carp-header-parse can handle #defines

This commit is contained in:
Erik Svedäng 2018-03-06 13:47:53 +01:00
parent 5aba1d22df
commit 4fc899b0df
2 changed files with 44 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -23,3 +23,11 @@ GLFWAPI GLFWwindow* glfwCreateWindow(int width, int height, const char* title, G
// TODO:
GLFWAPI void glfwPollEvents(void);
// C Macros
#define K_BLAH 12345
#define K_BLAX 0x123
#define K_GLAH 12345

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@ -41,8 +41,22 @@ parseHeaderFile path src prefix kebab =
line :: Parsec.Parsec String () [XObj]
line = Parsec.try prefixedFunctionPrototype <|>
Parsec.try functionPrototype <|>
Parsec.try define <|>
define :: Parsec.Parsec String () [XObj]
define = do Parsec.many spaceOrTab
Parsec.string "#define"
Parsec.many spaceOrTab
name <- Parsec.many1 identifierChar
Parsec.many spaceOrTab
number <- Parsec.many1 identifierChar
Parsec.many spaceOrTab
let tyXObj =
--toTypeXObj ("a", 0)
XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "a") Symbol) Nothing Nothing
return (createRegisterForm name tyXObj prefix kebab)
prefixedFunctionPrototype :: Parsec.Parsec String () [XObj]
prefixedFunctionPrototype = do Parsec.many spaceOrTab
_ <- Parsec.many1 identifierChar
@ -61,18 +75,8 @@ parseHeaderFile path src prefix kebab =
Parsec.many spaceOrTab
Parsec.char ';'
Parsec.many spaceOrTab
let carpName =
(if kebab then (toKebab . lowerFirst) else id)
(if prefix == "" then name else removePrefix prefix name)
emitName = name
return [XObj (Lst ([ (XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "register") Symbol) Nothing Nothing)
, (XObj (Sym (SymPath [] carpName) Symbol) Nothing Nothing)
, toTypeXObj argTypeStrings (returnTypeString, length stars1 + length stars2)
] ++
if prefix == ""
then []
else [(XObj (Str emitName) Nothing Nothing)]
)) Nothing Nothing]
let tyXObj = toFnTypeXObj argTypeStrings (returnTypeString, length stars1 + length stars2)
return (createRegisterForm name tyXObj prefix kebab)
voidArg :: Parsec.Parsec String () [(String, Int)]
voidArg = do _ <- Parsec.string "(void)"
@ -107,13 +111,31 @@ parseHeaderFile path src prefix kebab =
return []
--return [(XObj (Str ("DISCARDED: " ++ discardedLine)) Nothing Nothing)]
toTypeXObj :: [(String, Int)] -> (String, Int) -> XObj
toTypeXObj argTypeStrings returnTypeString =
createRegisterForm :: String -> XObj -> String -> Bool -> [XObj]
createRegisterForm name tyXObj prefix kebab =
let carpName = (if kebab then (toKebab . lowerFirst) else id)
(if prefix == "" then name else removePrefix prefix name)
emitName = name
in [XObj (Lst ([ (XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "register") Symbol) Nothing Nothing)
, (XObj (Sym (SymPath [] carpName) Symbol) Nothing Nothing)
, tyXObj
] ++
if prefix == ""
then []
else [(XObj (Str emitName) Nothing Nothing)]
)) Nothing Nothing]
toFnTypeXObj :: [(String, Int)] -> (String, Int) -> XObj
toFnTypeXObj argTypeStrings returnTypeString =
(XObj (Lst [ (XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "λ") Symbol) Nothing Nothing)
, (XObj (Arr (map (tyToXObj . cTypeToCarpType) argTypeStrings)) Nothing Nothing)
, (XObj (Sym (SymPath [] (show (cTypeToCarpType returnTypeString))) Symbol) Nothing Nothing)
]) Nothing Nothing)
toTypeXObj :: (String, Int) -> XObj
toTypeXObj typeString =
(XObj (Sym (SymPath [] (show (cTypeToCarpType typeString))) Symbol) Nothing Nothing)
cTypeToCarpType :: (String, Int) -> Ty
cTypeToCarpType ("char", 0) = CharTy
cTypeToCarpType ("int", 0) = IntTy