chore: Re-format Haskell code (#1219)

* chore: Re-format Haskell code

* fix: Re-add comment
This commit is contained in:
Erik Svedäng 2021-05-25 08:08:30 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 085089e293
commit 0bb32ab0e6
No known key found for this signature in database
5 changed files with 56 additions and 48 deletions

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@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Debug.Trace
import Env (envIsExternal, findPoly, getTypeBinder, getValue, insert, insertX, lookupEverywhere, searchValue)
import Info
import InitialTypes
import Managed
import qualified Map
import Obj
@ -27,7 +28,6 @@ import TypesToC
import Util
import Validate
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import InitialTypes
data Level = Toplevel | Inside
@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ concretizeXObj allowAmbiguityRoot typeEnv rootEnv visitedDefinitions root =
envWithArgs =
( \e arg@(XObj (Sym path _) _ _) ->
-- n.b. this won't fail since we're inserting unqualified args into a fresh env
-- TODO: Still, it'd be nicer and more flexible to catch failures here.
-- n.b. this won't fail since we're inserting unqualified args into a fresh env
-- TODO: Still, it'd be nicer and more flexible to catch failures here.
let Right v = insertX e path arg in v
@ -490,12 +490,12 @@ renameGenericTypeSymbolsOnSum varpairs x@(XObj (Lst (caseNm : caseMembers)) i t)
mapp = Map.fromList varpairs
replacer mem@(XObj (Sym (SymPath [] name) _) _ _) =
let Just perhapsTyVar = xobjToTy mem
in if isFullyGenericType perhapsTyVar
then case Map.lookup (VarTy name) mapp of
Just new -> reify new
_ -> mem
else mem
let Just perhapsTyVar = xobjToTy mem
in if isFullyGenericType perhapsTyVar
then case Map.lookup (VarTy name) mapp of
Just new -> reify new
_ -> mem
else mem
replacer y = y
renameGenericTypeSymbolsOnSum _ x = x
@ -503,11 +503,12 @@ renameGenericTypeSymbolsOnSum _ x = x
renameGenericTypeSymbolsOnProduct :: [Ty] -> [XObj] -> [XObj]
renameGenericTypeSymbolsOnProduct vars members =
concatMap (\(var, (v, t)) -> [v, rename var t]) (zip vars (pairwise members))
where rename var mem =
let Just perhapsTyVar = xobjToTy mem
in if isFullyGenericType perhapsTyVar
then reify var
else mem
rename var mem =
let Just perhapsTyVar = xobjToTy mem
in if isFullyGenericType perhapsTyVar
then reify var
else mem
-- | Given an generic struct type and a concrete version of it, generate all dependencies needed to use the concrete one.
-- TODO: Handle polymorphic constructors (a b).
@ -525,9 +526,9 @@ instantiateGenericStructType typeEnv originalStructTy@(StructTy _ _) genericStru
nameFixedMembers = renameGenericTypeSymbolsOnProduct renamedOrig memberXObjs
validMembers = replaceGenericTypeSymbolsOnMembers mapp nameFixedMembers
concretelyTypedMembers = replaceGenericTypeSymbolsOnMembers mappings memberXObjs
-- We only used the renamed types for validation--passing the
-- renamed xobjs further down leads to syntactical issues.
in case validateMembers typeEnv renamedOrig validMembers of
in -- We only used the renamed types for validation--passing the
-- renamed xobjs further down leads to syntactical issues.
case validateMembers typeEnv renamedOrig validMembers of
Left err -> Left err
Right () ->
let deps = mapM (depsForStructMemberPair typeEnv) (pairwise concretelyTypedMembers)

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@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ data LookupPreference
= PreferDynamic
| PreferGlobal
| PreferLocal [SymPath]
deriving Show
deriving (Show)
data Resolver
= ResolveGlobal
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ eval ctx xobj@(XObj o info ty) preference resolver =
pure $
case resolver of
ResolveGlobal -> unwrapLookup ((tryAllLookups preference) >>= checkStatic)
ResolveLocal -> unwrapLookup (tryAllLookups preference)
ResolveLocal -> unwrapLookup (tryAllLookups preference)
checkStatic v@(_, Right (XObj (Lst ((XObj obj _ _) : _)) _ _)) =
if isResolvableStaticObj obj
@ -89,30 +89,34 @@ eval ctx xobj@(XObj o info ty) preference resolver =
unwrapLookup =
(throwErr (SymbolNotFound spath) ctx info)
-- | Try all lookups performs lookups for symbols based on a given
-- Try all lookups performs lookups for symbols based on a given
-- lookup preference.
tryAllLookups :: LookupPreference -> Maybe (Context, Either EvalError XObj)
tryAllLookups PreferDynamic = (getDynamic) <|> fullLookup
tryAllLookups PreferGlobal = (getGlobal spath) <|> fullLookup
tryAllLookups PreferGlobal = (getGlobal spath) <|> fullLookup
tryAllLookups (PreferLocal shadows) = (if spath `elem` shadows then (getLocal n) else (getDynamic)) <|> fullLookup
fullLookup = (tryDynamicLookup <|> (if null p then tryInternalLookup spath <|> tryLookup spath else tryLookup spath))
getDynamic :: Maybe (Context, Either EvalError XObj)
getDynamic =
do (Binder _ found) <- maybeId (E.findValueBinder (contextGlobalEnv ctx) (SymPath ("Dynamic" : p) n))
pure (ctx, Right (resolveDef found))
(Binder _ found) <- maybeId (E.findValueBinder (contextGlobalEnv ctx) (SymPath ("Dynamic" : p) n))
pure (ctx, Right (resolveDef found))
getGlobal :: SymPath -> Maybe (Context, Either EvalError XObj)
getGlobal path =
do (Binder meta found) <- maybeId (E.findValueBinder (contextGlobalEnv ctx) path)
checkPrivate meta found
(Binder meta found) <- maybeId (E.findValueBinder (contextGlobalEnv ctx) path)
checkPrivate meta found
tryDynamicLookup :: Maybe (Context, Either EvalError XObj)
tryDynamicLookup =
do (Binder meta found) <- maybeId (E.searchValueBinder (contextGlobalEnv ctx) (SymPath ("Dynamic" : p) n))
checkPrivate meta found
(Binder meta found) <- maybeId (E.searchValueBinder (contextGlobalEnv ctx) (SymPath ("Dynamic" : p) n))
checkPrivate meta found
getLocal :: String -> Maybe (Context, Either EvalError XObj)
getLocal name =
do internal <- contextInternalEnv ctx
(Binder _ found) <- maybeId (E.getValueBinder internal name)
pure (ctx, Right (resolveDef found))
internal <- contextInternalEnv ctx
(Binder _ found) <- maybeId (E.getValueBinder internal name)
pure (ctx, Right (resolveDef found))
-- TODO: Deprecate this function?
-- The behavior here is a bit nefarious since it relies on cached
-- environment parents (it calls `search` on the "internal" binder).
@ -446,7 +450,7 @@ macroExpand ctx xobj =
ok <- expanded
Right (XObj (StaticArr ok) i t)
XObj (Lst (XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "defmodule") _) _ _: _)) _ _ ->
XObj (Lst (XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "defmodule") _) _ _ : _)) _ _ ->
pure (ctx, Right xobj)
XObj (Lst [XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "quote") _) _ _, _]) _ _ ->
pure (ctx, Right xobj)
@ -1091,9 +1095,11 @@ specialCommandSet ctx [orig@(XObj (Sym path@(SymPath _ _) _) _ _), val] =
case result of
Right evald -> typeCheckValueAgainstBinder newCtx evald binder >>= \(nctx, typedVal) -> setter nctx env typedVal binder
left -> pure (newCtx, left)
where handleUnTyped :: IO (Context, Either EvalError XObj)
handleUnTyped = evalDynamic ResolveLocal ctx val
>>= \(newCtx, result) -> setter newCtx env result binder
handleUnTyped :: IO (Context, Either EvalError XObj)
handleUnTyped =
evalDynamic ResolveLocal ctx val
>>= \(newCtx, result) -> setter newCtx env result binder
setGlobal :: Context -> Env -> Either EvalError XObj -> Binder -> IO (Context, Either EvalError XObj)
setGlobal ctx' env value binder =
pure $ either (failure ctx' orig) (success ctx') value

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@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
module Expand (expandAll, replaceSourceInfoOnXObj) where
import Context
import Control.Monad.State (State, evalState, get, put)
import Data.Foldable (foldlM)
import Env
import EvalError
import Info
import Obj
import Qualify
import TypeError
import Types
import Util
import Context
import Qualify
import EvalError
-- | Used for calling back to the 'eval' function in Eval.hs
type DynamicEvaluator = Context -> XObj -> IO (Context, Either EvalError XObj)

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@ -117,15 +117,16 @@ initialTypes typeEnv rootEnv root = evalState (visit rootEnv root) 0
unknown -> pure (Left (InvalidObj unknown xobj))
visitSymbol :: Env -> XObj -> SymPath -> State Integer (Either TypeError XObj)
visitSymbol e xobj@(XObj (Sym name LookupRecursive) _ _) _ =
case E.searchValueBinder e name of
-- If this recursive symbol is already typed in this environment, use that type.
-- This is relevant for, e.g. recursive function calls.
-- We need to use search here to check parents as our let-binding handling possibly puts recursive
-- environments as the parent of a more local environment for the let bindings.
Right (Binder _ found) -> pure (Right xobj {xobjTy = xobjTy found})
-- Other recursive lookups are left untouched (this avoids problems with looking up the thing they're referring to)
Left _ -> do freshTy <- genVarTy
pure (Right xobj {xobjTy = Just freshTy})
case E.searchValueBinder e name of
-- If this recursive symbol is already typed in this environment, use that type.
-- This is relevant for, e.g. recursive function calls.
-- We need to use search here to check parents as our let-binding handling possibly puts recursive
-- environments as the parent of a more local environment for the let bindings.
Right (Binder _ found) -> pure (Right xobj {xobjTy = xobjTy found})
-- Other recursive lookups are left untouched (this avoids problems with looking up the thing they're referring to)
Left _ -> do
freshTy <- genVarTy
pure (Right xobj {xobjTy = Just freshTy})
visitSymbol env xobj symPath =
case symPath of
-- Symbols with leading ? are 'holes'.

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@ -646,8 +646,8 @@ primitiveUse xobj ctx (XObj (Sym path _) _ _) =
-- Look up the module to see if we can actually use it.
-- The reference might be contextual, if so, append the current context path strings.
path' = case (searchValueBinder global path) of
Right _ -> path
_ -> contextualized
Right _ -> path
_ -> contextualized
in pure
( case modulePath of
(SymPath [] "") -> updateGlobalUsePaths global path'