fix: ensure type variables kinds are consistent (#1055)

Previously, we didn't check that type variables had consistent kinds in
type definitions, which could lead to improper types. For example, one
could define:

    (deftype (Foo f a b) [x (f a) y f])

without issues even though this type is invalid since the variable `f`
is assigned two distinct kinds (nullary: * and unary: *->*).

This commit adds a check to ensure all of the instances of a type
variable in a type definition have the same kind. It also fixes an issue
whereby only higher-kinded types of one argument were allowed as type
members; now higher-kinded types of any arity are permitted (again
assuming variable kinds are consistent).

When a user writes a type that has variables with inconsistent kinds,
they will be hit with an error:

    (deftype (Foo (f a) b) [x (f a) y f])
    Invalid type definition for 'Foo':

    The type variable `f` is used inconsistently: (f a), f Type
    variables must be applied to the same number of arguments.

    (deftype (Foo (f a) b) [x (f a) y f]) at REPL:1:1.
This commit is contained in:
Scott Olsen 2020-12-07 04:09:39 -05:00 committed by GitHub
parent b1aaa83b6a
commit 036be4a4dd
No known key found for this signature in database
3 changed files with 152 additions and 71 deletions

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@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ data TypeError
| DefinitionsMustBeAtToplevel XObj
| UsingDeadReference XObj String
| UninhabitedConstructor Ty XObj Int Int
| InconsistentKinds String [XObj]
instance Show TypeError where
show (SymbolMissingType xobj env) =
@ -312,6 +313,8 @@ instance Show TypeError where
"The reference '" ++ pretty xobj ++ "' (depending on the variable '" ++ dependsOn ++ "') isn't alive at " ++ prettyInfoFromXObj xobj ++ "."
show (UninhabitedConstructor ty xobj got wanted) =
"Can't use a struct or sumtype constructor without arguments as a member type at " ++ prettyInfoFromXObj xobj ++ ". The type constructor " ++ show ty ++ " expects " ++ show wanted ++ " arguments but got " ++ show got
show (InconsistentKinds varName xobjs) =
" The type variable `" ++ varName ++ "` is used inconsistently: " ++ joinWithComma (map pretty (filter (doesTypeContainTyVarWithName varName . fromMaybe Universe . xobjToTy) xobjs)) ++ " Type variables must be applied to the same number of arguments."
machineReadableErrorStrings :: FilePathPrintLength -> TypeError -> [String]
machineReadableErrorStrings fppl err =
@ -428,6 +431,8 @@ machineReadableErrorStrings fppl err =
[machineReadableInfoFromXObj fppl xobj ++ " The reference '" ++ pretty xobj ++ "' isn't alive."]
(UninhabitedConstructor ty xobj got wanted) ->
[machineReadableInfoFromXObj fppl xobj ++ "Can't use a struct or sumtype constructor without arguments as a member type at " ++ prettyInfoFromXObj xobj ++ ". The type constructor " ++ show ty ++ " expects " ++ show wanted ++ " arguments but got " ++ show got]
(InconsistentKinds varName xobjs) ->
[machineReadableInfoFromXObj fppl (head xobjs) ++ " The type variable `" ++ varName ++ "` is used inconsistently: " ++ joinWithComma (map pretty (filter (doesTypeContainTyVarWithName varName . fromMaybe Universe . xobjToTy) xobjs)) ++ " Type variables must be applied to the same number of arguments."]
_ ->
[show err]

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ module Types
@ -72,6 +73,56 @@ tyToKind (PointerTy _) = Higher
tyToKind (RefTy _ _) = Higher -- Refs may also be treated as a data constructor
tyToKind _ = Base
-- | Check whether or not the kinds of type variables are consistent.
-- This function will return Left as soon as a variable is used inconsistently,
-- reporting which variable triggered the issue.
-- If all variables are used consistently, it will process the whole list and
-- return ().
-- Kind arity matters; that is, `(f a b)` is not consistent with
-- `(f b)`. So long as the kind of a variable is the same across its uses,
-- everything is OK, for example:
-- ((Foo f a b) [x (f a) y (f b)])
-- is valid, and so is
-- ((Foo f a b) [x f y a z b])
-- But a definition such as:
-- ((Foo f a b) [x (f a b) y (f a)])
-- is inconsistent (kind of `f` differs) and so is
-- ((Foo f a b) [x (f a) y b (b a)])
-- (kind of `b` is inconsistent.
areKindsConsistent :: [Ty] -> Either String ()
areKindsConsistent typeVars =
assignKinds typeVars Map.empty
assignKinds :: [Ty] -> Map.Map String Int -> Either String ()
assignKinds (struct@(StructTy (VarTy name) vars) : rest) arityMap =
case Map.lookup name arityMap of
Nothing -> assignKinds next (Map.insert name kind arityMap)
Just k ->
if k == kind
then assignKinds next arityMap
else (Left name)
next = (vars ++ rest)
kind = (length vars)
assignKinds (var@(VarTy v) : rest) arityMap =
case Map.lookup v arityMap of
Nothing -> assignKinds rest (Map.insert v kind arityMap)
Just k ->
if k == kind
then assignKinds rest arityMap
else (Left v)
kind = 0
assignKinds (FuncTy args ret _ : rest) arityMap =
assignKinds (args ++ ret : rest) arityMap
assignKinds ((PointerTy p) : rest) arityMap =
assignKinds (p : rest) arityMap
assignKinds ((RefTy r _) : rest) arityMap =
assignKinds (r : rest) arityMap
assignKinds (_ : rest) arityMap = assignKinds rest arityMap
assignKinds [] _ = pure ()
-- Exactly like '==' for Ty, but ignore lifetime parameter
typeEqIgnoreLifetimes :: Ty -> Ty -> Bool
typeEqIgnoreLifetimes (RefTy a _) (RefTy b _) = a == b
@ -83,10 +134,11 @@ typeEqIgnoreLifetimes (StructTy a tyVarsA) (StructTy b tyVarsB) =
&& all (== True) (zipWith typeEqIgnoreLifetimes tyVarsA tyVarsB)
typeEqIgnoreLifetimes a b = a == b
data SumTyCase = SumTyCase
{ caseName :: String,
caseMembers :: [(String, Ty)]
data SumTyCase
= SumTyCase
{ caseName :: String,
caseMembers :: [(String, Ty)]
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
fnOrLambda :: String

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@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
module Validate where
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (nubBy, (\\))
import Data.List ((\\), nubBy)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Lookup
import Managed
import Obj
import TypeError
import Types
import TypePredicates
import Util
{-# ANN validateMembers "HLint: ignore Eta reduce" #-}
@ -24,26 +27,36 @@ validateMemberCases typeEnv typeVariables rest = mapM_ visit rest
validateMembers :: TypeEnv -> [Ty] -> [XObj] -> Either TypeError ()
validateMembers typeEnv typeVariables membersXObjs =
checkUnevenMembers >> checkDuplicateMembers >> checkMembers
checkUnevenMembers >> checkDuplicateMembers >> checkKindConsistency >> checkMembers
pairs = pairwise membersXObjs
-- Are the number of members even?
checkUnevenMembers :: Either TypeError ()
checkUnevenMembers =
if length membersXObjs `mod` 2 == 0
then Right ()
else Left (UnevenMembers membersXObjs)
pairs = pairwise membersXObjs
fields = fst <$> pairs
uniqueFields = nubBy ((==) `on` xobjObj) fields
dups = fields \\ uniqueFields
-- Are any members duplicated?
checkDuplicateMembers :: Either TypeError ()
checkDuplicateMembers =
if length fields == length uniqueFields
then Right ()
else Left (DuplicatedMembers dups)
fields = fst <$> pairs
uniqueFields = nubBy ((==) `on` xobjObj) fields
dups = fields \\ uniqueFields
-- Do all type variables have consistent kinds?
checkKindConsistency :: Either TypeError ()
checkKindConsistency =
case areKindsConsistent varsOnly of
Left var -> Left (InconsistentKinds var membersXObjs)
_ -> pure ()
varsOnly = filter isTypeGeneric (map (fromJust . xobjToTy . snd) pairs)
checkMembers :: Either TypeError ()
checkMembers = mapM_ (okXObjForType typeEnv typeVariables . snd) pairs
-- validateOneCase :: XObj -> a
-- validateOneCase XObj {} =
-- error "Type members must be defined using array syntax: [member1 type1 member2 type2 ...]" -- | TODO: How to reach this case?
okXObjForType :: TypeEnv -> [Ty] -> XObj -> Either TypeError ()
okXObjForType typeEnv typeVariables xobj =
case xobjToTy xobj of
@ -53,66 +66,77 @@ okXObjForType typeEnv typeVariables xobj =
-- | Can this type be used as a member for a deftype?
canBeUsedAsMemberType :: TypeEnv -> [Ty] -> Ty -> XObj -> Either TypeError ()
canBeUsedAsMemberType typeEnv typeVariables ty xobj =
case ty of
UnitTy -> pure ()
IntTy -> pure ()
FloatTy -> pure ()
DoubleTy -> pure ()
ByteTy -> pure ()
LongTy -> pure ()
BoolTy -> pure ()
StringTy -> pure ()
PatternTy -> pure ()
CharTy -> pure ()
FuncTy {} -> pure ()
PointerTy UnitTy -> pure ()
PointerTy inner -> do
_ <- canBeUsedAsMemberType typeEnv typeVariables inner xobj
pure ()
StructTy (ConcreteNameTy "Array") [inner] -> do
_ <- canBeUsedAsMemberType typeEnv typeVariables inner xobj
pure ()
StructTy name [tyVars] ->
case name of
(ConcreteNameTy name') ->
-- ensure structs are filled with values
-- Prevents deftypes such as (deftype Player [pos Vector3])
_ <- canBeUsedAsMemberType typeEnv typeVariables tyVars xobj
case lookupBinder (SymPath [] name') (getTypeEnv typeEnv) of
Just _ -> pure ()
Nothing -> Left (NotAmongRegisteredTypes ty xobj)
-- e.g. (deftype (Higher (f a)) (Of [(f a)]))
(VarTy _) -> pure ()
s@(StructTy name tyvar) ->
if isExternalType typeEnv s
then pure ()
else case name of
(ConcreteNameTy n) ->
case lookupBinder (SymPath [] n) (getTypeEnv typeEnv) of
Just (Binder _ (XObj (Lst (XObj (Deftype t) _ _ : _)) _ _)) ->
checkInhabitants t
Just (Binder _ (XObj (Lst (XObj (DefSumtype t) _ _ : _)) _ _)) ->
checkInhabitants t
_ -> Left (InvalidMemberType ty xobj)
-- Make sure any struct types have arguments before they can be used as members.
checkInhabitants t =
case t of
(StructTy _ vars) ->
if length vars == length tyvar
then pure ()
else Left (UninhabitedConstructor ty xobj (length tyvar) (length vars))
_ -> Left (InvalidMemberType ty xobj)
_ -> Left (InvalidMemberType ty xobj)
VarTy _ ->
if foldr (||) False (map (isCaptured ty) typeVariables)
if isExternalType typeEnv ty
then pure ()
else case ty of
UnitTy -> pure ()
IntTy -> pure ()
FloatTy -> pure ()
DoubleTy -> pure ()
ByteTy -> pure ()
LongTy -> pure ()
BoolTy -> pure ()
StringTy -> pure ()
PatternTy -> pure ()
CharTy -> pure ()
FuncTy {} -> pure ()
PointerTy UnitTy -> pure ()
PointerTy inner ->
canBeUsedAsMemberType typeEnv typeVariables inner xobj
>> pure ()
-- Struct variables may appear as complete applications or individual
-- components in the head of a definition; that is the forms:
-- ((Foo (f a b)) [x (f a b)])
-- ((Foo f a b) [x f y a z b])
-- are both valid, but restrict their types differently. In the former,
-- `f` may only appear in complete applications over `a` and `b`, in
-- other words, `f` is closed over `a` and `b`. In the latter, f may
-- flexibly be used as a type variable of nullary kind, or as a type
-- variable of unary kind `(Foo f a b) [x (f a) y (f b)])` so long as
-- the kinds of each occasion of `f` are consistent.
-- Likewise, the types denoted by:
-- ((Foo (f a) b) ...)
-- and
-- ((Foo (f a) (f b)) ...)
-- differ.
-- Attempt the first, more restrictive formulation first.
struct@(StructTy name tyVars) ->
checkVar struct <> checkStruct name tyVars
v@(VarTy _) -> checkVar v
_ -> Left (InvalidMemberType ty xobj)
checkStruct :: Ty -> [Ty] -> Either TypeError ()
checkStruct (ConcreteNameTy "Array") [innerType] =
canBeUsedAsMemberType typeEnv typeVariables innerType xobj
>> pure ()
checkStruct (ConcreteNameTy n) vars =
case lookupBinder (SymPath [] n) (getTypeEnv typeEnv) of
Just (Binder _ (XObj (Lst (XObj (Deftype t) _ _ : _)) _ _)) ->
checkInhabitants t >> foldM (\_ typ -> canBeUsedAsMemberType typeEnv typeVariables typ xobj) () vars
Just (Binder _ (XObj (Lst (XObj (DefSumtype t) _ _ : _)) _ _)) ->
checkInhabitants t >> foldM (\_ typ -> canBeUsedAsMemberType typeEnv typeVariables typ xobj) () vars
_ -> Left (NotAmongRegisteredTypes ty xobj)
checkInhabitants :: Ty -> Either TypeError ()
checkInhabitants (StructTy _ vs) =
if (length vs == length vars)
then pure ()
else Left (UninhabitedConstructor ty xobj (length vs) (length vars))
checkInhabitants _ = Left (InvalidMemberType ty xobj)
checkStruct v@(VarTy _) vars =
canBeUsedAsMemberType typeEnv typeVariables v xobj
>> foldM (\_ typ -> canBeUsedAsMemberType typeEnv typeVariables typ xobj) () vars
checkVar :: Ty -> Either TypeError ()
checkVar variable =
if foldr (||) False (map (isCaptured variable) typeVariables)
then pure ()
else Left (InvalidMemberType ty xobj)
-- If a variable `a` appears in a higher-order polymorphic form, such as `(f a)`
-- `a` may be used as a member, sans `f`.
-- `a` may be used as a member, sans `f`, but `f` may not appear
-- without `a`.
isCaptured :: Ty -> Ty -> Bool
isCaptured t v@(VarTy _) = t == v
isCaptured sa@(StructTy (VarTy _) _) sb@(StructTy (VarTy _) _) = sa == sb
isCaptured t (StructTy (VarTy _) vars) = any (== t) vars
_ -> Left (InvalidMemberType ty xobj)