mirror of
synced 2024-11-05 04:44:12 +03:00
Allow Unit to be used as a member type in deftypes
This commit enables support for using values of type () (Unit) in user-defined types such as product and sumtypes. After this commit, types such as: (deftype Units [action-one () action-two ()]) Are valid, and can be instantiated in the obvious way: (Units.init (IO.println "foo") ()) Some important things to note about the implementation: - The C structs emitted for types containing Unit members *completely omit all unit members*. If a type in Carp has N members, the corresponding C struct will have (N-U) members where U is the number of members with the type `Unit`. For example, this type: (deftype (Foo [one Unit two Int])) will produce the following typedef in C: typedef struct { int two; } Foo; As a special case, types that *only* have Unit's as members are represented and initialized as completely empty structs: (deftype Foo [empty Unit]) // emits typedef struct { } Foo; Foo Foo_init() { Foo instance = {}; return instance; } Such a type is merely a container for side effects. - Side effects are not stored at all in the types that contain Unit members. Instead, any side effects will be lifted out of the emitted C struct and called prior to initialization. For example, initializing `(deftype Foo [empty Unit])` with `(Foo.init (IO.println "foo"))` will produce the following C: main(...) { //... static String _10 = "foo"; String *_10_ref = &_10; IO_println(_10_ref); Foo _12 = Foo_init(); //... } - The typical operations on product fields are supported on Unit type members, but they have slightly custom semantics. Since we don't actually store any values of type Unit in custom types, most updaters/getters/setters simply run a side effect. This is mostly only supported to make the use of such members more intuitive and allow programmers to chain side-effects within some context, much like monadic IO in Haskell. - Match forms also work on Unit types for parity, but again, there is no meaningful behavior here, since Unit only has a single type inhabitant. As a bonus, this commit also makes it possible to use `Unit` and `()` interchangeably in type signatures.
This commit is contained in:
@ -77,23 +77,45 @@ templatesForMembers _ _ _ _ _ = error "Shouldn't reach this case (invalid type d
-- | Generate the templates for a single member in a deftype declaration.
templatesForSingleMember :: TypeEnv -> Env -> [String] -> Ty -> (XObj, XObj) -> [((String, Binder), [XObj])]
templatesForSingleMember typeEnv env insidePath p@(StructTy (ConcreteNameTy typeName) _) (nameXObj, typeXObj) =
let Just t = xobjToTy typeXObj
memberName = getName nameXObj
in [instanceBinderWithDeps (SymPath insidePath memberName) (FuncTy [RefTy p (VarTy "q")] (RefTy t (VarTy "q")) StaticLifetimeTy) (templateGetter (mangle memberName) t) ("gets the `" ++ memberName ++ "` property of a `" ++ typeName ++ "`.")
, if isTypeGeneric t
then (templateGenericSetter insidePath p t memberName, [])
else instanceBinderWithDeps (SymPath insidePath ("set-" ++ memberName)) (FuncTy [p, t] p StaticLifetimeTy) (templateSetter typeEnv env (mangle memberName) t) ("sets the `" ++ memberName ++ "` property of a `" ++ typeName ++ "`.")
, if isTypeGeneric t
then (templateGenericMutatingSetter insidePath p t memberName, [])
else instanceBinderWithDeps (SymPath insidePath ("set-" ++ memberName ++ "!")) (FuncTy [RefTy p (VarTy "q"), t] UnitTy StaticLifetimeTy) (templateMutatingSetter typeEnv env (mangle memberName) t) ("sets the `" ++ memberName ++ "` property of a `" ++ typeName ++ "` in place.")
,instanceBinderWithDeps (SymPath insidePath ("update-" ++ memberName))
(FuncTy [p, RefTy (FuncTy [t] t (VarTy "fq")) (VarTy "q")] p StaticLifetimeTy)
(templateUpdater (mangle memberName))
("updates the `" ++ memberName ++ "` property of a `" ++ typeName ++ "` using a function `f`.")
case t of
-- Unit member types are special since we do not represent them in emitted c.
-- Instead, members of type Unit are executed for their side effects and silently omitted
-- from the produced C structs.
UnitTy ->
binders (FuncTy [RefTy p (VarTy "q")] UnitTy StaticLifetimeTy)
(FuncTy [p, t] p StaticLifetimeTy)
(FuncTy [RefTy p (VarTy "q"), t] UnitTy StaticLifetimeTy)
(FuncTy [p, RefTy (FuncTy [] UnitTy (VarTy "fq")) (VarTy "q")] p StaticLifetimeTy)
_ ->
binders (FuncTy [RefTy p (VarTy "q")] (RefTy t (VarTy "q")) StaticLifetimeTy)
(FuncTy [p, t] p StaticLifetimeTy)
(FuncTy [RefTy p (VarTy "q"), t] UnitTy StaticLifetimeTy)
(FuncTy [p, RefTy (FuncTy [t] t (VarTy "fq")) (VarTy "q")] p StaticLifetimeTy)
where Just t = xobjToTy typeXObj
memberName = getName nameXObj
binders getterSig setterSig mutatorSig updaterSig =
[instanceBinderWithDeps (SymPath insidePath memberName) getterSig (templateGetter (mangle memberName) t) ("gets the `" ++ memberName ++ "` property of a `" ++ typeName ++ "`.")
, if isTypeGeneric t
then (templateGenericSetter insidePath p t memberName, [])
else instanceBinderWithDeps (SymPath insidePath ("set-" ++ memberName)) setterSig (templateSetter typeEnv env (mangle memberName) t) ("sets the `" ++ memberName ++ "` property of a `" ++ typeName ++ "`.")
, if isTypeGeneric t
then (templateGenericMutatingSetter insidePath p t memberName, [])
else instanceBinderWithDeps (SymPath insidePath ("set-" ++ memberName ++ "!")) mutatorSig (templateMutatingSetter typeEnv env (mangle memberName) t) ("sets the `" ++ memberName ++ "` property of a `" ++ typeName ++ "` in place.")
,instanceBinderWithDeps (SymPath insidePath ("update-" ++ memberName))
(templateUpdater (mangle memberName) t)
("updates the `" ++ memberName ++ "` property of a `" ++ typeName ++ "` using a function `f`.")
-- | The template for getters of a deftype.
templateGetter :: String -> Ty -> Template
templateGetter member UnitTy =
(FuncTy [RefTy (VarTy "p") (VarTy "q")] UnitTy StaticLifetimeTy)
(const (toTemplate "void $NAME($(Ref p) p)"))
-- Execution of the action passed as an argument is handled in Emit.hs.
(const $ toTemplate ("$DECL { return; }\n"))
(const [])
templateGetter member memberTy =
(FuncTy [RefTy (VarTy "p") (VarTy "q")] (VarTy "t") StaticLifetimeTy)
@ -108,6 +130,13 @@ templateGetter member memberTy =
-- | The template for setters of a concrete deftype.
templateSetter :: TypeEnv -> Env -> String -> Ty -> Template
templateSetter typeEnv env memberName UnitTy =
(FuncTy [VarTy "p", VarTy "t"] (VarTy "p") StaticLifetimeTy)
(const (toTemplate "$p $NAME($p p)"))
-- Execution of the action passed as an argument is handled in Emit.hs.
(const (toTemplate "$DECL { return p; }\n"))
(const [])
templateSetter typeEnv env memberName memberTy =
let callToDelete = memberDeletion typeEnv env (memberName, memberTy)
@ -149,6 +178,13 @@ templateGenericSetter pathStrings originalStructTy@(StructTy (ConcreteNameTy typ
-- | The template for mutating setters of a deftype.
templateMutatingSetter :: TypeEnv -> Env -> String -> Ty -> Template
templateMutatingSetter typeEnv env memberName UnitTy =
(FuncTy [RefTy (VarTy "p") (VarTy "q"), VarTy "t"] UnitTy StaticLifetimeTy)
(const (toTemplate "void $NAME($p* pRef)"))
-- Execution of the action passed as an argument is handled in Emit.hs.
(const (toTemplate "$DECL { return; }\n"))
(const [])
templateMutatingSetter typeEnv env memberName memberTy =
let callToDelete = memberRefDeletion typeEnv env (memberName, memberTy)
in Template
@ -185,8 +221,16 @@ templateGenericMutatingSetter pathStrings originalStructTy@(StructTy (ConcreteNa
-- | The template for updater functions of a deftype.
-- | (allows changing a variable by passing an transformation function).
templateUpdater :: String -> Template
templateUpdater member =
templateUpdater :: String -> Ty -> Template
templateUpdater member UnitTy =
(FuncTy [VarTy "p", RefTy (FuncTy [] UnitTy (VarTy "fq")) (VarTy "q")] (VarTy "p") StaticLifetimeTy)
(const (toTemplate "$p $NAME($p p, Lambda *updater)")) -- "Lambda" used to be: $(Fn [t] t)
-- Execution of the action passed as an argument is handled in Emit.hs.
(const (toTemplate ("$DECL { " ++ templateCodeForCallingLambda "(*updater)" (FuncTy [] UnitTy (VarTy "fq")) [] ++ "; return p;}\n")))
(\(FuncTy [_, RefTy t@(FuncTy fArgTys fRetTy _) _] _ _) ->
[defineFunctionTypeAlias t, defineFunctionTypeAlias (FuncTy (lambdaEnvTy : fArgTys) fRetTy StaticLifetimeTy)])
templateUpdater member _ =
(FuncTy [VarTy "p", RefTy (FuncTy [VarTy "t"] (VarTy "t") (VarTy "fq")) (VarTy "q")] (VarTy "p") StaticLifetimeTy)
(const (toTemplate "$p $NAME($p p, Lambda *updater)")) -- "Lambda" used to be: $(Fn [t] t)
@ -211,7 +255,8 @@ binderForInit insidePath structTy@(StructTy (ConcreteNameTy typeName) _) [XObj (
-- | Generate a list of types from a deftype declaration.
initArgListTypes :: [XObj] -> [Ty]
initArgListTypes xobjs = map (\(_, x) -> fromJust (xobjToTy x)) (pairwise xobjs)
initArgListTypes xobjs =
(map (fromJust . xobjToTy . snd) (pairwise xobjs))
-- | The template for the 'init' and 'new' functions for a concrete deftype.
concreteInit :: AllocationMode -> Ty -> [XObj] -> Template
@ -222,9 +267,13 @@ concreteInit allocationMode originalStructTy@(StructTy (ConcreteNameTy typeName)
let mappings = unifySignatures originalStructTy concreteStructTy
correctedMembers = replaceGenericTypeSymbolsOnMembers mappings membersXObjs
memberPairs = memberXObjsToPairs correctedMembers
in (toTemplate $ "$p $NAME(" ++ joinWithComma (map memberArg memberPairs) ++ ")"))
(const (tokensForInit allocationMode typeName membersXObjs))
in (toTemplate $ "$p $NAME(" ++ joinWithComma (map memberArg (unitless memberPairs)) ++ ")"))
(\(FuncTy _ concreteStructTy _) ->
let mappings = unifySignatures originalStructTy concreteStructTy
correctedMembers = replaceGenericTypeSymbolsOnMembers mappings membersXObjs
in (tokensForInit allocationMode typeName correctedMembers))
(\FuncTy{} -> [])
where unitless = filter (notUnit . snd)
-- | The template for the 'init' and 'new' functions for a generic deftype.
genericInit :: AllocationMode -> [String] -> Ty -> [XObj] -> (String, Binder)
@ -241,8 +290,11 @@ genericInit allocationMode pathStrings originalStructTy@(StructTy (ConcreteNameT
let mappings = unifySignatures originalStructTy concreteStructTy
correctedMembers = replaceGenericTypeSymbolsOnMembers mappings membersXObjs
memberPairs = memberXObjsToPairs correctedMembers
in (toTemplate $ "$p $NAME(" ++ joinWithComma (map memberArg memberPairs) ++ ")"))
(const (tokensForInit allocationMode typeName membersXObjs))
in (toTemplate $ "$p $NAME(" ++ joinWithComma (map memberArg (filter (notUnit . snd) memberPairs)) ++ ")"))
(\(FuncTy _ concreteStructTy _) ->
let mappings = unifySignatures originalStructTy concreteStructTy
correctedMembers = replaceGenericTypeSymbolsOnMembers mappings membersXObjs
in (tokensForInit allocationMode typeName correctedMembers))
(\(FuncTy _ concreteStructTy _) ->
case concretizeType typeEnv concreteStructTy of
Left err -> error (show err ++ ". This error should not crash the compiler - change return type to Either here.")
@ -253,14 +305,21 @@ tokensForInit :: AllocationMode -> String -> [XObj] -> [Token]
tokensForInit allocationMode typeName membersXObjs =
toTemplate $ unlines [ "$DECL {"
, case allocationMode of
StackAlloc -> " $p instance;"
StackAlloc -> case unitless of
-- if this is truly a memberless struct, init it to 0;
-- This can happen, e.g. in cases where *all* members of the struct are of type Unit.
-- Since we do not generate members for Unit types.
[] -> " $p instance = {0};"
_ -> " $p instance;"
HeapAlloc -> " $p instance = CARP_MALLOC(sizeof(" ++ typeName ++ "));"
, assignments membersXObjs
, " return instance;"
, "}"]
where assignments [] = " instance.__dummy = 0;"
assignments xobjs = joinLines $ memberAssignment allocationMode . fst <$> memberXObjsToPairs xobjs
where assignments [] = " instance = {0};"
assignments xobjs = go $ unitless
where go [] = ""
go xobjs = joinLines $ memberAssignment allocationMode . fst <$> xobjs
unitless = filter (notUnit . snd) (memberXObjsToPairs membersXObjs)
-- | Creates the C code for an arg to the init function.
-- | i.e. "(deftype A [x Int])" will generate "int x" which
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad (when, zipWithM_)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, fromJust)
import Debug.Trace
import Data.Char (ord)
@ -316,6 +316,8 @@ toC toCMode (Binder meta root) = emitterSrc (execState (visit startingIndent roo
-- This requires a bunch of extra machinery though, so this will do for now...
[var ++ periodOrArrow ++ "_tag == " ++ tagName caseTy (removeSuffix caseName)] ++
concat (zipWith (\c i -> tagCondition (var ++ periodOrArrow ++ "u." ++ removeSuffix caseName ++ ".member" ++ show i) "." (forceTy c) c) caseMatchers [0..])
where notUnitX (XObj _ _ (Just UnitTy)) = False
notUnitX _ = True
tagCondition _ _ _ x =
--error ("tagCondition fell through: " ++ show x)
@ -354,7 +356,7 @@ toC toCMode (Binder meta root) = emitterSrc (execState (visit startingIndent roo
MatchRef -> ("->", "&")
appendToSrc ("if(" ++ joinWith " && " (tagCondition exprVar (fst refModifications) (removeOuterRefTyIfMatchRef exprTy) caseLhs) ++ ") {\n")
appendToSrc (addIndent indent' ++ tyToCLambdaFix exprTy ++ " " ++ tempVarToAvoidClash ++ " = " ++ exprVar ++ ";\n")
zipWithM_ (emitCaseMatcher refModifications (removeSuffix caseName)) caseMatchers [0..]
zipWithM_ (emitCaseMatcher refModifications (removeSuffix caseName)) (filter (notUnit . forceTy) caseMatchers) [0..]
appendToSrc (addIndent indent' ++ "// Case expr:\n")
emitCaseEnd caseLhsInfo caseExpr
emitCase exprVar isFirst (XObj (Sym firstPath _) caseLhsInfo _, caseExpr) =
@ -604,11 +606,15 @@ toC toCMode (Binder meta root) = emitterSrc (execState (visit startingIndent roo
createArgList :: Int -> Bool -> [XObj] -> State EmitterState String
createArgList indent unwrapLambdas args =
do argStrings <- mapM (visit indent) args
do argStrings <- mapM (visit indent) (filter (notUnit . forceTy) args)
let argTypes = map forceTy args
return $ intercalate ", " $ if unwrapLambdas
then zipWith unwrapLambda argStrings argTypes
else argStrings
unitless = filter notUnit argTypes
-- Run side effects
sideEffects = mapM (visit indent) (filter (not . notUnit . forceTy) args) >>= return . intercalate ";\n"
unwrapped = joinWithComma $ if unwrapLambdas
then zipWith unwrapLambda argStrings unitless
else argStrings
sideEffects >> return unwrapped
unwrapLambda :: String -> Ty -> String
unwrapLambda variableName ty =
@ -716,7 +722,7 @@ defStructToDeclaration structTy@(StructTy typeName typeVariables) path rest =
typedefCaseToMemberDecl :: XObj -> State EmitterState [()]
-- ANSI C doesn't allow empty structs, insert a dummy member to keep the compiler happy.
typedefCaseToMemberDecl (XObj (Arr []) _ _) = sequence $ pure $ appendToSrc (addIndent indent ++ "char __dummy;\n")
typedefCaseToMemberDecl (XObj (Arr members) _ _) = mapM (memberToDecl indent) (pairwise members)
typedefCaseToMemberDecl (XObj (Arr members) _ _) = mapM (memberToDecl indent) (filter (notUnit . fromJust . xobjToTy . snd) (pairwise members))
typedefCaseToMemberDecl _ = error "Invalid case in typedef."
-- Note: the names of types are not namespaced
@ -746,7 +752,7 @@ defSumtypeToDeclaration sumTy@(StructTy typeName typeVariables) path rest =
appendToSrc (addIndent indent ++ "// " ++ caseName ++ "\n")
emitSumtypeCase indent xobj@(XObj (Lst [XObj (Sym (SymPath [] caseName) _) _ _, XObj (Arr memberTys) _ _]) _ _) =
do appendToSrc (addIndent indent ++ "struct {\n")
let members = zipWith (\anonName tyXObj -> (anonName, tyXObj)) anonMemberSymbols memberTys
let members = zipWith (\anonName tyXObj -> (anonName, tyXObj)) anonMemberSymbols (filter (notUnit . fromJust . xobjToTy) memberTys)
mapM_ (memberToDecl (indent + indentAmount)) members
appendToSrc (addIndent indent ++ "} " ++ caseName ++ ";\n")
emitSumtypeCase indent xobj@(XObj (Sym (SymPath [] caseName) _) _ _) =
@ -766,8 +772,10 @@ defaliasToDeclaration :: Ty -> SymPath -> String
defaliasToDeclaration t path =
case t of
(FuncTy argTys retTy _) -> "typedef " ++ tyToCLambdaFix retTy ++ "(*" ++ pathToC path ++ ")(" ++
intercalate ", " (map tyToCLambdaFix argTys) ++ ");\n"
intercalate ", " (map fixer argTys) ++ ");\n"
_ -> "typedef " ++ tyToC t ++ " " ++ pathToC path ++ ";\n"
where fixer UnitTy = "void*"
fixer x = tyToCLambdaFix x
toDeclaration :: Binder -> String
toDeclaration (Binder meta xobj@(XObj (Lst xobjs) _ t)) =
@ -811,12 +819,12 @@ toDeclaration (Binder meta xobj@(XObj (Lst xobjs) _ t)) =
toDeclaration _ = error "Missing case."
paramListToC :: [XObj] -> String
paramListToC xobjs = intercalate ", " (map getParam (filter notUnit xobjs))
paramListToC xobjs = if null $ joinWithComma (map getParam xobjs)
then ""
else joinWithComma (map getParam (filter (notUnit . forceTy) xobjs))
where getParam :: XObj -> String
getParam (XObj (Sym (SymPath _ name) _) _ (Just t)) = tyToCLambdaFix t ++ " " ++ mangle name
getParam invalid = error (show (InvalidParameter invalid))
notUnit (XObj _ _ (Just UnitTy)) = False
notUnit _ = True
projectIncludesToC :: Project -> String
projectIncludesToC proj = intercalate "\n" (map includerToC includes) ++ "\n\n"
@ -582,6 +582,7 @@ incrementEnvNestLevel env = let current = envFunctionNestingLevel env
-- | Converts an S-expression to one of the Carp types.
xobjToTy :: XObj -> Maybe Ty
xobjToTy (XObj (Sym (SymPath _ "Unit") _) _ _) = Just UnitTy
xobjToTy (XObj (Sym (SymPath _ "Int") _) _ _) = Just IntTy
xobjToTy (XObj (Sym (SymPath _ "Float") _) _ _) = Just FloatTy
xobjToTy (XObj (Sym (SymPath _ "Double") _) _ _) = Just DoubleTy
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ concreteCaseInit allocationMode insidePath structTy sumtypeCase =
(\(FuncTy _ concreteStructTy _) ->
let mappings = unifySignatures structTy concreteStructTy
correctedTys = map (replaceTyVars mappings) (caseTys sumtypeCase)
in (toTemplate $ "$p $NAME(" ++ joinWithComma (zipWith (curry memberArg) anonMemberNames correctedTys) ++ ")"))
in (toTemplate $ "$p $NAME(" ++ joinWithComma (zipWith (curry memberArg) anonMemberNames (filter notUnit correctedTys)) ++ ")"))
(const (tokensForCaseInit allocationMode structTy sumtypeCase))
(\FuncTy{} -> [])
@ -90,26 +90,28 @@ genericCaseInit allocationMode pathStrings originalStructTy sumtypeCase =
(\(FuncTy _ concreteStructTy _) ->
let mappings = unifySignatures originalStructTy concreteStructTy
correctedTys = map (replaceTyVars mappings) (caseTys sumtypeCase)
in toTemplate $ "$p $NAME(" ++ joinWithComma (zipWith (curry memberArg) anonMemberNames correctedTys) ++ ")")
in toTemplate $ "$p $NAME(" ++ joinWithComma (zipWith (curry memberArg) anonMemberNames (filter notUnit correctedTys)) ++ ")")
(\(FuncTy _ concreteStructTy _) ->
tokensForCaseInit allocationMode concreteStructTy sumtypeCase)
let mappings = unifySignatures originalStructTy concreteStructTy
correctedTys = map (replaceTyVars mappings) (caseTys sumtypeCase)
in tokensForCaseInit allocationMode concreteStructTy (sumtypeCase {caseTys = correctedTys}))
(\(FuncTy _ concreteStructTy _) ->
case concretizeType typeEnv concreteStructTy of
Left err -> error (show err ++ ". This error should not crash the compiler - change return type to Either here.")
Right ok -> ok)
tokensForCaseInit :: AllocationMode -> Ty -> SumtypeCase -> [Token]
tokensForCaseInit allocationMode sumTy@(StructTy (ConcreteNameTy typeName) typeVariables) sumtypeCase =
toTemplate $ unlines [ "$DECL {"
, case allocationMode of
StackAlloc -> " $p instance;"
HeapAlloc -> " $p instance = CARP_MALLOC(sizeof(" ++ typeName ++ "));"
, joinLines $ caseMemberAssignment allocationMode correctedName . fst <$> zip anonMemberNames (caseTys sumtypeCase)
, joinLines $ caseMemberAssignment allocationMode correctedName . fst <$> unitless
, " instance._tag = " ++ tagName sumTy correctedName ++ ";"
, " return instance;"
, "}"]
where correctedName = caseName sumtypeCase
unitless = zip anonMemberNames $ filter notUnit (caseTys sumtypeCase)
caseMemberAssignment :: AllocationMode -> String -> String -> String
caseMemberAssignment allocationMode caseName memberName =
@ -194,9 +196,10 @@ tokensForStr typeEnv env typeName cases concreteStructTy =
, " return buffer;"
, "}"]
namesFromCase :: SumtypeCase -> Ty -> (String, [Ty], String)
namesFromCase theCase concreteStructTy =
let name = caseName theCase
in (name, caseTys theCase, tagName concreteStructTy name)
in (name, caseTys theCase {caseTys = (filter notUnit (caseTys theCase))}, tagName concreteStructTy name)
strCase :: TypeEnv -> Env -> Ty -> SumtypeCase -> String
strCase typeEnv env concreteStructTy@(StructTy _ typeVariables) theCase =
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ module Types ( TypeMappings
, consPath
, Kind
, tyToKind
, notUnit
) where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
@ -260,3 +261,7 @@ isFullyGenericType _ = False
-- | The type of environments sent to Lambdas (used in emitted C code)
lambdaEnvTy :: Ty
lambdaEnvTy = StructTy (ConcreteNameTy "LambdaEnv") []
notUnit :: Ty -> Bool
notUnit UnitTy = False
notUnit _ = True
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ okXObjForType typeEnv typeVariables xobj =
canBeUsedAsMemberType :: TypeEnv -> [Ty] -> Ty -> XObj -> Either TypeError ()
canBeUsedAsMemberType typeEnv typeVariables t xobj =
case t of
UnitTy -> return ()
IntTy -> return ()
FloatTy -> return ()
DoubleTy -> return ()
Reference in New Issue
Block a user