a -> do
-- el "tr" $ flip foldMapM v $ \(OneEncoding _ encode) -> do
-- dynPair <- mapDyn encode a
-- dynAttrs <- mapDyn cellAttrs dynPair
-- dynContent <- mapDyn cellContents dynPair
-- e <- elDynAttr "td" dynAttrs $ dyn dynContent
-- flattenedEvent <- switchPromptly never e
-- return (f flattenedEvent)
-- return (mappend b1 b2)
-- dynamicEventfulMany :: (MonadWidget t m, Foldable f, Alternative g)
-- => Map String String -- ^ Table element attributes
-- -> f (Dynamic t a) -- ^ Dynamic values
-- -> Encoding Headed (NewCell (g (Compose m (Event t)))) a -- ^ Encoding of a value into cells
-- -> m (g (Event t e))
-- dynamicEventfulMany tableAttrs as encoding@(Encoding v) = do
-- elAttr "table" tableAttrs $ do
-- -- b1 <- theadBuild encoding
-- b2 <- el "tbody" $ flip foldMapM as $ \a -> do
-- el "tr" $ flip foldMapM v $ \(OneEncoding _ encode) -> do
-- dynPair <- mapDyn encode a
-- dynAttrs <- mapDyn cellAttrs dynPair
-- dynContent <- mapDyn cellContents dynPair
-- e <- elDynAttr "td" dynAttrs $ dyn dynContent
-- switchPromptly never e
-- return (mappend b1 b2)
encodeCorniceHead ::
(DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m, Monoid e)
=> Dynamic t (M.Map T.Text T.Text)
-> Fascia p (Dynamic t (M.Map T.Text T.Text))
-> E.AnnotatedCornice p a (Cell t m e)
-> m e
encodeCorniceHead headAttrs fascia annCornice =
elDynAttr "thead" headAttrs (unWrappedApplicative thead)
where thead = E.headersMonoidal (Just (fascia, addAttr)) [(th,id)] annCornice
th size (Cell attrs contents) = WrappedApplicative (elDynAttr "th" (fmap addColspan attrs) contents)
where addColspan = M.insert "colspan" (T.pack (show size))
addAttr attrs = WrappedApplicative . elDynAttr "tr" attrs . unWrappedApplicative
-- data Update f = UpdateName (f Text) | UpdateAge (f Int) | ...
capped ::
(DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m, MonadHold t m, Foldable f)
=> Dynamic t (M.Map T.Text T.Text) -- ^ @\<table\>@ tag attributes
-> Dynamic t (M.Map T.Text T.Text) -- ^ @\<thead\>@ tag attributes
-> Dynamic t (M.Map T.Text T.Text) -- ^ @\<tbody\>@ tag attributes
-> (a -> M.Map T.Text T.Text) -- ^ @\<tr\>@ tag attributes
-> Fascia p (Dynamic t (M.Map T.Text T.Text)) -- ^ Attributes for @\<tr\>@ elements in the @\<thead\>@
-> Cornice p a (Cell t m ()) -- ^ Data encoding strategy
-> f (Dynamic t a) -- ^ Collection of data
-> m ()
capped tableAttrs headAttrs bodyAttrs trAttrs fascia cornice collection =
elDynAttr "table" tableAttrs $ do
encodeCorniceHead headAttrs fascia (E.annotate cornice)
void (dynamicBody bodyAttrs trAttrs (E.discard cornice) collection)
cappedEventful ::
forall t m f e p a.
(DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m, MonadHold t m, Foldable f, Semigroup e)
=> Dynamic t (M.Map T.Text T.Text) -- ^ @\<table\>@ tag attributes
-> Dynamic t (M.Map T.Text T.Text) -- ^ @\<thead\>@ tag attributes
-> Dynamic t (M.Map T.Text T.Text) -- ^ @\<tbody\>@ tag attributes
-> (a -> M.Map T.Text T.Text) -- ^ @\<tr\>@ tag attributes
-> Fascia p (Dynamic t (M.Map T.Text T.Text)) -- ^ Attributes for @\<tr\>@ elements in the @\<thead\>@
-> Cornice p a (Cell t m (Event t e)) -- ^ Data encoding strategy
-> f (Dynamic t a) -- ^ Collection of data
-> m (Event t e)
cappedEventful tableAttrs headAttrs bodyAttrs trAttrs fascia cornice collection =
elDynAttr "table" tableAttrs $ do
eHead <- encodeCorniceHead headAttrs fascia (E.annotate cornice)
eeBody <- dynamicBody bodyAttrs trAttrs (E.discard cornice) collection
eBody <- hold never eeBody
return (eHead <> switch eBody)