Modules docs.

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Erik Svedäng 2017-06-26 13:45:51 +02:00
parent 811c821925
commit 284bf305cb

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@ -119,7 +119,50 @@ foo ; symbol
### Dynamic-only Special Forms
(import <module>) ;; Make it possible to access members of a module without qualifying them with "ModuleName."
### Modules and name lookup
Functions and variables can be stored in modules which are named and can be nested. To use a symbol inside a module
you need to qualify it with the module name, like this: ```Float.cos```.
Importing a module makes it possible to access its members without qualifying them:
(import Float)
(defn f []
(cos 3.2f))
If there are several imported modules that contain symbols with the same name, the type inferer will try to figure
out which one of the symbols you really mean (based on the types in your code). If it can't, it will display an error.
For example, both the module ```String``` and ```Array``` contain a function named 'count'. In the following code it's
possible to see that it's the array version that is needed, and that one will be called:
(import String)
(import Array)
(defn f []
(count [1 2 3 4 5]))
In the following example it's not possible to figure out which type is intended:
(import String)
(import Array)
(defn f [x]
(count x))
Specifying the type solves this error:
(import String)
(import Array)
(defn f [x]
(String.count x))
### Structs