made more changes. still broken

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Martin 2017-02-15 22:50:27 -05:00
parent 5d268119ce
commit ba183422b0
3 changed files with 102 additions and 51 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
-- | Build backend-agnostic columnar encodings that can be
-- used to visualize tabular data.
@ -6,25 +6,26 @@ module Colonnade
( -- * Example
-- $setup
-- * Types
-- ** Colonnade
, Headed
, Headless
-- ** Cornice
, Cornice
, Pillar(..)
, Fascia(..)
-- * Create
, headed
, headless
, singleton
-- * Transform
, mapHeaderContent
, fromMaybe
, columns
, bool
, replaceWhen
, modifyWhen
-- * Cornice
-- ** Types
, Cornice
, Pillar(..)
, Fascia(..)
-- ** Create
, cap
, recap
-- * Ascii Table
@ -84,15 +85,15 @@ import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
-- >>> let showDollar = (('$':) . show) :: Int -> String
-- >>> :{
-- let encodingHouse :: Colonnade Headed House String
-- encodingHouse = mconcat
-- let colHouse :: Colonnade Headed House String
-- colHouse = mconcat
-- [ headed "Color" (show . color)
-- , headed "Price" (showDollar . price)
-- ]
-- :}
-- >>> let houses = [House Green 170000, House Blue 115000, House Green 150000]
-- >>> putStr (ascii encodingHouse houses)
-- >>> putStr (ascii colHouse houses)
-- +-------+---------+
-- | Color | Price |
-- +-------+---------+
@ -111,9 +112,15 @@ headless :: (a -> c) -> Colonnade Headless a c
headless = singleton Headless
-- | A single column with any kind of header. This is not typically needed.
singleton :: f c -> (a -> c) -> Colonnade f a c
singleton :: h c -> (a -> c) -> Colonnade h a c
singleton h = Colonnade . Vector.singleton . OneColonnade h
-- | Map over the content in the header. This is similar performing 'fmap'
-- on a 'Colonnade' except that the body content is unaffected.
mapHeaderContent :: Functor h => (c -> c) -> Colonnade h a c -> Colonnade h a c
mapHeaderContent f (Colonnade v) =
Colonnade ( (\(OneColonnade h e) -> OneColonnade (fmap f h) e) v)
-- | Lift a column over a 'Maybe'. For example, if some people
-- have houses and some do not, the data that pairs them together
-- could be represented as:
@ -134,7 +141,7 @@ singleton h = Colonnade . Vector.singleton . OneColonnade h
-- let colOwners :: Colonnade Headed (Person,Maybe House) String
-- colOwners = mconcat
-- [ lmap fst colPerson
-- , lmap snd (fromMaybe "" encodingHouse)
-- , lmap snd (fromMaybe "" colHouse)
-- ]
-- :}
@ -219,21 +226,65 @@ replaceWhen newContent p (Colonnade v) = Colonnade
) v
toCornice :: Colonnade Headed a c -> Cornice Base a c
toCornice = CorniceBase
-- | Augment a 'Colonnade' with a header spans over all of the
-- existing headers. This is best demonstrated by example.
-- Let\'s consider how we might encode a pairing of the people
-- and houses from the initial example:
-- >>> let personHomePairs = zip people houses
-- >>> let colPersonFst = lmap fst colPerson
-- >>> let colHouseSnd = lmap snd colHouse
-- >>> putStr (ascii (colPersonFst <> colHouseSnd) personHomePairs)
-- +-------+-----+-------+---------+
-- | Name | Age | Color | Price |
-- +-------+-----+-------+---------+
-- | David | 63 | Green | $170000 |
-- | Ava | 34 | Blue | $115000 |
-- | Sonia | 12 | Green | $150000 |
-- +-------+-----+-------+---------+
-- This tabular encoding leaves something to be desired. The heading
-- not indicate that the name and age refer to a person and that
-- the color and price refer to a house. Without reaching for 'Cornice',
-- we can still improve this situation with 'mapHeaderContent':
-- >>> let colPersonFst' = mapHeaderContent ("Person " ++) colPersonFst
-- >>> let colHouseSnd' = mapHeaderContent ("House " ++) colHouseSnd
-- >>> putStr (ascii (colPersonFst' <> colHouseSnd') personHomePairs)
-- +-------------+------------+-------------+-------------+
-- | Person Name | Person Age | House Color | House Price |
-- +-------------+------------+-------------+-------------+
-- | David | 63 | Green | $170000 |
-- | Ava | 34 | Blue | $115000 |
-- | Sonia | 12 | Green | $150000 |
-- +-------------+------------+-------------+-------------+
-- This is much better, but for longer tables, the redundancy
-- of prefixing many column headers can become annoying. The solution
-- that a 'Cornice' offers is to nest headers:
-- >>> let cor = mconcat [cap "Person" colPersonFst, cap "House" colHouseSnd]
-- >>> :t cor
-- cor :: Cornice ('Cap 'Base) (Person, House) [Char]
-- >>> putStr (asciiCapped cor personHomePairs)
-- foo
cap :: c -> Colonnade Headed a c -> Cornice (Cap Base) a c
cap h = CorniceCap . Vector.singleton . OneCornice h . CorniceBase
cap :: c -> Cornice p a c -> Cornice (Cap p) a c
cap h cor = CorniceCap (V.singleton (OneCornice h cor))
recap :: c -> Cornice p a c -> Cornice (Cap p) a c
recap h cor = CorniceCap (Vector.singleton (OneCornice h cor))
asciiMulti :: Foldable f
asciiCapped :: Foldable f
=> Cornice p a String -- ^ columnar encoding
-> f a -- ^ rows
-> String
asciiMulti cor xs =
asciiCapped cor xs =
let annCor = CE.annotateFinely (\x y -> x + y + 3) id
List.length xs cor
in CE.headersMonoidal (Right (\s -> s ++ "\n")) (\sz c -> rightPad sz ' ' c) annCor
in CE.headersMonoidal "|"
(Right (\s -> "|" ++ s ++ "\n"))
(\sz c -> " " ++ rightPad sz ' ' c ++ " |") annCor
-- | Render a collection of rows as an ascii table. The table\'s columns are

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@ -38,7 +38,10 @@ endow f x = case x of
annotate :: Cornice p a c -> AnnotatedCornice p a c
annotate = go where
go :: forall p a c. Cornice p a c -> AnnotatedCornice p a c
go (CorniceBase c) = AnnotatedCorniceBase (mapHeadedness (Sized 1) c)
go (CorniceBase c) = let len = V.length (getColonnade c) in
(if len > 0 then (Just len) else Nothing)
(mapHeadedness (Sized 1) c)
go (CorniceCap children) =
let annChildren = fmap (mapOneCorniceBody go) children
in AnnotatedCorniceCap
@ -98,11 +101,21 @@ freezeMutableSizedCornice :: forall s p a c.
freezeMutableSizedCornice step finish = go
go :: forall p' a' c'. MutableSizedCornice s p' a' c' -> ST s (AnnotatedCornice p' a' c')
go (MutableSizedCorniceBase msc) =
fmap AnnotatedCorniceBase (E.freezeMutableSizedColonnade msc)
go (MutableSizedCorniceBase msc) = do
szCol <- E.freezeMutableSizedColonnade msc
let sz =
( mapJustInt finish
. V.foldl' (combineJustInt step) Nothing
. (Just . sizedSize . oneColonnadeHead)
) (getColonnade szCol)
return (AnnotatedCorniceBase sz szCol)
go (MutableSizedCorniceCap v1) = do
v2 <- V.mapM (traverseOneCorniceBody go) v1
let sz = (mapJustInt finish . V.foldl' (combineJustInt step) Nothing . (size . oneCorniceBody)) v2
let sz =
( mapJustInt finish
. V.foldl' (combineJustInt step) Nothing
. (size . oneCorniceBody)
) v2
return $ AnnotatedCorniceCap sz v2
newMutableSizedCornice :: forall s p a c.
@ -120,25 +133,11 @@ mapHeadedness :: (forall x. h x -> h' x) -> Colonnade h a c -> Colonnade h' a c
mapHeadedness f (Colonnade v) =
Colonnade ( (\(OneColonnade h c) -> OneColonnade (f h) c) v)
-- annotate ::
-- Int -- ^ initial
-- -> (Int -> Int -> Int) -- ^ fold function
-- -> (Int -> Int) -- ^ finalize
-- -> Cornice p a c
-- -> AnnotatedCornice p a c
-- annotate i0 g finish = go where
-- go :: forall p a c. Cornice p a c -> AnnotatedCornice p a c
-- go (CorniceBase c) = AnnotatedCorniceBase c
-- go (CorniceCap children) =
-- let annChildren = fmap (mapOneCorniceBody go) children
-- in AnnotatedCorniceCap ((finish . V.foldl' g i0 . (size . oneCorniceBody)) annChildren) annChildren
-- | This is an O(1) operation, sort of
size :: AnnotatedCornice p a c -> Maybe Int
size x = case x of
AnnotatedCorniceBase (Colonnade v) -> if V.length v > 0
then Just ((V.sum . (sizedSize . oneColonnadeHead)) v)
else Nothing
AnnotatedCorniceBase m _ -> m
AnnotatedCorniceCap sz _ -> sz
mapOneCorniceBody :: (forall p' a' c'. k p' a' c' -> j p' a' c') -> OneCornice k p a c -> OneCornice j p a c
@ -150,29 +149,30 @@ mapOneColonnadeHeader f (OneColonnade h b) = OneColonnade (fmap f h) b
headersMonoidal :: forall r m c p a.
Monoid m
=> Either (Fascia p r, r -> m -> m) (m -> m) -- ^ Apply the Fascia header row content
-> (Int -> c -> m) -- ^ Build content from cell content and size
-> [Int -> c -> m] -- ^ Build content from cell content and size
-> AnnotatedCornice p a c
-> m
headersMonoidal wrapRow fromContent = go wrapRow
headersMonoidal wrapRow fromContentList = go wrapRow
go :: forall p'. Either (Fascia p' r, r -> m -> m) (m -> m) -> AnnotatedCornice p' a c -> m
go ef (AnnotatedCorniceBase (Colonnade v)) =
go ef (AnnotatedCorniceBase _ (Colonnade v)) =
let g :: m -> m
g m = case ef of
Right f -> f m
Left (FasciaBase r, f) -> f r m
in foldMap (\(OneColonnade (Sized sz (Headed h)) _) ->
g (fromContent sz h)) v
in foldMap (\fromContent -> g
(foldMap (\(OneColonnade (Sized sz (Headed h)) _) ->
(fromContent sz h)) v)) fromContentList
go ef (AnnotatedCorniceCap _ v) =
let g :: m -> m
g m = case ef of
Right f -> f m
Left (FasciaCap r _, f) -> f r m
in foldMap (\(OneCornice h b) ->
in g (foldMap (\(OneCornice h b) ->
(case size b of
Nothing -> mempty
Just sz -> g (fromContent sz h))
) v
Just sz -> fromContent sz h)
) v)
<> case ef of
Right f -> case flattenAnnotated v of
Nothing -> mempty
@ -185,14 +185,14 @@ flattenAnnotated :: Vector (OneCornice AnnotatedCornice p a c) -> Maybe (Annotat
flattenAnnotated v = case v V.!? 0 of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (OneCornice _ x) -> Just $ case x of
AnnotatedCorniceBase _ -> flattenAnnotatedBase v
AnnotatedCorniceBase m _ -> flattenAnnotatedBase m v
AnnotatedCorniceCap m _ -> flattenAnnotatedCap m v
flattenAnnotatedBase :: Vector (OneCornice AnnotatedCornice Base a c) -> AnnotatedCornice Base a c
flattenAnnotatedBase = AnnotatedCorniceBase
flattenAnnotatedBase :: Maybe Int -> Vector (OneCornice AnnotatedCornice Base a c) -> AnnotatedCornice Base a c
flattenAnnotatedBase msz = AnnotatedCorniceBase msz
. Colonnade
. V.concatMap
(\(OneCornice _ (AnnotatedCorniceBase (Colonnade v))) -> v)
(\(OneCornice _ (AnnotatedCorniceBase _ (Colonnade v))) -> v)
flattenAnnotatedCap :: Maybe Int -> Vector (OneCornice AnnotatedCornice (Cap p) a c) -> AnnotatedCornice (Cap p) a c
flattenAnnotatedCap m = AnnotatedCorniceCap m . V.concatMap getTheVector

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@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ getCorniceCap :: Cornice (Cap p) a c -> Vector (OneCornice Cornice p a c)
getCorniceCap (CorniceCap c) = c
data AnnotatedCornice (p :: Pillar) a c where
AnnotatedCorniceBase :: !(Colonnade (Sized Headed) a c) -> AnnotatedCornice Base a c
AnnotatedCorniceBase :: !(Maybe Int) -> !(Colonnade (Sized Headed) a c) -> AnnotatedCornice Base a c
AnnotatedCorniceCap ::
!(Maybe Int)
-> {-# UNPACK #-} !(Vector (OneCornice AnnotatedCornice p a c))