fix merge conflicts

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Martin 2016-07-09 10:15:58 -04:00
commit c1e237e608
13 changed files with 81 additions and 61 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: colonnade
version: 0.1
version: 0.3
synopsis: Generic types and functions for columnar encoding and decoding
description: Please see

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@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ uncheckedRun dc v = getEitherWrap (go dc)
rcurrent = mapLeft (DecodingCellErrors . Vector.singleton . DecodingCellError content ixed) (decode content)
in rnext <*> (EitherWrap rcurrent)
headlessToIndexed :: forall c a.
headlessToIndexed :: forall c a.
Decoding Headless c a -> Decoding (Indexed Headless) c a
headlessToIndexed = go 0 where
go :: forall b. Int -> Decoding Headless c b -> Decoding (Indexed Headless) c b
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ headlessToIndexed = go 0 where
DecodingAp (Indexed ix Headless) decode (go (ix + 1) apNext)
length :: forall f c a. Decoding f c a -> Int
length = go 0 where
length = go 0 where
go :: forall b. Int -> Decoding f c b -> Int
go !a (DecodingPure _) = a
go !a (DecodingAp _ _ apNext) = go (a + 1) apNext

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@ -21,27 +21,27 @@ headed h f = Encoding (Vector.singleton (OneEncoding (Headed h) f))
-- instead. It may allow more things to get inlined
-- in to a loop.
runRow :: (c1 -> c2) -> Encoding f c1 a -> a -> Vector c2
runRow g (Encoding v) a = flip v $
runRow g (Encoding v) a = flip v $
\(OneEncoding _ encode) -> g (encode a)
runRowMonadic :: Monad m
=> Encoding f content a
-> (content -> m ())
-> a
-> m ()
runRowMonadic (Encoding v) g a = Vector.forM_ v $ \e ->
runRowMonadic :: (Monad m, Monoid b)
=> Encoding f content a
-> (content -> m b)
-> a
-> m b
runRowMonadic (Encoding v) g a = fmap (mconcat . Vector.toList) $ Vector.forM v $ \e ->
g (oneEncodingEncode e a)
runHeader :: (c1 -> c2) -> Encoding Headed c1 a -> Vector c2
runHeader g (Encoding v) =
runHeader g (Encoding v) = (g . getHeaded . oneEncodingHead) v
runHeaderMonadic :: Monad m
=> Encoding Headed content a
-> (content -> m ())
-> m ()
runHeaderMonadic (Encoding v) g =
Vector.mapM_ (g . getHeaded . oneEncodingHead) v
runHeaderMonadic :: (Monad m, Monoid b)
=> Encoding Headed content a
-> (content -> m b)
-> m b
runHeaderMonadic (Encoding v) g =
fmap (mconcat . Vector.toList) $ Vector.mapM (g . getHeaded . oneEncodingHead) v

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@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ instance Contravariant (OneEncoding f content) where
contramap f (OneEncoding h e) = OneEncoding h (e . f)
newtype Encoding f content a = Encoding
{ getEncoding :: Vector (OneEncoding f content a)
{ getEncoding :: Vector (OneEncoding f content a)
} deriving (Monoid)
instance Contravariant (Encoding f content) where

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: reflex-dom-colonnade
version: 0.2
version: 0.3
synopsis: Use colonnade with reflex-dom
description: Please see
@ -18,12 +18,13 @@ library
base >= 4.7 && < 5
, colonnade
, colonnade >= 0.3
, contravariant
, vector
, reflex
, reflex-dom
, containers
, semigroups
default-language: Haskell2010
ghc-options: -Wall

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@ -2,26 +2,28 @@ module Reflex.Dom.Colonnade where
import Colonnade.Types
import Control.Monad
import Reflex (Dynamic)
import Data.Foldable
import Reflex (Dynamic,Event,switchPromptly,never)
import Reflex.Dynamic (mapDyn)
import Reflex.Dom (MonadWidget)
import Reflex.Dom.Widget.Basic
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup)
import qualified Colonnade.Encoding as Encoding
import qualified Data.Map as Map
cell :: m () -> Cell m
cell :: m b -> Cell m b
cell = Cell Map.empty
data Cell m = Cell
{ cellAttrs :: Map String String
, cellContents :: m ()
data Cell m b = Cell
{ cellAttrs :: !(Map String String)
, cellContents :: !(m b)
basic :: (MonadWidget t m, Foldable f)
=> Map String String -- ^ Table element attributes
-> f a -- ^ Values
-> Encoding Headed (Cell m) a -- ^ Encoding of a value into cells
-> Encoding Headed (Cell m ()) a -- ^ Encoding of a value into cells
-> m ()
basic tableAttrs as encoding = do
elAttr "table" tableAttrs $ do
@ -29,17 +31,17 @@ basic tableAttrs as encoding = do
el "tbody" $ forM_ as $ \a -> do
el "tr" $ mapM_ (Encoding.runRowMonadic encoding (elFromCell "td")) as
elFromCell :: MonadWidget t m => String -> Cell m -> m ()
elFromCell :: MonadWidget t m => String -> Cell m b -> m b
elFromCell name (Cell attrs contents) = elAttr name attrs contents
theadBuild :: MonadWidget t m => Encoding Headed (Cell m) a -> m ()
theadBuild encoding = el "thead" . el "tr"
theadBuild :: (MonadWidget t m, Monoid b) => Encoding Headed (Cell m b) a -> m b
theadBuild encoding = el "thead" . el "tr"
$ Encoding.runHeaderMonadic encoding (elFromCell "th")
dynamic :: (MonadWidget t m, Foldable f)
=> Map String String -- ^ Table element attributes
-> f (Dynamic t a) -- ^ Dynamic values
-> Encoding Headed (Cell m) a -- ^ Encoding of a value into cells
-> Encoding Headed (Cell m ()) a -- ^ Encoding of a value into cells
-> m ()
dynamic tableAttrs as encoding@(Encoding v) = do
elAttr "table" tableAttrs $ do
@ -52,3 +54,21 @@ dynamic tableAttrs as encoding@(Encoding v) = do
_ <- elDynAttr "td" dynAttrs $ dyn dynContent
return ()
dynamicEventful :: (MonadWidget t m, Traversable f, Semigroup e)
=> Map String String -- ^ Table element attributes
-> f (Dynamic t a) -- ^ Dynamic values
-> Encoding Headed (Cell m (Event t e)) a -- ^ Encoding of a value into cells
-> m (Event t e)
dynamicEventful tableAttrs as encoding@(Encoding v) = do
elAttr "table" tableAttrs $ do
b1 <- theadBuild encoding
b2 <- el "tbody" $ forM as $ \a -> do
el "tr" $ forM v $ \(OneEncoding _ encode) -> do
dynPair <- mapDyn encode a
dynAttrs <- mapDyn cellAttrs dynPair
dynContent <- mapDyn cellContents dynPair
e <- elDynAttr "td" dynAttrs $ dyn dynContent
-- TODO: This might actually be wrong. Revisit this.
switchPromptly never e
return (mappend b1 (mconcat $ toList $ mconcat $ toList b2))

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ module Siphon where
-- encode
-- decode :: Pipe (Vector c) a m x
-- encode ::
-- encode ::
-- row :: Vector (Escaped Text) -> Text
-- row = Vector.

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Siphon.Content
module Siphon.Content
( byteStringChar8
) where

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@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as ByteString
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Types as Atto
-- unrow :: c1 -> (Vector c2,c1)
-- row :: _
-- -> Decoding (Indexed f) c a
-- -> Vector c
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Types as Atto
-- Monad m
-- => Decoding (Indexed f) c a
-- -> Pipe (Vector c) a m ()
-- decodeVectorPipe
-- decodeVectorPipe
mkParseError :: Int -> [String] -> String -> DecodingRowError f content
mkParseError i ctxs msg = id
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ indexedPipe :: Monad m
-> Decoding (Indexed Headless) c a
-> Pipe c a m (DecodingRowError Headless c)
indexedPipe sd decoding = do
(firstRow, mleftovers) <- consumeGeneral sd mkParseError
(firstRow, mleftovers) <- consumeGeneral sd mkParseError
let req = Decoding.maxIndex decoding
vlen = Vector.length firstRow
if vlen < req
@ -72,28 +72,28 @@ headedPipe :: (Monad m, Eq c)
-> Decoding Headed c a
-> Pipe c a m (DecodingRowError Headed c)
headedPipe sd decoding = do
(headers, mleftovers) <- consumeGeneral sd mkParseError
(headers, mleftovers) <- consumeGeneral sd mkParseError
case Decoding.headedToIndexed headers decoding of
Left headingErrs -> return (DecodingRowError 0 (RowErrorHeading headingErrs))
Right indexedDecoding ->
Right indexedDecoding ->
let requiredLength = Vector.length headers
in uncheckedPipe requiredLength 1 sd indexedDecoding mleftovers
uncheckedPipe :: Monad m
=> Int -- ^ expected length of each row
-> Int -- ^ index of first row, usually zero or one
-> Siphon c
-> Siphon c
-> Decoding (Indexed f) c a
-> Maybe c
-> Pipe c a m (DecodingRowError f c)
uncheckedPipe requiredLength ix sd d mleftovers =
uncheckedPipe requiredLength ix sd d mleftovers =
pipeGeneral ix sd mkParseError checkedRunWithRow mleftovers
checkedRunWithRow rowIx v =
checkedRunWithRow rowIx v =
let vlen = Vector.length v in
if vlen /= requiredLength
then Left $ DecodingRowError rowIx
then Left $ DecodingRowError rowIx
$ RowErrorSize requiredLength vlen
else Decoding.uncheckedRunWithRow rowIx d v
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ pipeGeneral :: Monad m
-> (Int -> Vector c -> Either e a)
-> Maybe c -- ^ leftovers that should be handled first
-> Pipe c a m e
pipeGeneral initIx (Siphon _ _ parse isNull) wrapParseError decodeRow mleftovers =
pipeGeneral initIx (Siphon _ _ parse isNull) wrapParseError decodeRow mleftovers =
case mleftovers of
Nothing -> go1 initIx
Just leftovers -> handleResult initIx (parse leftovers)
@ -138,6 +138,6 @@ awaitSkip :: Monad m
awaitSkip f = go where
go = do
a <- await
if f a then go else return a
if f a then go else return a

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@ -7,27 +7,27 @@ import qualified Pipes.Prelude as Pipes
import qualified Colonnade.Encoding as Encoding
row :: Siphon c
-> Encoding f c a
-> a
-> Encoding f c a
-> a
-> c
row (Siphon escape intercalate _ _) e =
intercalate . Encoding.runRow escape e
header :: Siphon c
-> Encoding Headed c a
-> Encoding Headed c a
-> c
header (Siphon escape intercalate _ _) e =
intercalate (Encoding.runHeader escape e)
pipe :: Monad m
pipe :: Monad m
=> Siphon c
-> Encoding f c a
-> Encoding f c a
-> Pipe a c m x
pipe siphon encoding = (row siphon encoding)
headedPipe :: Monad m
=> Siphon c
-> Encoding Headed c a
headedPipe :: Monad m
=> Siphon c
-> Encoding Headed c a
-> Pipe a c m x
headedPipe siphon encoding = do
yield (header siphon encoding)

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@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ import Control.Applicative
import Data.Monoid
byteStringChar8 :: Siphon ByteString
byteStringChar8 = Siphon
byteStringChar8 = Siphon
(A.parse (row comma))
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ encodeRow = id
. coerce
escape :: ByteString -> Escaped ByteString
escape t = case B.find (\c -> c == newline || c == comma || c == doubleQuote) t of
escape t = case B.find (\c -> c == newline || c == cr || c == comma || c == doubleQuote) t of
Nothing -> Escaped t
Just _ -> escapeAlways t

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@ -31,6 +31,6 @@ data SiphonDecoding c1 c2 = SiphonDecoding
-- }
-- data SiphonDecodingError
-- { clarify
-- { clarify
-- }

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@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ main = defaultMain tests
tests :: [Test]
tests =
[ testGroup "ByteString encode/decode"
[ testGroup "ByteString encode/decode"
[ testCase "Headless Encoding (int,char,bool)" testEncodingA
, testProperty "Headless Isomorphism (int,char,bool)"
, testProperty "Headless Isomorphism (int,char,bool)"
$ propIsoPipe $
(SE.pipe SC.byteStringChar8 encodingA)
@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ tests =
decodingA :: Decoding Headless ByteString (Int,Char,Bool)
decodingA = (,,)
<$> Decoding.headless
@ -63,8 +62,8 @@ propIsoPipe :: Eq a => Pipe a a Identity () -> [a] -> Bool
propIsoPipe p as = (Pipes.toList $ each as >-> p) == as
testEncodingA :: Assertion
testEncodingA =
( ByteString.concat $ Pipes.toList $
testEncodingA =
( ByteString.concat $ Pipes.toList $
Pipes.yield (4,'c',False) >-> SE.pipe SC.byteStringChar8 encodingA
) @?= "4,c,false\n"