
45 lines
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Raw Normal View History

(load "SDL.carp")
(load "SDL_ttf.carp")
2018-03-22 23:21:46 +03:00
(def font (the (Ptr TTF_Font) NULL))
2018-03-22 15:36:16 +03:00
(def text1 (the (Ptr SDL_Texture) NULL))
(defn shifting-bg-color []
2018-03-22 17:43:43 +03:00
(SDL.rgb (/ (SDL.get-ticks) 10) 240 220))
(defn draw [app rend state-ref]
2018-03-22 17:43:43 +03:00
(do ( rend &(shifting-bg-color))
(let [dims (SDL.dimensions text1)
point (SDL.point (- 200 (/ @(SDL_Rect.w &dims) 2)) (- 150 @(SDL_Rect.h &dims)))]
(SDL.draw-texture-at rend text1 &point))))
2018-03-22 23:21:46 +03:00
(defn change-text [rend]
(do (when (not (Pointer.eq NULL text1))
2018-03-23 09:28:51 +03:00
(SDL.destroy-texture text1))
(set! text1 (TTF.render-text-to-texture rend font &(str* "TICK: " (SDL.get-ticks))))))
2018-03-22 23:21:46 +03:00
(defn event-handler [app]
(let [event (SDL.Event.init)]
(while (SDL.Event.poll (address event))
(let [et (SDL.Event.type &event)]
(cond (= et SDL.Event.quit) (SDLApp.stop app)
(= et SDL.Event.key-down) (let [key (SDL.Event.keycode &event)]
(= key SDL.key-escape) (SDLApp.stop app)
(= key SDL.key-return) (change-text @(SDLApp.renderer app))
(defn main []
2018-03-22 15:36:16 +03:00
(let [app (SDLApp.create "Font Rendering with SDL_ttf" 400 300)
rend @(SDLApp.renderer &app)]
(if (TTF.ok? (TTF.init))
2018-03-22 23:21:46 +03:00
(do (set! font ( (cstr "resources/Hasklig.otf") 20))
(set! text1 (TTF.render-text-to-texture rend font "Carp!"))
( &app event-handler id draw 0))
(println* "Failed to initialize SDL_ttf: " &(str (TTF.get-error))))