Reorganised the language guide a bit.

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Erik Svedäng 2017-12-22 15:09:53 +01:00
parent 660a0c4269
commit 3b2c07fcc3

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@ -50,15 +50,22 @@ Right now the following data types are only available for manipulation in non-co
foo ; symbol
### Defining things
(defn function-name [<arg1> <arg2> ...] <body>) ;; Define a function (will be compiled, can't be called at the REPL)
(definterface interface-name (Fn [<t1> <t2>] <return>)) ;; Define a generic function that can have multiple implementations
(def variable-name value) ;; Define a global variable (only handles primitive constants for the moment)
(defmacro <name> [<arg1> <arg2> ...] <macro-body>) ;; Define a macro, its argument will not be evaluated when called
(defdynamic <name> [<arg1> <arg2> ...] <function-body>) ;; A function that can only be used at the REPL or during compilation
(defmodule <name> <definition1> <definition2> ...) ;; The main way to organize your program into smaller parts
### Special Forms
The following forms can be used in Carp source code and will be compiled to C after type checking
and other static analysis. Please note that they can not be executed at the REPL.
and other static analysis. The first three of them are also available in dynamic functions.
(def variable-name value) ;; Define a global variable
(defn function-name [<arg1> <arg2> ...] <body>) ;; Define a function
(definterface interface-name (Fn [<t1> <t2>] <return>)) ;; defines a generic function; can have multiple implementations
(let [<var1> <expr1> <var2> <expr2> ...] <body>) ;; Define local bindings
(let [<var1> <expr1> <var2> <expr2> ...] <body>) ;; Create local bindings
(do <expr1> <expr2> ... <return-expression>) ;; Perform side-effecting functions, then return a value
(if <expression> <true-branch> <false-branch>) ;; Branching
(while <expression> <body>) ;; Loop until expression is false
@ -83,12 +90,10 @@ add a hole in your source code and reload (":r") to let the Carp compiler figure
(String.append ?w00t @"!") ;; Will generate a type error telling you that the type of '?w00t' is String
### Dynamic-only Special Forms
### Dynamic-only Special Forms / Functions
These can only be used at the REPL and during macro evaluation.
(defmacro <name> [<arg1> <arg2> ...] <macro-body>) ;; Its argument will not be evaluated when called
(dynamic <name> [<arg1> <arg2> ...] <function-body>) ;; A function that can only be used at the REPL
(quote <expression>) ;; Avoid further evaluation of the expression
(car <collection>) ;; Return the first element of a list or array
(cdr <collection>) ;; Return all but the first element of a list or array
@ -100,6 +105,8 @@ These can only be used at the REPL and during macro evaluation.
(info <name>) ;; provides information about a name, such as where it is defined and its type
To see all functions available in the `Dynamic` module, enter `(info Dynamic)` at the REPL.
### Modules and Name Lookup
Functions and variables can be stored in modules which are named and can be nested. To use a symbol inside a module
you need to qualify it with the module name, like this: ```Float.cos```.