<i>WARNING! This is a research project and a lot of information here might become outdated and misleading without any explanation. Don't try it out just yet!</i>
Carp is a small programming language designed to work well for interactive and performance sensitive use cases like games, sound synthesis and visualizations.
The Carp language is very tightly integrated with it's compiler which itself is written in a dynamic version of Carp (which in turn is implemented in C). To work on a Carp program you run ```carp``` which starts the REPL. Everything you want to do to your program can be controlled from here.
For example, to compile a function named 'fib' you enter the following:
λ> (bake fib)
This results in the compiler analyzing the code form for 'fib' and compiling it to (hopefully very fast) binary code, immediately loading this back into the REPL so that it can be called from there. The resulting C-code, ast and type signature are bound to the three variables 'c', 'ast' and 's', respectively.
From the REPL you can also inspect your the state of variables, extend the compiler, script the build process of your project, or statically analyze code. All these operations should be really quick to execute and easy to remember so you can focus on developing your program.
* ```out-dir``` A string with the name of the folder where build artifacts should be put. Standard value is "".
* ```carp-dir``` The root folder of the Carp compiler, should be the same folder as this README.md file.
### Special Files
If a file called ```user.carp``` is placed in the folder ```~/.carp/```, that file will get loaded after the compiler has started.
If a file called ```project.carp``` is placed in the folder where you invoke the ```carp``` command this file will get loaded after the compiler has started (and after 'user.carp' has loaded).
All the array modification functions like 'map', 'filter', etc. use C-style mutation of the array and return the same data structure back afterwards, no allocation or deallocation needed!