Search paths for (load ...) command.

This commit is contained in:
Erik Svedäng 2017-11-17 18:54:30 +01:00
parent 13418bf900
commit 02cc5d4d51
3 changed files with 27 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ defaultProject = Project { projectTitle = "Untitled"
, projectCarpDir = "./"
, projectOutDir = "./out/"
, projectPrompt = if os == "darwin" then "" else "> "
, projectCarpSearchPaths = []
completeKeywords :: Monad m => String -> String -> m [Completion]

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@ -399,13 +399,29 @@ executeCommand ctx@(Context env typeEnv pathStrings proj lastInput) cmd =
return ctx
Load path ->
do contents <- readFile path
let files = projectFiles proj
files' = if path `elem` files
then files
else path : files
proj' = proj { projectFiles = files' }
executeString (ctx { contextProj = proj' }) contents path
do let carpDir = projectCarpDir proj
fullSearchPaths =
path :
("./" ++ path) : -- the path from the current directory
(map (++ "/" ++ path) (projectCarpSearchPaths proj)) ++ -- user defined search paths
[carpDir ++ "/core/" ++ path]
-- putStrLn ("Full search paths = " ++ show fullSearchPaths)
existingPaths <- filterM doesPathExist fullSearchPaths
case existingPaths of
[] ->
do putStrLnWithColor Red ("Invalid path " ++ path)
return ctx
firstPathFound : _ ->
do --putStrLn ("Will load '" ++ firstPathFound ++ "'")
performLoad firstPathFound
where performLoad thePath =
do contents <- readFile thePath
let files = projectFiles proj
files' = if thePath `elem` files
then files
else thePath : files
proj' = proj { projectFiles = files' }
executeString (ctx { contextProj = proj' }) contents thePath
Reload ->
do let paths = projectFiles proj

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@ -509,13 +509,14 @@ data Project = Project { projectTitle :: String
, projectCarpDir :: FilePath
, projectOutDir :: FilePath
, projectPrompt :: String
, projectCarpSearchPaths :: [FilePath]
projectFlags :: Project -> String
projectFlags proj = joinWithSpace (projectCFlags proj ++ projectLibFlags proj)
instance Show Project where
show (Project title incl cFlags libFlags srcFiles echoC carpDir outDir prompt) =
show (Project title incl cFlags libFlags srcFiles echoC carpDir outDir prompt searchPaths) =
unlines [ "Title: " ++ title
, "Includes:\n " ++ joinWith "\n " (map show incl)
, "Cflags:\n " ++ joinWith "\n " cFlags
@ -525,6 +526,7 @@ instance Show Project where
, "Output directory: " ++ outDir
, "CARP_DIR: " ++ carpDir
, "Prompt: " ++ prompt
, "Search paths for (load ...) command:\n " ++ joinWith "\n " searchPaths
-- | Represent the inclusion of a C header file, either like <string.h> or "string.h"