implement resetInitial

This commit is contained in:
Domen Kožar 2023-12-30 16:18:23 +00:00
parent 8355c06b83
commit c6daa340d0
2 changed files with 42 additions and 49 deletions

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@ -35,10 +35,8 @@ import Control.Monad.Catch (throwM)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
go :: IO ()
go = do
defaults <- Stamina.defaults
Stamina.retry defaults $ \retryStatus -> do
throwM $ userError "nope"
go = Stamina.retry Stamina.defaults $ \retryStatus -> do
throwM $ userError "nope"
## Example to catch specific exceptions
@ -49,10 +47,8 @@ handler :: (MonadIO m) => IOError -> m Stamina.RetryAction
handler _ = return Stamina.Retry
go2 :: IO ()
go2 = do
defaults <- Stamina.defaults
Stamina.retryFor defaults handler $ \retryStatus -> do
throwM $ userError "nope"
go2 = Stamina.retryFor Stamina.defaults handler $ \retryStatus -> do
throwM $ userError "nope"
## Development

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ module Stamina
import Control.Concurrent (newMVar, putMVar)
import Control.Concurrent (isEmptyMVar, newMVar, tryPutMVar)
import Control.Exception (Exception (..), SomeAsyncException (SomeAsyncException), SomeException, throwIO)
import Control.Monad (void)
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch, throwM, try)
@ -44,25 +44,23 @@ data RetryStatus = RetryStatus
lastException :: Maybe SomeException -- The last exception that was thrown.
defaults :: (MonadIO m) => m RetrySettings
defaults = do
resetMVar <- liftIO $ newMVar ()
return $
{ initialRetryStatus =
{ attempts = 0,
delay = 0,
totalDelay = 0,
resetInitial = void $ putMVar resetMVar (),
lastException = Nothing
maxAttempts = Just 10,
maxTime = Just $ secondsToNominalDiffTime 60,
backoffMaxRetryDelay = 5.0,
backoffJitter = 1.0,
backoffExpBase = 2.0
defaults :: RetrySettings
defaults =
{ initialRetryStatus =
{ attempts = 0,
delay = 0,
totalDelay = 0,
resetInitial = return (),
lastException = Nothing
maxAttempts = Just 10,
maxTime = Just $ secondsToNominalDiffTime 60,
backoffMaxRetryDelay = 5.0,
backoffJitter = 1.0,
backoffExpBase = 2.0
data RetryAction
= RaiseException -- Propagate the exception.
@ -88,7 +86,6 @@ retry settings = retryFor settings skipAsyncExceptions
Just (SomeAsyncException _) -> return RaiseException
Nothing -> return Retry
-- TODO: implement reset
-- Same as retry, but only retry the given exceptions.
retryFor ::
(Exception exc, MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) =>
@ -96,26 +93,34 @@ retryFor ::
(exc -> m RetryAction) ->
(RetryStatus -> m a) ->
m a
retryFor settings handler action =
go $ initialRetryStatus settings
retryFor settings handler action = initialize >>= go
initialize = do
resetMVar <- liftIO $ newMVar ()
let retryStatus = (initialRetryStatus settings) {resetInitial = void $ tryPutMVar resetMVar ()}
return (retryStatus, resetMVar)
-- go :: (MonadCatch m, MonadIO m) => RetryStatus -> m a
go retryStatus = do
go (retryStatus, currentResetMVar) = do
result <- try $ action retryStatus
case result of
Right out -> return out
Left exception -> do
(newRetryStatus, newResetMVar) <- do
isEmpty <- liftIO $ isEmptyMVar currentResetMVar
if isEmpty
then return (retryStatus, currentResetMVar)
else initialize
exceptionAction <- handler exception
case exceptionAction of
delay_ <- case exceptionAction of
RaiseException -> throwM exception
Retry -> do
delay_ <- liftIO $ increaseDelay retryStatus
maybeAttempt exception retryStatus delay_
RetryDelay delay_ -> do
maybeAttempt exception retryStatus delay_
RetryTime time -> do
delay_ <- liftIO $ diffUTCTime time <$> getCurrentTime
maybeAttempt exception retryStatus delay_
Retry -> liftIO $ increaseDelay newRetryStatus
RetryDelay delay_ -> return delay_
RetryTime time -> liftIO $ diffUTCTime time <$> getCurrentTime
let RetrySettings {maxTime, maxAttempts} = settings
if (isJust maxTime && Just (totalDelay retryStatus + delay_) > maxTime)
|| (isJust maxAttempts && Just (attempts retryStatus + 1) > maxAttempts)
then throwM exception
else go (updateRetryStatus retryStatus delay_ $ toException exception, newResetMVar)
updateRetryStatus :: RetryStatus -> NominalDiffTime -> SomeException -> RetryStatus
updateRetryStatus status delay_ exception =
@ -133,14 +138,6 @@ retryFor settings handler action =
jitter <- randomRIO (0, backoffJitter)
return $ min backoffMaxRetryDelay $ secondsToNominalDiffTime $ realToFrac $ backoffExpBase ** (fromIntegral attempts - 1) + jitter
-- maybeAttempt :: (Exception exc, MonadCatch m, MonadIO m) => exc -> RetryStatus -> DiffTime -> m a
maybeAttempt exception retryStatus delay_ = do
let RetrySettings {maxTime, maxAttempts} = settings
if (isJust maxTime && Just (totalDelay retryStatus + delay_) > maxTime)
|| (isJust maxAttempts && Just (attempts retryStatus + 1) > maxAttempts)
then throwM exception
else go $ updateRetryStatus retryStatus delay_ $ toException exception
-- | Escalate an Either to an exception by converting the Left value to an exception.
escalateWith :: (Exception exc) => (err -> exc) -> Either err a -> IO a
escalateWith f = either (throwIO . f) return