Extracted scoring of binders to its own module.

This commit is contained in:
Erik Svedäng 2018-02-01 17:41:29 +01:00
parent 2fa061cf15
commit 07aec68e25
4 changed files with 72 additions and 66 deletions

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@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ library
build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5
, parsec == 3.1.*

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@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import Obj
import Types
import Util
import Template
import Scoring
addIndent :: Int -> String
addIndent n = replicate n ' '

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@ -236,71 +236,6 @@ showBinderIndented indent (name, Binder xobj) =
replicate indent ' ' ++ name ++ " (" ++ show (getPath xobj) ++ ")" ++
" : " ++ showMaybeTy (ty xobj) ++ " " ++ getBinderDescription xobj
-- | The score is used for sorting the bindings before emitting them.
-- | A lower score means appearing earlier in the emitted file.
scoreBinder :: TypeEnv -> Binder -> (Int, Binder)
scoreBinder typeEnv b@(Binder (XObj (Lst (XObj x _ _ : XObj (Sym _ _) _ _ : _)) _ _)) =
case x of
Defalias aliasedType ->
let selfName = ""
in (depthOfType typeEnv selfName aliasedType, b)
Typ (StructTy structName varTys) ->
case lookupInEnv (SymPath [] structName) (getTypeEnv typeEnv) of
Just (_, Binder typedef) -> let depth = ((depthOfDeftype typeEnv typedef varTys), b)
in --trace ("depth of " ++ structName ++ ": " ++ show depth)
Nothing -> error ("Can't find user defined type '" ++ structName ++ "' in type env.")
_ ->
(500, b)
scoreBinder _ b@(Binder (XObj (Mod _) _ _)) =
(1000, b)
scoreBinder _ x = error ("Can't score: " ++ show x)
depthOfDeftype :: TypeEnv -> XObj -> [Ty] -> Int
depthOfDeftype typeEnv (XObj (Lst (_ : XObj (Sym (SymPath _ selfName) _) _ _ : rest)) _ _) varTys =
case concatMap expandCase rest of
[] -> 100
xs -> (maximum xs) + 1
expandCase :: XObj -> [Int]
expandCase (XObj (Arr arr) _ _) =
let members = memberXObjsToPairs arr
depthsFromMembers = map (depthOfType typeEnv selfName . snd) members
depthsFromVarTys = map (depthOfType typeEnv selfName) varTys
in depthsFromMembers ++ depthsFromVarTys
expandCase _ = error "Malformed case in typedef."
depthOfDeftype _ xobj _ =
error ("Can't get dependency depth from " ++ show xobj)
depthOfType :: TypeEnv -> String -> Ty -> Int
depthOfType typeEnv selfName = visitType
visitType :: Ty -> Int
visitType t@(StructTy name varTys) = depthOfStructType (tyToC t) varTys
visitType (FuncTy argTys retTy) =
-- trace ("Depth of args of " ++ show argTys ++ ": " ++ show (map (visitType . Just) argTys))
maximum (visitType retTy : map visitType argTys) + 1
visitType (PointerTy p) = visitType p
visitType (RefTy r) = visitType r
visitType _ = 100
depthOfStructType :: String -> [Ty] -> Int
depthOfStructType name varTys =
case name of
"Array" -> depthOfVarTys
_ | name == selfName -> 30
| otherwise ->
case lookupInEnv (SymPath [] name) (getTypeEnv typeEnv) of
Just (_, Binder typedef) -> (depthOfDeftype typeEnv typedef varTys) + 1
Nothing -> --trace ("Unknown type: " ++ name) $
depthOfVarTys -- The problem here is that generic types don't generate
-- their definition in time so we get nothing for those.
-- Instead, let's try the type vars.
where depthOfVarTys =
case map (depthOfType typeEnv name) varTys of
[] -> 50
xs -> (maximum xs) + 1
-- | Get a list of pairs from a deftype declaration.
memberXObjsToPairs :: [XObj] -> [(String, Ty)]
memberXObjsToPairs xobjs = map (\(n, t) -> (mangle (getName n), fromJust (xobjToTy t))) (pairwise xobjs)

src/Scoring.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
module Scoring (scoreBinder) where
import Types
import Obj
-- | The score is used for sorting the bindings before emitting them.
-- | A lower score means appearing earlier in the emitted file.
scoreBinder :: TypeEnv -> Binder -> (Int, Binder)
scoreBinder typeEnv b@(Binder (XObj (Lst (XObj x _ _ : XObj (Sym _ _) _ _ : _)) _ _)) =
case x of
Defalias aliasedType ->
let selfName = ""
in (depthOfType typeEnv selfName aliasedType, b)
Typ (StructTy structName varTys) ->
case lookupInEnv (SymPath [] structName) (getTypeEnv typeEnv) of
Just (_, Binder typedef) -> let depth = ((depthOfDeftype typeEnv typedef varTys), b)
in --trace ("depth of " ++ structName ++ ": " ++ show depth)
Nothing -> error ("Can't find user defined type '" ++ structName ++ "' in type env.")
_ ->
(500, b)
scoreBinder _ b@(Binder (XObj (Mod _) _ _)) =
(1000, b)
scoreBinder _ x = error ("Can't score: " ++ show x)
depthOfDeftype :: TypeEnv -> XObj -> [Ty] -> Int
depthOfDeftype typeEnv (XObj (Lst (_ : XObj (Sym (SymPath _ selfName) _) _ _ : rest)) _ _) varTys =
case concatMap expandCase rest of
[] -> 100
xs -> (maximum xs) + 1
expandCase :: XObj -> [Int]
expandCase (XObj (Arr arr) _ _) =
let members = memberXObjsToPairs arr
depthsFromMembers = map (depthOfType typeEnv selfName . snd) members
depthsFromVarTys = map (depthOfType typeEnv selfName) varTys
in depthsFromMembers ++ depthsFromVarTys
expandCase _ = error "Malformed case in typedef."
depthOfDeftype _ xobj _ =
error ("Can't get dependency depth from " ++ show xobj)
depthOfType :: TypeEnv -> String -> Ty -> Int
depthOfType typeEnv selfName = visitType
visitType :: Ty -> Int
visitType t@(StructTy name varTys) = depthOfStructType (tyToC t) varTys
visitType (FuncTy argTys retTy) =
-- trace ("Depth of args of " ++ show argTys ++ ": " ++ show (map (visitType . Just) argTys))
maximum (visitType retTy : map visitType argTys) + 1
visitType (PointerTy p) = visitType p
visitType (RefTy r) = visitType r
visitType _ = 100
depthOfStructType :: String -> [Ty] -> Int
depthOfStructType name varTys =
case name of
"Array" -> depthOfVarTys
_ | name == selfName -> 30
| otherwise ->
case lookupInEnv (SymPath [] name) (getTypeEnv typeEnv) of
Just (_, Binder typedef) -> (depthOfDeftype typeEnv typedef varTys) + 1
Nothing -> --trace ("Unknown type: " ++ name) $
depthOfVarTys -- The problem here is that generic types don't generate
-- their definition in time so we get nothing for those.
-- Instead, let's try the type vars.
where depthOfVarTys =
case map (depthOfType typeEnv name) varTys of
[] -> 50
xs -> (maximum xs) + 1