Implement --eval-preload and --eval-postload.

This commit is contained in:
Jorge Acereda 2020-05-22 22:45:46 +02:00
parent 18194b52de
commit 6bce3b1ee1
2 changed files with 31 additions and 45 deletions

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module Main where
import qualified System.Environment as SystemEnvironment
import System.Console.Haskeline (runInputT)
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import GHC.IO.Encoding
import Data.Maybe
@ -66,7 +67,6 @@ main = do setLocaleEncoding utf8
sysEnv <- SystemEnvironment.getEnvironment
fullOpts <- execParser $ (parseFull <**> helper) fullDesc
let execMode = optExecMode fullOpts
compOptions = optComp fullOpts
otherOptions = optOthers fullOpts
argFilesToLoad = optFiles fullOpts
logMemory = otherLogMemory otherOptions
@ -74,18 +74,13 @@ main = do setLocaleEncoding utf8
profile = not $ otherNoProfile otherOptions
optimize = otherOptimize otherOptions
generateOnly = otherGenerateOnly otherOptions
compiler = compCompiler compOptions
cflags = compCompFlags compOptions
ldflags = compLinkFlags compOptions
prompt = otherPrompt otherOptions
applySettings p = p { projectCFlags = ["-D LOG_MEMORY" | logMemory] ++
["-O3 -D NDEBUG" | optimize] ++
fromMaybe (projectCFlags p) cflags
, projectLibFlags = fromMaybe (projectLibFlags p) ldflags
["-O3 -D NDEBUG" | optimize]
++ projectCFlags p
, projectCore = core
, projectGenerateOnly = generateOnly
, projectCarpDir = fromMaybe (projectCarpDir p) $ lookup "CARP_DIR" sysEnv
, projectCompiler = fromMaybe (projectCompiler p) compiler
, projectPrompt = fromMaybe (projectPrompt p) prompt
project = applySettings defaultProject
@ -100,58 +95,48 @@ main = do setLocaleEncoding utf8
coreModulesToLoad = if core then coreModules (projectCarpDir project) else []
context <- loadFilesOnce startingContext coreModulesToLoad
execStr :: String -> String -> Context -> IO Context
execStr info str ctx = executeString True False ctx str info
execStrs :: String -> [String] -> Context -> IO Context
execStrs info strs ctx = foldM (\ctx str -> execStr info str ctx) ctx strs
preloads = fromMaybe [] (optPreload fullOpts)
postloads = fromMaybe [] (optPostload fullOpts)
load = flip loadFiles
carpProfile <- configPath "profile.carp"
hasProfile <- doesFileExist carpProfile
context' <- if profile && hasProfile
then loadFiles context [carpProfile]
else return context
finalContext <- loadFiles context' argFilesToLoad
case execMode of
Repl -> do putStrLn "Welcome to Carp 0.3.0"
putStrLn "This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY."
putStrLn "Evaluate (help) for more information."
_ <- runRepl finalContext
return ()
Build -> do _ <- executeString True False finalContext "(build)" "Compiler (Build)"
return ()
Install thing ->
do _ <- executeString True False finalContext
("(load \"" ++ thing ++ "\")")
return ()
BuildAndRun -> do _ <- executeString True False finalContext "(do (build) (run))" "Compiler (Build & Run)"
-- TODO: Handle the return value from executeString and return that one to the shell
return ()
Check -> return ()
_ <- loadFilesOnce startingContext coreModulesToLoad
>>= load [carpProfile | hasProfile]
>>= execStrs "Preload" preloads
>>= load argFilesToLoad
>>= execStrs "Postload" postloads
>>= \ctx -> case execMode of
Repl -> do putStrLn "Welcome to Carp 0.3.0"
putStrLn "This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY."
putStrLn "Evaluate (help) for more information."
snd <$> runRepl ctx
Build -> execStr "Compiler (Build)" "(build)" ctx
Install thing -> execStr ("(load \"" ++ thing ++ "\")") "Installation" ctx
BuildAndRun -> execStr "(do (build) (run))" "Compiler (Build & Run)" ctx
Check -> execStr "Check" "" ctx
-- TODO: Handle the return value from executeString and return that one to the shell
pure ()
-- | Options for how to run the compiler.
data FullOptions = FullOptions
{ optExecMode :: ExecutionMode
, optComp :: CompOptions
, optOthers :: OtherOptions
, optPreload :: Maybe [String]
, optPostload :: Maybe [String]
, optFiles :: [FilePath]
} deriving Show
parseFull :: Parser FullOptions
parseFull = FullOptions
<$> parseExecMode
<*> parseComp
<*> parseOther
<*> optional (some (strOption (long "eval-preload" <> metavar "CODE" <> help "Eval CODE after loading config and before FILES")))
<*> optional (some (strOption (long "eval-postload" <> metavar "CODE" <> help "Eval CODE after loading FILES")))
<*> parseFiles
data CompOptions = CompOptions
{ compCompiler :: Maybe String
, compCompFlags :: Maybe [String]
, compLinkFlags :: Maybe [String]
} deriving Show
parseComp :: Parser CompOptions
parseComp = CompOptions
<$> optional (strOption (long "cc" <> help "Set C compiler to use"))
<*> optional (some (strOption (long "cflag" <> metavar "FLAG" <> help "Add flag to the compiler invocation")))
<*> optional (some (strOption (long "ldflag" <> metavar "FLAG" <> help "Add flag to the linker invocation")))
data OtherOptions = OtherOptions
{ otherNoCore :: Bool
, otherNoProfile :: Bool

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@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ resetAlreadyLoadedFiles context =
proj' = proj { projectAlreadyLoaded = [] }
in context { contextProj = proj' }
runRepl :: Context -> IO ((), Context)
runRepl context = do
historyFile <- configPath "history"
createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory historyFile)