eval: refactor file, line, and column; Debug: better trace

This commit is contained in:
hellerve 2018-09-19 17:46:16 +02:00
parent e8db8aabe3
commit 76d86f13e1
4 changed files with 41 additions and 36 deletions

View File

@ -30,10 +30,11 @@
(doc trace "Print the value of an expression to stdout, then return its value.")
(defn trace [x]
(IO.println &(str &x))
(defmacro trace [x]
(list 'let-do (array 'tmp x)
(list 'IO.println (list 'ref (list 'fmt "%s:%d:%d: %s" (file x) (line x) (column x) '&(str tmp))))
(doc leak-array "Leak some memory. Useful for testing tools that detect leaks.")
(register leak-array (Fn [a] ()) "Debug_leak_MINUS_array")

View File

@ -760,25 +760,3 @@ saveDocs pathsAndEnvs =
title = projectTitle proj
liftIO (saveDocsForEnvs docsDir title pathsAndEnvs)
return dynamicNil
commandFile :: CommandCallback
commandFile [XObj _ (Just info) _] =
return $ Right $ XObj (Str $ infoFile info) (Just dummyInfo) (Just StringTy)
commandFile [obj] =
return (Left (EvalError ("No information about object " ++ pretty obj)))
commandLine :: CommandCallback
commandLine [XObj _ (Just info) _] =
return $ Right $ XObj (Num IntTy (fromIntegral (infoLine info)))
(Just dummyInfo)
(Just IntTy)
commandLine [obj] =
return (Left (EvalError ("No information about object " ++ pretty obj)))
commandColumn :: CommandCallback
commandColumn [XObj _ (Just info) _] =
return $ Right $ XObj (Num IntTy (fromIntegral (infoColumn info)))
(Just dummyInfo)
(Just IntTy)
commandColumn [obj] =
return (Left (EvalError ("No information about object " ++ pretty obj)))

View File

@ -55,14 +55,43 @@ eval env xobj =
[XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "quote") _) _ _, target] ->
return (Right target)
[XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "source-location") _) _ _] ->
return (Right (XObj (Str (prettyInfoFromXObj listXObj)) i t))
[XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "file") _) _ _] ->
case i of
Just info -> return (Right (XObj (Str (infoFile info)) i t))
Nothing -> return (Left (EvalError ("No information about object " ++ pretty xobj)))
[XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "source-path") _) _ _] ->
let file = case info listXObj of
Just info -> infoFile info
Nothing -> "no info"
in return (Right (XObj (Str (file)) i t))
[XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "line") _) _ _] ->
case i of
Just info ->
return (Right (XObj (Num IntTy (fromIntegral (infoLine info))) i t))
Nothing ->
return (Left (EvalError ("No information about object " ++ pretty xobj)))
[XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "column") _) _ _] ->
case i of
Just info ->
return (Right (XObj (Num IntTy (fromIntegral (infoColumn info))) i t))
Nothing ->
return (Left (EvalError ("No information about object " ++ pretty xobj)))
[XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "file") _) _ _, XObj _ infoToCheck _] ->
case infoToCheck of
Just info -> return (Right (XObj (Str (infoFile info)) i t))
Nothing -> return (Left (EvalError ("No information about object " ++ pretty xobj)))
[XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "line") _) _ _, XObj _ infoToCheck _] ->
case infoToCheck of
Just info ->
return (Right (XObj (Num IntTy (fromIntegral (infoLine info))) i t))
Nothing ->
return (Left (EvalError ("No information about object " ++ pretty xobj)))
[XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "column") _) _ _, XObj _ infoToCheck _] ->
case infoToCheck of
Just info ->
return (Right (XObj (Num IntTy (fromIntegral (infoColumn info))) i t))
Nothing ->
return (Left (EvalError ("No information about object " ++ pretty xobj)))
XObj Do _ _ : rest ->
do evaledList <- fmap sequence (mapM (eval env) rest)

View File

@ -210,9 +210,6 @@ dynamicModule = Env { envBindings = bindings
, addCommand "append" 2 commandAppend
, addCommand "macro-error" 1 commandMacroError
, addCommand "macro-log" 1 commandMacroLog
, addCommand "file" 1 commandFile
, addCommand "line" 1 commandLine
, addCommand "column" 1 commandColumn
, addCommandConfigurable "str" Nothing commandStr
, addCommand "not" 1 commandNot
, addCommand "=" 2 commandEq