Removed some unused cases of ReplCommand type. Parse errors can be

reported in a machine readable way.
This commit is contained in:
Erik Svedäng 2018-03-19 11:03:40 +01:00
parent 79b7cdee5b
commit 33996d0100
2 changed files with 22 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
(Project.config "print-ast" true)
( " )

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@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, mapMaybe, isJust)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception
import qualified Text.Parsec as Parsec
import qualified Text.Parsec.Error as ParsecError
import Debug.Trace
import Parsing
@ -317,10 +319,7 @@ notFound execMode xobj path =
-- | A command at the REPL
-- | TODO: Is it possible to remove the error cases?
data ReplCommand = ReplMacroError String
| ReplTypeError String
| ReplParseError String
| ReplCodegenError String
data ReplCommand = ReplParseError String XObj
| ReplEval XObj
| ListOfCallbacks [CommandCallback]
@ -328,7 +327,13 @@ data ReplCommand = ReplMacroError String
executeString :: Bool -> Context -> String -> String -> IO Context
executeString doCatch ctx input fileName = if doCatch then catch exec (catcher ctx) else exec
where exec = case parse input fileName of
Left parseError -> executeCommand ctx (ReplParseError (show parseError))
Left parseError ->
let sourcePos = Parsec.errorPos parseError
parseErrorXObj = XObj (Lst []) (Just dummyInfo { infoFile = fileName
, infoLine = Parsec.sourceLine sourcePos
, infoColumn = Parsec.sourceColumn sourcePos
}) Nothing
in executeCommand ctx (ReplParseError (replaceChars (Map.fromList [('\n', " ")]) (show parseError)) parseErrorXObj)
Right xobjs -> foldM folder ctx xobjs
-- | Used by functions that has a series of forms to evaluate and need to fold over them (producing a new Context in the end)
@ -347,13 +352,7 @@ executeCommand ctx@(Context env typeEnv pathStrings proj lastInput execMode) cmd
do (result, newCtx) <- runStateT (eval env xobj) ctx
case result of
Left e ->
case contextExecMode ctx of
Check ->
do putStrLn (show e)
return ctx
_ ->
do putStrLnWithColor Red (show e)
throw CancelEvaluationException
reportExecutionError ctx xobj (show e)
Right (XObj (Lst []) _ _) ->
-- Nil result won't print
do return newCtx
@ -376,20 +375,17 @@ executeCommand ctx@(Context env typeEnv pathStrings proj lastInput execMode) cmd
Right okResult' ->
do putStrLnWithColor Yellow ("=> " ++ (pretty okResult'))
return newCtx'
ReplParseError e ->
do putStrLnWithColor Red ("[PARSE ERROR] " ++ e)
return ctx
ReplMacroError e ->
do putStrLnWithColor Red ("[MACRO ERROR] " ++ e)
return ctx
ReplTypeError e ->
do putStrLnWithColor Red ("[TYPE ERROR] " ++ e)
return ctx
ReplCodegenError e ->
do putStrLnWithColor Red ("[CODEGEN ERROR] " ++ e)
return ctx
ReplParseError e xobj ->
reportExecutionError ctx xobj ("[PARSE ERROR] " ++ e)
ListOfCallbacks callbacks -> foldM (\ctx' cb -> callCallbackWithArgs ctx' cb []) ctx callbacks
reportExecutionError :: Context -> XObj -> String -> IO Context
reportExecutionError ctx xobj msg =
do case contextExecMode ctx of
Check -> putStrLn ((machineReadableInfoFromXObj xobj) ++ " " ++ msg)
_ -> putStrLnWithColor Red msg
return ctx
-- | Call a CommandCallback.
callCallbackWithArgs :: Context -> CommandCallback -> [XObj] -> IO Context
callCallbackWithArgs ctx callback args =