make tests pass again

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Martin 2017-06-11 20:01:34 -04:00
parent 03e9e3734b
commit fb6064b79f
5 changed files with 293 additions and 226 deletions

View File

@ -18,11 +18,10 @@ library
base >= 4.7 && < 5
base >= 4.9 && < 5
, colonnade >= 1.1 && < 1.2
, text
, bytestring
, contravariant
, vector
, streaming
, attoparsec
@ -30,9 +29,9 @@ library
default-language: Haskell2010
test-suite siphon-test
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
hs-source-dirs: test
main-is: Test.hs
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
hs-source-dirs: test
main-is: Test.hs
, either
@ -48,9 +47,9 @@ test-suite siphon-test
, HUnit
, test-framework-hunit
, profunctors
ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
default-language: Haskell2010
, streaming
default-language: Haskell2010
source-repository head
type: git
type: git

View File

@ -9,8 +9,12 @@ module Siphon
( Siphon
, SiphonError
, Indexed(..)
, decodeHeadedChar8Csv
, decodeHeadedUtf8Csv
, encodeHeadedUtf8Csv
, humanizeSiphonError
, headed
, headless
, indexed
) where
import Siphon.Types
@ -34,6 +38,8 @@ import qualified Streaming as SM
import qualified Streaming.Prelude as SMP
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Types as ATYP
import qualified Colonnade.Encode as CE
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as MV
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Data.ByteString.Builder (toLazyByteString,byteString)
@ -43,73 +49,90 @@ import Data.Vector (Vector)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.Char (chr)
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8')
import Streaming (Stream,Of(..))
import Data.Vector.Mutable (MVector)
import Control.Monad.ST
newtype Escaped c = Escaped { getEscaped :: c }
data Ended = EndedYes | EndedNo
deriving (Show)
data CellResult c = CellResultData !c | CellResultNewline !Ended
deriving (Show)
decodeHeadedChar8Csv :: Monad m
decodeHeadedUtf8Csv :: Monad m
=> Siphon CE.Headed ByteString a
-> Stream (Of ByteString) m () -- ^ encoded csv
-> Stream (Of a) m (Maybe (SiphonError ByteString))
decodeHeadedChar8Csv headedSiphon s1 = do
e <- lift (consumeHeaderRowChar8 s1)
-> Stream (Of a) m (Maybe SiphonError)
decodeHeadedUtf8Csv headedSiphon s1 = do
e <- lift (consumeHeaderRowUtf8 s1)
case e of
Left err -> return (Just err)
Right (v :> s2) -> case headedToIndexed v headedSiphon of
Right (v :> s2) -> case headedToIndexed utf8ToStr v headedSiphon of
Left err -> return (Just err)
Right ixedSiphon -> do
let requiredLength = V.length v
consumeBodyChar8 1 requiredLength ixedSiphon s2
consumeBodyUtf8 1 requiredLength ixedSiphon s2
encodeHeadedChar8Csv :: Monad m
=> Colonnade CE.Headed ByteString a
encodeHeadedUtf8Csv :: Monad m
=> CE.Colonnade CE.Headed a ByteString
-> Stream (Of a) m r
-> Stream (Of ByteString) m r
encodeHeadedChar8Csv headedSiphon s1 = do
yield (header siphon encoding)
pipe siphon encoding
encodeHeadedUtf8Csv =
encodeHeadedCsv escapeChar8 (B.singleton comma) (B.singleton newline)
encodeGeneralCsv :: Monad m
encodeHeadedCsv :: Monad m
=> (c -> Escaped c)
-> c -- ^ separator
-> Colonnade f a c
-> c -- ^ newline
-> CE.Colonnade CE.Headed a c
-> Stream (Of a) m r
-> Stream (Of c) m r
encodeGeneralCsv escapeFunc separatorStr colonnade = do (row siphon encoding)
encodeHeadedCsv escapeFunc separatorStr newlineStr colonnade s = do
encodeHeader escapeFunc separatorStr newlineStr colonnade
encodeRows escapeFunc separatorStr newlineStr colonnade s
encodeHeader :: Siphon c -> Colonnade Headed a c -> c
encodeHeader :: Monad m
=> (c -> Escaped c)
-> c -- ^ separator
-> Colonnade f a c
-> Stream (Of c) m r
encodeHeader escapeFunc separatorStr colonnade = SMP.mapM_ $ \a -> do
-> c -- ^ newline
-> CE.Colonnade CE.Headed a c
-> Stream (Of c) m ()
encodeHeader escapeFunc separatorStr newlineStr colonnade = do
let (vs,ws) = V.splitAt 1 (CE.getColonnade colonnade)
-- we only need to do this split because the first cell
-- gets treated differently than the others. It does not
-- get a separator added before it.
V.forM_ vs $ \(CE.OneColonnade _ encode) -> yield (getEscaped (escapeFunc (encode a)))
V.forM_ ws $ \(CE.OneColonnade _ encode) -> do
yield separator
yeied (getEscaped (escapeFunc (encode a)))
V.forM_ vs $ \(CE.OneColonnade (CE.Headed h) _) -> do
SMP.yield (getEscaped (escapeFunc h))
V.forM_ ws $ \(CE.OneColonnade (CE.Headed h) _) -> do
SMP.yield separatorStr
SMP.yield (getEscaped (escapeFunc h))
SMP.yield newlineStr
encodeRow ::
mapStreamM :: Monad m
=> (a -> Stream (Of b) m x)
-> Stream (Of a) m r
-> Stream (Of b) m r
mapStreamM f = SM.concats . SM.mapsM (\(a :> s) -> return (f a >> return s))
encodeRows :: Monad m
=> (c -> Escaped c)
-> c -- ^ separator
-> Colonnade f a c
-> c -- ^ newline
-> CE.Colonnade f a c
-> Stream (Of a) m r
-> Stream (Of c) m r
encodeRow escapeFunc separatorStr colonnade = SMP.mapM_ $ \a -> do
encodeRows escapeFunc separatorStr newlineStr colonnade = mapStreamM $ \a -> do
let (vs,ws) = V.splitAt 1 (CE.getColonnade colonnade)
-- we only need to do this split because the first cell
-- gets treated differently than the others. It does not
-- get a separator added before it.
V.forM_ vs $ \(CE.OneColonnade _ encode) -> yield (getEscaped (escapeFunc (encode a)))
V.forM_ vs $ \(CE.OneColonnade _ encode) -> SMP.yield (getEscaped (escapeFunc (encode a)))
V.forM_ ws $ \(CE.OneColonnade _ encode) -> do
yield separator
yeied (getEscaped (escapeFunc (encode a)))
SMP.yield separatorStr
SMP.yield (getEscaped (escapeFunc (encode a)))
SMP.yield newlineStr
data IndexedHeader a = IndexedHeader
{ indexedHeaderIndexed :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
@ -120,35 +143,36 @@ data IndexedHeader a = IndexedHeader
-- expected headers into the indices of the columns that they
-- correspond to.
headedToIndexed :: forall c a. Eq c
=> Vector c -- ^ Headers in the source document
=> (c -> T.Text)
-> Vector c -- ^ Headers in the source document
-> Siphon CE.Headed c a -- ^ Decolonnade that contains expected headers
-> Either (SiphonError c) (Siphon IndexedHeader c a)
headedToIndexed v =
-> Either SiphonError (Siphon IndexedHeader c a)
headedToIndexed toStr v =
mapLeft (\(HeaderErrors a b c) -> SiphonError 0 (RowErrorHeaders a b c))
. getEitherWrap
. go
go :: forall b.
Siphon CE.Headed c b
-> EitherWrap (HeaderErrors c) (Siphon IndexedHeader c b)
-> EitherWrap HeaderErrors (Siphon IndexedHeader c b)
go (SiphonPure b) = EitherWrap (Right (SiphonPure b))
go (SiphonAp (CE.Headed h) decode apNext) =
let rnext = go apNext
ixs = V.elemIndices h v
ixsLen = V.length ixs
| ixsLen == 1 = Right (V.unsafeIndex ixs 0)
| ixsLen == 0 = Left (HeaderErrors V.empty (V.singleton h) V.empty)
| otherwise =
let dups = V.singleton ( (\ix -> CellError ix (V.unsafeIndex v ix)) ixs)
| ixsLen == 1 = Right (ixs V.! 0) -- (V.unsafeIndex ixs 0)
| ixsLen == 0 = Left (HeaderErrors V.empty (V.singleton (toStr h)) V.empty)
| otherwise =
let dups = V.singleton ( (\ix -> CellError ix (toStr (v V.! ix) {- (V.unsafeIndex v ix) -} )) ixs)
in Left (HeaderErrors dups V.empty V.empty)
in (\ix nextSiphon -> SiphonAp (IndexedHeader ix h) decode nextSiphon)
<$> EitherWrap rcurrent
<*> rnext
data HeaderErrors c = HeaderErrors !(Vector (Vector (CellError c))) !(Vector c) !(Vector Int)
data HeaderErrors = HeaderErrors !(Vector (Vector CellError)) !(Vector T.Text) !(Vector Int)
instance Monoid (HeaderErrors c) where
instance Monoid HeaderErrors where
mempty = HeaderErrors mempty mempty mempty
mappend (HeaderErrors a1 b1 c1) (HeaderErrors a2 b2 c2) = HeaderErrors
(mappend a1 a2) (mappend b1 b2) (mappend c1 c2)
@ -160,15 +184,8 @@ instance Monoid (HeaderErrors c) where
-- (A.parse (row comma))
-- B.null
encodeRow :: Vector (Escaped ByteString) -> ByteString
encodeRow = id
. flip B.append (B.singleton newline)
. B.intercalate (B.singleton comma)
. V.toList
. coerce
escape :: ByteString -> Escaped ByteString
escape t = case B.find (\c -> c == newline || c == cr || c == comma || c == doubleQuote) t of
escapeChar8 :: ByteString -> Escaped ByteString
escapeChar8 t = case B.find (\c -> c == newline || c == cr || c == comma || c == doubleQuote) t of
Nothing -> Escaped t
Just _ -> escapeAlways t
@ -233,7 +250,7 @@ field !delim = do
-- choice if we see a double quote.
case mb of
Just b
| b == delim -> do
| b == doubleQuote -> do
bs <- escapedField delim
return (CellResultData bs)
| b == 10 || b == 13 -> do
@ -260,7 +277,7 @@ escapedField !delim = do
then Just (not s)
else if s then Nothing
else Just False)
A.skip (== delim)
A.option () (A.skip (== delim))
if doubleQuote `S.elem` s
then case Z.parse unescape s of
Right r -> return r
@ -276,7 +293,7 @@ unescapedField !delim =
c /= newline &&
c /= delim &&
c /= cr
) <* A.skip (== delim)
) <* A.option () (A.skip (== delim))
dquote :: AL.Parser Char
dquote = char '"'
@ -327,15 +344,15 @@ comma = 44
-- | This adds one to the index because text editors consider
-- line number to be one-based, not zero-based.
humanizeSiphonError :: Eq c => (c -> String) -> SiphonError c -> String
humanizeSiphonError toStr (SiphonError ix e) = unlines
humanizeSiphonError :: SiphonError -> String
humanizeSiphonError (SiphonError ix e) = unlines
$ ("Decolonnade error on line " ++ show (ix + 1) ++ " of file.")
: ("Error Category: " ++ descr)
: map (" " ++) errDescrs
where (descr,errDescrs) = prettyRowError toStr e
where (descr,errDescrs) = prettyRowError e
prettyRowError :: Eq c => (c -> String) -> RowError c -> (String, [String])
prettyRowError toStr x = case x of
prettyRowError :: RowError -> (String, [String])
prettyRowError x = case x of
RowErrorParse -> (,) "CSV Parsing"
[ "The cells were malformed."
@ -352,16 +369,16 @@ prettyRowError toStr x = case x of
, "There is a mistake in the encoding of the text."
RowErrorHeaders dupErrs namedErrs unnamedErrs -> (,) "Missing Headers" $ concat
[ if V.length namedErrs > 0 then prettyNamedMissingHeaders toStr namedErrs else []
[ if V.length namedErrs > 0 then prettyNamedMissingHeaders namedErrs else []
, if V.length unnamedErrs > 0 then ["Missing unnamed headers"] else []
, if V.length dupErrs > 0 then prettyHeadingErrors toStr dupErrs else []
, if V.length dupErrs > 0 then prettyHeadingErrors dupErrs else []
RowErrorDecode errs -> (,) "Cell Decolonnade" (prettyCellErrors toStr errs)
RowErrorDecode errs -> (,) "Cell Decolonnade" (prettyCellErrors errs)
prettyCellErrors :: (c -> String) -> Vector (CellError c) -> [String]
prettyCellErrors toStr errs = drop 1 $
prettyCellErrors :: Vector CellError -> [String]
prettyCellErrors errs = drop 1 $
flip concatMap errs $ \(CellError ix content) ->
let str = toStr content in
let str = T.unpack content in
[ "-----------"
, "Column " ++ columnNumToLetters ix
, "Cell Content Length: " ++ show (Prelude.length str)
@ -370,27 +387,26 @@ prettyCellErrors toStr errs = drop 1 $
else str
prettyNamedMissingHeaders :: (c -> String) -> Vector c -> [String]
prettyNamedMissingHeaders conv missing = concat
[ concatMap (\h -> ["The header " ++ conv h ++ " was missing."]) missing
prettyNamedMissingHeaders :: Vector T.Text -> [String]
prettyNamedMissingHeaders missing = concat
[ concatMap (\h -> ["The header " ++ T.unpack h ++ " was missing."]) missing
prettyHeadingErrors :: forall c. Eq c
=> (c -> String) -> Vector (Vector (CellError c)) -> [String]
prettyHeadingErrors conv missing = join (V.toList (fmap f missing))
prettyHeadingErrors :: Vector (Vector CellError) -> [String]
prettyHeadingErrors missing = join (V.toList (fmap f missing))
f :: Vector (CellError c) -> [String]
f :: Vector CellError -> [String]
f v
| not (V.null w) && V.all (== V.head w) (V.tail w) =
[ "The header ["
, conv (V.head w)
, T.unpack (V.head w)
, "] appears in columns "
, L.intercalate ", " (V.toList ( (\(CellError ix _) -> columnNumToLetters ix) v))
| otherwise = multiMsg : V.toList
( (\(CellError ix content) -> " Column " ++ columnNumToLetters ix ++ ": " ++ conv content) v)
( (\(CellError ix content) -> " Column " ++ columnNumToLetters ix ++ ": " ++ T.unpack content) v)
w :: Vector c
w :: Vector T.Text
w = cellErrorContent v
multiMsg :: String
multiMsg = "Multiple headers matched the same predicate:"
@ -415,32 +431,37 @@ mapLeft :: (a -> b) -> Either a c -> Either b c
mapLeft _ (Right a) = Right a
mapLeft f (Left a) = Left (f a)
consumeHeaderRowChar8 :: Monad m
consumeHeaderRowUtf8 :: Monad m
=> Stream (Of ByteString) m ()
-> m (Either (SiphonError ByteString) (Of (Vector ByteString) (Stream (Of ByteString) m ())))
consumeHeaderRowChar8 = consumeHeaderRow (A.parse (field comma)) B.null B.empty (\() -> True)
-> m (Either SiphonError (Of (Vector ByteString) (Stream (Of ByteString) m ())))
consumeHeaderRowUtf8 = consumeHeaderRow utf8ToStr (A.parse (field comma)) B.null B.empty (\() -> True)
consumeBodyChar8 :: forall m a. Monad m
consumeBodyUtf8 :: forall m a. Monad m
=> Int -- ^ index of first row, usually zero or one
-> Int -- ^ Required row length
-> Siphon IndexedHeader ByteString a
-> Stream (Of ByteString) m ()
-> Stream (Of a) m (Maybe (SiphonError ByteString))
consumeBodyChar8 = consumeBody (A.parse (field comma)) B.null B.empty (\() -> True)
-> Stream (Of a) m (Maybe SiphonError)
consumeBodyUtf8 = consumeBody utf8ToStr
(A.parse (field comma)) B.null B.empty (\() -> True)
utf8ToStr :: ByteString -> T.Text
utf8ToStr = either (\_ -> T.empty) id . decodeUtf8'
consumeHeaderRow :: forall m r c. Monad m
=> (c -> ATYP.IResult c (CellResult c))
=> (c -> T.Text)
-> (c -> ATYP.IResult c (CellResult c))
-> (c -> Bool) -- ^ true if null string
-> c
-> (r -> Bool) -- ^ true if termination is acceptable
-> Stream (Of c) m r
-> m (Either (SiphonError c) (Of (Vector c) (Stream (Of c) m r)))
consumeHeaderRow parseCell isNull emptyStr isGood s0 = go 0 StrictListNil s0
-> m (Either SiphonError (Of (Vector c) (Stream (Of c) m r)))
consumeHeaderRow toStr parseCell isNull emptyStr isGood s0 = go 0 StrictListNil s0
go :: Int
-> StrictList c
-> Stream (Of c) m r
-> m (Either (SiphonError c) (Of (Vector c) (Stream (Of c) m r)))
-> m (Either SiphonError (Of (Vector c) (Stream (Of c) m r)))
go !cellsLen !cells !s1 = do
e <- skipWhile isNull s1
case e of
@ -451,7 +472,7 @@ consumeHeaderRow parseCell isNull emptyStr isGood s0 = go 0 StrictListNil s0
handleResult :: Int -> StrictList c
-> ATYP.IResult c (CellResult c)
-> Stream (Of c) m r
-> m (Either (SiphonError c) (Of (Vector c) (Stream (Of c) m r)))
-> m (Either SiphonError (Of (Vector c) (Stream (Of c) m r)))
handleResult !cellsLen !cells !result s1 = case result of
ATYP.Fail _ _ _ -> return $ Left $ SiphonError 0 RowErrorParse
ATYP.Done !c1 !res -> case res of
@ -469,7 +490,8 @@ consumeHeaderRow parseCell isNull emptyStr isGood s0 = go 0 StrictListNil s0
Right (c1 :> s2) -> handleResult cellsLen cells (k c1) s2
consumeBody :: forall m r c a. Monad m
=> (c -> ATYP.IResult c (CellResult c))
=> (c -> T.Text)
-> (c -> ATYP.IResult c (CellResult c))
-> (c -> Bool)
-> c
-> (r -> Bool) -- ^ True if termination is acceptable. False if it is because of a decoding error.
@ -477,10 +499,11 @@ consumeBody :: forall m r c a. Monad m
-> Int -- ^ Required row length
-> Siphon IndexedHeader c a
-> Stream (Of c) m r
-> Stream (Of a) m (Maybe (SiphonError c))
consumeBody parseCell isNull emptyStr isGood row0 reqLen siphon s0 = go row0 0 StrictListNil s0
-> Stream (Of a) m (Maybe SiphonError)
consumeBody toStr parseCell isNull emptyStr isGood row0 reqLen siphon s0 =
go row0 0 StrictListNil s0
go :: Int -> Int -> StrictList c -> Stream (Of c) m r -> Stream (Of a) m (Maybe (SiphonError c))
go :: Int -> Int -> StrictList c -> Stream (Of c) m r -> Stream (Of a) m (Maybe SiphonError)
go !row !cellsLen !cells !s1 = do
e <- lift (skipWhile isNull s1)
case e of
@ -491,11 +514,11 @@ consumeBody parseCell isNull emptyStr isGood row0 reqLen siphon s0 = go row0 0 S
handleResult :: Int -> Int -> StrictList c
-> ATYP.IResult c (CellResult c)
-> Stream (Of c) m r
-> Stream (Of a) m (Maybe (SiphonError c))
-> Stream (Of a) m (Maybe SiphonError)
handleResult !row !cellsLen !cells !result s1 = case result of
ATYP.Fail _ _ _ -> return $ Just $ SiphonError row RowErrorParse
ATYP.Done !c1 !res -> case res of
CellResultNewline ended -> do
CellResultNewline !ended -> do
case decodeRow row (reverseVectorStrictList cellsLen cells) of
Left err -> return (Just err)
Right a -> do
@ -519,16 +542,30 @@ consumeBody parseCell isNull emptyStr isGood row0 reqLen siphon s0 = go row0 0 S
case e of
Left r -> handleResult row cellsLen cells (k emptyStr) (return r)
Right (c1 :> s2) -> handleResult row cellsLen cells (k c1) s2
decodeRow :: Int -> Vector c -> Either (SiphonError c) a
decodeRow :: Int -> Vector c -> Either SiphonError a
decodeRow rowIx v =
let vlen = V.length v in
if vlen /= reqLen
then Left $ SiphonError rowIx $ RowErrorSize reqLen vlen
else uncheckedRunWithRow rowIx siphon v
else uncheckedRunWithRow toStr rowIx siphon v
-- | You must pass the length of the list and as the first argument.
reverseVectorStrictList :: Int -> StrictList c -> Vector c
reverseVectorStrictList _ _ = error "write me"
-- Passing the wrong length will lead to an error.
reverseVectorStrictList :: forall c. Int -> StrictList c -> Vector c
reverseVectorStrictList len sl0 = V.create $ do
mv <- len
go1 mv
return mv
go1 :: forall s. MVector s c -> ST s ()
go1 !mv = go2 0 sl0
go2 :: Int -> StrictList c -> ST s ()
go2 _ StrictListNil = return ()
go2 !ix (StrictListCons c slNext) = do
MV.write mv ix c
go2 (ix + 1) slNext
skipWhile :: forall m a r. Monad m
=> (a -> Bool)
@ -551,31 +588,34 @@ data StrictList a = StrictListNil | StrictListCons !a !(StrictList a)
-- | This function uses 'unsafeIndex' to access
-- elements of the 'Vector'.
uncheckedRunWithRow ::
(c -> T.Text)
-> Int
-> Siphon IndexedHeader c a
-> Vector c
-> Either (SiphonError c) a
uncheckedRunWithRow i d v = mapLeft (SiphonError i . RowErrorDecode) (uncheckedRun d v)
-> Either SiphonError a
uncheckedRunWithRow toStr i d v =
mapLeft (SiphonError i . RowErrorDecode) (uncheckedRun toStr d v)
-- | This function does not check to make sure that the indicies in
-- the 'Decolonnade' are in the 'Vector'. Only use this if you have
-- already verified that none of the indices in the siphon are
-- out of the bounds.
uncheckedRun :: forall c a.
Siphon IndexedHeader c a
(c -> T.Text)
-> Siphon IndexedHeader c a
-> Vector c
-> Either (Vector (CellError c)) a
uncheckedRun dc v = getEitherWrap (go dc)
-> Either (Vector CellError) a
uncheckedRun toStr dc v = getEitherWrap (go dc)
go :: forall b.
Siphon IndexedHeader c b
-> EitherWrap (Vector (CellError c)) b
-> EitherWrap (Vector CellError) b
go (SiphonPure b) = EitherWrap (Right b)
go (SiphonAp (IndexedHeader ix _) decode apNext) =
let rnext = go apNext
content = V.unsafeIndex v ix
content = v V.! ix -- V.unsafeIndex v ix
rcurrent = maybe
(Left (V.singleton (CellError ix content)))
(Left (V.singleton (CellError ix (toStr content))))
(decode content)
in rnext <*> (EitherWrap rcurrent)
@ -593,3 +633,12 @@ maxIndex = go 0 where
go !ix1 (SiphonAp (IndexedHeader ix2 _) _ apNext) =
go (max ix1 ix2) apNext
headless :: (c -> Maybe a) -> Siphon CE.Headless c a
headless f = SiphonAp CE.Headless f (SiphonPure id)
headed :: c -> (c -> Maybe a) -> Siphon CE.Headed c a
headed h f = SiphonAp (CE.Headed h) f (SiphonPure id)
indexed :: Int -> (c -> Maybe a) -> Siphon Indexed c a
indexed ix f = SiphonAp (Indexed ix) f (SiphonPure id)

View File

@ -11,9 +11,6 @@ module Siphon.Decoding
, consumeGeneral
, pipeGeneral
, convertDecodeError
, headed
, headless
, indexed
) where
import Siphon.Types

View File

@ -14,32 +14,32 @@ module Siphon.Types
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import Control.Exception (Exception)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Text (Text)
data CellError c = CellError
data CellError = CellError
{ cellErrorColumn :: !Int
, cellErrorContent :: !c
, cellErrorContent :: !Text
} deriving (Show,Read,Eq)
newtype Indexed a = Indexed
{ indexedIndex :: Int
} deriving (Eq,Ord,Functor,Show,Read)
data SiphonError c = SiphonError
data SiphonError = SiphonError
{ siphonErrorRow :: !Int
, siphonErrorCause :: !(RowError c)
, siphonErrorCause :: !RowError
} deriving (Show,Read,Eq)
instance (Show c, Typeable c) => Exception (SiphonError c)
instance Exception SiphonError
data RowError c
data RowError
= RowErrorParse
-- ^ Error occurred parsing the document into cells
| RowErrorDecode !(Vector (CellError c))
| RowErrorDecode !(Vector CellError)
-- ^ Error decoding the content
| RowErrorSize !Int !Int
-- ^ Wrong number of cells in the row
| RowErrorHeaders !(Vector (Vector (CellError c))) !(Vector c) !(Vector Int)
| RowErrorHeaders !(Vector (Vector CellError)) !(Vector Text) !(Vector Int)
-- ^ Three parts:
-- (a) Multiple header cells matched the same expected cell,
-- (b) Headers that were missing,

View File

@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
module Main (main) where
import Test.QuickCheck (Gen, Arbitrary(..), choose, elements)
import Test.HUnit (Assertion,(@?=))
import Test.Framework (defaultMain, testGroup, Test)
import Test.QuickCheck (Gen, Arbitrary(..), choose, elements, Property)
import Test.QuickCheck.Property (Result, succeeded, exception)
import Test.HUnit (Assertion,(@?=))
import Test.Framework (defaultMain, testGroup, Test)
import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty)
import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Text (Text)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Text (Text)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Data.Either.Combinators
import Siphon.Types
import Data.Functor.Identity
@ -18,20 +20,20 @@ import Data.Functor.Contravariant (contramap)
import Data.Functor.Contravariant.Divisible (divided,conquered)
import Colonnade (headed,headless,Colonnade,Headed,Headless)
import Data.Profunctor (lmap)
import Streaming (Stream,Of(..))
import Control.Exception
import Debug.Trace
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as Builder
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC8
import qualified Colonnade as Colonnade
import qualified Siphon.Encoding as SE
import qualified Siphon.Decoding as SD
import qualified Siphon.Content as SC
import qualified Pipes.Prelude as Pipes
import qualified Siphon as S
import qualified Streaming.Prelude as SMP
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LText
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TBuilder
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.Int as TBuilder
import Pipes
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain tests
@ -39,60 +41,55 @@ main = defaultMain tests
tests :: [Test]
tests =
[ testGroup "ByteString encode/decode"
[ testCase "Headless Encoding (int,char,bool)"
$ runTestScenario
, testProperty "Headless Isomorphism (int,char,bool)"
$ propIsoPipe $
(SE.pipe SC.byteStringChar8 encodingA)
(void $ SD.headlessPipe SC.byteStringChar8 decodingA)
, testCase "Headed Encoding (int,char,bool)"
$ runTestScenario
[ testCase "Headed Encoding (int,char,bool)"
$ runTestScenario [(4,'c',False)]
$ ByteString.concat
[ "number,letter,boolean\n"
, "4,c,false\n"
, testCase "Headed Encoding (int,char,bool) monoidal building"
$ runTestScenario
$ runTestScenario [(4,'c',False)]
$ ByteString.concat
[ "boolean,letter\n"
, "false,c\n"
, testCase "Headed Encoding (escaped characters)"
$ runTestScenario ["bob","there,be,commas","the \" quote"]
$ ByteString.concat
[ "name\n"
, "bob\n"
, "\"there,be,commas\"\n"
, "\"the \"\" quote\"\n"
, testCase "Headed Decoding (int,char,bool)"
$ ( runIdentity . SMP.toList )
( S.decodeHeadedUtf8Csv decodingB
( mapM_ (SMP.yield . BC8.singleton) $ concat
[ "number,letter,boolean\n"
, "244,z,true\n"
) @?= ([(244,'z',True)] :> Nothing)
, testCase "Headed Decoding (escaped characters)"
$ ( runIdentity . SMP.toList )
( S.decodeHeadedUtf8Csv decodingF
( mapM_ (SMP.yield . BC8.singleton) $ concat
[ "name\n"
, "drew\n"
, "\"martin, drew\"\n"
) @?= (["drew","martin, drew"] :> Nothing)
, testProperty "Headed Isomorphism (int,char,bool)"
$ propIsoPipe $
(SE.headedPipe SC.byteStringChar8 encodingB)
(void $ SD.headedPipe SC.byteStringChar8 decodingB)
, testGroup "Text encode/decode"
[ testCase "Headless Encoding (int,char,bool)"
$ runTestScenario
, testCase "Headless Encoding (Foo,Foo,Foo)"
$ runCustomTestScenario
, testProperty "Headless Isomorphism (Foo,Foo,Foo)"
$ propIsoPipe $
(SE.pipe SC.text encodingY)
(void $ SD.headlessPipe SC.text decodingY)
$ propIsoStream BC8.unpack
(S.decodeHeadedUtf8Csv decodingB)
(S.encodeHeadedUtf8Csv encodingB)
@ -111,27 +108,31 @@ fooToString x = case x of
encodeFoo :: (String -> c) -> Foo -> c
encodeFoo f = f . fooToString
fooFromString :: String -> Either String Foo
fooFromString :: String -> Maybe Foo
fooFromString x = case x of
"Simple" -> Right FooA
"With,Escaped\nChars" -> Right FooB
"More\"Escaped,\"\"Chars" -> Right FooC
_ -> Left "failed to decode Foo"
"Simple" -> Just FooA
"With,Escaped\nChars" -> Just FooB
"More\"Escaped,\"\"Chars" -> Just FooC
_ -> Nothing
decodeFoo :: (c -> String) -> c -> Either String Foo
decodeFoo :: (c -> String) -> c -> Maybe Foo
decodeFoo f = fooFromString . f
decodingA :: Decolonnade Headless ByteString (Int,Char,Bool)
decodingA :: Siphon Headless ByteString (Int,Char,Bool)
decodingA = (,,)
<$> SD.headless dbInt
<*> SD.headless dbChar
<*> SD.headless dbBool
<$> S.headless dbInt
<*> S.headless dbChar
<*> S.headless dbBool
decodingB :: Decolonnade Headed ByteString (Int,Char,Bool)
decodingB :: Siphon Headed ByteString (Int,Char,Bool)
decodingB = (,,)
<$> SD.headed "number" dbInt
<*> SD.headed "letter" dbChar
<*> SD.headed "boolean" dbBool
<$> S.headed "number" dbInt
<*> S.headed "letter" dbChar
<*> S.headed "boolean" dbBool
decodingF :: Siphon Headed ByteString ByteString
decodingF = S.headed "name" Just
encodingA :: Colonnade Headless (Int,Char,Bool) ByteString
encodingA = mconcat
@ -154,11 +155,14 @@ encodingY = mconcat
, lmap thd3 (headless $ encodeFoo Text.pack)
decodingY :: Decolonnade Headless Text (Foo,Foo,Foo)
decodingY :: Siphon Headless Text (Foo,Foo,Foo)
decodingY = (,,)
<$> SD.headless (decodeFoo Text.unpack)
<*> SD.headless (decodeFoo Text.unpack)
<*> SD.headless (decodeFoo Text.unpack)
<$> S.headless (decodeFoo Text.unpack)
<*> S.headless (decodeFoo Text.unpack)
<*> S.headless (decodeFoo Text.unpack)
encodingF :: Colonnade Headed ByteString ByteString
encodingF = headed "name" id
encodingB :: Colonnade Headed (Int,Char,Bool) ByteString
encodingB = mconcat
@ -176,32 +180,51 @@ encodingC = mconcat
tripleToPairs :: (a,b,c) -> (a,(b,(c,())))
tripleToPairs (a,b,c) = (a,(b,(c,())))
propIsoPipe :: Eq a => Pipe a a Identity () -> [a] -> Bool
propIsoPipe p as = (Pipes.toList $ each as >-> p) == as
propIsoStream :: (Eq a, Show a, Monoid c)
=> (c -> String)
-> (Stream (Of c) Identity () -> Stream (Of a) Identity (Maybe SiphonError))
-> (Stream (Of a) Identity () -> Stream (Of c) Identity ())
-> [a]
-> Result
propIsoStream toStr decode encode as =
let asNew :> m = runIdentity $ SMP.toList $ decode $ encode $ SMP.each as
in case m of
Nothing -> if as == asNew
then succeeded
else exception ("expected " ++ show as ++ " but got " ++ show asNew) myException
Just err ->
let csv = toStr $ mconcat $ runIdentity $ SMP.toList_ $ encode $ SMP.each as
in exception (S.humanizeSiphonError err ++ "\nGenerated CSV\n" ++ csv) myException
runTestScenario :: (Monoid c, Eq c, Show c)
=> Siphon c
-> (Siphon c -> Colonnade f (Int,Char,Bool) c -> Pipe (Int,Char,Bool) c Identity ())
-> Colonnade f (Int,Char,Bool) c
-> c
-> Assertion
runTestScenario s p e c =
( mconcat $ Pipes.toList $
Pipes.yield (4,'c',False) >-> p s e
) @?= c
data MyException = MyException
deriving (Show,Read,Eq)
instance Exception MyException
runCustomTestScenario :: (Monoid c, Eq c, Show c)
=> Siphon c
-> (Siphon c -> Colonnade f a c -> Pipe a c Identity ())
myException :: SomeException
myException = SomeException MyException
runTestScenario :: (Monoid c, Eq c, Show c, Eq a, Show a)
=> [a]
-> (Colonnade f a c -> Stream (Of a) Identity () -> Stream (Of c) Identity ())
-> Colonnade f a c
-> a
-> c
-> Assertion
runCustomTestScenario s p e a c =
( mconcat $ Pipes.toList $
Pipes.yield a >-> p s e
runTestScenario as p e c =
( mconcat (runIdentity (SMP.toList_ (p e (mapM_ SMP.yield as))))
) @?= c
-- runCustomTestScenario :: (Monoid c, Eq c, Show c)
-- => Siphon c
-- -> (Siphon c -> Colonnade f a c -> Pipe a c Identity ())
-- -> Colonnade f a c
-- -> a
-- -> c
-- -> Assertion
-- runCustomTestScenario s p e a c =
-- ( mconcat $ Pipes.toList $
-- Pipes.yield a >-> p s e
-- ) @?= c
-- testEncodingA :: Assertion
-- testEncodingA = runTestScenario encodingA "4,c,false\n"
@ -225,24 +248,23 @@ thd3 :: (a,b,c) -> c
thd3 (a,b,c) = c
dbChar :: ByteString -> Either String Char
dbChar :: ByteString -> Maybe Char
dbChar b = case BC8.length b of
1 -> Right (BC8.head b)
0 -> Left "cannot decode Char from empty bytestring"
_ -> Left "cannot decode Char from multi-character bytestring"
1 -> Just (BC8.head b)
_ -> Nothing
dbInt :: ByteString -> Either String Int
dbInt :: ByteString -> Maybe Int
dbInt b = do
(a,bsRem) <- maybe (Left "could not parse int") Right (BC8.readInt b)
(a,bsRem) <- BC8.readInt b
if ByteString.null bsRem
then Right a
else Left "found extra characters after int"
then Just a
else Nothing
dbBool :: ByteString -> Either String Bool
dbBool :: ByteString -> Maybe Bool
dbBool b
| b == BC8.pack "true" = Right True
| b == BC8.pack "false" = Right False
| otherwise = Left "must be true or false"
| b == BC8.pack "true" = Just True
| b == BC8.pack "false" = Just False
| otherwise = Nothing
ebChar :: Char -> ByteString
ebChar = BC8.singleton