Add several utility functions to Macros.carp

This commit adds several dynamic utility functions in the spirit of map,
zip, et al, including:

- Compose (composer for functions of any airty, that evaluate
  immediately (unlike comp)
- empty (returns the empty value for a structure [] or ())
- unreduce (builds a list of values)
- filter (filters a list of values)
- take (returns the first x members of a list)

I also removed a quote in collect-into that's no longer necessary after
the evaluator refactor.
This commit is contained in:
scottolsen 2020-04-21 19:03:53 -04:00
parent 2fd7a1fe40
commit 338b1624b2

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@ -117,8 +117,7 @@
(doc collect-into
"Transforms a dynamic data literal into another, preserving order")
(defndynamic collect-into [xs f]
(list 'quote
(collect-into-internal xs (f) f)))
(collect-into-internal xs (f) f))
(doc empty?
"Returns true if the provided data literal is empty, false otherwise.")
@ -138,6 +137,52 @@
(fn [x y]
(f y x)))
(doc compose
"Returns the composition of two functions `f` and `g` for functions of any
airity; concretely, returns a function accepting the correct number of
arguments for `g`, applies `g` to those arguments, then applies `f` to the
If you only need to compose functions that take a single argument (unary arity)
see `comp`. Comp also generates the form that corresponds to the composition,
compose contrarily evaluates 'eagerly' and returns a computed symbol.
For exmaple:
;; a silly composition
((compose empty take) 3 [1 2 3 4 5])
;; => []
(String.join (collect-into ((compose reverse map) Symbol.str '(p r a c)) array))
;; => 'carp'
;; comp for comparison
((comp (curry + 1) (curry + 2)) 4)
;; => (+ 1 (+ 2 4))
(defndynamic compose [f g]
;; Recall that **unquoted** function names evaluate to their definitions in
;; dynamic contexts, e.g. f = (dyanmic f [arg] body)
;; Right now, this cannot handle anonymous functions because they cannot be passed to apply.
;; and not anonymous functions.
;; commands expand to (command <name>), fns expand to a non-list.
;; TODO: Support passing anonymous functions.
(if (not (Dynamic.or (list? f) (list? g)))
(macro-error "compose can only compose named dynamic functions. To
compose anonymous functions, such as curried functions,
see comp.")
(let [f-name (cadr f)
g-name (cadr g)
arguments (caddr g)]
(list 'fn arguments
;; Since we call an eval to apply g immediately, we wrap the args in an
;; extra quote, otherwise, users would need to double quote any sequence of
;; symbols such as '(p r a c)
(list f-name (list 'eval (list 'apply g-name (list 'quote arguments))))))))
;; Dynamic.or already exists, but since it's a special form, it can't be passed
;; to higher order functions like reduce. So, we define an alternative here.
(defndynamic or-internal [x y]
@ -155,7 +200,38 @@
(defndynamic curry [f x]
(fn [y]
(f x y)))
(apply f (list x y))))
(doc curry*
"Curry functions that take multiple arguments.
The usability of this function is not great yet, in some cases, you'll
need to pass more quotes to arguments than you might expect.
For example, removing the double quotes in this example will produce errors:
(map (curry* ''+ ''(1 2 3)) '((list 1 2) (list 3 4)))
;; => (((+ 1 1) (+ 2 2)) ((+ 1 3) (+ 2 4)))
For basic use cases, extra quotes usually aren't necessary:
(defndynamic add-em-up [x y z] (+ (+ x y) z))
(map (curry* add-em-up 1 2) '(1 2 3))
;; => (4 5 6)
(defndynamic curry* [f :rest args]
(let [f-name (cadr f)
all-args (caddr f)
unfilled-args (- (length all-args) (length args))
remaining (take unfilled-args all-args)]
;; eval immediately to return a closure.
(eval (list 'fn remaining
;; eval once more to execute the curried function.
;; otherwise, this resolves to the form that *will* call the function, e.g. (add-three-vals 2 3 1)
(list 'eval (list 'apply f-name (cons 'list (append args (collect-into remaining list)))))))))
(doc reduce
"Reduces or 'folds' a data literal, such as a list or array, into a single
@ -165,6 +241,92 @@
(reduce f (f x (car xs)) (cdr xs))))
(hidden unreduce-internal)
(defndynamic unreduce-internal [f x lim acc counter]
;; Currently only works with anonymous functions and named functions.
;; does not work with commands.
(if (not (Dynamic.or (array? acc) (list? acc)))
"Unreduce requires a dynamic data structure to collect results, such as
(list) or (array).")
(if (= counter lim)
(unreduce-internal f (f x) lim (append acc (cons (eval (f x)) (empty acc))) (+ counter 1)))))
(doc unreduce
"Applies `f` to a starting value `x`, then generates a sequence of values
by successively applying `f` to the result `lim-1` times.
Collects results in the structure given by `acc`.
For example:
(unreduce (curry + 1) 0 10 (list))
;; => (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
(defndynamic unreduce [f x lim acc]
(unreduce-internal f x lim acc 0))
(doc filter
"Returns a list containing only the elements of `xs` that satisify predicate `p`.
For example:
(filter (fn [x] (= 'a x)) '(a b a b a b a b))
;; => (a a a a)
(defndynamic filter [p xs]
(let [filter-fn (fn [x y] (if (p y) (append (list y) x) x))]
(reduce filter-fn (list) xs)))
(doc reverse
"Reverses the order of elements in an array or list.
For example:
(reverse [1 2 3 4])
;; => [4 3 2 1]
(defndynamic reverse [xs]
(if (array? xs)
(reduce (flip append) (array) (map array xs))
(reduce (flip append) (list) (map list xs))))
(doc empty
"Returns the empty form of `xs`.
For example:
(empty '(1 2 3 4))
;; => ()
(empty '[1 2 3 4])
;; => []
(defndynamic empty [xs]
(if (array? xs)
(doc take
"Returns a list containing the first `n` eleements of a list.
For example:
(take 3 '(1 2 3 4 5))
;; => (1 2 3)
(defndynamic take [n xs]
;; A more straightforward impl is likely more efficient?
(let [indicies (unreduce (curry + 1) 0 n (list))
result (map cadr (zip list xs indicies))]
(if (array? xs)
(collect-into result array)
(doc apply
"Applies the function `f` to the provided argument list, passing each value
in the list as an argument to the function.")
@ -185,8 +347,12 @@
;; calls to map or zip (which uses apply) as appropriate--unless we support
;; the quoted function name argument in map-internal or the unquoted one in
;; apply, we can't use zip and map-internal in map.
(if (not (list? f))
(f argument-list)
(let [function-name (list (cadr f))]
(append function-name argument-list)))
(if (array? argument-list)
(append function-name (collect-into argument-list list))
(append function-name argument-list)))))
(hidden map-internal)
(defndynamic map-internal [f xs acc]