Delete and copy functions are set and called.

This commit is contained in:
Erik Svedäng 2018-08-29 15:10:41 +02:00
parent 72c2330bab
commit 2d38eeba2c
8 changed files with 730 additions and 671 deletions

View File

@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ typedef struct {
typedef struct {
void *callback;
void *env;
void (*delete)(void*);
void *(*copy)(void*);
void *delete;
void *copy;
} Lambda;
typedef void* LambdaEnv;

View File

@ -25,19 +25,19 @@
(use Array)
;; (use Array)
(defn pow-to [exponent to]
(let [fff (fn [] ())
ff2 @&fff
to-copy @to
upper (to-copy)]
(endo-map (fn [x] (Int.pow x exponent)) (range 0 upper 1))))
;; (defn pow-to [exponent to]
;; (let [fff (fn [] ())
;; ff2 @&fff
;; to-copy @to
;; upper (to-copy)]
;; (endo-map (fn [x] (Int.pow x exponent)) (range 0 upper 1))))
(defn twenty [] 20)
;; (defn twenty [] 20)
(defn main []
(println* (ref (pow-to 3 &twenty))))
;; (defn main []
;; (println* (ref (pow-to 3 &twenty))))
@ -49,3 +49,17 @@
;; (let [b (Blah.init hej)
;; f @(Blah.function &b)]
;; (f)))
(defn main []
(let [x 100
y 23
f (fn [] (+ x y))
ignore-me (fn [] ())]
;; (defn main []
;; (let [strings [@"a" @"bb" @"ccc"]]
;; (println* &(Array.copy-map String.length &strings))))

View File

@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
module Concretize where
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, fromJust)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Set ((\\))
import Data.List (foldl')
import Debug.Trace
import qualified Text.Parsec as Parsec
import Text.Parsec ((<|>))
import Obj
import Constraints
@ -17,6 +21,10 @@ import AssignTypes
import Polymorphism
import InitialTypes
import Lookup
import Parsing
--import Template
--import ArrayTemplates
-- | This function performs two things:
-- | 1. Finds out which polymorphic functions that needs to be added to the environment for the calls in the function to work.
@ -116,13 +124,26 @@ concretizeXObj allowAmbiguityRoot typeEnv rootEnv visitedDefinitions root =
XObj (Arr structMemberPairs) Nothing Nothing :
[])) i (Just TypeTy)
deleteFnTy = typesDeleterFunctionType environmentStructTy
deleteFnTemplate = concreteDelete typeEnv env (memberXObjsToPairs structMemberPairs)
(deleteFn, deleterDeps) = instantiateTemplate (SymPath [] (environmentTypeName ++ "_delete")) deleteFnTy deleteFnTemplate
copyFnTy = typesCopyFunctionType environmentStructTy
copyFnTemplate = concreteCopy typeEnv env (memberXObjsToPairs structMemberPairs)
(copyFn, copyDeps) = instantiateTemplate (SymPath [] (environmentTypeName ++ "_copy")) copyFnTy copyFnTemplate
-- The type env has to contain the lambdas environment struct for 'concretizeDefinition' to work:
extendedTypeEnv = TypeEnv (extendEnv (getTypeEnv typeEnv) environmentTypeName environmentStruct)
in case concretizeDefinition allowAmbig extendedTypeEnv env visitedDefinitions lambdaCallback funcTy of
Left err -> return (Left err)
Right (concreteLiftedLambda, deps) ->
do modify (environmentStruct :)
do when (not (null capturedVars)) $
do modify (environmentStruct :)
modify (deleteFn :)
modify (deleterDeps ++)
modify (copyFn :)
modify (copyDeps ++)
modify (concreteLiftedLambda :)
modify (deps ++)
return (Right [XObj (Fn (Just lambdaName) (Set.fromList capturedVars)) fni fnt, args, okBody])
@ -906,3 +927,658 @@ isGlobalFunc xobj =
XObj (Sym _ (LookupGlobal _)) _ (Just (FuncTy _ _)) -> True
XObj (Sym _ (LookupGlobalOverride _)) _ (Just (FuncTy _ _)) -> True
_ -> False
data AllocationMode = StackAlloc | HeapAlloc
{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Reduce duplication" #-}
-- | This function creates a "Type Module" with the same name as the type being defined.
-- A type module provides a namespace for all the functions that area automatically
-- generated by a deftype.
moduleForDeftype :: TypeEnv -> Env -> [String] -> String -> [Ty] -> [XObj] -> Maybe Info -> Maybe Env -> Either String (String, XObj, [XObj])
moduleForDeftype typeEnv env pathStrings typeName typeVariables rest i existingEnv =
let typeModuleName = typeName
typeModuleEnv = case existingEnv of
Just env -> env
Nothing -> Env (Map.fromList []) (Just env) (Just typeModuleName) [] ExternalEnv 0
-- The variable 'insidePath' is the path used for all member functions inside the 'typeModule'.
-- For example (module Vec2 [x Float]) creates bindings like Vec2.create, Vec2.x, etc.
insidePath = pathStrings ++ [typeModuleName]
in do validateMemberCases typeEnv typeVariables rest
let structTy = StructTy typeName typeVariables
(okMembers, membersDeps) <- templatesForMembers typeEnv env insidePath structTy rest
okInit <- binderForInit insidePath structTy rest
--okNew <- templateForNew insidePath structTy rest
(okStr, strDeps) <- binderForStrOrPrn typeEnv env insidePath structTy rest "str"
(okPrn, _) <- binderForStrOrPrn typeEnv env insidePath structTy rest "prn"
(okDelete, deleteDeps) <- binderForDelete typeEnv env insidePath structTy rest
(okCopy, copyDeps) <- binderForCopy typeEnv env insidePath structTy rest
let funcs = okInit : okStr : okPrn : okDelete : okCopy : okMembers
moduleEnvWithBindings = addListOfBindings typeModuleEnv funcs
typeModuleXObj = XObj (Mod moduleEnvWithBindings) i (Just ModuleTy)
deps = deleteDeps ++ membersDeps ++ copyDeps ++ strDeps
return (typeModuleName, typeModuleXObj, deps)
-- | Will generate getters/setters/updaters when registering EXTERNAL types.
-- | i.e. (register-type VRUnicornData [hp Int, magic Float])
-- | TODO: Remove duplication shared by moduleForDeftype-function.
bindingsForRegisteredType :: TypeEnv -> Env -> [String] -> String -> [XObj] -> Maybe Info -> Maybe Env -> Either String (String, XObj, [XObj])
bindingsForRegisteredType typeEnv env pathStrings typeName rest i existingEnv =
let typeModuleName = typeName
typeModuleEnv = case existingEnv of
Just env -> env
Nothing -> Env (Map.fromList []) (Just env) (Just typeModuleName) [] ExternalEnv 0
insidePath = pathStrings ++ [typeModuleName]
in do validateMemberCases typeEnv [] rest
let structTy = StructTy typeName []
(binders, deps) <- templatesForMembers typeEnv env insidePath structTy rest
okInit <- binderForInit insidePath structTy rest
--okNew <- templateForNew insidePath structTy rest
(okStr, strDeps) <- binderForStrOrPrn typeEnv env insidePath structTy rest "str"
(okPrn, _) <- binderForStrOrPrn typeEnv env insidePath structTy rest "prn"
let moduleEnvWithBindings = addListOfBindings typeModuleEnv (okInit : okStr : okPrn : binders)
typeModuleXObj = XObj (Mod moduleEnvWithBindings) i (Just ModuleTy)
return (typeModuleName, typeModuleXObj, deps ++ strDeps)
-- | Generate all the templates for ALL the member variables in a deftype declaration.
templatesForMembers :: TypeEnv -> Env -> [String] -> Ty -> [XObj] -> Either String ([(String, Binder)], [XObj])
templatesForMembers typeEnv env insidePath structTy [XObj (Arr membersXobjs) _ _] =
let bindersAndDeps = concatMap (templatesForSingleMember typeEnv env insidePath structTy) (pairwise membersXobjs)
in Right (map fst bindersAndDeps, concatMap snd bindersAndDeps)
templatesForMembers _ _ _ _ _ = Left "Can't create member functions for type with more than one case (yet)."
-- | Generate the templates for a single member in a deftype declaration.
templatesForSingleMember :: TypeEnv -> Env -> [String] -> Ty -> (XObj, XObj) -> [((String, Binder), [XObj])]
templatesForSingleMember typeEnv env insidePath p@(StructTy typeName _) (nameXObj, typeXObj) =
let Just t = xobjToTy typeXObj
memberName = getName nameXObj
in [instanceBinderWithDeps (SymPath insidePath memberName) (FuncTy [RefTy p] (RefTy t)) (templateGetter (mangle memberName) t)
, if isTypeGeneric t
then (templateGenericSetter insidePath p t memberName, [])
else instanceBinderWithDeps (SymPath insidePath ("set-" ++ memberName)) (FuncTy [p, t] p) (templateSetter typeEnv env (mangle memberName) t)
,instanceBinderWithDeps (SymPath insidePath ("set-" ++ memberName ++ "!")) (FuncTy [RefTy (p), t] UnitTy) (templateMutatingSetter typeEnv env (mangle memberName) t)
,instanceBinderWithDeps (SymPath insidePath ("update-" ++ memberName))
(FuncTy [p, FuncTy [t] t] p)
(templateUpdater (mangle memberName))]
-- | The template for getters of a deftype.
templateGetter :: String -> Ty -> Template
templateGetter member memberTy =
(FuncTy [RefTy (VarTy "p")] (VarTy "t"))
(const (toTemplate "$t $NAME($(Ref p) p)"))
(const $
let fixForVoidStarMembers =
if isFunctionType memberTy && (not (isTypeGeneric memberTy))
then "(" ++ tyToCLambdaFix (RefTy memberTy) ++ ")"
else ""
in (toTemplate ("$DECL { return " ++ fixForVoidStarMembers ++ "(&(p->" ++ member ++ ")); }\n")))
(const [])
-- | The template for setters of a concrete deftype.
templateSetter :: TypeEnv -> Env -> String -> Ty -> Template
templateSetter typeEnv env memberName memberTy =
let callToDelete = memberDeletion typeEnv env (memberName, memberTy)
(FuncTy [VarTy "p", VarTy "t"] (VarTy "p"))
(const (toTemplate "$p $NAME($p p, $t newValue)"))
(const (toTemplate (unlines ["$DECL {"
," p." ++ memberName ++ " = newValue;"
," return p;"
(\_ -> if | isManaged typeEnv memberTy -> depsOfPolymorphicFunction typeEnv env [] "delete" (typesDeleterFunctionType memberTy)
| isFunctionType memberTy -> [defineFunctionTypeAlias memberTy]
| otherwise -> [])
-- | The template for setters of a generic deftype.
templateGenericSetter :: [String] -> Ty -> Ty -> String -> (String, Binder)
templateGenericSetter pathStrings originalStructTy memberTy memberName =
defineTypeParameterizedTemplate templateCreator path (FuncTy [originalStructTy, memberTy] originalStructTy)
where path = SymPath pathStrings ("set-" ++ memberName)
t = (FuncTy [VarTy "p", VarTy "t"] (VarTy "p"))
templateCreator = TemplateCreator $
\typeEnv env ->
(const (toTemplate "$p $NAME($p p, $t newValue)"))
(\(FuncTy [_, memberTy] _) ->
(let callToDelete = memberDeletion typeEnv env (memberName, memberTy)
in (toTemplate (unlines ["$DECL {"
," p." ++ memberName ++ " = newValue;"
," return p;"
(\(FuncTy [_, memberTy] _) ->
if isManaged typeEnv memberTy
then depsOfPolymorphicFunction typeEnv env [] "delete" (typesDeleterFunctionType memberTy)
else [])
-- | The template for mutating setters of a deftype.
templateMutatingSetter :: TypeEnv -> Env -> String -> Ty -> Template
templateMutatingSetter typeEnv env memberName memberTy =
(FuncTy [RefTy (VarTy "p"), VarTy "t"] UnitTy)
(const (toTemplate "void $NAME($p* pRef, $t newValue)"))
(const (toTemplate (unlines ["$DECL {"
," pRef->" ++ memberName ++ " = newValue;"
(const [])
-- | The template for updater functions of a deftype.
-- | (allows changing a variable by passing an transformation function).
templateUpdater :: String -> Template
templateUpdater member =
(FuncTy [VarTy "p", FuncTy [VarTy "t"] (VarTy "t")] (VarTy "p"))
(const (toTemplate "$p $NAME($p p, Lambda updater)")) -- "Lambda" used to be: $(Fn [t] t)
(const (toTemplate (unlines ["$DECL {"
," p." ++ member ++ " = " ++ (templateCodeForCallingLambda "updater" (FuncTy [VarTy "t"] (VarTy "t")) ["p." ++ member]) ++ ";"
," return p;"
(\(FuncTy [_, t@(FuncTy fArgTys fRetTy)] _) ->
if isTypeGeneric fRetTy
then []
else [defineFunctionTypeAlias t, defineFunctionTypeAlias (FuncTy (lambdaEnvTy : fArgTys) fRetTy)])
-- | Helper function to create the binder for the 'init' template.
binderForInit :: [String] -> Ty -> [XObj] -> Either String (String, Binder)
binderForInit insidePath structTy@(StructTy typeName _) [XObj (Arr membersXObjs) _ _] =
if isTypeGeneric structTy
then Right (genericInit StackAlloc insidePath structTy membersXObjs)
else Right $ instanceBinder (SymPath insidePath "init")
(FuncTy (initArgListTypes membersXObjs) structTy)
(concreteInit StackAlloc structTy membersXObjs)
-- | Generate a list of types from a deftype declaration.
initArgListTypes :: [XObj] -> [Ty]
initArgListTypes xobjs = map (\(_, x) -> fromJust (xobjToTy x)) (pairwise xobjs)
-- | The template for the 'init' and 'new' functions for a concrete deftype.
concreteInit :: AllocationMode -> Ty -> [XObj] -> Template
concreteInit allocationMode originalStructTy@(StructTy typeName typeVariables) membersXObjs =
(FuncTy (map snd (memberXObjsToPairs membersXObjs)) (VarTy "p"))
(\(FuncTy _ concreteStructTy) ->
let mappings = unifySignatures originalStructTy concreteStructTy
correctedMembers = replaceGenericTypeSymbolsOnMembers mappings membersXObjs
memberPairs = memberXObjsToPairs correctedMembers
in (toTemplate $ "$p $NAME(" ++ joinWithComma (map memberArg memberPairs) ++ ")"))
(const (tokensForInit allocationMode typeName membersXObjs))
(\(FuncTy _ _) -> [])
-- | The template for the 'init' and 'new' functions for a generic deftype.
genericInit :: AllocationMode -> [String] -> Ty -> [XObj] -> (String, Binder)
genericInit allocationMode pathStrings originalStructTy@(StructTy typeName _) membersXObjs =
defineTypeParameterizedTemplate templateCreator path t
where path = SymPath pathStrings "init"
t = (FuncTy (map snd (memberXObjsToPairs membersXObjs)) originalStructTy)
templateCreator = TemplateCreator $
\typeEnv env ->
(FuncTy (map snd (memberXObjsToPairs membersXObjs)) (VarTy "p"))
(\(FuncTy _ concreteStructTy) ->
let mappings = unifySignatures originalStructTy concreteStructTy
correctedMembers = replaceGenericTypeSymbolsOnMembers mappings membersXObjs
memberPairs = memberXObjsToPairs correctedMembers
in (toTemplate $ "$p $NAME(" ++ joinWithComma (map memberArg memberPairs) ++ ")"))
(const (tokensForInit allocationMode typeName membersXObjs))
(\(FuncTy _ concreteStructTy) ->
case concretizeType typeEnv concreteStructTy of
Left err -> error (err ++ ". This error should not crash the compiler - change return type to Either here.")
Right ok -> ok
tokensForInit :: AllocationMode -> String -> [XObj] -> [Token]
tokensForInit allocationMode typeName membersXObjs =
toTemplate $ unlines [ "$DECL {"
, case allocationMode of
StackAlloc -> " $p instance;"
HeapAlloc -> " $p instance = CARP_MALLOC(sizeof(" ++ typeName ++ "));"
, joinWith "\n" (map (memberAssignment allocationMode) (memberXObjsToPairs membersXObjs))
, " return instance;"
, "}"]
-- | Creates the C code for an arg to the init function.
-- | i.e. "(deftype A [x Int])" will generate "int x" which
-- | will be used in the init function like this: "A_init(int x)"
memberArg :: (String, Ty) -> String
memberArg (memberName, memberTy) =
tyToCLambdaFix (templitizeTy memberTy) ++ " " ++ memberName
-- | If the type is just a type variable; create a template type variable by appending $ in front of it's name
templitizeTy :: Ty -> Ty
templitizeTy (VarTy vt) = VarTy ("$" ++ vt)
templitizeTy (FuncTy argTys retTy) = FuncTy (map templitizeTy argTys) (templitizeTy retTy)
templitizeTy (StructTy name tys) = StructTy name (map templitizeTy tys)
templitizeTy (RefTy t) = RefTy (templitizeTy t)
templitizeTy (PointerTy t) = PointerTy (templitizeTy t)
templitizeTy t = t
-- | Helper function to create the binder for the 'str' template.
binderForStrOrPrn :: TypeEnv -> Env -> [String] -> Ty -> [XObj] -> String -> Either String ((String, Binder), [XObj])
binderForStrOrPrn typeEnv env insidePath structTy@(StructTy typeName _) [XObj (Arr membersXObjs) _ _] strOrPrn =
if isTypeGeneric structTy
then Right (genericStr insidePath structTy membersXObjs strOrPrn, [])
else Right (instanceBinderWithDeps (SymPath insidePath strOrPrn)
(FuncTy [RefTy structTy] StringTy)
(concreteStr typeEnv env structTy (memberXObjsToPairs membersXObjs) strOrPrn))
-- | The template for the 'str' function for a concrete deftype.
concreteStr :: TypeEnv -> Env -> Ty -> [(String, Ty)] -> String -> Template
concreteStr typeEnv env concreteStructTy@(StructTy typeName _) memberPairs strOrPrn =
(FuncTy [RefTy concreteStructTy] StringTy)
(\(FuncTy [RefTy structTy] StringTy) -> (toTemplate $ "String $NAME(" ++ tyToCLambdaFix structTy ++ " *p)"))
(\(FuncTy [RefTy structTy@(StructTy _ concreteMemberTys)] StringTy) ->
(tokensForStr typeEnv env typeName memberPairs concreteStructTy))
(\(ft@(FuncTy [RefTy structTy@(StructTy _ concreteMemberTys)] StringTy)) ->
concatMap (depsOfPolymorphicFunction typeEnv env [] "prn" . typesStrFunctionType typeEnv)
(filter (\t -> (not . isExternalType typeEnv) t && (not . isFullyGenericType) t)
(map snd memberPairs)))
-- | The template for the 'str' function for a generic deftype.
genericStr :: [String] -> Ty -> [XObj] -> String -> (String, Binder)
genericStr pathStrings originalStructTy@(StructTy typeName varTys) membersXObjs strOrPrn =
defineTypeParameterizedTemplate templateCreator path t
where path = SymPath pathStrings strOrPrn
t = FuncTy [(RefTy originalStructTy)] StringTy
members = memberXObjsToPairs membersXObjs
templateCreator = TemplateCreator $
\typeEnv env ->
(\(FuncTy [RefTy concreteStructTy] StringTy) ->
(toTemplate $ "String $NAME(" ++ tyToCLambdaFix concreteStructTy ++ " *p)"))
(\(FuncTy [RefTy concreteStructTy@(StructTy _ concreteMemberTys)] StringTy) ->
let mappings = unifySignatures originalStructTy concreteStructTy
correctedMembers = replaceGenericTypeSymbolsOnMembers mappings membersXObjs
memberPairs = memberXObjsToPairs correctedMembers
in (tokensForStr typeEnv env typeName memberPairs concreteStructTy))
(\(ft@(FuncTy [RefTy concreteStructTy@(StructTy _ concreteMemberTys)] StringTy)) ->
let mappings = unifySignatures originalStructTy concreteStructTy
correctedMembers = replaceGenericTypeSymbolsOnMembers mappings membersXObjs
memberPairs = memberXObjsToPairs correctedMembers
in concatMap (depsOfPolymorphicFunction typeEnv env [] "prn" . typesStrFunctionType typeEnv)
(filter (\t -> (not . isExternalType typeEnv) t && (not . isFullyGenericType) t)
(map snd memberPairs))
(if isTypeGeneric concreteStructTy then [] else [defineFunctionTypeAlias ft]))
tokensForStr :: TypeEnv -> Env -> String -> [(String, Ty)] -> Ty -> [Token]
tokensForStr typeEnv env typeName memberPairs concreteStructTy =
(toTemplate $ unlines [ "$DECL {"
, " // convert members to String here:"
, " String temp = NULL;"
, " int tempsize = 0;"
, " (void)tempsize; // that way we remove the occasional unused warning "
, calculateStructStrSize typeEnv env memberPairs concreteStructTy
, " String buffer = CARP_MALLOC(size);"
, " String bufferPtr = buffer;"
, ""
, " snprintf(bufferPtr, size, \"(%s \", \"" ++ typeName ++ "\");"
, " bufferPtr += strlen(\"" ++ typeName ++ "\") + 2;\n"
, joinWith "\n" (map (memberPrn typeEnv env) memberPairs)
, " bufferPtr--;"
, " snprintf(bufferPtr, size, \")\");"
, " return buffer;"
, "}"])
-- | Figure out how big the string needed for the string representation of the struct has to be.
calculateStructStrSize :: TypeEnv -> Env -> [(String, Ty)] -> Ty -> String
calculateStructStrSize typeEnv env members structTy@(StructTy name _) =
" int size = snprintf(NULL, 0, \"(%s )\", \"" ++ name ++ "\");\n" ++
unlines (map memberPrnSize members)
where memberPrnSize (memberName, memberTy) =
let refOrNotRefType = if isManaged typeEnv memberTy then RefTy memberTy else memberTy
maybeTakeAddress = if isManaged typeEnv memberTy then "&" else ""
strFuncType = FuncTy [refOrNotRefType] StringTy
in case nameOfPolymorphicFunction typeEnv env strFuncType "prn" of
Just strFunctionPath ->
unlines [" temp = " ++ pathToC strFunctionPath ++ "(" ++ maybeTakeAddress ++ "p->" ++ memberName ++ "); "
, " size += snprintf(NULL, 0, \"%s \", temp);"
, " if(temp) { CARP_FREE(temp); temp = NULL; }"
Nothing ->
if isExternalType typeEnv memberTy
then unlines [ " size += snprintf(NULL, 0, \"%p \", p->" ++ memberName ++ ");"
, " if(temp) { CARP_FREE(temp); temp = NULL; }"
else " // Failed to find str function for " ++ memberName ++ " : " ++ show memberTy ++ "\n"
-- | Generate C code for converting a member variable to a string and appending it to a buffer.
memberPrn :: TypeEnv -> Env -> (String, Ty) -> String
memberPrn typeEnv env (memberName, memberTy) =
let refOrNotRefType = if isManaged typeEnv memberTy then RefTy memberTy else memberTy
maybeTakeAddress = if isManaged typeEnv memberTy then "&" else ""
strFuncType = FuncTy [refOrNotRefType] StringTy
in case nameOfPolymorphicFunction typeEnv env strFuncType "prn" of
Just strFunctionPath ->
unlines [" temp = " ++ pathToC strFunctionPath ++ "(" ++ maybeTakeAddress ++ "p->" ++ memberName ++ ");"
, " snprintf(bufferPtr, size, \"%s \", temp);"
, " bufferPtr += strlen(temp) + 1;"
, " if(temp) { CARP_FREE(temp); temp = NULL; }"
Nothing ->
if isExternalType typeEnv memberTy
then unlines [ " tempsize = snprintf(NULL, 0, \"%p\", p->" ++ memberName ++ ");"
, " temp = malloc(tempsize);"
, " snprintf(temp, tempsize, \"%p\", p->" ++ memberName ++ ");"
, " snprintf(bufferPtr, size, \"%s \", temp);"
, " bufferPtr += strlen(temp) + 1;"
, " if(temp) { CARP_FREE(temp); temp = NULL; }"
else " // Failed to find str function for " ++ memberName ++ " : " ++ show memberTy ++ "\n"
-- | Generate C code for assigning to a member variable.
-- | Needs to know if the instance is a pointer or stack variable.
memberAssignment :: AllocationMode -> (String, Ty) -> String
memberAssignment allocationMode (memberName, _) = " instance" ++ sep ++ memberName ++ " = " ++ memberName ++ ";"
where sep = case allocationMode of
StackAlloc -> "."
HeapAlloc -> "->"
-- | Helper function to create the binder for the 'delete' template.
binderForDelete :: TypeEnv -> Env -> [String] -> Ty -> [XObj] -> Either String ((String, Binder), [XObj])
binderForDelete typeEnv env insidePath structTy@(StructTy typeName _) [XObj (Arr membersXObjs) _ _] =
if isTypeGeneric structTy
then Right (genericDelete insidePath structTy membersXObjs, [])
else Right (instanceBinderWithDeps (SymPath insidePath "delete")
(FuncTy [structTy] UnitTy)
(concreteDelete typeEnv env (memberXObjsToPairs membersXObjs)))
-- | The template for the 'delete' function of a concrete deftype.
concreteDelete :: TypeEnv -> Env -> [(String, Ty)] -> Template
concreteDelete typeEnv env members =
(FuncTy [VarTy "p"] UnitTy)
(const (toTemplate "void $NAME($p p)"))
(const (toTemplate $ unlines [ "$DECL {"
, joinWith "\n" (map (memberDeletion typeEnv env) members)
, "}"]))
(\_ -> concatMap (depsOfPolymorphicFunction typeEnv env [] "delete" . typesDeleterFunctionType)
(filter (isManaged typeEnv) (map snd members)))
-- | The template for the 'delete' function of a generic deftype.
genericDelete :: [String] -> Ty -> [XObj] -> (String, Binder)
genericDelete pathStrings originalStructTy membersXObjs =
defineTypeParameterizedTemplate templateCreator path (FuncTy [originalStructTy] UnitTy)
where path = SymPath pathStrings "delete"
t = (FuncTy [VarTy "p"] UnitTy)
templateCreator = TemplateCreator $
\typeEnv env ->
(const (toTemplate "void $NAME($p p)"))
(\(FuncTy [concreteStructTy] UnitTy) ->
let mappings = unifySignatures originalStructTy concreteStructTy
correctedMembers = replaceGenericTypeSymbolsOnMembers mappings membersXObjs
memberPairs = memberXObjsToPairs correctedMembers
in (toTemplate $ unlines [ "$DECL {"
, joinWith "\n" (map (memberDeletion typeEnv env) memberPairs)
, "}"]))
(\(FuncTy [concreteStructTy] UnitTy) ->
let mappings = unifySignatures originalStructTy concreteStructTy
correctedMembers = replaceGenericTypeSymbolsOnMembers mappings membersXObjs
memberPairs = memberXObjsToPairs correctedMembers
in if isTypeGeneric concreteStructTy
then []
else concatMap (depsOfPolymorphicFunction typeEnv env [] "delete" . typesDeleterFunctionType)
(filter (isManaged typeEnv) (map snd memberPairs)))
-- | Generate the C code for deleting a single member of the deftype.
-- | TODO: Should return an Either since this can fail!
memberDeletion :: TypeEnv -> Env -> (String, Ty) -> String
memberDeletion typeEnv env (memberName, memberType) =
case findFunctionForMember typeEnv env "delete" (typesDeleterFunctionType memberType) (memberName, memberType) of
FunctionFound functionFullName -> " " ++ functionFullName ++ "(p." ++ memberName ++ ");"
FunctionNotFound msg -> error msg
FunctionIgnored -> " /* Ignore non-managed member '" ++ memberName ++ "' */"
-- | Helper function to create the binder for the 'copy' template.
binderForCopy :: TypeEnv -> Env -> [String] -> Ty -> [XObj] -> Either String ((String, Binder), [XObj])
binderForCopy typeEnv env insidePath structTy@(StructTy typeName _) [XObj (Arr membersXObjs) _ _] =
if isTypeGeneric structTy
then Right (genericCopy insidePath structTy membersXObjs, [])
else Right (instanceBinderWithDeps (SymPath insidePath "copy")
(FuncTy [RefTy structTy] structTy)
(concreteCopy typeEnv env (memberXObjsToPairs membersXObjs)))
-- | The template for the 'copy' function of a concrete deftype.
concreteCopy :: TypeEnv -> Env -> [(String, Ty)] -> Template
concreteCopy typeEnv env memberPairs =
(FuncTy [RefTy (VarTy "p")] (VarTy "p"))
(const (toTemplate "$p $NAME($p* pRef)"))
(const (tokensForCopy typeEnv env memberPairs))
(\_ -> concatMap (depsOfPolymorphicFunction typeEnv env [] "copy" . typesCopyFunctionType)
(filter (isManaged typeEnv) (map snd memberPairs)))
-- | The template for the 'copy' function of a generic deftype.
genericCopy :: [String] -> Ty -> [XObj] -> (String, Binder)
genericCopy pathStrings originalStructTy membersXObjs =
defineTypeParameterizedTemplate templateCreator path (FuncTy [RefTy originalStructTy] originalStructTy)
where path = SymPath pathStrings "copy"
t = (FuncTy [RefTy (VarTy "p")] (VarTy "p"))
templateCreator = TemplateCreator $
\typeEnv env ->
(const (toTemplate "$p $NAME($p* pRef)"))
(\(FuncTy [RefTy concreteStructTy] _) ->
let mappings = unifySignatures originalStructTy concreteStructTy
correctedMembers = replaceGenericTypeSymbolsOnMembers mappings membersXObjs
memberPairs = memberXObjsToPairs correctedMembers
in (tokensForCopy typeEnv env memberPairs))
(\(FuncTy [RefTy concreteStructTy] _) ->
let mappings = unifySignatures originalStructTy concreteStructTy
correctedMembers = replaceGenericTypeSymbolsOnMembers mappings membersXObjs
memberPairs = memberXObjsToPairs correctedMembers
in if isTypeGeneric concreteStructTy
then []
else concatMap (depsOfPolymorphicFunction typeEnv env [] "copy" . typesCopyFunctionType)
(filter (isManaged typeEnv) (map snd memberPairs)))
tokensForCopy :: TypeEnv -> Env -> [(String, Ty)] -> [Token]
tokensForCopy typeEnv env memberPairs=
(toTemplate $ unlines [ "$DECL {"
, " $p copy = *pRef;"
, joinWith "\n" (map (memberCopy typeEnv env) memberPairs)
, " return copy;"
, "}"])
-- | Generate the C code for copying the member of a deftype.
-- | TODO: Should return an Either since this can fail!
memberCopy :: TypeEnv -> Env -> (String, Ty) -> String
memberCopy typeEnv env (memberName, memberType) =
case findFunctionForMember typeEnv env "copy" (typesCopyFunctionType memberType) (memberName, memberType) of
FunctionFound functionFullName ->
" copy." ++ memberName ++ " = " ++ functionFullName ++ "(&(pRef->" ++ memberName ++ "));"
FunctionNotFound msg -> error msg
FunctionIgnored -> " /* Ignore non-managed member '" ++ memberName ++ "' */"
-- | Create a binding pair used for adding a template instantiation to an environment.
instanceBinder :: SymPath -> Ty -> Template -> (String, Binder)
instanceBinder path@(SymPath _ name) actualType template =
let (x, _) = instantiateTemplate path actualType template
in (name, Binder emptyMeta x)
-- | Create a binding pair and don't discard the dependencies
instanceBinderWithDeps :: SymPath -> Ty -> Template -> ((String, Binder), [XObj])
instanceBinderWithDeps path@(SymPath _ name) actualType template =
let (x, deps) = instantiateTemplate path actualType template
in ((name, Binder emptyMeta x), deps)
-- | Templates are instructions for the compiler to generate some C-code
-- | based on some template and the names and types to fill into the template.
-- | Templates are generic and need to be given an explicit type to generate the
-- | correct code.
-- | Example:
-- | template1 : ((Array T) -> Int) = "int length__T(<T> xs) { return xs->len; }"
-- | Given the type ((Array Float) -> Int) the following code is produced:
-- | "int length__Float(Array__Float xs) { return xs->len; }"
-- | Create a binding pair used for adding a template definition to an environment.
defineTemplate :: SymPath -> Ty -> [Token] -> [Token] -> (Ty -> [XObj]) -> (String, Binder)
defineTemplate path t declaration definition depsFunc =
let (SymPath _ name) = path
template = Template t (const declaration) (const definition) depsFunc
i = Info 0 0 (show path ++ ".template") Set.empty 0
defLst = [XObj (Deftemplate (TemplateCreator (\_ _ -> template))) Nothing Nothing, XObj (Sym path Symbol) Nothing Nothing]
in (name, Binder emptyMeta (XObj (Lst defLst) (Just i) (Just t)))
-- | The more advanced version of a template, where the code can vary depending on the type.
defineTypeParameterizedTemplate :: TemplateCreator -> SymPath -> Ty -> (String, Binder)
defineTypeParameterizedTemplate templateCreator path t =
let (SymPath _ name) = path
i = Info 0 0 (show path ++ ".parameterizedTemplate") Set.empty 0
defLst = [XObj (Deftemplate templateCreator) Nothing Nothing, XObj (Sym path Symbol) Nothing Nothing]
in (name, Binder emptyMeta (XObj (Lst defLst) (Just i) (Just t)))
-- | Concretizes the types used in @token
-- @cName is the name of the definition, i.e. the "foo" in "void foo() { ... }"
concretizeTypesInToken :: TypeMappings -> String -> [Token] -> Token -> [Token]
concretizeTypesInToken mappings cName decl token =
case token of
TokDecl -> concatMap (concretizeTypesInToken mappings cName (error "Nope.")) decl
TokName -> [TokC cName]
TokTy t mode -> [TokTy (replaceTyVars mappings t) mode]
_ -> [token]
-- | High-level helper function for creating templates from strings of C code.
toTemplate :: String -> [Token]
toTemplate text = case Parsec.runParser templateSyntax 0 "(template)" text of
Right ok -> ok
Left err -> error (show err)
templateSyntax :: Parsec.Parsec String Int [Token]
templateSyntax = Parsec.many parseTok
parseTok = Parsec.try parseTokDecl <|> --- $DECL
Parsec.try parseTokName <|> --- $NAME
Parsec.try parseTokTyGrouped <|> --- i.e. $(Fn [Int] t)
Parsec.try parseTokTyRawGrouped <|>
Parsec.try parseTokTy <|> --- i.e. $t
parseTokC --- Anything else...
parseTokDecl :: Parsec.Parsec String Int Token
parseTokDecl = do _ <- Parsec.string "$DECL"
return TokDecl
parseTokName :: Parsec.Parsec String Int Token
parseTokName = do _ <- Parsec.string "$NAME"
return TokName
parseTokC :: Parsec.Parsec String Int Token
parseTokC = do s <- Parsec.many1 validInSymbol
return (TokC s)
where validInSymbol = Parsec.choice [Parsec.letter, Parsec.digit, Parsec.oneOf validCharactersInTemplate]
validCharactersInTemplate = " ><{}()[]|;:.,_-+*#/'^!?€%&=@\"\n\t"
parseTokTy :: Parsec.Parsec String Int Token
parseTokTy = do _ <- Parsec.char '$'
s <- Parsec.many1 Parsec.letter
return (toTokTy Normal s)
parseTokTyGrouped :: Parsec.Parsec String Int Token
parseTokTyGrouped = do _ <- Parsec.char '$'
_ <- Parsec.char '('
Parsec.putState 1 -- One paren to close.
s <- fmap ('(' :) (Parsec.many parseCharBalanced)
-- Note: The closing paren is read by parseCharBalanced.
return (toTokTy Normal s)
parseTokTyRawGrouped :: Parsec.Parsec String Int Token
parseTokTyRawGrouped = do _ <- Parsec.char '§'
_ <- Parsec.char '('
Parsec.putState 1 -- One paren to close.
s <- fmap ('(' :) (Parsec.many parseCharBalanced)
-- Note: The closing paren is read by parseCharBalanced.
return (toTokTy Raw s)
parseCharBalanced :: Parsec.Parsec String Int Char
parseCharBalanced = do balanceState <- Parsec.getState
if balanceState > 0
then Parsec.try openParen <|>
Parsec.try closeParen <|>
else Parsec.char '\0' -- Should always fail which will end the string.
openParen :: Parsec.Parsec String Int Char
openParen = do _ <- Parsec.char '('
Parsec.modifyState (+1)
return '('
closeParen :: Parsec.Parsec String Int Char
closeParen = do _ <- Parsec.char ')'
Parsec.modifyState (\x -> x - 1)
return ')'
-- | Converts a string containing a type to a template token ('TokTy').
-- | i.e. the string "(Array Int)" becomes (TokTy (StructTy "Array" IntTy)).
toTokTy :: TokTyMode -> String -> Token
toTokTy mode s =
case parse s "" of
Left err -> error (show err)
Right [] -> error ("toTokTy got [] when parsing: '" ++ s ++ "'")
Right [xobj] -> case xobjToTy xobj of
Just ok -> TokTy ok mode
Nothing -> error ("toTokTy failed to convert this s-expression to a type: " ++ pretty xobj)
Right xobjs -> error ("toTokTy parsed too many s-expressions: " ++ joinWithSpace (map pretty xobjs))
-- | The code needed to correctly call a lambda from C.
templateCodeForCallingLambda :: String -> Ty -> [String] -> String
templateCodeForCallingLambda functionName t args =
let FuncTy argTys retTy = t
castToFnWithEnv = tyToCast (FuncTy (lambdaEnvTy : argTys) retTy)
castToFn = tyToCast t
functionName ++ ".env ? " ++
"((" ++ castToFnWithEnv ++ ")" ++ functionName ++ ".callback)(" ++ functionName ++ ".env" ++ (if null args then "" else ", ") ++ joinWithComma args ++ ")" ++
" : " ++
"((" ++ castToFn ++ ")" ++ functionName ++ ".callback)(" ++ joinWithComma args ++ ")"
-- | Must cast a lambda:s .callback member to the correct type to be able to call it.
tyToCast :: Ty -> String
tyToCast t =
let FuncTy argTys retTy = t
in "§(Fn [" ++ joinWithSpace (map show argTys) ++ "] " ++ show retTy ++ ")" -- Note! The '§' means that the emitted type will be "raw" and not converted to 'Lambda'.
-- | This function accepts a pointer and will do nothing with it.
templateNoop :: (String, Binder)
templateNoop = defineTemplate
(SymPath [] "noop")
(FuncTy [PointerTy (VarTy "a")] UnitTy)
(toTemplate "void $NAME ($a* a)")
(toTemplate "$DECL { }")
(const [])

View File

@ -1,492 +1,18 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
module Deftype (moduleForDeftype, bindingsForRegisteredType) where
module Deftype where
-- module Deftype (moduleForDeftype, bindingsForRegisteredType) where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Debug.Trace
-- import qualified Data.Map as Map
-- import Data.Maybe
-- import Debug.Trace
import Obj
import Types
import Util
import Template
import Infer
import Concretize
import Polymorphism
import ArrayTemplates
import Lookup
data AllocationMode = StackAlloc | HeapAlloc
{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Reduce duplication" #-}
-- | This function creates a "Type Module" with the same name as the type being defined.
-- A type module provides a namespace for all the functions that area automatically
-- generated by a deftype.
moduleForDeftype :: TypeEnv -> Env -> [String] -> String -> [Ty] -> [XObj] -> Maybe Info -> Maybe Env -> Either String (String, XObj, [XObj])
moduleForDeftype typeEnv env pathStrings typeName typeVariables rest i existingEnv =
let typeModuleName = typeName
typeModuleEnv = case existingEnv of
Just env -> env
Nothing -> Env (Map.fromList []) (Just env) (Just typeModuleName) [] ExternalEnv 0
-- The variable 'insidePath' is the path used for all member functions inside the 'typeModule'.
-- For example (module Vec2 [x Float]) creates bindings like Vec2.create, Vec2.x, etc.
insidePath = pathStrings ++ [typeModuleName]
in do validateMemberCases typeEnv typeVariables rest
let structTy = StructTy typeName typeVariables
(okMembers, membersDeps) <- templatesForMembers typeEnv env insidePath structTy rest
okInit <- binderForInit insidePath structTy rest
--okNew <- templateForNew insidePath structTy rest
(okStr, strDeps) <- binderForStrOrPrn typeEnv env insidePath structTy rest "str"
(okPrn, _) <- binderForStrOrPrn typeEnv env insidePath structTy rest "prn"
(okDelete, deleteDeps) <- binderForDelete typeEnv env insidePath structTy rest
(okCopy, copyDeps) <- binderForCopy typeEnv env insidePath structTy rest
let funcs = okInit : okStr : okPrn : okDelete : okCopy : okMembers
moduleEnvWithBindings = addListOfBindings typeModuleEnv funcs
typeModuleXObj = XObj (Mod moduleEnvWithBindings) i (Just ModuleTy)
deps = deleteDeps ++ membersDeps ++ copyDeps ++ strDeps
return (typeModuleName, typeModuleXObj, deps)
-- | Will generate getters/setters/updaters when registering EXTERNAL types.
-- | i.e. (register-type VRUnicornData [hp Int, magic Float])
-- | TODO: Remove duplication shared by moduleForDeftype-function.
bindingsForRegisteredType :: TypeEnv -> Env -> [String] -> String -> [XObj] -> Maybe Info -> Maybe Env -> Either String (String, XObj, [XObj])
bindingsForRegisteredType typeEnv env pathStrings typeName rest i existingEnv =
let typeModuleName = typeName
typeModuleEnv = case existingEnv of
Just env -> env
Nothing -> Env (Map.fromList []) (Just env) (Just typeModuleName) [] ExternalEnv 0
insidePath = pathStrings ++ [typeModuleName]
in do validateMemberCases typeEnv [] rest
let structTy = StructTy typeName []
(binders, deps) <- templatesForMembers typeEnv env insidePath structTy rest
okInit <- binderForInit insidePath structTy rest
--okNew <- templateForNew insidePath structTy rest
(okStr, strDeps) <- binderForStrOrPrn typeEnv env insidePath structTy rest "str"
(okPrn, _) <- binderForStrOrPrn typeEnv env insidePath structTy rest "prn"
let moduleEnvWithBindings = addListOfBindings typeModuleEnv (okInit : okStr : okPrn : binders)
typeModuleXObj = XObj (Mod moduleEnvWithBindings) i (Just ModuleTy)
return (typeModuleName, typeModuleXObj, deps ++ strDeps)
-- | Generate all the templates for ALL the member variables in a deftype declaration.
templatesForMembers :: TypeEnv -> Env -> [String] -> Ty -> [XObj] -> Either String ([(String, Binder)], [XObj])
templatesForMembers typeEnv env insidePath structTy [XObj (Arr membersXobjs) _ _] =
let bindersAndDeps = concatMap (templatesForSingleMember typeEnv env insidePath structTy) (pairwise membersXobjs)
in Right (map fst bindersAndDeps, concatMap snd bindersAndDeps)
templatesForMembers _ _ _ _ _ = Left "Can't create member functions for type with more than one case (yet)."
-- | Generate the templates for a single member in a deftype declaration.
templatesForSingleMember :: TypeEnv -> Env -> [String] -> Ty -> (XObj, XObj) -> [((String, Binder), [XObj])]
templatesForSingleMember typeEnv env insidePath p@(StructTy typeName _) (nameXObj, typeXObj) =
let Just t = xobjToTy typeXObj
memberName = getName nameXObj
in [instanceBinderWithDeps (SymPath insidePath memberName) (FuncTy [RefTy p] (RefTy t)) (templateGetter (mangle memberName) t)
, if isTypeGeneric t
then (templateGenericSetter insidePath p t memberName, [])
else instanceBinderWithDeps (SymPath insidePath ("set-" ++ memberName)) (FuncTy [p, t] p) (templateSetter typeEnv env (mangle memberName) t)
,instanceBinderWithDeps (SymPath insidePath ("set-" ++ memberName ++ "!")) (FuncTy [RefTy (p), t] UnitTy) (templateMutatingSetter typeEnv env (mangle memberName) t)
,instanceBinderWithDeps (SymPath insidePath ("update-" ++ memberName))
(FuncTy [p, FuncTy [t] t] p)
(templateUpdater (mangle memberName))]
-- | The template for getters of a deftype.
templateGetter :: String -> Ty -> Template
templateGetter member memberTy =
(FuncTy [RefTy (VarTy "p")] (VarTy "t"))
(const (toTemplate "$t $NAME($(Ref p) p)"))
(const $
let fixForVoidStarMembers =
if isFunctionType memberTy && (not (isTypeGeneric memberTy))
then "(" ++ tyToCLambdaFix (RefTy memberTy) ++ ")"
else ""
in (toTemplate ("$DECL { return " ++ fixForVoidStarMembers ++ "(&(p->" ++ member ++ ")); }\n")))
(const [])
-- | The template for setters of a concrete deftype.
templateSetter :: TypeEnv -> Env -> String -> Ty -> Template
templateSetter typeEnv env memberName memberTy =
let callToDelete = memberDeletion typeEnv env (memberName, memberTy)
(FuncTy [VarTy "p", VarTy "t"] (VarTy "p"))
(const (toTemplate "$p $NAME($p p, $t newValue)"))
(const (toTemplate (unlines ["$DECL {"
," p." ++ memberName ++ " = newValue;"
," return p;"
(\_ -> if | isManaged typeEnv memberTy -> depsOfPolymorphicFunction typeEnv env [] "delete" (typesDeleterFunctionType memberTy)
| isFunctionType memberTy -> [defineFunctionTypeAlias memberTy]
| otherwise -> [])
-- | The template for setters of a generic deftype.
templateGenericSetter :: [String] -> Ty -> Ty -> String -> (String, Binder)
templateGenericSetter pathStrings originalStructTy memberTy memberName =
defineTypeParameterizedTemplate templateCreator path (FuncTy [originalStructTy, memberTy] originalStructTy)
where path = SymPath pathStrings ("set-" ++ memberName)
t = (FuncTy [VarTy "p", VarTy "t"] (VarTy "p"))
templateCreator = TemplateCreator $
\typeEnv env ->
(const (toTemplate "$p $NAME($p p, $t newValue)"))
(\(FuncTy [_, memberTy] _) ->
(let callToDelete = memberDeletion typeEnv env (memberName, memberTy)
in (toTemplate (unlines ["$DECL {"
," p." ++ memberName ++ " = newValue;"
," return p;"
(\(FuncTy [_, memberTy] _) ->
if isManaged typeEnv memberTy
then depsOfPolymorphicFunction typeEnv env [] "delete" (typesDeleterFunctionType memberTy)
else [])
-- | The template for mutating setters of a deftype.
templateMutatingSetter :: TypeEnv -> Env -> String -> Ty -> Template
templateMutatingSetter typeEnv env memberName memberTy =
(FuncTy [RefTy (VarTy "p"), VarTy "t"] UnitTy)
(const (toTemplate "void $NAME($p* pRef, $t newValue)"))
(const (toTemplate (unlines ["$DECL {"
," pRef->" ++ memberName ++ " = newValue;"
(const [])
-- | The template for updater functions of a deftype.
-- | (allows changing a variable by passing an transformation function).
templateUpdater :: String -> Template
templateUpdater member =
(FuncTy [VarTy "p", FuncTy [VarTy "t"] (VarTy "t")] (VarTy "p"))
(const (toTemplate "$p $NAME($p p, Lambda updater)")) -- "Lambda" used to be: $(Fn [t] t)
(const (toTemplate (unlines ["$DECL {"
," p." ++ member ++ " = " ++ (templateCodeForCallingLambda "updater" (FuncTy [VarTy "t"] (VarTy "t")) ["p." ++ member]) ++ ";"
," return p;"
(\(FuncTy [_, t@(FuncTy fArgTys fRetTy)] _) ->
if isTypeGeneric fRetTy
then []
else [defineFunctionTypeAlias t, defineFunctionTypeAlias (FuncTy (lambdaEnvTy : fArgTys) fRetTy)])
-- | Helper function to create the binder for the 'init' template.
binderForInit :: [String] -> Ty -> [XObj] -> Either String (String, Binder)
binderForInit insidePath structTy@(StructTy typeName _) [XObj (Arr membersXObjs) _ _] =
if isTypeGeneric structTy
then Right (genericInit StackAlloc insidePath structTy membersXObjs)
else Right $ instanceBinder (SymPath insidePath "init")
(FuncTy (initArgListTypes membersXObjs) structTy)
(concreteInit StackAlloc structTy membersXObjs)
-- | Generate a list of types from a deftype declaration.
initArgListTypes :: [XObj] -> [Ty]
initArgListTypes xobjs = map (\(_, x) -> fromJust (xobjToTy x)) (pairwise xobjs)
-- | The template for the 'init' and 'new' functions for a concrete deftype.
concreteInit :: AllocationMode -> Ty -> [XObj] -> Template
concreteInit allocationMode originalStructTy@(StructTy typeName typeVariables) membersXObjs =
(FuncTy (map snd (memberXObjsToPairs membersXObjs)) (VarTy "p"))
(\(FuncTy _ concreteStructTy) ->
let mappings = unifySignatures originalStructTy concreteStructTy
correctedMembers = replaceGenericTypeSymbolsOnMembers mappings membersXObjs
memberPairs = memberXObjsToPairs correctedMembers
in (toTemplate $ "$p $NAME(" ++ joinWithComma (map memberArg memberPairs) ++ ")"))
(const (tokensForInit allocationMode typeName membersXObjs))
(\(FuncTy _ _) -> [])
-- | The template for the 'init' and 'new' functions for a generic deftype.
genericInit :: AllocationMode -> [String] -> Ty -> [XObj] -> (String, Binder)
genericInit allocationMode pathStrings originalStructTy@(StructTy typeName _) membersXObjs =
defineTypeParameterizedTemplate templateCreator path t
where path = SymPath pathStrings "init"
t = (FuncTy (map snd (memberXObjsToPairs membersXObjs)) originalStructTy)
templateCreator = TemplateCreator $
\typeEnv env ->
(FuncTy (map snd (memberXObjsToPairs membersXObjs)) (VarTy "p"))
(\(FuncTy _ concreteStructTy) ->
let mappings = unifySignatures originalStructTy concreteStructTy
correctedMembers = replaceGenericTypeSymbolsOnMembers mappings membersXObjs
memberPairs = memberXObjsToPairs correctedMembers
in (toTemplate $ "$p $NAME(" ++ joinWithComma (map memberArg memberPairs) ++ ")"))
(const (tokensForInit allocationMode typeName membersXObjs))
(\(FuncTy _ concreteStructTy) ->
case concretizeType typeEnv concreteStructTy of
Left err -> error (err ++ ". This error should not crash the compiler - change return type to Either here.")
Right ok -> ok
tokensForInit :: AllocationMode -> String -> [XObj] -> [Token]
tokensForInit allocationMode typeName membersXObjs =
toTemplate $ unlines [ "$DECL {"
, case allocationMode of
StackAlloc -> " $p instance;"
HeapAlloc -> " $p instance = CARP_MALLOC(sizeof(" ++ typeName ++ "));"
, joinWith "\n" (map (memberAssignment allocationMode) (memberXObjsToPairs membersXObjs))
, " return instance;"
, "}"]
-- | Creates the C code for an arg to the init function.
-- | i.e. "(deftype A [x Int])" will generate "int x" which
-- | will be used in the init function like this: "A_init(int x)"
memberArg :: (String, Ty) -> String
memberArg (memberName, memberTy) =
tyToCLambdaFix (templitizeTy memberTy) ++ " " ++ memberName
-- | If the type is just a type variable; create a template type variable by appending $ in front of it's name
templitizeTy :: Ty -> Ty
templitizeTy (VarTy vt) = VarTy ("$" ++ vt)
templitizeTy (FuncTy argTys retTy) = FuncTy (map templitizeTy argTys) (templitizeTy retTy)
templitizeTy (StructTy name tys) = StructTy name (map templitizeTy tys)
templitizeTy (RefTy t) = RefTy (templitizeTy t)
templitizeTy (PointerTy t) = PointerTy (templitizeTy t)
templitizeTy t = t
-- | Helper function to create the binder for the 'str' template.
binderForStrOrPrn :: TypeEnv -> Env -> [String] -> Ty -> [XObj] -> String -> Either String ((String, Binder), [XObj])
binderForStrOrPrn typeEnv env insidePath structTy@(StructTy typeName _) [XObj (Arr membersXObjs) _ _] strOrPrn =
if isTypeGeneric structTy
then Right (genericStr insidePath structTy membersXObjs strOrPrn, [])
else Right (instanceBinderWithDeps (SymPath insidePath strOrPrn)
(FuncTy [RefTy structTy] StringTy)
(concreteStr typeEnv env structTy (memberXObjsToPairs membersXObjs) strOrPrn))
-- | The template for the 'str' function for a concrete deftype.
concreteStr :: TypeEnv -> Env -> Ty -> [(String, Ty)] -> String -> Template
concreteStr typeEnv env concreteStructTy@(StructTy typeName _) memberPairs strOrPrn =
(FuncTy [RefTy concreteStructTy] StringTy)
(\(FuncTy [RefTy structTy] StringTy) -> (toTemplate $ "String $NAME(" ++ tyToCLambdaFix structTy ++ " *p)"))
(\(FuncTy [RefTy structTy@(StructTy _ concreteMemberTys)] StringTy) ->
(tokensForStr typeEnv env typeName memberPairs concreteStructTy))
(\(ft@(FuncTy [RefTy structTy@(StructTy _ concreteMemberTys)] StringTy)) ->
concatMap (depsOfPolymorphicFunction typeEnv env [] "prn" . typesStrFunctionType typeEnv)
(filter (\t -> (not . isExternalType typeEnv) t && (not . isFullyGenericType) t)
(map snd memberPairs)))
-- | The template for the 'str' function for a generic deftype.
genericStr :: [String] -> Ty -> [XObj] -> String -> (String, Binder)
genericStr pathStrings originalStructTy@(StructTy typeName varTys) membersXObjs strOrPrn =
defineTypeParameterizedTemplate templateCreator path t
where path = SymPath pathStrings strOrPrn
t = FuncTy [(RefTy originalStructTy)] StringTy
members = memberXObjsToPairs membersXObjs
templateCreator = TemplateCreator $
\typeEnv env ->
(\(FuncTy [RefTy concreteStructTy] StringTy) ->
(toTemplate $ "String $NAME(" ++ tyToCLambdaFix concreteStructTy ++ " *p)"))
(\(FuncTy [RefTy concreteStructTy@(StructTy _ concreteMemberTys)] StringTy) ->
let mappings = unifySignatures originalStructTy concreteStructTy
correctedMembers = replaceGenericTypeSymbolsOnMembers mappings membersXObjs
memberPairs = memberXObjsToPairs correctedMembers
in (tokensForStr typeEnv env typeName memberPairs concreteStructTy))
(\(ft@(FuncTy [RefTy concreteStructTy@(StructTy _ concreteMemberTys)] StringTy)) ->
let mappings = unifySignatures originalStructTy concreteStructTy
correctedMembers = replaceGenericTypeSymbolsOnMembers mappings membersXObjs
memberPairs = memberXObjsToPairs correctedMembers
in concatMap (depsOfPolymorphicFunction typeEnv env [] "prn" . typesStrFunctionType typeEnv)
(filter (\t -> (not . isExternalType typeEnv) t && (not . isFullyGenericType) t)
(map snd memberPairs))
(if isTypeGeneric concreteStructTy then [] else [defineFunctionTypeAlias ft]))
tokensForStr :: TypeEnv -> Env -> String -> [(String, Ty)] -> Ty -> [Token]
tokensForStr typeEnv env typeName memberPairs concreteStructTy =
(toTemplate $ unlines [ "$DECL {"
, " // convert members to String here:"
, " String temp = NULL;"
, " int tempsize = 0;"
, " (void)tempsize; // that way we remove the occasional unused warning "
, calculateStructStrSize typeEnv env memberPairs concreteStructTy
, " String buffer = CARP_MALLOC(size);"
, " String bufferPtr = buffer;"
, ""
, " snprintf(bufferPtr, size, \"(%s \", \"" ++ typeName ++ "\");"
, " bufferPtr += strlen(\"" ++ typeName ++ "\") + 2;\n"
, joinWith "\n" (map (memberPrn typeEnv env) memberPairs)
, " bufferPtr--;"
, " snprintf(bufferPtr, size, \")\");"
, " return buffer;"
, "}"])
-- | Figure out how big the string needed for the string representation of the struct has to be.
calculateStructStrSize :: TypeEnv -> Env -> [(String, Ty)] -> Ty -> String
calculateStructStrSize typeEnv env members structTy@(StructTy name _) =
" int size = snprintf(NULL, 0, \"(%s )\", \"" ++ name ++ "\");\n" ++
unlines (map memberPrnSize members)
where memberPrnSize (memberName, memberTy) =
let refOrNotRefType = if isManaged typeEnv memberTy then RefTy memberTy else memberTy
maybeTakeAddress = if isManaged typeEnv memberTy then "&" else ""
strFuncType = FuncTy [refOrNotRefType] StringTy
in case nameOfPolymorphicFunction typeEnv env strFuncType "prn" of
Just strFunctionPath ->
unlines [" temp = " ++ pathToC strFunctionPath ++ "(" ++ maybeTakeAddress ++ "p->" ++ memberName ++ "); "
, " size += snprintf(NULL, 0, \"%s \", temp);"
, " if(temp) { CARP_FREE(temp); temp = NULL; }"
Nothing ->
if isExternalType typeEnv memberTy
then unlines [ " size += snprintf(NULL, 0, \"%p \", p->" ++ memberName ++ ");"
, " if(temp) { CARP_FREE(temp); temp = NULL; }"
else " // Failed to find str function for " ++ memberName ++ " : " ++ show memberTy ++ "\n"
-- | Generate C code for converting a member variable to a string and appending it to a buffer.
memberPrn :: TypeEnv -> Env -> (String, Ty) -> String
memberPrn typeEnv env (memberName, memberTy) =
let refOrNotRefType = if isManaged typeEnv memberTy then RefTy memberTy else memberTy
maybeTakeAddress = if isManaged typeEnv memberTy then "&" else ""
strFuncType = FuncTy [refOrNotRefType] StringTy
in case nameOfPolymorphicFunction typeEnv env strFuncType "prn" of
Just strFunctionPath ->
unlines [" temp = " ++ pathToC strFunctionPath ++ "(" ++ maybeTakeAddress ++ "p->" ++ memberName ++ ");"
, " snprintf(bufferPtr, size, \"%s \", temp);"
, " bufferPtr += strlen(temp) + 1;"
, " if(temp) { CARP_FREE(temp); temp = NULL; }"
Nothing ->
if isExternalType typeEnv memberTy
then unlines [ " tempsize = snprintf(NULL, 0, \"%p\", p->" ++ memberName ++ ");"
, " temp = malloc(tempsize);"
, " snprintf(temp, tempsize, \"%p\", p->" ++ memberName ++ ");"
, " snprintf(bufferPtr, size, \"%s \", temp);"
, " bufferPtr += strlen(temp) + 1;"
, " if(temp) { CARP_FREE(temp); temp = NULL; }"
else " // Failed to find str function for " ++ memberName ++ " : " ++ show memberTy ++ "\n"
-- | Generate C code for assigning to a member variable.
-- | Needs to know if the instance is a pointer or stack variable.
memberAssignment :: AllocationMode -> (String, Ty) -> String
memberAssignment allocationMode (memberName, _) = " instance" ++ sep ++ memberName ++ " = " ++ memberName ++ ";"
where sep = case allocationMode of
StackAlloc -> "."
HeapAlloc -> "->"
-- | Helper function to create the binder for the 'delete' template.
binderForDelete :: TypeEnv -> Env -> [String] -> Ty -> [XObj] -> Either String ((String, Binder), [XObj])
binderForDelete typeEnv env insidePath structTy@(StructTy typeName _) [XObj (Arr membersXObjs) _ _] =
if isTypeGeneric structTy
then Right (genericDelete insidePath structTy membersXObjs, [])
else Right (instanceBinderWithDeps (SymPath insidePath "delete")
(FuncTy [structTy] UnitTy)
(concreteDelete typeEnv env (memberXObjsToPairs membersXObjs)))
-- | The template for the 'delete' function of a concrete deftype.
concreteDelete :: TypeEnv -> Env -> [(String, Ty)] -> Template
concreteDelete typeEnv env members =
(FuncTy [VarTy "p"] UnitTy)
(const (toTemplate "void $NAME($p p)"))
(const (toTemplate $ unlines [ "$DECL {"
, joinWith "\n" (map (memberDeletion typeEnv env) members)
, "}"]))
(\_ -> concatMap (depsOfPolymorphicFunction typeEnv env [] "delete" . typesDeleterFunctionType)
(filter (isManaged typeEnv) (map snd members)))
-- | The template for the 'delete' function of a generic deftype.
genericDelete :: [String] -> Ty -> [XObj] -> (String, Binder)
genericDelete pathStrings originalStructTy membersXObjs =
defineTypeParameterizedTemplate templateCreator path (FuncTy [originalStructTy] UnitTy)
where path = SymPath pathStrings "delete"
t = (FuncTy [VarTy "p"] UnitTy)
templateCreator = TemplateCreator $
\typeEnv env ->
(const (toTemplate "void $NAME($p p)"))
(\(FuncTy [concreteStructTy] UnitTy) ->
let mappings = unifySignatures originalStructTy concreteStructTy
correctedMembers = replaceGenericTypeSymbolsOnMembers mappings membersXObjs
memberPairs = memberXObjsToPairs correctedMembers
in (toTemplate $ unlines [ "$DECL {"
, joinWith "\n" (map (memberDeletion typeEnv env) memberPairs)
, "}"]))
(\(FuncTy [concreteStructTy] UnitTy) ->
let mappings = unifySignatures originalStructTy concreteStructTy
correctedMembers = replaceGenericTypeSymbolsOnMembers mappings membersXObjs
memberPairs = memberXObjsToPairs correctedMembers
in if isTypeGeneric concreteStructTy
then []
else concatMap (depsOfPolymorphicFunction typeEnv env [] "delete" . typesDeleterFunctionType)
(filter (isManaged typeEnv) (map snd memberPairs)))
-- | Generate the C code for deleting a single member of the deftype.
-- | TODO: Should return an Either since this can fail!
memberDeletion :: TypeEnv -> Env -> (String, Ty) -> String
memberDeletion typeEnv env (memberName, memberType) =
case findFunctionForMember typeEnv env "delete" (typesDeleterFunctionType memberType) (memberName, memberType) of
FunctionFound functionFullName -> " " ++ functionFullName ++ "(p." ++ memberName ++ ");"
FunctionNotFound msg -> error msg
FunctionIgnored -> " /* Ignore non-managed member '" ++ memberName ++ "' */"
-- | Helper function to create the binder for the 'copy' template.
binderForCopy :: TypeEnv -> Env -> [String] -> Ty -> [XObj] -> Either String ((String, Binder), [XObj])
binderForCopy typeEnv env insidePath structTy@(StructTy typeName _) [XObj (Arr membersXObjs) _ _] =
if isTypeGeneric structTy
then Right (genericCopy insidePath structTy membersXObjs, [])
else Right (instanceBinderWithDeps (SymPath insidePath "copy")
(FuncTy [RefTy structTy] structTy)
(concreteCopy typeEnv env (memberXObjsToPairs membersXObjs)))
-- | The template for the 'copy' function of a concrete deftype.
concreteCopy :: TypeEnv -> Env -> [(String, Ty)] -> Template
concreteCopy typeEnv env memberPairs =
(FuncTy [RefTy (VarTy "p")] (VarTy "p"))
(const (toTemplate "$p $NAME($p* pRef)"))
(const (tokensForCopy typeEnv env memberPairs))
(\_ -> concatMap (depsOfPolymorphicFunction typeEnv env [] "copy" . typesCopyFunctionType)
(filter (isManaged typeEnv) (map snd memberPairs)))
-- | The template for the 'copy' function of a generic deftype.
genericCopy :: [String] -> Ty -> [XObj] -> (String, Binder)
genericCopy pathStrings originalStructTy membersXObjs =
defineTypeParameterizedTemplate templateCreator path (FuncTy [RefTy originalStructTy] originalStructTy)
where path = SymPath pathStrings "copy"
t = (FuncTy [RefTy (VarTy "p")] (VarTy "p"))
templateCreator = TemplateCreator $
\typeEnv env ->
(const (toTemplate "$p $NAME($p* pRef)"))
(\(FuncTy [RefTy concreteStructTy] _) ->
let mappings = unifySignatures originalStructTy concreteStructTy
correctedMembers = replaceGenericTypeSymbolsOnMembers mappings membersXObjs
memberPairs = memberXObjsToPairs correctedMembers
in (tokensForCopy typeEnv env memberPairs))
(\(FuncTy [RefTy concreteStructTy] _) ->
let mappings = unifySignatures originalStructTy concreteStructTy
correctedMembers = replaceGenericTypeSymbolsOnMembers mappings membersXObjs
memberPairs = memberXObjsToPairs correctedMembers
in if isTypeGeneric concreteStructTy
then []
else concatMap (depsOfPolymorphicFunction typeEnv env [] "copy" . typesCopyFunctionType)
(filter (isManaged typeEnv) (map snd memberPairs)))
tokensForCopy :: TypeEnv -> Env -> [(String, Ty)] -> [Token]
tokensForCopy typeEnv env memberPairs=
(toTemplate $ unlines [ "$DECL {"
, " $p copy = *pRef;"
, joinWith "\n" (map (memberCopy typeEnv env) memberPairs)
, " return copy;"
, "}"])
-- | Generate the C code for copying the member of a deftype.
-- | TODO: Should return an Either since this can fail!
memberCopy :: TypeEnv -> Env -> (String, Ty) -> String
memberCopy typeEnv env (memberName, memberType) =
case findFunctionForMember typeEnv env "copy" (typesCopyFunctionType memberType) (memberName, memberType) of
FunctionFound functionFullName ->
" copy." ++ memberName ++ " = " ++ functionFullName ++ "(&(pRef->" ++ memberName ++ "));"
FunctionNotFound msg -> error msg
FunctionIgnored -> " /* Ignore non-managed member '" ++ memberName ++ "' */"
-- import Obj
-- import Types
-- import Util
-- import Template
-- import Infer
-- import Concretize
-- import Polymorphism
-- import ArrayTemplates
-- import Lookup

View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import Util
import Template
import Scoring
import Lookup
import Concretize
addIndent :: Int -> String
addIndent n = replicate n ' '
@ -198,12 +199,12 @@ toC toCMode root = emitterSrc (execState (visit startingIndent root) (EmitterSta
appendToSrc (addIndent indent ++ lambdaEnvName ++ "->" ++
pathToC path ++ " = " ++ pathToC path ++ ";\n"))
appendToSrc (addIndent indent ++ "Lambda " ++ retVar ++
" = { .callback = " ++ pathToC (SymPath [] callback) ++
", .env = " ++ (if needEnv then lambdaEnvName else "NULL") ++
", .delete = NULL" ++
", .copy = NULL }" ++
appendToSrc (addIndent indent ++ "Lambda " ++ retVar ++ " = {\n")
appendToSrc (addIndent indent ++ " .callback = " ++ pathToC (SymPath [] callback))
appendToSrc (addIndent indent ++ " .env = " ++ (if needEnv then lambdaEnvName else "NULL"))
appendToSrc (addIndent indent ++ " .delete = " ++ (if needEnv then "" ++ lambdaEnvTypeName ++ "_delete" else "NULL"))
appendToSrc (addIndent indent ++ " .copy = " ++ (if needEnv then "" ++ lambdaEnvTypeName ++ "_copy" else "NULL"))
appendToSrc (addIndent indent ++ "};\n")
return retVar
-- Def

View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import Expand
import Lookup
import Qualify
import TypeError
import Concretize
-- | Dynamic (REPL) evaluation of XObj:s (s-expressions)
eval :: Env -> XObj -> StateT Context IO (Either EvalError XObj)

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import ArrayTemplates
import Commands
import Parsing
import Eval
import Concretize
-- | These modules will be loaded in order before any other code is evaluated.
coreModules :: String -> [String]
@ -143,7 +144,7 @@ generateTemplateFuncCopy funcTy = defineTemplate
," f_copy.callback = ref->callback;"
," f_copy.delete = ref->delete;"
," f_copy.copy = ref->copy;"
," f_copy.env = ref->copy(ref->env);"
," f_copy.env = ((void*(*)(void*))ref->copy)(ref->env);"
," return f_copy;"
," } else {"
," return *ref;"
@ -159,7 +160,7 @@ generateTemplateFuncDelete funcTy = defineTemplate
(toTemplate "void $NAME (Lambda f)")
(toTemplate $ unlines ["$DECL {"
," if(f.delete) {"
," f.delete(f.env);"
," ((void(*)(void*))f.delete)(f.env);"
," }"
(const [])

View File

@ -11,163 +11,3 @@ import Obj
import Parsing
import Infer
import Concretize
-- | Templates are instructions for the compiler to generate some C-code
-- | based on some template and the names and types to fill into the template.
-- | Templates are generic and need to be given an explicit type to generate the
-- | correct code.
-- | Example:
-- | template1 : ((Array T) -> Int) = "int length__T(<T> xs) { return xs->len; }"
-- | Given the type ((Array Float) -> Int) the following code is produced:
-- | "int length__Float(Array__Float xs) { return xs->len; }"
-- | Create a binding pair used for adding a template definition to an environment.
defineTemplate :: SymPath -> Ty -> [Token] -> [Token] -> (Ty -> [XObj]) -> (String, Binder)
defineTemplate path t declaration definition depsFunc =
let (SymPath _ name) = path
template = Template t (const declaration) (const definition) depsFunc
i = Info 0 0 (show path ++ ".template") Set.empty 0
defLst = [XObj (Deftemplate (TemplateCreator (\_ _ -> template))) Nothing Nothing, XObj (Sym path Symbol) Nothing Nothing]
in (name, Binder emptyMeta (XObj (Lst defLst) (Just i) (Just t)))
-- | The more advanced version of a template, where the code can vary depending on the type.
defineTypeParameterizedTemplate :: TemplateCreator -> SymPath -> Ty -> (String, Binder)
defineTypeParameterizedTemplate templateCreator path t =
let (SymPath _ name) = path
i = Info 0 0 (show path ++ ".parameterizedTemplate") Set.empty 0
defLst = [XObj (Deftemplate templateCreator) Nothing Nothing, XObj (Sym path Symbol) Nothing Nothing]
in (name, Binder emptyMeta (XObj (Lst defLst) (Just i) (Just t)))
-- | Create a binding pair used for adding a template instantiation to an environment.
instanceBinder :: SymPath -> Ty -> Template -> (String, Binder)
instanceBinder path@(SymPath _ name) actualType template =
let (x, _) = instantiateTemplate path actualType template
in (name, Binder emptyMeta x)
-- -- | Create a binding pair and don't discard the dependencies
instanceBinderWithDeps :: SymPath -> Ty -> Template -> ((String, Binder), [XObj])
instanceBinderWithDeps path@(SymPath _ name) actualType template =
let (x, deps) = instantiateTemplate path actualType template
in ((name, Binder emptyMeta x), deps)
-- | Concretizes the types used in @token
-- @cName is the name of the definition, i.e. the "foo" in "void foo() { ... }"
concretizeTypesInToken :: TypeMappings -> String -> [Token] -> Token -> [Token]
concretizeTypesInToken mappings cName decl token =
case token of
TokDecl -> concatMap (concretizeTypesInToken mappings cName (error "Nope.")) decl
TokName -> [TokC cName]
TokTy t mode -> [TokTy (replaceTyVars mappings t) mode]
_ -> [token]
-- | High-level helper function for creating templates from strings of C code.
toTemplate :: String -> [Token]
toTemplate text = case Parsec.runParser templateSyntax 0 "(template)" text of
Right ok -> ok
Left err -> error (show err)
templateSyntax :: Parsec.Parsec String Int [Token]
templateSyntax = Parsec.many parseTok
parseTok = Parsec.try parseTokDecl <|> --- $DECL
Parsec.try parseTokName <|> --- $NAME
Parsec.try parseTokTyGrouped <|> --- i.e. $(Fn [Int] t)
Parsec.try parseTokTyRawGrouped <|>
Parsec.try parseTokTy <|> --- i.e. $t
parseTokC --- Anything else...
parseTokDecl :: Parsec.Parsec String Int Token
parseTokDecl = do _ <- Parsec.string "$DECL"
return TokDecl
parseTokName :: Parsec.Parsec String Int Token
parseTokName = do _ <- Parsec.string "$NAME"
return TokName
parseTokC :: Parsec.Parsec String Int Token
parseTokC = do s <- Parsec.many1 validInSymbol
return (TokC s)
where validInSymbol = Parsec.choice [Parsec.letter, Parsec.digit, Parsec.oneOf validCharactersInTemplate]
validCharactersInTemplate = " ><{}()[]|;:.,_-+*#/'^!?€%&=@\"\n\t"
parseTokTy :: Parsec.Parsec String Int Token
parseTokTy = do _ <- Parsec.char '$'
s <- Parsec.many1 Parsec.letter
return (toTokTy Normal s)
parseTokTyGrouped :: Parsec.Parsec String Int Token
parseTokTyGrouped = do _ <- Parsec.char '$'
_ <- Parsec.char '('
Parsec.putState 1 -- One paren to close.
s <- fmap ('(' :) (Parsec.many parseCharBalanced)
-- Note: The closing paren is read by parseCharBalanced.
return (toTokTy Normal s)
parseTokTyRawGrouped :: Parsec.Parsec String Int Token
parseTokTyRawGrouped = do _ <- Parsec.char '§'
_ <- Parsec.char '('
Parsec.putState 1 -- One paren to close.
s <- fmap ('(' :) (Parsec.many parseCharBalanced)
-- Note: The closing paren is read by parseCharBalanced.
return (toTokTy Raw s)
parseCharBalanced :: Parsec.Parsec String Int Char
parseCharBalanced = do balanceState <- Parsec.getState
if balanceState > 0
then Parsec.try openParen <|>
Parsec.try closeParen <|>
else Parsec.char '\0' -- Should always fail which will end the string.
openParen :: Parsec.Parsec String Int Char
openParen = do _ <- Parsec.char '('
Parsec.modifyState (+1)
return '('
closeParen :: Parsec.Parsec String Int Char
closeParen = do _ <- Parsec.char ')'
Parsec.modifyState (\x -> x - 1)
return ')'
-- | Converts a string containing a type to a template token ('TokTy').
-- | i.e. the string "(Array Int)" becomes (TokTy (StructTy "Array" IntTy)).
toTokTy :: TokTyMode -> String -> Token
toTokTy mode s =
case parse s "" of
Left err -> error (show err)
Right [] -> error ("toTokTy got [] when parsing: '" ++ s ++ "'")
Right [xobj] -> case xobjToTy xobj of
Just ok -> TokTy ok mode
Nothing -> error ("toTokTy failed to convert this s-expression to a type: " ++ pretty xobj)
Right xobjs -> error ("toTokTy parsed too many s-expressions: " ++ joinWithSpace (map pretty xobjs))
-- | The code needed to correctly call a lambda from C.
templateCodeForCallingLambda :: String -> Ty -> [String] -> String
templateCodeForCallingLambda functionName t args =
let FuncTy argTys retTy = t
castToFnWithEnv = tyToCast (FuncTy (lambdaEnvTy : argTys) retTy)
castToFn = tyToCast t
functionName ++ ".env ? " ++
"((" ++ castToFnWithEnv ++ ")" ++ functionName ++ ".callback)(" ++ functionName ++ ".env" ++ (if null args then "" else ", ") ++ joinWithComma args ++ ")" ++
" : " ++
"((" ++ castToFn ++ ")" ++ functionName ++ ".callback)(" ++ joinWithComma args ++ ")"
-- | Must cast a lambda:s .callback member to the correct type to be able to call it.
tyToCast :: Ty -> String
tyToCast t =
let FuncTy argTys retTy = t
in "§(Fn [" ++ joinWithSpace (map show argTys) ++ "] " ++ show retTy ++ ")" -- Note! The '§' means that the emitted type will be "raw" and not converted to 'Lambda'.
-- | This function accepts a pointer and will do nothing with it.
templateNoop :: (String, Binder)
templateNoop = defineTemplate
(SymPath [] "noop")
(FuncTy [PointerTy (VarTy "a")] UnitTy)
(toTemplate "void $NAME ($a* a)")
(toTemplate "$DECL { }")
(const [])