redo yesod-colonnade

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Martin 2017-02-07 15:02:25 -05:00
parent 049e4d4e13
commit d93b369f19
4 changed files with 126 additions and 78 deletions

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@ -296,6 +296,9 @@ lazyTextCell = textCell . LText.toStrict
builderCell :: TBuilder.Builder -> Cell
builderCell = lazyTextCell . TBuilder.toLazyText
-- | Encode a table. This handles a very general case and
-- is seldom needed by users. One of the arguments provided is
-- used to add attributes to the generated @\<tr\>@ elements.
encodeTable ::
(Foldable f, Foldable h)
=> Maybe Attribute -- ^ Attributes of @\<thead\>@, pass 'Nothing' to omit @\<thead\>@
@ -315,6 +318,8 @@ encodeTable mtheadAttrs tbodyAttrs trAttrs wrapContent tableAttrs colonnade xs =
forM_ xs $ \x -> do ! trAttrs x $ Encode.rowMonoidal colonnade (wrapContent x
-- | Encode a table with a header. Table cells may have attributes
-- applied to them.
encodeHeadedCellTable ::
Foldable f
=> Attribute -- ^ Attributes of @\<table\>@ element
@ -324,6 +329,8 @@ encodeHeadedCellTable ::
encodeHeadedCellTable = encodeTable
(Just mempty) mempty (const mempty) htmlFromCell
-- | Encode a table without a header. Table cells may have attributes
-- applied to them.
encodeHeadlessCellTable ::
Foldable f
=> Attribute -- ^ Attributes of @\<table\>@ element
@ -333,6 +340,8 @@ encodeHeadlessCellTable ::
encodeHeadlessCellTable = encodeTable
Nothing mempty (const mempty) htmlFromCell
-- | Encode a table with a header. Table cells cannot have attributes
-- applied to them.
encodeHeadedHtmlTable ::
Foldable f
=> Attribute -- ^ Attributes of @\<table\>@ element
@ -342,6 +351,8 @@ encodeHeadedHtmlTable ::
encodeHeadedHtmlTable = encodeTable
(Just mempty) mempty (const mempty) ($)
-- | Encode a table without a header. Table cells cannot have attributes
-- applied to them.
encodeHeadlessHtmlTable ::
Foldable f
=> Attribute -- ^ Attributes of @\<table\>@ element

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
-- >>> import Data.Monoid (mconcat,(<>))
-- >>> import Data.Functor.Contravariant (contramap)
-- Assume that the data we wish to encode is:
-- The data types we wish to encode are:
-- >>> data Color = Red | Green | Blue deriving (Show,Eq)
-- >>> data Person = Person { name :: String, age :: Int }
@ -51,19 +51,19 @@ import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
-- One potential columnar encoding of a @Person@ would be:
-- >>> :{
-- let encodingPerson :: Colonnade Headed String Person
-- encodingPerson = mconcat
-- let colPerson :: Colonnade Headed String Person
-- colPerson = mconcat
-- [ headed "Name" name
-- , headed "Age" (show . age)
-- ]
-- :}
-- The type signature on @encodingPerson@ is not neccessary
-- The type signature on @colPerson@ is not neccessary
-- but is included for clarity. We can feed data into this encoding
-- to build a table:
-- >>> let people = [Person "David" 63, Person "Ava" 34, Person "Sonia" 12]
-- >>> putStr (ascii encodingPerson people)
-- >>> putStr (ascii colPerson people)
-- +-------+-----+
-- | Name | Age |
-- +-------+-----+
@ -123,14 +123,14 @@ singleton h = Colonnade . Vector.singleton . OneColonnade h
-- the help of 'fromMaybe':
-- >>> :{
-- let encodingOwners :: Colonnade Headed String (Person,Maybe House)
-- encodingOwners = mconcat
-- [ contramap fst encodingPerson
-- let colOwners :: Colonnade Headed String (Person,Maybe House)
-- colOwners = mconcat
-- [ contramap fst colPerson
-- , contramap snd (fromMaybe "" encodingHouse)
-- ]
-- :}
-- >>> putStr (ascii encodingOwners owners)
-- >>> putStr (ascii colOwners owners)
-- +--------+-----+-------+---------+
-- | Name | Age | Color | Price |
-- +--------+-----+-------+---------+

View File

@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
-- | Build HTML tables using @yesod@ and @colonnade@. To learn
-- how to use this module, first read the documentation for @colonnade@,
-- and then read the documentation for @blaze-colonnade@. This library
-- and @blaze-colonnade@ are entirely distinct; neither depends on the
-- other. However, the interfaces they expose are very similar, and
-- the explanations provided counterpart are sufficient to understand
-- this library.
module Yesod.Colonnade
( -- * Build
@ -10,18 +14,25 @@ module Yesod.Colonnade
, builderCell
, anchorCell
-- * Apply
, table
, tableHeadless
, definitionTable
, listItems
, encodeHeadedWidgetTable
, encodeHeadlessWidgetTable
, encodeHeadedCellTable
, encodeHeadlessCellTable
, encodeDefinitionTable
, encodeListItems
) where
import Yesod.Core
import Yesod.Core.Types (Body(..),GWData(..),WidgetT(..))
import Colonnade (Colonnade,Headed,Headless)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Monoid
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import Text.Blaze (Attribute,toValue)
import Data.Foldable
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as HA
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as H
import qualified Colonnade.Encode as Encode
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LText
@ -30,7 +41,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TBuilder
-- | The attributes that will be applied to a @<td>@ and
-- the HTML content that will go inside it.
data Cell site = Cell
{ cellAttrs :: ![(Text,Text)]
{ cellAttrs :: !Attribute
, cellContents :: !(WidgetT site IO ())
@ -38,12 +49,12 @@ instance IsString (Cell site) where
fromString = stringCell
instance Monoid (Cell site) where
mempty = Cell [] mempty
mempty = Cell mempty mempty
mappend (Cell a1 c1) (Cell a2 c2) = Cell (mappend a1 a2) (mappend c1 c2)
-- | Create a 'Cell' from a 'Widget'
cell :: WidgetT site IO () -> Cell site
cell = Cell []
cell = Cell mempty
-- | Create a 'Cell' from a 'String'
stringCell :: String -> Cell site
@ -58,20 +69,20 @@ builderCell :: TBuilder.Builder -> Cell site
builderCell = cell . toWidget . toHtml . LText.toStrict . TBuilder.toLazyText
-- | Creata a 'Cell' whose content is hyperlinked by wrapping
-- it in an @<a>@.
-- it in an @\<a\>@.
anchorCell ::
(a -> Route site) -- ^ Route that will go in @href@ attribute
-> (a -> WidgetT site IO ()) -- ^ Content wrapped by @<a>@ tag
-> (a -> WidgetT site IO ()) -- ^ Content wrapped by @<a>@ tag
-> a -- ^ Value
-> Cell site
anchorCell getRoute getContent a = cell $ do
urlRender <- getUrlRender
aTag [(Text.pack "href",urlRender (getRoute a))] (getContent a)
a_ (HA.href (toValue (urlRender (getRoute a)))) (getContent a)
-- | This determines the attributes that are added
-- to the individual @li@s by concatenating the header\'s
-- attributes with the data\'s attributes.
listItems ::
encodeListItems ::
(WidgetT site IO () -> WidgetT site IO ())
-- ^ Wrapper for items, often @ul@
-> (WidgetT site IO () -> WidgetT site IO () -> WidgetT site IO ())
@ -81,92 +92,116 @@ listItems ::
-> a
-- ^ The value to display
-> WidgetT site IO ()
listItems ulWrap combine enc =
encodeListItems ulWrap combine enc =
ulWrap . Encode.bothMonadic_ enc
(\(Cell ha hc) (Cell ba bc) ->
li (ha ++ ba) (combine hc bc)
li_ (ha <> ba) (combine hc bc)
-- | A two-column table with the header content displayed in the
-- first column and the data displayed in the second column. Note
-- that the generated HTML table does not have a @thead@.
definitionTable ::
encodeDefinitionTable ::
-- ^ Attributes of @table@ element.
-> Colonnade Headed (Cell site) a
-- ^ How to encode data as a row
-> a
-- ^ The value to display
-> WidgetT site IO ()
definitionTable attrs enc a = tableEl attrs $ tbody [] $
encodeDefinitionTable attrs enc a = table_ attrs $ tbody_ mempty $
Encode.bothMonadic_ enc
(\theKey theValue -> tr [] $ do
widgetFromCell td theKey
widgetFromCell td theValue
(\theKey theValue -> tr_ mempty $ do
widgetFromCell td_ theKey
widgetFromCell td_ theValue
) a
-- | If you are using the bootstrap css framework, then you may want
-- to call this with the first argument as:
-- > table [("class","table table-striped")] ...
table :: Foldable f
=> [(Text,Text)] -- ^ Attributes of @table@ element
-- > encodeHeadedCellTable (HA.class_ "table table-striped") ...
encodeHeadedCellTable :: Foldable f
=> Attribute -- ^ Attributes of @table@ element
-> Colonnade Headed (Cell site) a -- ^ How to encode data as a row
-> f a -- ^ Rows of data
-> WidgetT site IO ()
table attrs enc xs = tableEl attrs $ do
thead [] $ Encode.headerMonadic enc (widgetFromCell th)
tableBody enc xs
encodeHeadedCellTable = encodeTable
(Just mempty) mempty (const mempty) widgetFromCell
tableHeadless :: Foldable f
=> [(Text,Text)] -- ^ Attributes of @table@ element
-> Colonnade Headless (Cell site) a -- ^ How to encode data as a row
encodeHeadlessCellTable :: Foldable f
=> Attribute -- ^ Attributes of @table@ element
-> Colonnade Headless (Cell site) a -- ^ How to encode data as columns
-> f a -- ^ Rows of data
-> WidgetT site IO ()
tableHeadless attrs enc xs = tableEl attrs $ tableBody enc xs
encodeHeadlessCellTable = encodeTable
Nothing mempty (const mempty) widgetFromCell
tableBody :: Foldable f
=> Colonnade h (Cell site) a -- ^ How to encode data as a row
encodeHeadedWidgetTable :: Foldable f
=> Attribute -- ^ Attributes of @table@ element
-> Colonnade Headed (WidgetT site IO ()) a -- ^ How to encode data as columns
-> f a -- ^ Rows of data
-> WidgetT site IO ()
tableBody enc xs = tbody [] $ do
forM_ xs $ \x -> do
tr [] $ Encode.rowMonadic enc (widgetFromCell td) x
encodeHeadedWidgetTable = encodeTable
(Just mempty) mempty (const mempty) ($ mempty)
encodeHeadlessWidgetTable :: Foldable f
=> Attribute -- ^ Attributes of @\<table\>@ element
-> Colonnade Headless (WidgetT site IO ()) a -- ^ How to encode data as columns
-> f a -- ^ Rows of data
-> WidgetT site IO ()
encodeHeadlessWidgetTable = encodeTable
Nothing mempty (const mempty) ($ mempty)
-- | Encode a table. This handles a very general case and
-- is seldom needed by users. One of the arguments provided is
-- used to add attributes to the generated @\<tr\>@ elements.
encodeTable ::
(Foldable f, Foldable h)
=> Maybe Attribute -- ^ Attributes of @\<thead\>@, pass 'Nothing' to omit @\<thead\>@
-> Attribute -- ^ Attributes of @\<tbody\>@ element
-> (a -> Attribute) -- ^ Attributes of each @\<tr\>@ element
-> ((Attribute -> WidgetT site IO () -> WidgetT site IO ()) -> c -> WidgetT site IO ()) -- ^ Wrap content and convert to 'Html'
-> Attribute -- ^ Attributes of @\<table\>@ element
-> Colonnade h c a -- ^ How to encode data as a row
-> f a -- ^ Collection of data
-> WidgetT site IO ()
encodeTable mtheadAttrs tbodyAttrs trAttrs wrapContent tableAttrs colonnade xs =
table_ tableAttrs $ do
for_ mtheadAttrs $ \theadAttrs -> do
thead_ theadAttrs $ do
Encode.headerMonadicGeneral_ colonnade (wrapContent th_)
tbody_ tbodyAttrs $ do
forM_ xs $ \x -> do
tr_ (trAttrs x) (Encode.rowMonadic_ colonnade (wrapContent td_) x)
widgetFromCell ::
([(Text,Text)] -> WidgetT site IO () -> WidgetT site IO ())
(Attribute -> WidgetT site IO () -> WidgetT site IO ())
-> Cell site
-> WidgetT site IO ()
widgetFromCell f (Cell attrs contents) =
f attrs contents
tr,tbody,thead,tableEl,td,th,ul,li,aTag ::
[(Text,Text)] -> WidgetT site IO () -> WidgetT site IO ()
tableEl str b = [whamlet|
<table *{str}>^{b}
thead str b = [whamlet|
<thead *{str}>^{b}
tbody str b = [whamlet|
<tbody *{str}>^{b}
tr str b = [whamlet|
<tr *{str}>^{b}
th str b = [whamlet|
<th *{str}>^{b}
td str b = [whamlet|
<td *{str}>^{b}
ul str b = [whamlet|
<ul *{str}>^{b}
li str b = [whamlet|
<li *{str}>^{b}
aTag str b = [whamlet|
<a *{str}>^{b}
tr_,tbody_,thead_,table_,td_,th_,ul_,li_,a_ ::
Attribute -> WidgetT site IO () -> WidgetT site IO ()
table_ = liftParent H.table
thead_ = liftParent H.thead
tbody_ = liftParent H.tbody
tr_ = liftParent
td_ = liftParent
th_ = liftParent
ul_ = liftParent H.ul
li_ = liftParent
a_ = liftParent H.a
liftParent :: (Html -> Html) -> Attribute -> WidgetT site IO a -> WidgetT site IO a
liftParent el attrs (WidgetT f) = WidgetT $ \hdata -> do
(a,gwd) <- f hdata
let Body bodyFunc = gwdBody gwd
newBodyFunc render =
el H.! attrs $ (bodyFunc render)
return (a,gwd { gwdBody = Body newBodyFunc })

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: yesod-colonnade
version: 0.3
version: 0.4
synopsis: Helper functions for using yesod with colonnade
description: Yesod and colonnade
@ -19,8 +19,10 @@ library
base >= 4.7 && < 5
, colonnade >= 1.0 && < 1.1
, yesod-core >= 1.4.0 && < 1.5
, yesod-core >= 1.4 && < 1.5
, text >= 1.0 && < 1.3
, blaze-markup >= 0.7 && < 0.9
, blaze-html >= 0.8 && < 0.10
default-language: Haskell2010
source-repository head