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Erik Svedäng 2017-06-26 16:09:12 +02:00
parent b37466a08d
commit 251c121832

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@ -9,15 +9,20 @@ When a value is returned or passed to another function the initial function will
and any subsequent use will lead to a compiler error. To temporarily lend a value to another function
(i.e. to print it) a reference must be created, using the ```ref``` special form (or the ```&``` reader macro).
### Comments
;; Comments begin with semi-colon and continue until the end of the line.
### Data Literals
100 ; Int
3.14f ; Float
10.0 ; Double
true ; Bool
"hello" ; String
\e ; Char
[1 2 3] ; (Array Int)
100 ;; Int
3.14f ;; Float
10.0 ;; Double
true ;; Bool
"hello" ;; String
\e ;; Char
[1 2 3] ;; (Array Int)
### Dynamic-only Data Literals
@ -30,13 +35,13 @@ foo ; symbol
### Special Forms
(def variable-name value)
(defn function-name [<arg1> <arg2> ...] <body>)
(let [<var1> <expr1> <var2> <expr2> ...] <body>)
(do <expr1> <expr2> ... <return-expression>)
(if <expression> <true-branch> <false-branch>)
(while <expression> <body>)
(ref <expression>) ;; Turns an owned value into an unowned one
(def variable-name value) ;; Define a global variable
(defn function-name [<arg1> <arg2> ...] <body>) ;; Define a function (will be compiled)
(let [<var1> <expr1> <var2> <expr2> ...] <body>) ;; Define local bindings
(do <expr1> <expr2> ... <return-expression>) ;; Perform side-effecting functions, then return a value
(if <expression> <true-branch> <false-branch>) ;; Branching
(while <expression> <body>) ;; Loop until expression is false
(ref <expression>) ;; Borrow an owned value
(address <expression>) ;; Takes the memory address of a value, returns a C-style pointer
(set! <variable> <expression>) ;; Mutate a variable
(the Int <expression>) ;; Explicitly declare the type of an expression
@ -44,8 +49,8 @@ foo ; symbol
### Reader Macros
&x ; same as (ref x)
@x ; same as (copy x)
&x ;; same as (ref x)
@x ;; same as (copy x)
### Named Holes
@ -63,10 +68,12 @@ These can only be used at the REPL and during macro evaluation.
(defmacro <name> [<arg1> <arg2> ...] <macro-body>)
(dynamic <name> [<arg1> <arg2> ...] <function-body>)
(quote <expr>)
(car <collection>)
(cdr <collection>)
(list <expr1> <expr2> ...)
(quote <expression>) ;; Avoid further evaluation of the expression
(car <collection>) ;; Return the first element of a list or array
(cdr <collection>) ;; Return all but the first element of a list or array
(cons <expr> <list>) ;; Add the value of <expr> as the first element the <list>
(list <expr1> <expr2> ...) ;; Create a list from a series of evaluated expressions
(array <expr1> <expr2> ...) ;; Create an array from a series of evaluated expressions
### Modules and Name Lookup