refactor: improve readability of interface functions (#1053)

* refactor: improve readability of interface functions

Also refactors the `define` function for readability.

The old definitions of these functions were quite unwieldy and difficult
to read. This refactor attempts to make the monadic contexts we're
juggling (often 3, Maybe, IO, Either) easier to spot.

* refactor: Add context env updaters; refactor prims

This commit contains a few more cleanups of the interface and define
functions in Primitives. It also defines a new context module for
holding functions that update context environments.
This commit is contained in:
Scott Olsen 2020-12-05 15:00:28 -05:00 committed by GitHub
parent 1863c82559
commit 09fdd80f94
No known key found for this signature in database
5 changed files with 190 additions and 148 deletions

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@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ library

src/Context.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
module Context
( insertInGlobalEnv,
import Lookup
import Obj
import SymPath
insertInGlobalEnv :: Context -> SymPath -> Binder -> Context
insertInGlobalEnv ctx path binder =
let globalEnv = contextGlobalEnv ctx
in ctx {contextGlobalEnv = envInsertAt globalEnv path binder}
insertInTypeEnv :: Context -> SymPath -> Binder -> Context
insertInTypeEnv ctx path binder =
let typeEnv = getTypeEnv (contextTypeEnv ctx)
in ctx {contextTypeEnv = TypeEnv (envInsertAt typeEnv path binder)}

View File

@ -11,8 +11,7 @@ where
import ColorText
import Constraints
import Data.Either (isRight)
import Data.List (foldl')
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Lookup
import Obj
import Types
@ -48,58 +47,53 @@ instance Show InterfaceError where
-- TODO: This is currently called once outside of this module--try to remove that call and make this internal.
-- Checks whether a given form's type matches an interface, and if so, registers the form with the interface.
registerInInterfaceIfNeeded :: Context -> SymPath -> SymPath -> Ty -> Either String Context
registerInInterfaceIfNeeded ctx path@(SymPath _ _) interface@(SymPath [] name) definitionSignature =
maybe (pure ctx) (typeCheck . snd) (lookupInEnv interface typeEnv)
registerInInterfaceIfNeeded :: Context -> Binder -> Binder -> Ty -> Either String Context
registerInInterfaceIfNeeded ctx implementation interface definitionSignature =
case interface of
Binder _ (XObj (Lst [inter@(XObj (Interface interfaceSignature paths) ii it), isym]) i t) ->
if checkKinds interfaceSignature definitionSignature
then case solve [Constraint interfaceSignature definitionSignature inter inter inter OrdInterfaceImpl] of
Left _ -> Left (show $ TypeMismatch implPath definitionSignature interfaceSignature)
Right _ -> Right (ctx {contextTypeEnv = TypeEnv (extendEnv typeEnv name updatedInterface)})
else Left (show $ KindMismatch implPath definitionSignature interfaceSignature)
updatedInterface = XObj (Lst [XObj (Interface interfaceSignature (addIfNotPresent implPath paths)) ii it, isym]) i t
_ ->
Left (show $ NonInterface (getBinderPath interface))
implPath = (getBinderPath implementation)
typeEnv = getTypeEnv (contextTypeEnv ctx)
typeCheck binder = case binder of
Binder _ (XObj (Lst [inter@(XObj (Interface interfaceSignature paths) ii it), isym]) i t) ->
if checkKinds interfaceSignature definitionSignature
then -- N.B. the xobjs aren't important here--we only care about types,
-- thus we pass inter to all three xobj positions.
(SymPath _ name) = getBinderPath interface
if isRight $ solve [Constraint interfaceSignature definitionSignature inter inter inter OrdInterfaceImpl]
let updatedInterface = XObj (Lst [XObj (Interface interfaceSignature (addIfNotPresent path paths)) ii it, isym]) i t
in Right $ ctx {contextTypeEnv = TypeEnv (extendEnv typeEnv name updatedInterface)}
else Left (show $ TypeMismatch path definitionSignature interfaceSignature)
else Left (show $ KindMismatch path definitionSignature interfaceSignature)
_ ->
Left (show $ NonInterface interface)
-- | Given an XObj and an interface path, ensure that the form is
-- | Given a binder and an interface path, ensure that the form is
-- registered with the interface.
registerInInterface :: Context -> XObj -> SymPath -> Either String Context
registerInInterface ctx xobj interface =
case xobj of
XObj (Lst [XObj (Defn _) _ _, XObj (Sym path _) _ _, _, _]) _ (Just t) ->
registerInInterface :: Context -> Binder -> Binder -> Either String Context
registerInInterface ctx implementation interface =
case (binderXObj implementation) of
XObj (Lst [XObj (Defn _) _ _, _, _, _]) _ (Just t) ->
-- This is a function, does it belong to an interface?
registerInInterfaceIfNeeded ctx path interface t
XObj (Lst [XObj (Deftemplate _) _ _, XObj (Sym path _) _ _]) _ (Just t) ->
registerInInterfaceIfNeeded ctx implementation interface t
XObj (Lst [XObj (Deftemplate _) _ _, _]) _ (Just t) ->
-- Templates should also be registered.
registerInInterfaceIfNeeded ctx path interface t
XObj (Lst [XObj Def _ _, XObj (Sym path _) _ _, _]) _ (Just t) ->
registerInInterfaceIfNeeded ctx implementation interface t
XObj (Lst [XObj Def _ _, _, _]) _ (Just t) ->
-- Global variables can also be part of an interface
registerInInterfaceIfNeeded ctx path interface t
registerInInterfaceIfNeeded ctx implementation interface t
-- So can externals!
XObj (Lst [XObj (External _) _ _, XObj (Sym path _) _ _, _]) _ (Just t) ->
registerInInterfaceIfNeeded ctx path interface t
XObj (Lst [XObj (External _) _ _, _, _]) _ (Just t) ->
registerInInterfaceIfNeeded ctx implementation interface t
-- And instantiated/auto-derived type functions! (e.g. Pair.a)
XObj (Lst [XObj (Instantiate _) _ _, XObj (Sym path _) _ _]) _ (Just t) ->
registerInInterfaceIfNeeded ctx path interface t
XObj (Lst [XObj (Instantiate _) _ _, _]) _ (Just t) ->
registerInInterfaceIfNeeded ctx implementation interface t
_ -> pure ctx
-- | For forms that were declared as implementations of interfaces that didn't exist,
-- retroactively register those forms with the interface once its defined.
retroactivelyRegisterInInterface :: Context -> SymPath -> Context
retroactivelyRegisterInInterface ctx interface@(SymPath _ _) =
retroactivelyRegisterInInterface :: Context -> Binder -> Context
retroactivelyRegisterInInterface ctx interface =
-- TODO: Don't use error here?
either (\e -> error e) id resultCtx
env = contextGlobalEnv ctx
impls = recursiveLookupAll interface lookupImplementations env
resultCtx = foldl' folder (Right ctx) impls
folder ctx' binder = either Left register' ctx'
register' ok = registerInInterface ok (binderXObj binder) interface
impls = recursiveLookupAll (getPath (binderXObj interface)) lookupImplementations env
resultCtx = foldM (\context binder -> registerInInterface context binder interface) ctx impls

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@ -176,6 +176,12 @@ isExternalFunction :: XObj -> Bool
isExternalFunction (XObj (Lst (XObj (External _) _ _ : _)) _ _) = True
isExternalFunction _ = False
isTypeDef :: XObj -> Bool
isTypeDef (XObj (Lst (XObj (Defalias _) _ _ : _)) _ _) = True
isTypeDef (XObj (Lst (XObj (Deftype _) _ _ : _)) _ _) = True
isTypeDef (XObj (Lst (XObj (DefSumtype _) _ _ : _)) _ _) = True
isTypeDef _ = False
-- | This instance is needed for the dynamic Dictionary
instance Ord Obj where
compare (Str a) (Str b) = compare a b
@ -299,6 +305,9 @@ getPath (XObj (Lst (XObj (Primitive _) _ _ : XObj (Sym path _) _ _ : _)) _ _) =
getPath (XObj (Sym path _) _ _) = path
getPath x = SymPath [] (pretty x)
getBinderPath :: Binder -> SymPath
getBinderPath = getPath . binderXObj
-- | Changes the second form (where the name of definitions are stored) in a list of XObj:s.
setPath :: XObj -> SymPath -> XObj
setPath (XObj (Lst (defn@(XObj (Defn _) _ _) : XObj (Sym _ _) si st : rest)) i t) newPath =

View File

@ -2,12 +2,13 @@ module Primitives where
import ColorText
import Commands
import Context
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (foldM, unless, when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import Data.Either (rights)
import Data.List (union)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromJust, fromMaybe)
import Deftype
import Emit
import Infer
@ -151,65 +152,64 @@ primitiveColumn x@(XObj _ i t) ctx args =
go = maybe err (\info -> (ctx, Right (XObj (Num IntTy (fromIntegral (infoColumn info))) i t)))
primitiveImplements :: Primitive
primitiveImplements xobj ctx [x@(XObj (Sym interface@(SymPath _ _) _) _ _), inner@(XObj (Sym impl@(SymPath prefixes name) _) info _)] =
let global = contextGlobalEnv ctx
def = lookupInEnv impl global
in maybe notFound' found def
primitiveImplements _ ctx [x@(XObj (Sym interface@(SymPath _ _) _) _ _), (XObj (Sym (SymPath prefixes name) _) info _)] =
(maybeInterface, maybeImpl) <- pure ((lookupInEnv interface tyEnv), (lookupInEnv (SymPath modules name) global))
case (maybeInterface, maybeImpl) of
(_, Nothing) ->
if null modules
then pure (evalError ctx "Can't set the `implements` meta on a global definition before it is declared." info)
else updateMeta (Meta.stub (SymPath modules name)) ctx
(Nothing, Just (_, implBinder)) ->
(warn >> updateMeta implBinder ctx)
(Just (_, interfaceBinder), Just (_, implBinder)) ->
(addToInterface interfaceBinder implBinder)
global = contextGlobalEnv ctx
tyEnv = getTypeEnv . contextTypeEnv $ ctx
(SymPath modules _) = consPath (union (contextPath ctx) prefixes) (SymPath [] name)
checkInterface =
let warn = do
( "The interface " ++ show interface ++ " implemented by " ++ show impl
++ " at "
++ prettyInfoFromXObj xobj
++ " is not defined."
++ " Did you define it using `definterface`?"
tyEnv = getTypeEnv . contextTypeEnv $ ctx
in maybe warn (\_ -> pure ()) (lookupInEnv interface tyEnv)
-- If the implementation binding doesn't exist yet, set the implements
-- meta. This enables specifying a function as an implementation before
-- defining it.
-- This is only allowed for qualified bindings. Allowing forward declarations on global bindings would cause a loop in
-- primitiveMetaSet's lookup which is generic.
notFound' =
if null modules
then pure $ evalError ctx "Can't set the `implements` meta on a global definition before it is declared." info
( checkInterface
>> primitiveMetaSet xobj ctx [inner, XObj (Str "implements") (Just dummyInfo) (Just StringTy), XObj (Lst [x]) (Just dummyInfo) (Just DynamicTy)]
found (_, Binder meta defobj) =
>> either registerError updateImpls (registerInInterface ctx defobj interface)
warn =
( "The interface "
++ show (getPath x)
++ " is not defined."
++ " Did you define it using `definterface`?"
addToInterface :: Binder -> Binder -> IO (Context, Either EvalError XObj)
addToInterface inter impl =
(addToInterfaceError (contextExecMode ctx))
(updateMeta impl)
(registerInInterface ctx impl inter)
addToInterfaceError :: ExecutionMode -> String -> IO (Context, Either EvalError XObj)
addToInterfaceError Check e =
putStrLn (machineReadableInfoFromXObj fppl x ++ " " ++ e)
>> pure (evalError ctx e (xobjInfo x))
registerError e = do
case contextExecMode ctx of
Check ->
let fppl = projectFilePathPrintLength (contextProj ctx)
in putStrLn (machineReadableInfoFromXObj fppl defobj ++ " " ++ e)
_ -> putStrLnWithColor Red e
pure $ evalError ctx e (xobjInfo x)
updateImpls ctx' = do
currentImplementations <- primitiveMeta xobj ctx [inner, XObj (Str "implements") (Just dummyInfo) (Just StringTy)]
pure $ either metaError existingImpls (snd currentImplementations)
metaError e = (ctx, Left e)
existingImpls is = case is of
old@(XObj (Lst impls) inf ty) ->
let newImpls =
if x `elem` impls
then old
else XObj (Lst (x : impls)) inf ty
newMeta = Meta.set "implements" newImpls meta
in (ctx' {contextGlobalEnv = envInsertAt global (getPath defobj) (Binder newMeta defobj)}, dynamicNil)
_ ->
let impls = XObj (Lst [x]) (Just dummyInfo) (Just DynamicTy)
newMeta = Meta.set "implements" impls meta
in (ctx' {contextGlobalEnv = envInsertAt global (getPath defobj) (Binder newMeta defobj)}, dynamicNil)
global = contextGlobalEnv ctx
fppl = projectFilePathPrintLength (contextProj ctx)
addToInterfaceError _ e =
putStrLnWithColor Red e
>> pure (evalError ctx e (xobjInfo x))
updateMeta :: Binder -> Context -> IO (Context, Either EvalError XObj)
updateMeta binder context =
pure (fromJust update, dynamicNil)
update =
( ( Meta.getBinderMetaValue "implements" binder
>>= pure . updateImplementations binder
<|> Just (updateImplementations binder (XObj (Lst []) (Just dummyInfo) (Just DynamicTy)))
>>= \newBinder -> pure (context {contextGlobalEnv = envInsertAt global (getBinderPath binder) newBinder})
updateImplementations :: Binder -> XObj -> Binder
updateImplementations implBinder (XObj (Lst impls) inf ty) =
if x `elem` impls
then binder
else Meta.updateBinderMeta implBinder "implements" (XObj (Lst (x : impls)) inf ty)
updateImplementations implBinder _ =
Meta.updateBinderMeta implBinder "implements" (XObj (Lst [x]) (Just dummyInfo) (Just DynamicTy))
primitiveImplements _ ctx [x, _] =
pure $ evalError ctx ("`implements` expects symbol arguments.") (xobjInfo x)
primitiveImplements x@(XObj _ _ _) ctx args =
@ -221,53 +221,67 @@ primitiveImplements x@(XObj _ _ _) ctx args =
define :: Bool -> Context -> XObj -> IO Context
define hidden ctx@(Context globalEnv _ typeEnv _ proj _ _ _) annXObj =
let previousType =
case lookupInEnv (getPath annXObj) globalEnv of
Just (_, Binder _ found) -> xobjTy found
Nothing -> Nothing
previousMeta = existingMeta globalEnv annXObj
adjustedMeta =
if hidden
then Meta.set "hidden" trueXObj previousMeta
else previousMeta
in case annXObj of
XObj (Lst (XObj (Defalias _) _ _ : _)) _ _ ->
pure (ctx {contextTypeEnv = TypeEnv (envInsertAt (getTypeEnv typeEnv) (getPath annXObj) (Binder adjustedMeta annXObj))})
XObj (Lst (XObj (Deftype _) _ _ : _)) _ _ ->
pure (ctx {contextTypeEnv = TypeEnv (envInsertAt (getTypeEnv typeEnv) (getPath annXObj) (Binder adjustedMeta annXObj))})
XObj (Lst (XObj (DefSumtype _) _ _ : _)) _ _ ->
pure (ctx {contextTypeEnv = TypeEnv (envInsertAt (getTypeEnv typeEnv) (getPath annXObj) (Binder adjustedMeta annXObj))})
_ ->
when (projectEchoC proj) $
putStrLn (toC All (Binder emptyMeta annXObj))
case previousType of
Just previousTypeUnwrapped ->
unless (areUnifiable (forceTy annXObj) previousTypeUnwrapped) $
( "Definition at " ++ prettyInfoFromXObj annXObj ++ " changed type of '" ++ show (getPath annXObj)
++ "' from "
++ show previousTypeUnwrapped
++ " to "
++ show (forceTy annXObj)
Nothing -> pure ()
case Meta.get "implements" previousMeta of
Just (XObj (Lst interfaces) _ _) ->
let result = foldM (\ctx' (xobj, interface) -> registerInInterface ctx' xobj interface) ctx (zip (cycle [annXObj]) (map getPath interfaces))
case result of
Left err ->
case contextExecMode ctx of
Check ->
let fppl = projectFilePathPrintLength (contextProj ctx)
in putStrLn (machineReadableInfoFromXObj fppl annXObj ++ " " ++ err)
_ -> putStrLnWithColor Red err
pure ctx
Right ctx' -> pure (ctx' {contextGlobalEnv = envInsertAt globalEnv (getPath annXObj) (Binder adjustedMeta annXObj)})
_ -> pure (ctx {contextGlobalEnv = envInsertAt globalEnv (getPath annXObj) (Binder adjustedMeta annXObj)})
pure (hideIt freshBinder)
>>= \newBinder ->
if isTypeDef annXObj
then defineInTypeEnv newBinder
else defineInGlobalEnv newBinder
freshBinder = (Binder emptyMeta annXObj)
defineInTypeEnv :: Binder -> IO Context
defineInTypeEnv binder = pure (insertInTypeEnv ctx (getPath annXObj) binder)
defineInGlobalEnv :: Binder -> IO Context
defineInGlobalEnv fallbackBinder =
maybeExistingBinder <- pure (lookupInEnv (getPath annXObj) globalEnv)
when (projectEchoC proj) (putStrLn (toC All (Binder emptyMeta annXObj)))
case maybeExistingBinder of
Nothing -> pure (insertInGlobalEnv ctx (getPath annXObj) fallbackBinder)
Just (_, binder) -> redefineExistingBinder binder
redefineExistingBinder :: Binder -> IO Context
redefineExistingBinder old@(Binder meta _) =
updatedBinder <- pure (hideIt (Binder meta annXObj))
warnTypeChange old
updatedContext <- implementInterfaces updatedBinder
pure (insertInGlobalEnv updatedContext (getPath annXObj) updatedBinder)
hideIt :: Binder -> Binder
hideIt binder =
if hidden
then Meta.updateBinderMeta binder "hidden" trueXObj
else binder
warnTypeChange :: Binder -> IO ()
warnTypeChange binder =
unless (areUnifiable (forceTy annXObj) previousType) warn
previousType = forceTy (binderXObj binder)
warn =
( "Definition at " ++ prettyInfoFromXObj annXObj ++ " changed type of '" ++ show (getPath annXObj)
++ "' from "
++ show previousType
++ " to "
++ show (forceTy annXObj)
implementInterfaces :: Binder -> IO Context
implementInterfaces binder =
( Meta.getBinderMetaValue "implements" binder
>>= \(XObj (Lst interfaces) _ _) -> pure (map getPath interfaces)
>>= \maybeinterfaces ->
pure (map snd (catMaybes (map ((flip lookupInEnv) (getTypeEnv typeEnv)) (fromMaybe [] maybeinterfaces))))
>>= \interfaceBinders ->
pure (foldM (\ctx' interface -> registerInInterface ctx' binder interface) ctx interfaceBinders)
>>= \result -> case result of
Left e -> ((printError (contextExecMode ctx) e) >> pure ctx)
Right newCtx -> (pure newCtx)
printError :: ExecutionMode -> String -> IO ()
printError Check e =
let fppl = projectFilePathPrintLength (contextProj ctx)
in putStrLn (machineReadableInfoFromXObj fppl annXObj ++ " " ++ e)
printError _ e = putStrLnWithColor Red e
primitiveRegisterType :: Primitive
primitiveRegisterType _ ctx [XObj (Sym (SymPath [] t) _) _ _] =
@ -535,7 +549,7 @@ primitiveDefinterface xobj ctx [nameXObj@(XObj (Sym path@(SymPath [] name) _) _
defInterface =
let interface = defineInterface name t [] (xobjInfo nameXObj)
typeEnv' = TypeEnv (envInsertAt typeEnv (SymPath [] name) (Binder emptyMeta interface))
newCtx = retroactivelyRegisterInInterface (ctx {contextTypeEnv = typeEnv'}) path
newCtx = retroactivelyRegisterInInterface (ctx {contextTypeEnv = typeEnv'}) (Binder emptyMeta interface)
in (newCtx, dynamicNil)
updateInterface binder = case binder of
Binder _ (XObj (Lst (XObj (Interface foundType _) _ _ : _)) _ _) ->
@ -712,13 +726,18 @@ primitiveDeftype xobj ctx (name : rest) =
in do
ctxWithDeps <- liftIO (foldM (define True) ctx' deps)
let ctxWithInterfaceRegistrations =
let fakeImplBinder sympath t = (Binder emptyMeta (XObj (Sym sympath Symbol) (Just dummyInfo) (Just t)))
strSig = FuncTy [RefTy structTy (VarTy "q")] StringTy StaticLifetimeTy
copySig = FuncTy [RefTy structTy (VarTy "q")] structTy StaticLifetimeTy
Just (_, strInterface) = lookupInEnv (SymPath [] "str") (getTypeEnv typeEnv)
Just (_, copyInterface) = lookupInEnv (SymPath [] "copy") (getTypeEnv typeEnv)
ctxWithInterfaceRegistrations =
-- Since these functions are autogenerated, we treat them as a special case and automatically implement the interfaces.
(\context (path, sig, interface) -> registerInInterfaceIfNeeded context path interface sig)
[ (SymPath (pathStrings ++ [typeModuleName]) "str", FuncTy [RefTy structTy (VarTy "q")] StringTy StaticLifetimeTy, (SymPath [] "str")),
(SymPath (pathStrings ++ [typeModuleName]) "copy", FuncTy [RefTy structTy (VarTy "q")] structTy StaticLifetimeTy, (SymPath [] "copy"))
[ ((fakeImplBinder (SymPath (pathStrings ++ [typeModuleName]) "str") strSig), strSig, strInterface),
((fakeImplBinder (SymPath (pathStrings ++ [typeModuleName]) "copy") copySig), copySig, copyInterface)
case ctxWithInterfaceRegistrations of
Left err -> do