feat: treat keywords as symbols (#1190)

This commit is contained in:
Veit Heller 2021-04-06 11:37:29 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 3d0fd558aa
commit 1f8c8765d3
No known key found for this signature in database
10 changed files with 83 additions and 61 deletions

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@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ runExeWithArgs ctx exe args = liftIO $ do
commandBuild :: VariadicCommandCallback
commandBuild ctx [] = commandBuild ctx [falseXObj]
commandBuild ctx [XObj (Bol shutUp) _ _] = do
let env = contextGlobalEnv ctx
let env = removeSpecials (contextGlobalEnv ctx)
typeEnv = contextTypeEnv ctx
proj = contextProj ctx
execMode = contextExecMode ctx
@ -343,6 +343,12 @@ commandBuild ctx [XObj (Bol shutUp) _ _] = do
else case Map.lookup "main" (envBindings env) of
Just _ -> compile True
Nothing -> compile False
removeSpecials env =
let binds = Map.filterWithKey filterSpecials (envBindings env)
in env {envBindings = binds}
filterSpecials k _ =
not (isSpecialSym (XObj (Sym (SymPath [] k) Symbol) Nothing Nothing))
commandBuild ctx [arg] =
pure (evalError ctx ("`build` expected a boolean argument, but got `" ++ pretty arg ++ "`.") (xobjInfo arg))
commandBuild ctx args =

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@ -224,43 +224,48 @@ expand eval ctx xobj =
implicitInit = XObj (Sym (SymPath pathToModule "init") Symbol) i t
in expand eval ctx (XObj (Lst (implicitInit : args)) (xobjInfo xobj) (xobjTy xobj))
f : args ->
(_, expandedF) <- expand eval ctx f
(ctx'', expandedArgs) <- foldlM successiveExpand (ctx, Right []) args
case expandedF of
Right (XObj (Lst [XObj Dynamic _ _, _, XObj (Arr _) _ _, _]) _ _) ->
--trace ("Found dynamic: " ++ pretty xobj)
eval ctx'' xobj
Right (XObj (Lst [XObj Macro _ _, _, XObj (Arr _) _ _, _]) _ _) ->
--trace ("Found macro: " ++ pretty xobj ++ " at " ++ prettyInfoFromXObj xobj)
eval ctx'' xobj
Right (XObj (Lst [XObj (Command (NullaryCommandFunction nullary)) _ _, _, _]) _ _) ->
nullary ctx''
Right (XObj (Lst [XObj (Command (UnaryCommandFunction unary)) _ _, _, _]) _ _) ->
case expandedArgs of
Right [x] -> unary ctx'' x
_ -> error "expanding args"
Right (XObj (Lst [XObj (Command (BinaryCommandFunction binary)) _ _, _, _]) _ _) ->
case expandedArgs of
Right [x, y] -> binary ctx'' x y
_ -> error "expanding args"
Right (XObj (Lst [XObj (Command (TernaryCommandFunction ternary)) _ _, _, _]) _ _) ->
case expandedArgs of
Right [x, y, z] -> ternary ctx'' x y z
_ -> error "expanding args"
Right (XObj (Lst [XObj (Command (VariadicCommandFunction variadic)) _ _, _, _]) _ _) ->
case expandedArgs of
Right ea -> variadic ctx'' ea
_ -> error "expanding args"
Right _ ->
( ctx'',
okF <- expandedF
okArgs <- expandedArgs
Right (XObj (Lst (okF : okArgs)) i t)
Left err -> pure (ctx'', Left err)
if isSpecialSym f
then do
(ctx', s) <- eval ctx f
let Right sym = s
expand eval ctx' (XObj (Lst (sym : args)) (xobjInfo xobj) (xobjTy xobj))
else do
(_, expandedF) <- expand eval ctx f
(ctx'', expandedArgs) <- foldlM successiveExpand (ctx, Right []) args
case expandedF of
Right (XObj (Lst [XObj Dynamic _ _, _, XObj (Arr _) _ _, _]) _ _) ->
--trace ("Found dynamic: " ++ pretty xobj)
eval ctx'' xobj
Right (XObj (Lst [XObj Macro _ _, _, XObj (Arr _) _ _, _]) _ _) ->
--trace ("Found macro: " ++ pretty xobj ++ " at " ++ prettyInfoFromXObj xobj)
eval ctx'' xobj
Right (XObj (Lst [XObj (Command (NullaryCommandFunction nullary)) _ _, _, _]) _ _) ->
nullary ctx''
Right (XObj (Lst [XObj (Command (UnaryCommandFunction unary)) _ _, _, _]) _ _) ->
case expandedArgs of
Right [x] -> unary ctx'' x
_ -> error "expanding args"
Right (XObj (Lst [XObj (Command (BinaryCommandFunction binary)) _ _, _, _]) _ _) ->
case expandedArgs of
Right [x, y] -> binary ctx'' x y
_ -> error "expanding args"
Right (XObj (Lst [XObj (Command (TernaryCommandFunction ternary)) _ _, _, _]) _ _) ->
case expandedArgs of
Right [x, y, z] -> ternary ctx'' x y z
_ -> error "expanding args"
Right (XObj (Lst [XObj (Command (VariadicCommandFunction variadic)) _ _, _, _]) _ _) ->
case expandedArgs of
Right ea -> variadic ctx'' ea
_ -> error "expanding args"
Right _ ->
( ctx'',
okF <- expandedF
okArgs <- expandedArgs
Right (XObj (Lst (okF : okArgs)) i t)
Left err -> pure (ctx'', Left err)
expandList _ = error "Can't expand non-list in expandList."
expandArray :: XObj -> IO (Context, Either EvalError XObj)
expandArray (XObj (Arr xobjs) i t) =

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@ -199,6 +199,11 @@ isSym :: XObj -> Bool
isSym (XObj (Sym (SymPath _ _) _) _ _) = True
isSym _ = False
isSpecialSym :: XObj -> Bool
isSpecialSym (XObj (Sym (SymPath [] s) _) _ _) =
elem s ["defn", "def", "do", "while", "fn", "let", "break", "if", "match", "match-ref", "address", "set!", "the", "ref", "deref", "with"]
isSpecialSym _ = False
isArray :: XObj -> Bool
isArray (XObj (Arr _) _ _) = True
isArray _ = False

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@ -412,25 +412,8 @@ symbol = do
else pure $ case last segments of
"defn" -> XObj (Defn Nothing) i Nothing
"def" -> XObj Def i Nothing
-- TODO: What about the other def- forms?
"do" -> XObj Do i Nothing
"while" -> XObj While i Nothing
"fn" -> XObj (Fn Nothing Set.empty) i Nothing
"let" -> XObj Let i Nothing
"break" -> XObj Break i Nothing
"if" -> XObj If i Nothing
"match" -> XObj (Match MatchValue) i Nothing
"match-ref" -> XObj (Match MatchRef) i Nothing
"true" -> XObj (Bol True) i Nothing
"false" -> XObj (Bol False) i Nothing
"address" -> XObj Address i Nothing
"set!" -> XObj SetBang i Nothing
"the" -> XObj The i Nothing
"ref" -> XObj Ref i Nothing
"deref" -> XObj Deref i Nothing
"with" -> XObj With i Nothing
name -> XObj (Sym (SymPath (init segments) name) Symbol) i Nothing
atom :: Parsec.Parsec String ParseState XObj

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@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import Commands
import Eval
import Info
import qualified Map
import qualified Meta
import Obj
import Primitives
import qualified Set
@ -467,9 +468,31 @@ startingGlobalEnv noArray =
envFunctionNestingLevel = 0
makeSymbol s doc example o =
(s, Binder (Meta.set "doc" (makeDoc doc example) emptyMeta) (XObj o Nothing Nothing))
makeDoc doc example =
(XObj (Str (doc ++ "\n\nExample:\n```\n" ++ example ++ "\n```")) Nothing Nothing)
bindings =
-- NOTE: special symbols that should be treated like keywords also need to
-- be added to isSpecialSym in obj (to avoid emitting them as c etc.)
Map.fromList $
[ register "NULL" (PointerTy (VarTy "a"))
[ register "NULL" (PointerTy (VarTy "a")),
makeSymbol "defn" "is used to define a function." "(defn name [arg] body)" (Defn Nothing),
makeSymbol "def" "is used to bind a variable." "(def variable \"value\")" Def,
makeSymbol "do" "is used to group statements." "(do (println* \"hi\") 1) ; => 1" Do,
makeSymbol "while" "is used for loops." "(while true\n (loop-forever))" While,
makeSymbol "fn" "is used to define anonymous functions." "(fn [arg] body)" (Fn Nothing Set.empty),
makeSymbol "let" "" "" Let,
makeSymbol "break" "" "" Break,
makeSymbol "if" "" "" If,
makeSymbol "match" "" "" (Match MatchValue),
makeSymbol "match-ref" "" "" (Match MatchRef),
makeSymbol "address" "" "" Address,
makeSymbol "set!" "" "" SetBang,
makeSymbol "the" "" "" The,
makeSymbol "ref" "" "" Ref,
makeSymbol "deref" "" "" Deref,
makeSymbol "with" "" "" With
++ [("Array", Binder emptyMeta (XObj (Mod arrayModule) Nothing Nothing)) | not noArray]
++ [("StaticArray", Binder emptyMeta (XObj (Mod staticArrayModule) Nothing Nothing))]

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@ -1 +1 @@
return_ref_in_do.carp:3:1 The reference '(defn f [] (do () () () () (ref [1 2 3])))' isn't alive.
return_ref_in_do.carp:3:2 The reference '(defn f [] (do () () () () (ref [1 2 3])))' isn't alive.

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@ -1 +1 @@
return_ref_to_array_literal.carp:3:1 The reference '(defn f [] (ref [1 2 3]))' isn't alive.
return_ref_to_array_literal.carp:3:2 The reference '(defn f [] (ref [1 2 3]))' isn't alive.

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@ -1 +1 @@
return_ref_to_function_result.carp:6:1 The reference '(defn f [] (ref (make-data)))' isn't alive.
return_ref_to_function_result.carp:6:2 The reference '(defn f [] (ref (make-data)))' isn't alive.

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@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
Inferred Macro, can't unify with Bool.
wrong_sig_for_def.carp:4:1 Inferred Bool, can't unify with Int.
wrong_sig_for_def.carp:4:2 Inferred Bool, can't unify with Int.

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@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
Inferred Macro, can't unify with (Fn [] Bool).
wrong_sig_for_defn.carp:4:1 Inferred (Fn [] Bool), can't unify with (Fn [Int] Float).
wrong_sig_for_defn.carp:4:2 Inferred (Fn [] Bool), can't unify with (Fn [Int] Float).