add paginated cornice to reflex-dom-colonnade, tweak all other packages to work with Headedness

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Martin 2017-11-13 22:45:00 -05:00
parent c01dce8eb2
commit add35c3fc1
8 changed files with 196 additions and 71 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: blaze-colonnade
version: 1.1.0
version: 1.1.1
synopsis: Helper functions for using blaze-html with colonnade
description: Blaze HTML and colonnade
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ library
base >= 4.7 && < 5
, colonnade >= 1.1 && < 1.2
, colonnade >= 1.1 && < 1.3
, blaze-markup >= 0.7 && < 0.9
, blaze-html >= 0.8 && < 0.10
, text >= 1.0 && < 1.3

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: colonnade
version: 1.1.1
version: 1.2.0
synopsis: Generic types and functions for columnar encoding and decoding
The `colonnade` package provides a way to to talk about

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@ -285,22 +285,22 @@ endow f x = case x of
go c (CorniceBase (Colonnade v)) = (mapOneColonnadeHeader (f c)) v
go c (CorniceCap v) = V.concatMap (\(OneCornice h b) -> go (f c h) b) v
uncapAnnotated :: forall sz p a c.
AnnotatedCornice sz p a c
-> Colonnade (Sized sz Headed) a c
uncapAnnotated :: forall sz p a c h.
AnnotatedCornice sz h p a c
-> Colonnade (Sized sz h) a c
uncapAnnotated x = case x of
AnnotatedCorniceBase _ colonnade -> colonnade
AnnotatedCorniceCap _ v -> Colonnade (V.concatMap (\(OneCornice _ b) -> go b) v)
go :: forall p'.
AnnotatedCornice sz p' a c
-> Vector (OneColonnade (Sized sz Headed) a c)
AnnotatedCornice sz h p' a c
-> Vector (OneColonnade (Sized sz h) a c)
go (AnnotatedCorniceBase _ (Colonnade v)) = v
go (AnnotatedCorniceCap _ v) = V.concatMap (\(OneCornice _ b) -> go b) v
annotate :: Cornice Headed p a c -> AnnotatedCornice (Maybe Int) p a c
annotate :: Cornice Headed p a c -> AnnotatedCornice (Maybe Int) Headed p a c
annotate = go where
go :: forall p a c. Cornice Headed p a c -> AnnotatedCornice (Maybe Int) p a c
go :: forall p a c. Cornice Headed p a c -> AnnotatedCornice (Maybe Int) Headed p a c
go (CorniceBase c) = let len = V.length (getColonnade c) in
(if len > 0 then (Just len) else Nothing)
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ annotateFinely :: Foldable f
-> (c -> Int) -- ^ Get size from content
-> f a
-> Cornice Headed p a c
-> AnnotatedCornice (Maybe Int) p a c
-> AnnotatedCornice (Maybe Int) Headed p a c
annotateFinely g finish toSize xs cornice = runST $ do
m <- newMutableSizedCornice cornice
sizeColonnades toSize xs m
@ -360,12 +360,12 @@ freezeMutableSizedCornice :: forall s p a c.
(Int -> Int -> Int) -- ^ fold function
-> (Int -> Int) -- ^ finalize
-> MutableSizedCornice s p a c
-> ST s (AnnotatedCornice (Maybe Int) p a c)
-> ST s (AnnotatedCornice (Maybe Int) Headed p a c)
freezeMutableSizedCornice step finish = go
go :: forall p' a' c'.
MutableSizedCornice s p' a' c'
-> ST s (AnnotatedCornice (Maybe Int) p' a' c')
-> ST s (AnnotatedCornice (Maybe Int) Headed p' a' c')
go (MutableSizedCorniceBase msc) = do
szCol <- freezeMutableSizedColonnade msc
let sz =
@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ mapHeadedness f (Colonnade v) =
-- | This is an O(1) operation, sort of
size :: AnnotatedCornice sz p a c -> sz
size :: AnnotatedCornice sz h p a c -> sz
size x = case x of
AnnotatedCorniceBase m _ -> m
AnnotatedCorniceCap sz _ -> sz
@ -411,23 +411,25 @@ mapOneCorniceBody f (OneCornice h b) = OneCornice h (f b)
mapOneColonnadeHeader :: Functor h => (c -> c) -> OneColonnade h a c -> OneColonnade h a c
mapOneColonnadeHeader f (OneColonnade h b) = OneColonnade (fmap f h) b
headersMonoidal :: forall sz r m c p a.
Monoid m
headersMonoidal :: forall sz r m c p a h.
(Monoid m, Headedness h)
=> Maybe (Fascia p r, r -> m -> m) -- ^ Apply the Fascia header row content
-> [(sz -> c -> m, m -> m)] -- ^ Build content from cell content and size
-> AnnotatedCornice sz p a c
-> AnnotatedCornice sz h p a c
-> m
headersMonoidal wrapRow fromContentList = go wrapRow
go :: forall p'. Maybe (Fascia p' r, r -> m -> m) -> AnnotatedCornice sz p' a c -> m
go :: forall p'. Maybe (Fascia p' r, r -> m -> m) -> AnnotatedCornice sz h p' a c -> m
go ef (AnnotatedCorniceBase _ (Colonnade v)) =
let g :: m -> m
g m = case ef of
Nothing -> m
Just (FasciaBase r, f) -> f r m
in g $ foldMap (\(fromContent,wrap) -> wrap
(foldMap (\(OneColonnade (Sized sz (Headed h)) _) ->
(fromContent sz h)) v)) fromContentList
in case headednessExtract of
Just unhead -> g $ foldMap (\(fromContent,wrap) -> wrap
(foldMap (\(OneColonnade (Sized sz h) _) ->
(fromContent sz (unhead h))) v)) fromContentList
Nothing -> mempty
go ef (AnnotatedCorniceCap _ v) =
let g :: m -> m
g m = case ef of
@ -444,8 +446,8 @@ headersMonoidal wrapRow fromContentList = go wrapRow
Just annCoreNext -> go (Just (fn,f)) annCoreNext
flattenAnnotated ::
Vector (OneCornice (AnnotatedCornice sz) p a c)
-> Maybe (AnnotatedCornice sz p a c)
Vector (OneCornice (AnnotatedCornice sz h) p a c)
-> Maybe (AnnotatedCornice sz h p a c)
flattenAnnotated v = case v V.!? 0 of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (OneCornice _ x) -> Just $ case x of
@ -454,8 +456,8 @@ flattenAnnotated v = case v V.!? 0 of
flattenAnnotatedBase ::
-> Vector (OneCornice (AnnotatedCornice sz) Base a c)
-> AnnotatedCornice sz Base a c
-> Vector (OneCornice (AnnotatedCornice sz h) Base a c)
-> AnnotatedCornice sz h Base a c
flattenAnnotatedBase msz = AnnotatedCorniceBase msz
. Colonnade
. V.concatMap
@ -463,13 +465,13 @@ flattenAnnotatedBase msz = AnnotatedCorniceBase msz
flattenAnnotatedCap ::
-> Vector (OneCornice (AnnotatedCornice sz) (Cap p) a c)
-> AnnotatedCornice sz (Cap p) a c
-> Vector (OneCornice (AnnotatedCornice sz h) (Cap p) a c)
-> AnnotatedCornice sz h (Cap p) a c
flattenAnnotatedCap m = AnnotatedCorniceCap m . V.concatMap getTheVector
getTheVector ::
OneCornice (AnnotatedCornice sz) (Cap p) a c
-> Vector (OneCornice (AnnotatedCornice sz) p a c)
OneCornice (AnnotatedCornice sz h) (Cap p) a c
-> Vector (OneCornice (AnnotatedCornice sz h) p a c)
getTheVector (OneCornice _ (AnnotatedCorniceCap _ v)) = v
data MutableSizedCornice s (p :: Pillar) a c where
@ -594,12 +596,23 @@ data Fascia (p :: Pillar) r where
data OneCornice k (p :: Pillar) a c = OneCornice
{ oneCorniceHead :: !c
, oneCorniceBody :: !(k p a c)
} deriving (Functor)
data Cornice h (p :: Pillar) a c where
CorniceBase :: !(Colonnade h a c) -> Cornice h Base a c
CorniceCap :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(Vector (OneCornice (Cornice h) p a c)) -> Cornice h (Cap p) a c
instance Functor h => Functor (Cornice h p a) where
fmap f x = case x of
CorniceBase c -> CorniceBase (fmap f c)
CorniceCap c -> CorniceCap (mapVectorCornice f c)
instance Functor h => Profunctor (Cornice h p) where
rmap = fmap
lmap f x = case x of
CorniceBase c -> CorniceBase (lmap f c)
CorniceCap c -> CorniceCap (contramapVectorCornice f c)
instance Semigroup (Cornice h p a c) where
CorniceBase a <> CorniceBase b = CorniceBase (mappend a b)
CorniceCap a <> CorniceCap b = CorniceCap (a Vector.++ b)
@ -614,21 +627,30 @@ instance ToEmptyCornice p => Monoid (Cornice h p a c) where
[] -> toEmptyCornice
x : xs2 -> Semigroup.sconcat (x :| xs2)
mapVectorCornice :: Functor h => (c -> d) -> Vector (OneCornice (Cornice h) p a c) -> Vector (OneCornice (Cornice h) p a d)
mapVectorCornice f = (fmap f)
contramapVectorCornice :: Functor h => (b -> a) -> Vector (OneCornice (Cornice h) p a c) -> Vector (OneCornice (Cornice h) p b c)
contramapVectorCornice f = (lmapOneCornice f)
lmapOneCornice :: Functor h => (b -> a) -> OneCornice (Cornice h) p a c -> OneCornice (Cornice h) p b c
lmapOneCornice f (OneCornice theHead theBody) = OneCornice theHead (lmap f theBody)
getCorniceBase :: Cornice h Base a c -> Colonnade h a c
getCorniceBase (CorniceBase c) = c
getCorniceCap :: Cornice h (Cap p) a c -> Vector (OneCornice (Cornice h) p a c)
getCorniceCap (CorniceCap c) = c
data AnnotatedCornice sz (p :: Pillar) a c where
data AnnotatedCornice sz h (p :: Pillar) a c where
AnnotatedCorniceBase ::
-> !(Colonnade (Sized sz Headed) a c)
-> AnnotatedCornice sz Base a c
-> !(Colonnade (Sized sz h) a c)
-> AnnotatedCornice sz h Base a c
AnnotatedCorniceCap ::
-> {-# UNPACK #-} !(Vector (OneCornice (AnnotatedCornice sz) p a c))
-> AnnotatedCornice sz (Cap p) a c
-> {-# UNPACK #-} !(Vector (OneCornice (AnnotatedCornice sz h) p a c))
-> AnnotatedCornice sz h (Cap p) a c
-- data MaybeInt = JustInt {-# UNPACK #-} !Int | NothingInt

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ library
base >= 4.7 && < 5.0
, colonnade >= 1.1 && < 1.2
, colonnade >= 1.2 && < 1.3
, contravariant >= 1.2 && < 1.5
, vector >= 0.10 && < 0.13
, text >= 1.0 && < 1.3

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ module Reflex.Dom.Colonnade
, Resizable(..)
, Bureau(..)
, Chest(..)
, Arrangement(..)
, Pagination(..)
-- * Typeclasses
@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ module Reflex.Dom.Colonnade
, sectioned
, paginated
, paginatedExpandable
, paginatedCapped
-- * Cell Functions
, cell
, charCell
@ -99,7 +101,14 @@ data Bureau t h a = Bureau
, bureauRow :: (a -> Dynamic t (Map Text Text))
-- ^ attributes of each @\<tr\>@, based on the element
-- , bureauHeadRow :: h (Dynamic t (Map Text Text))
data Chest p t a = Chest
{ chestTable :: Dynamic t (Map Text Text)
, chestHead :: Dynamic t (Map Text Text)
, chestFascia :: Fascia p (Map Text Text)
, chestBody :: Dynamic t (Map Text Text)
, chestRow :: (a -> Dynamic t (Map Text Text))
data Pagination t m = Pagination
{ paginationRows :: Int
@ -266,18 +275,20 @@ bodyRows trAttrs colonnade collection =
unWrappedApplicative $
E.rowMonoidal colonnade (WrappedApplicative . elFromCell "td") a
bodyResizable :: (DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m, Foldable f, Monoid e)
=> Map Text Text
-> (a -> Map Text Text)
-> Colonnade (Resizable t h) a (Cell t m e)
bodyResizable :: (Cellular t m c, DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m, Foldable f, Monoid e)
=> Dynamic t (Map Text Text)
-> (a -> Dynamic t (Map Text Text))
-> Colonnade (Resizable t h) a (c e)
-> f a
-> m e
bodyResizable bodyAttrs trAttrs colonnade collection = elAttr "tbody" bodyAttrs $ do
bodyResizable bodyAttrs trAttrs colonnade collection = elDynAttr "tbody" bodyAttrs $ do
unWrappedApplicative . flip foldMap collection $ \a -> WrappedApplicative
$ elAttr "tr" (trAttrs a)
$ elDynAttr "tr" (trAttrs a)
$ unWrappedApplicative
$ E.rowMonoidalHeader colonnade (\(Resizable dynSize _) (Cell cattr content) ->
WrappedApplicative (elDynAttr "td" (zipDynWith setColspanOrHide dynSize cattr) content)) a
$ E.rowMonoidalHeader colonnade (\(Resizable dynSize _) c ->
let cattr = cellularAttrs c
content = cellularContents c
in WrappedApplicative (elDynAttr "td" (zipDynWith setColspanOrHide dynSize cattr) content)) a
setColspanOrHide :: Int -> Map Text Text -> Map Text Text
setColspanOrHide i m
@ -345,7 +356,7 @@ encodeCorniceHead ::
(DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m, Monoid e)
=> M.Map T.Text T.Text
-> Fascia p (M.Map T.Text T.Text)
-> E.AnnotatedCornice (Maybe Int) p a (Cell t m e)
-> E.AnnotatedCornice (Maybe Int) Headed p a (Cell t m e)
-> m e
encodeCorniceHead headAttrs fascia annCornice =
elAttr "thead" headAttrs (unWrappedApplicative thead)
@ -358,7 +369,7 @@ encodeCorniceResizableHead :: forall t m e p a.
(DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m, Monoid e)
=> M.Map T.Text T.Text
-> Fascia p (M.Map T.Text T.Text)
-> E.AnnotatedCornice (Dynamic t Int) p a (Cell t m e)
-> E.AnnotatedCornice (Dynamic t Int) Headed p a (Cell t m e)
-> m e
encodeCorniceResizableHead headAttrs fascia annCornice =
elAttr "thead" headAttrs (unWrappedApplicative thead)
@ -370,6 +381,22 @@ encodeCorniceResizableHead headAttrs fascia annCornice =
addAttr :: Map Text Text -> WrappedApplicative m b -> WrappedApplicative m b
addAttr attrs = WrappedApplicative . elAttr "tr" attrs . unWrappedApplicative
encodeCorniceHeadGeneral :: forall t m e p a b c.
(DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m, Monoid e, Headedness b, Cellular t m c)
=> Dynamic t (M.Map T.Text T.Text)
-> Fascia p (M.Map T.Text T.Text)
-> E.AnnotatedCornice (Dynamic t Int) b p a (c e)
-> m e
encodeCorniceHeadGeneral headAttrs fascia annCornice =
elDynAttr "thead" headAttrs (unWrappedApplicative thead)
thead :: WrappedApplicative m e
thead = E.headersMonoidal (Just (fascia, addAttr)) [(th,id)] annCornice
th :: Dynamic t Int -> c e -> WrappedApplicative m e
th size c = WrappedApplicative (elDynAttr "th" (zipDynWith setColspanOrHide size (cellularAttrs c)) (cellularContents c))
addAttr :: Map Text Text -> WrappedApplicative m r -> WrappedApplicative m r
addAttr attrs = WrappedApplicative . elAttr "tr" attrs . unWrappedApplicative
capped ::
(DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m, MonadHold t m, Foldable f, Monoid e)
=> M.Map T.Text T.Text -- ^ @\<table\>@ tag attributes
@ -407,7 +434,7 @@ cappedResizable tableAttrs headAttrs bodyAttrs beneathBody trAttrs fascia cornic
elAttr "table" tableAttrs $ do
let annCornice = dynamicAnnotate cornice
h <- encodeCorniceResizableHead headAttrs fascia annCornice
b <- bodyResizable bodyAttrs trAttrs (E.discard cornice) collection
b <- bodyResizable (pure bodyAttrs) (pure . trAttrs) (E.discard cornice) collection
c <- beneathBody
return (h `mappend` b, c, E.size annCornice)
@ -425,16 +452,36 @@ cappedResizableTableless ::
cappedResizableTableless headAttrs bodyAttrs trAttrs fascia cornice collection = do
let annCornice = dynamicAnnotate cornice
h <- encodeCorniceResizableHead headAttrs fascia annCornice
b <- bodyResizable bodyAttrs trAttrs (E.discard cornice) collection
b <- bodyResizable (pure bodyAttrs) (pure . trAttrs) (E.discard cornice) collection
return (h `mappend` b, E.size annCornice)
cappedTableless ::
(Headedness b, Sizable t b h, DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m, MonadHold t m, Foldable f, Monoid e, Cellular t m c)
=> Dynamic t (Map Text Text) -- ^ @\<thead\>@ tag attributes
-> Dynamic t (Map Text Text) -- ^ @\<tbody\>@ tag attributes
-> (a -> Dynamic t (Map Text Text)) -- ^ @\<tr\>@ tag attributes
-> Fascia p (Map Text Text) -- ^ Attributes for @\<tr\>@ elements in the @\<thead\>@
-> Cornice h p a (c e) -- ^ Data encoding strategy
-> f a -- ^ Collection of data
-> m (e, Dynamic t Int)
cappedTableless headAttrs bodyAttrs trAttrs fascia cornice collection = do
let annCornice = dynamicAnnotateGeneral cornice
h <- encodeCorniceHeadGeneral headAttrs fascia annCornice
b <- bodyResizable bodyAttrs trAttrs
(C.mapHeadedness sizedToResizable (E.uncapAnnotated annCornice))
return (h `mappend` b, E.size annCornice)
sizedToResizable :: E.Sized (Dynamic t Int) h a -> Resizable t h a
sizedToResizable (E.Sized sz h) = Resizable sz h
dynamicAnnotate :: Reflex t
=> Cornice (Resizable t Headed) p a c
-> E.AnnotatedCornice (Dynamic t Int) p a c
-> E.AnnotatedCornice (Dynamic t Int) Headed p a c
dynamicAnnotate = go where
go :: forall t p a c. Reflex t
=> Cornice (Resizable t Headed) p a c
-> E.AnnotatedCornice (Dynamic t Int) p a c
-> E.AnnotatedCornice (Dynamic t Int) Headed p a c
go (E.CorniceBase c@(E.Colonnade cs)) =
let parentSz :: Dynamic t (Sum Int)
parentSz = foldMap (\(E.OneColonnade (Resizable sz _) _) -> (coerceDynamic sz :: Dynamic t (Sum Int))) cs
@ -445,6 +492,24 @@ dynamicAnnotate = go where
parentSz = foldMap (\(E.OneCornice _ theBody) -> (coerceDynamic (E.size theBody) :: Dynamic t (Sum Int))) annChildren
in E.AnnotatedCorniceCap (coerceDynamic parentSz) annChildren
-- | Like dynamicAnnotate but more general.
dynamicAnnotateGeneral :: (Reflex t, Sizable t b h)
=> Cornice h p a c
-> E.AnnotatedCornice (Dynamic t Int) b p a c
dynamicAnnotateGeneral = go where
go :: forall t p a c b h. (Reflex t, Sizable t b h)
=> Cornice h p a c
-> E.AnnotatedCornice (Dynamic t Int) b p a c
go (E.CorniceBase c@(E.Colonnade cs)) =
let parentSz :: Dynamic t (Sum Int)
parentSz = foldMap (\(E.OneColonnade h _) -> (coerceDynamic (sizableSize h) :: Dynamic t (Sum Int))) cs
in E.AnnotatedCorniceBase (coerceDynamic parentSz) (C.mapHeadedness (\h -> E.Sized (sizableSize h) (sizableCast (Proxy :: Proxy t) h)) c)
go (E.CorniceCap children) =
let annChildren = fmap (mapOneCorniceBody go) children
parentSz :: Dynamic t (Sum Int)
parentSz = foldMap (\(E.OneCornice _ theBody) -> (coerceDynamic (E.size theBody) :: Dynamic t (Sum Int))) annChildren
in E.AnnotatedCorniceCap (coerceDynamic parentSz) annChildren
mapOneCorniceBody :: (forall p' a' c'. k p' a' c' -> j p' a' c') -> E.OneCornice k p a c -> E.OneCornice j p a c
mapOneCorniceBody f (E.OneCornice h b) = E.OneCornice h (f b)
@ -511,7 +576,7 @@ encodeCorniceHeadDynamic ::
(DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m, Monoid e)
=> Dynamic t (M.Map T.Text T.Text)
-> Fascia p (Dynamic t (M.Map T.Text T.Text))
-> E.AnnotatedCornice (Maybe Int) p a (Cell t m e)
-> E.AnnotatedCornice (Maybe Int) Headed p a (Cell t m e)
-> m e
encodeCorniceHeadDynamic headAttrs fascia annCornice =
elDynAttr "thead" headAttrs (unWrappedApplicative thead)
@ -521,7 +586,7 @@ encodeCorniceHeadDynamic headAttrs fascia annCornice =
addAttr attrs = WrappedApplicative . elDynAttr "tr" attrs . unWrappedApplicative
dynamicCapped ::
(DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m, MonadHold t m, Foldable f, Semigroup e, Monoid e)
(DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m, MonadHold t m, Foldable f, Semigroup e, Monoid e)
=> Dynamic t (M.Map T.Text T.Text) -- ^ @\<table\>@ tag attributes
-> Dynamic t (M.Map T.Text T.Text) -- ^ @\<thead\>@ tag attributes
-> Dynamic t (M.Map T.Text T.Text) -- ^ @\<tbody\>@ tag attributes
@ -629,6 +694,46 @@ paginated (Bureau tableAttrs theadAttrs bodyAttrs trAttrs) (Pagination pageSize
return e
_ -> error "Reflex.Dom.Colonnade: paginated: write this code"
paginatedCapped :: forall t b h m a c p e.
(Sizable t b h, Cellular t m c, Headedness b, MonadFix m, Functor h, MonadHold t m, Monoid e)
=> Chest p t a
-> Pagination t m -- ^ pagination settings
-> a -- ^ An inhabitant of type @a@ only used for the cells in hidden rows.
-> Cornice h p (Dynamic t a) (c e) -- ^ Data encoding strategy
-> Dynamic t (Vector a) -- ^ table row data
-> m e
paginatedCapped (Chest tableAttrs theadAttrs fascia bodyAttrs trAttrs) (Pagination pageSize arrange makePagination) aDef col vecD = do
let colLifted :: Cornice h p (Dynamic t (Visible a)) (c e)
colLifted = PF.lmap (fmap (\(Visible _ a) -> a)) col
makeVals :: Dynamic t Int -> Vector (Dynamic t (Visible a))
makeVals page = V.generate pageSize $ \ix -> do
p <- page
v <- vecD
return (maybe (Visible False aDef) (Visible True) (v V.!? (p * pageSize + ix)))
totalPages :: Dynamic t Int
totalPages = fmap ((`divRoundUp` pageSize) . V.length) vecD
hideWhenUnipage :: Dynamic t (Map Text Text) -> Dynamic t (Map Text Text)
hideWhenUnipage = zipDynWith
( \ct attrs -> if ct > 1 then attrs else M.insert "style" "display:none;" attrs
) totalPages
trAttrsLifted :: Dynamic t (Visible a) -> Dynamic t (Map Text Text)
trAttrsLifted d = do
Visible isVisible a <- d
attrs <- trAttrs a
return (if isVisible then attrs else M.insertWith T.append "style" "display:none;" attrs)
elDynAttr "table" tableAttrs $ case arrange of
ArrangementFooter tfootAttrs tfootTrAttrs tfootThAttrs -> mdo
let vals = makeVals page
(e, size) <- cappedTableless theadAttrs bodyAttrs trAttrsLifted fascia colLifted vals
page <- elDynAttr "tfoot" (hideWhenUnipage tfootAttrs) $ do
elDynAttr "tr" tfootTrAttrs $ do
let attrs = zipDynWith insertSizeAttr size tfootThAttrs
elDynAttr "th" attrs $ do
makePagination totalPages
return e
_ -> error "Reflex.Dom.Colonnade: paginatedCapped: write this code"
-- | A paginated table with a fixed number of rows. Each row can
-- expand a section beneath it, represented as an additional
-- table row. CSS rules that give the table a striped appearance
@ -650,17 +755,15 @@ paginatedExpandable (Bureau tableAttrs theadAttrs bodyAttrs trAttrs) (Pagination
expansionLifted = expansion . fmap (\(Visible _ a) -> a)
makeVals :: Dynamic t Int -> Vector (Dynamic t (Visible a))
makeVals page = V.generate pageSize $ \ix -> do
p <- page
v <- vecD
return (maybe (Visible False aDef) (Visible True) (v V.!? (p * pageSize + ix)))
p <- page
v <- vecD
return (maybe (Visible False aDef) (Visible True) (v V.!? (p * pageSize + ix)))
totalPages :: Dynamic t Int
totalPages = fmap ((`divRoundUp` pageSize) . V.length) vecD
hideWhenUnipage :: Dynamic t (Map Text Text) -> Dynamic t (Map Text Text)
hideWhenUnipage = zipDynWith
( \ct attrs -> if ct > 1 then attrs else M.insert "style" "display:none;" attrs
) totalPages
-- trAttrsLifted :: Visible a -> Dynamic t (Map Text Text)
-- trAttrsLifted (Visible _ a) = trAttrs a
trAttrsLifted :: Dynamic t (Visible a) -> Dynamic t (Map Text Text)
trAttrsLifted d = do
Visible isVisible a <- d

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: siphon
version: 0.7.1
version: 0.7.2
synopsis: Encode and decode CSV files
description: Please see
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ library
base >= 4.9 && < 5
, colonnade >= 1.1 && < 1.2
, colonnade >= 1.1 && < 1.3
, text
, bytestring
, vector

View File

@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ encodeHeadedCellTable :: Foldable f
-> f a -- ^ Rows of data
-> WidgetT site IO ()
encodeHeadedCellTable = encodeTable
(Just mempty) mempty (const mempty) widgetFromCell
(E.Headed mempty) mempty (const mempty) widgetFromCell
encodeHeadlessCellTable :: Foldable f
=> Attribute -- ^ Attributes of @table@ element
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ encodeHeadlessCellTable :: Foldable f
-> f a -- ^ Rows of data
-> WidgetT site IO ()
encodeHeadlessCellTable = encodeTable
Nothing mempty (const mempty) widgetFromCell
E.Headless mempty (const mempty) widgetFromCell
encodeHeadedWidgetTable :: Foldable f
=> Attribute -- ^ Attributes of @table@ element
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ encodeHeadedWidgetTable :: Foldable f
-> f a -- ^ Rows of data
-> WidgetT site IO ()
encodeHeadedWidgetTable = encodeTable
(Just mempty) mempty (const mempty) ($ mempty)
(E.Headed mempty) mempty (const mempty) ($ mempty)
encodeHeadlessWidgetTable :: Foldable f
=> Attribute -- ^ Attributes of @\<table\>@ element
@ -160,14 +160,14 @@ encodeHeadlessWidgetTable :: Foldable f
-> f a -- ^ Rows of data
-> WidgetT site IO ()
encodeHeadlessWidgetTable = encodeTable
Nothing mempty (const mempty) ($ mempty)
E.Headless mempty (const mempty) ($ mempty)
-- | Encode a table. This handles a very general case and
-- is seldom needed by users. One of the arguments provided is
-- used to add attributes to the generated @\<tr\>@ elements.
encodeTable ::
(Foldable f, Foldable h)
=> Maybe Attribute -- ^ Attributes of @\<thead\>@, pass 'Nothing' to omit @\<thead\>@
(Foldable f, E.Headedness h)
=> h Attribute -- ^ Attributes of @\<thead\>@, pass 'Nothing' to omit @\<thead\>@
-> Attribute -- ^ Attributes of @\<tbody\>@ element
-> (a -> Attribute) -- ^ Attributes of each @\<tr\>@ element
-> ((Attribute -> WidgetT site IO () -> WidgetT site IO ()) -> c -> WidgetT site IO ()) -- ^ Wrap content and convert to 'Html'
@ -175,10 +175,10 @@ encodeTable ::
-> Colonnade h a c -- ^ How to encode data as a row
-> f a -- ^ Collection of data
-> WidgetT site IO ()
encodeTable mtheadAttrs tbodyAttrs trAttrs wrapContent tableAttrs colonnade xs =
encodeTable theadAttrs tbodyAttrs trAttrs wrapContent tableAttrs colonnade xs =
table_ tableAttrs $ do
for_ mtheadAttrs $ \theadAttrs -> do
thead_ theadAttrs $ do
for_ E.headednessExtract $ \unhead ->
thead_ (unhead theadAttrs) $ do
E.headerMonadicGeneral_ colonnade (wrapContent th_)
tbody_ tbodyAttrs $ do
forM_ xs $ \x -> do

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: yesod-colonnade
version: 1.1.0
version: 1.2.0
synopsis: Helper functions for using yesod with colonnade
description: Yesod and colonnade
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ library
base >= 4.7 && < 5
, colonnade >= 1.1 && < 1.2
, colonnade >= 1.2 && < 1.3
, yesod-core >= 1.4 && < 1.5
, text >= 1.0 && < 1.3
, blaze-markup >= 0.7 && < 0.9