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synced 2024-11-05 04:44:12 +03:00
Merge pull request #915 from scolsen/fix-set-typing
Fix set! typing and add type checks
This commit is contained in:
@ -100,9 +100,13 @@ eval ctx xobj@(XObj o i t) preference =
(newCtx, evaled) <- foldlM successiveEval (ctx, Right []) objs
return (newCtx, do ok <- evaled
Right (XObj (StaticArr ok) i t))
_ -> return (ctx, Right xobj)
_ -> do (nctx, res) <- annotateWithinContext False ctx xobj
case res of
Left e -> return (nctx, Left e)
Right (val, deps) -> return (nctx, Right val)
resolveDef (XObj (Lst [XObj DefDynamic _ _, _, value]) _ _) = value
resolveDef (XObj (Lst [XObj LetDef _ _, _, value]) _ _) = value
resolveDef x = x
eval' form =
case form of
@ -196,7 +200,7 @@ eval ctx xobj@(XObj o i t) preference =
(newCtx, res) <- eval ctx x preference
case res of
Right okX -> do
let binder = Binder emptyMeta okX
let binder = Binder emptyMeta (XObj (Lst [(XObj LetDef Nothing Nothing), XObj (Sym (SymPath [] n) Symbol) Nothing Nothing, okX]) Nothing (ty okX))
Just e = contextInternalEnv ctx
return $ Right (newCtx {contextInternalEnv=Just (envInsertAt e (SymPath [] n) binder)})
Left err -> return $ Left err
@ -875,20 +879,69 @@ specialCommandSet ctx [x@(XObj (Sym path@(SymPath mod n) _) _ _), value] = do
Left err -> return (newCtx, Left err)
Right evald -> do
let globalEnv = contextGlobalEnv ctx
elem = XObj (Lst [XObj DefDynamic Nothing Nothing, XObj (Sym path Symbol) Nothing Nothing, evald]) (info value) (Just DynamicTy)
binder = (Binder emptyMeta elem)
nctx = newCtx { contextGlobalEnv=envInsertAt globalEnv path binder }
case contextInternalEnv nctx of
Nothing -> return (nctx, dynamicNil)
Just env ->
if contextPath nctx == mod
then return (nctx{contextInternalEnv=Just (envReplaceBinding (SymPath [] n) binder env)}, dynamicNil)
else return (nctx, dynamicNil)
case contextInternalEnv ctx of
Nothing -> setGlobal newCtx globalEnv evald
Just env -> setInternal newCtx env evald
where setGlobal ctx env value =
case lookupInEnv path env of
Just (e, binder) -> do
(ctx', typedVal) <- typeCheckValueAgainstBinder ctx value binder
return $ either (failure ctx) (success ctx') typedVal
where success c xo = (c{contextGlobalEnv = setStaticOrDynamicVar path env binder xo}, dynamicNil)
Nothing -> return (ctx, Right value)
setInternal ctx env value =
case lookupInEnv path env of
Just (e, binder) -> do
-- TODO: Type check local bindings.
-- At the moment, let bindings are not structured the same as global defs or dynamic defs.
-- This makes calls to the type check problematic, as we cannot work against a common binding form.
-- Once we better support let bindings, type check them.
(ctx', typedVal) <- typeCheckValueAgainstBinder ctx value binder
return $ if contextPath ctx == mod
then either (failure ctx) (success ctx') typedVal
else (ctx', dynamicNil)
where success c xo = (c{contextInternalEnv = Just (setStaticOrDynamicVar (SymPath [] n) env binder xo)}, dynamicNil)
-- If the def isn't found in the internal environment, check the global environment.
Nothing -> setGlobal ctx (contextGlobalEnv ctx) value
specialCommandSet ctx [notName, body] =
return (evalError ctx ("`set!` expected a name as first argument, but got " ++ pretty notName) (info notName))
specialCommandSet ctx args =
return (evalError ctx ("`set!` takes a name and a value, but got `" ++ intercalate " " (map pretty args)) (if null args then Nothing else info (head args)))
-- | Convenience method for signifying failure in a given context.
failure :: Context -> EvalError -> (Context, Either EvalError a)
failure ctx err = (ctx, Left err)
-- | Given a context, value XObj and an existing binder, check whether or not
-- the given value has a type matching the binder's in the given context.
typeCheckValueAgainstBinder :: Context -> XObj -> Binder -> IO (Context, (Either EvalError XObj))
typeCheckValueAgainstBinder ctx val binder = do
(ctx', typedValue) <- annotateWithinContext False ctx val
case typedValue of
Right (val', deps) -> return (go ctx' binderTy val')
Left err -> return (ctx', Left err)
where path = (getPath (binderXObj binder))
binderTy = ty (binderXObj binder)
typeErr x = evalError ctx ("can't `set!` " ++ show path ++ " to a value of type " ++ show (fromJust (ty x)) ++ ", " ++ show path ++ " has type " ++ show (fromJust binderTy)) (info x)
go ctx (Just DynamicTy) x = (ctx, Right x)
go ctx t x@(XObj _ _ t') = if t == t' then (ctx, Right x) else typeErr x
-- | Sets a variable, checking whether or not it is static or dynamic, and
-- assigns an appropriate type to the variable.
-- Returns a new environment containing the assignment.
setStaticOrDynamicVar :: SymPath -> Env -> Binder -> XObj -> Env
setStaticOrDynamicVar path env binder value =
case binder of
(Binder meta (XObj (Lst (def@(XObj Def _ _) : sym : val)) i t)) ->
envReplaceBinding path (Binder meta (XObj (Lst [def, sym, value]) (info value) t)) env
(Binder meta (XObj (Lst (defdy@(XObj DefDynamic _ _) : sym : val)) i t)) ->
envReplaceBinding path (Binder meta (XObj (Lst [defdy, sym, value]) (info value) (Just DynamicTy))) env
(Binder meta (XObj (Lst (lett@(XObj LetDef _ _) : sym : val)) i t)) ->
envReplaceBinding path (Binder meta (XObj (Lst [lett, sym, value]) (info value) t)) env
-- shouldn't happen, errors are thrown at call sites.
-- TODO: Return an either here to propagate error.
_ -> env
primitiveEval :: Primitive
primitiveEval _ ctx [val] = do
-- primitives don’t evaluate their arguments, so this needs to double-evaluate
@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ initialTypes typeEnv rootEnv root = evalState (visit rootEnv root) 0
(InterfaceSym _) -> visitInterfaceSym env xobj
e@(Defn _) -> return (Left (InvalidObj e xobj))
Def -> return (Left (InvalidObj Def xobj))
DefDynamic -> return (Left (InvalidObj DefDynamic xobj))
e@(Fn _ _) -> return (Left (InvalidObj e xobj))
Let -> return (Left (InvalidObj Let xobj))
If -> return (Left (InvalidObj If xobj))
@ -106,6 +107,8 @@ initialTypes typeEnv rootEnv root = evalState (visit rootEnv root) 0
Ref -> return (Left (InvalidObj Ref xobj))
Deref -> return (Left (InvalidObj Deref xobj))
With -> return (Left (InvalidObj With xobj))
-- catchall case for exhaustive patterns
unknown -> return (Left (InvalidObj unknown xobj))
visitSymbol :: Env -> XObj -> SymPath -> State Integer (Either TypeError XObj)
visitSymbol _ xobj@(XObj (Sym _ LookupRecursive) _ _) _ =
@ -218,6 +221,11 @@ initialTypes typeEnv rootEnv root = evalState (visit rootEnv root) 0
XObj Def _ _ : _ -> return (Left (InvalidObj Def xobj))
-- DefDynamic
[def@(XObj DefDynamic _ _), nameSymbol, expression] ->
return $ return (XObj (Lst [def, nameSymbol, expression]) i (Just DynamicTy))
XObj DefDynamic _ _ : _ -> return (Left (InvalidObj Def xobj))
-- Let binding
[letExpr@(XObj Let _ _), XObj (Arr bindings) bindi bindt, body] ->
do wholeExprType <- genVarTy
@ -237,7 +245,6 @@ initialTypes typeEnv rootEnv root = evalState (visit rootEnv root) 0
getDuplicate names (o@(XObj (Sym (SymPath _ x) _) _ _):y:xs) =
if x `elem` names then Just o else getDuplicate (x:names) xs
[XObj Let _ _, XObj (Arr _) _ _] ->
return (Left (NoFormsInBody xobj))
XObj Let _ _ : XObj (Arr _) _ _ : _ ->
@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ data Obj = Sym SymPath SymbolMode
| Fn (Maybe SymPath) (Set.Set XObj) -- the name of the lifted function, the set of variables this lambda captures, and a dynamic environment
| Do
| Let
| LetDef
| While
| Break
| If
@ -232,6 +233,7 @@ getSimpleNameWithArgs xobj = Nothing
getPath :: XObj -> SymPath
getPath (XObj (Lst (XObj (Defn _) _ _ : XObj (Sym path _) _ _ : _)) _ _) = path
getPath (XObj (Lst (XObj Def _ _ : XObj (Sym path _) _ _ : _)) _ _) = path
getPath (XObj (Lst (XObj LetDef _ _ : XObj (Sym path _) _ _ : _)) _ _) = path
getPath (XObj (Lst (XObj Macro _ _ : XObj (Sym path _) _ _ : _)) _ _) = path
getPath (XObj (Lst (XObj Dynamic _ _ : XObj (Sym path _) _ _ : _)) _ _) = path
getPath (XObj (Lst (XObj DefDynamic _ _ : XObj (Sym path _) _ _ : _)) _ _) = path
@ -293,6 +295,7 @@ pretty = visit 0
While -> "while"
Do -> "do"
Let -> "let"
LetDef -> "let"
Mod env -> fromMaybe "module" (envModuleName env)
Deftype _ -> "deftype"
DefSumtype _ -> "deftype"
@ -354,6 +357,7 @@ prettyUpTo max xobj =
While -> ""
Do -> ""
Let -> ""
LetDef -> ""
Mod env -> ""
Deftype _ -> ""
DefSumtype _ -> ""
Reference in New Issue
Block a user