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2018-08-06 18:19:39 +03:00
(defmodule Color
(hidden table)
(def table
[[@"black" @"30"]
[@"red" @"31"]
[@"green" @"32"]
[@"yellow" @"33"]
[@"blue" @"34"]
[@"magenta" @"35"]
[@"cyan" @"36"]
[@"white" @"37"]
[@"reset" @"0"]
[@"none" @"0"]
[@"bold" @"1"]
[@"italic" @"3"]
[@"underline" @"4"]
[@"blink-slow" @"5"]
[@"blink-rapid" @"6"]
[@"bg-black" @"40"]
[@"bg-red" @"41"]
[@"bg-green" @"42"]
[@"bg-yellow" @"43"]
[@"bg-blue" @"44"]
[@"bg-magenta" @"45"]
[@"bg-cyan" @"46"]
[@"bg-white" @"47"]])
(hidden len-table)
(def len-table (Array.length &table))
(doc color "Generates ANSI coloration.")
(defn color [cname]
(let [res ""]
(for [i 0 len-table]
(if (String.= cname (Array.nth (Array.nth &table i) 0))
(set! res (Array.nth (Array.nth &table i) 1))
(String.append "\x1b[" &(String.append res "m")))))
(doc colorize "Wraps a string in ANSI coloration and prints it.")
(defn colorize [cname s]
(String.append &(color cname) &(String.append s &(color "reset"))))
(defmodule IO
(doc color "Sets the output color using ANSI.")
(defn color [cname]
(print &(Color.color cname)))
(doc colorize "Wraps a string in ANSI coloration and prints it.")
(defn colorize [cname s]
(print &(Color.colorize cname s)))