fix: fix errors with set! (#1100)

Notably, don't type check dynamic bindings (which can be set to
whatever) and eliminate a hang that resulted from not handling an error
at the end of the `set!` call. Also refactors some of the code in
efforts to make it a bit cleaner.

Also adds an error when `set!` can't find the variable one calls set!
This commit is contained in:
Scott Olsen 2020-12-24 10:20:07 -05:00 committed by GitHub
parent c1fe094885
commit 6c551a104b
No known key found for this signature in database

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@ -75,17 +75,16 @@ eval ctx xobj@(XObj o info ty) preference resolver =
checkStatic v@(_, Right (XObj (Lst ((XObj obj _ _) : _)) _ _)) =
if isResolvableStaticObj obj
then pure (ctx, Left (HasStaticCall xobj info))
else pure v
then pure (ctx, Left (HasStaticCall xobj info))
else pure v
checkStatic v = pure v
unwrapLookup v =
unwrapLookup =
(evalError ctx ("Can't find symbol '" ++ show n ++ "'") info) -- all else failed, error.
tryAllLookups =
( case preference of
PreferDynamic -> tryDynamicLookup
PreferGlobal -> tryLookup spath <|> tryDynamicLookup
PreferDynamic -> tryDynamicLookup
PreferGlobal -> tryLookup spath <|> tryDynamicLookup
<|> (if null p then tryInternalLookup spath else tryLookup spath)
tryDynamicLookup =
@ -570,8 +569,8 @@ executeString doCatch printResult ctx input fileName =
(printResult && xobjTy res /= Just UnitTy)
(putStrLnWithColor Yellow ("=> " ++ pretty res))
pure ctx'
interactiveFolder (_, context) xobj =
executeCommand context xobj
interactiveFolder (_, context) =
executeCommand context
treatErr ctx' e xobj = do
let fppl = projectFilePathPrintLength (contextProj ctx')
case contextExecMode ctx' of
@ -766,11 +765,10 @@ annotateWithinContext qualifyDefn ctx xobj = do
primitiveDefmodule :: Primitive
primitiveDefmodule xobj ctx@(Context env i _ pathStrings _ _ _ _) (XObj (Sym (SymPath [] moduleName) _) _ _ : innerExpressions) =
-- N.B. The `envParent` rewrite at the end of this line is important!
-- lookups delve into parent envs by default, which is normally what we want, but in this case it leads to problems
-- when submodules happen to share a name with an existing module or type at the global level.
maybe (defineNewModule emptyMeta) updateExistingModule (lookupBinder (SymPath [] moduleName) ((getEnv env pathStrings) {envParent = Nothing}))
-- N.B. The `envParent` rewrite at the end of this line is important!
-- lookups delve into parent envs by default, which is normally what we want, but in this case it leads to problems
-- when submodules happen to share a name with an existing module or type at the global level.
maybe (defineNewModule emptyMeta) updateExistingModule (lookupBinder (SymPath [] moduleName) ((getEnv env pathStrings) {envParent = Nothing}))
>>= defineModuleBindings
>>= \(newCtx, result) ->
case result of
@ -1130,48 +1128,55 @@ primitiveDefdynamic _ ctx [notName, _] =
primitiveDefdynamic _ _ _ = error "primitivedefdynamic"
specialCommandSet :: Context -> [XObj] -> IO (Context, Either EvalError XObj)
specialCommandSet ctx [XObj (Sym path@(SymPath mod n) _) _ _, val] = do
(newCtx, result) <- evalDynamic ResolveLocal ctx val
case result of
Left err -> pure (newCtx, Left err)
Right evald -> do
let globalEnv = contextGlobalEnv ctx
case contextInternalEnv ctx of
Nothing -> setGlobal newCtx globalEnv evald
Just env -> setInternal newCtx env evald
specialCommandSet ctx [orig@(XObj (Sym path@(SymPath _ n) _) _ _), val] =
let lookupInternal =
contextInternalEnv ctx
>>= \e ->
lookupBinder path e
>>= \binder -> pure (binder, setInternal, e)
lookupGlobal =
Just (contextGlobalEnv ctx)
>>= \e ->
lookupBinder path e
>>= \binder -> pure (binder, setGlobal, e)
in maybe
(pure $ evalError ctx ("I couldn't find the variable " ++ pretty orig ++ ", did you define it using `def` or `defdynamic`?") (xobjInfo orig))
(\(binder', setter', env') -> evalAndSet binder' setter' env')
(lookupInternal <|> lookupGlobal)
setGlobal ctx' env value =
case lookupBinder path env of
Just binder -> do
(ctx'', typedVal) <- typeCheckValueAgainstBinder ctx' value binder
pure $ either (failure ctx'') (success ctx'') typedVal
success c xo = (c {contextGlobalEnv = setStaticOrDynamicVar path env binder xo}, dynamicNil)
Nothing -> pure (ctx, Right value)
setInternal ctx' env value =
case lookupInEnv path env of
Just (_, binder) -> do
-- TODO: Type check local bindings.
-- At the moment, let bindings are not structured the same as global defs or dynamic defs.
-- This makes calls to the type check problematic, as we cannot work against a common binding form.
-- Once we better support let bindings, type check them.
(ctx'', typedVal) <- typeCheckValueAgainstBinder ctx' value binder
pure $
if contextPath ctx'' == mod
then either (failure ctx'') (success ctx'') typedVal
else (ctx'', dynamicNil)
success c xo = (c {contextInternalEnv = Just (setStaticOrDynamicVar (SymPath [] n) env binder xo)}, dynamicNil)
-- If the def isn't found in the internal environment, check the global environment.
Nothing -> setGlobal ctx' (contextGlobalEnv ctx') value
evalAndSet :: Binder -> (Context -> Env -> Either EvalError XObj -> Binder -> IO (Context, Either EvalError XObj)) -> Env -> IO (Context, Either EvalError XObj)
evalAndSet binder setter env =
case xobjTy (binderXObj binder) of
-- don't type check dynamic bindings
Just DynamicTy ->
evalDynamic ResolveLocal ctx val
>>= \(newCtx, result) -> setter newCtx env result binder
_ ->
evalDynamic ResolveLocal ctx val
>>= \(newCtx, result) ->
case result of
Right evald -> typeCheckValueAgainstBinder newCtx evald binder >>= \(nctx, typedVal) -> setter nctx env typedVal binder
left -> pure (newCtx, left)
setGlobal :: Context -> Env -> Either EvalError XObj -> Binder -> IO (Context, Either EvalError XObj)
setGlobal ctx' env value binder =
pure $ either (failure ctx' orig) (success ctx') value
success c xo = (c {contextGlobalEnv = setStaticOrDynamicVar path env binder xo}, dynamicNil)
setInternal :: Context -> Env -> Either EvalError XObj -> Binder -> IO (Context, Either EvalError XObj)
setInternal ctx' env value binder =
pure $ either (failure ctx' orig) (success ctx') value
success c xo = (c {contextInternalEnv = Just (setStaticOrDynamicVar (SymPath [] n) env binder xo)}, dynamicNil)
specialCommandSet ctx [notName, _] =
pure (evalError ctx ("`set!` expected a name as first argument, but got " ++ pretty notName) (xobjInfo notName))
specialCommandSet ctx args =
pure (evalError ctx ("`set!` takes a name and a value, but got `" ++ unwords (map pretty args)) (if null args then Nothing else xobjInfo (head args)))
-- | Convenience method for signifying failure in a given context.
failure :: Context -> EvalError -> (Context, Either EvalError a)
failure ctx err = (ctx, Left err)
failure :: Context -> XObj -> EvalError -> (Context, Either EvalError a)
failure ctx orig err = evalError ctx (show err) (xobjInfo orig)
-- | Given a context, value XObj and an existing binder, check whether or not
-- the given value has a type matching the binder's in the given context.