Renaming: String.count -> String.length, Array.count -> Array.length

Issue #236
This commit is contained in:
Chris Hall 2018-05-20 17:57:51 +10:00
parent 5c280fea4b
commit 7c1dd210d7
29 changed files with 152 additions and 152 deletions

View File

@ -8,10 +8,10 @@
(ignore (let-do [a [0]]
(for [i 1 n]
(set! a (Array.push-back a i)))
(assert (= n (Array.count &a)))
(assert (= n (Array.length &a)))
(for [i 1 n]
(set! a (Array.pop-back a)))
(assert (= 1 (Array.count &a))))))
(assert (= 1 (Array.length &a))))))
(defn main []

View File

@ -9,12 +9,12 @@
(defn some-subarray []
(let-do [a (replicate n &1)
b (subarray &a 0 (/ n 2))]
(assert (= (/ n 2) (count &b)))))
(assert (= (/ n 2) (length &b)))))
(defn perform-bench [new-n]
(set! n new-n)
(println* "\nTaking sub-array of array with count " n)
(println* "\nTaking sub-array of array with length " n)
(bench some-subarray)))
(defn main []

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
(defn perform-bench [n]
(println* "\nSwap with array count " n)
(println* "\nSwap with array length " n)
(set! a (Array.replicate n &1))
(bench some-swapping)))
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
(defn perform-mutable-bench [n]
(println* "\nMutable swap with array count " n)
(println* "\nMutable swap with array length " n)
(set! a (Array.replicate n &1))
(bench some-mutable-swapping)))

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
(defn perform-bench [new-n]
(set! n new-n)
(println* "\nUpdating array with count " n)
(println* "\nUpdating array with length " n)
(bench some-updating)))
(defn main []

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
(defn reduce [f x xs]
(let [total x]
(for [i 0 (count xs)]
(for [i 0 (length xs)]
(set! total (f &total (nth xs i))))
@ -14,14 +14,14 @@
(doc last "Take the last element of an array.")
(defn last [a]
@(Array.nth a (Int.dec (Array.count a))))
@(Array.nth a (Int.dec (Array.length a))))
(doc = "Compare two arrays.")
(defn = [a b]
(if (/= (count a) (count b))
(if (/= (length a) (length b))
(let-do [eq true]
(for [i 0 (count a)]
(for [i 0 (length a)]
(when (/= @(nth a i) @(nth b i))
(set! eq false)
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
(doc maximum "Get the maximum in an array (elements must support <).")
(defn maximum [xs]
(let [result (first xs)
n (count xs)]
n (length xs)]
(for [i 1 n]
(let [x @(nth xs i)]
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
(doc minimum "Get the maximum in an array (elements must support >).")
(defn minimum [xs]
(let [result (first xs)
n (count xs)]
n (length xs)]
(for [i 1 n]
(let [x @(nth xs i)]
@ -70,12 +70,12 @@
(doc suffix-array "Get subarray from start-index.")
(defn suffix-array [xs start-index]
(subarray xs start-index (count xs)))
(subarray xs start-index (length xs)))
(doc reverse "Reverse an array.")
(defn reverse [a]
(let-do [i 0
j (Int.dec (count &a))]
j (Int.dec (length &a))]
(while (Int.< i j)
(let-do [tmp @(nth &a i)]
(aset! &a i @(nth &a j))
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
(doc index-of "Get the index of element e in an array.")
(defn index-of [a e]
(let-do [idx -1]
(for [i 0 (count a)]
(for [i 0 (length a)]
(when (= (nth a i) &e)
(set! idx i)
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
(doc element-count "Count occurrences of element e in an array.")
(defn element-count [a e]
(let-do [c 0]
(for [i 0 (count a)]
(for [i 0 (length a)]
(when (= e (nth a i)) (set! c ( c))))
@ -161,31 +161,31 @@
(doc copy-map "Map over array a using function f (copies the array).")
(defn copy-map [f a]
(let-do [na (allocate (count a))]
(for [i 0 (count a)]
(let-do [na (allocate (length a))]
(for [i 0 (length a)]
(aset-uninitialized! &na i (f (nth a i))))
(doc sum-count "Returns the sum of counts from an Array of Arrays.")
(defn sum-count [xs]
(doc sum-length "Returns the sum of lengths from an Array of Arrays.")
(defn sum-length [xs]
(let-do [sum 0
lxs (Array.count xs)]
lxs (Array.length xs)]
(for [i 0 lxs]
(set! sum (+ sum (Array.count (Array.nth xs i)))))
(set! sum (+ sum (Array.length (Array.nth xs i)))))
(doc concat "Returns a new Array which is the concatenation of the provided `xs`.")
(defn concat [xs]
;; This is using a StringBuilder pattern to only perform one allocation and
;; to only copy each of the incoming Array(s) once.
;; This currently performs wasted Array.count calls, as we call it for each
;; Array once here and once in sum-count.
;; This currently performs wasted Array.length calls, as we call it for each
;; Array once here and once in sum-length.
(let-do [j 0
lxs (Array.count xs)
result (Array.allocate (sum-count xs))]
lxs (Array.length xs)
result (Array.allocate (sum-length xs))]
(for [i 0 lxs]
(let-do [arr (Array.nth xs i)
len (Array.count arr)]
len (Array.length arr)]
(for [k 0 len]
(aset-uninitialized! &result (+ j k) @(Array.nth arr k)))
(set! j (+ j len))))

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
(doc dir-from-path "Removes the file-name part of a path to a file.")
(defn dir-from-path [path]
(let [segments (split-by path &[\/])
n (dec (count &segments))
n (dec (length &segments))
without-last (prefix-array &segments n)]
(concat &(copy-map append-slash &without-last))))

View File

@ -2,20 +2,20 @@
(hidden fmt-internal)
(defdynamic fmt-internal [s args]
(let [idx (String.index-of s \%)
len (String.count s)]
len (String.length s)]
(if (= idx -1)
(list 'copy s) ; no more splits found, just return string
(if (= \% (String.char-at s (inc idx))) ; this is an escaped %
(list 'StringCopy.append
(list 'copy "%")
(fmt-internal (String.substring s (+ idx 2) len) args))
(if (= 0 (count args)) ; we need to insert something, but have nothing
(if (= 0 (length args)) ; we need to insert something, but have nothing
(macro-error "error in format string: not enough arguments to format string")
; okay, this is the meat:
; get the next % after our escaper
(let [next (String.index-of (String.substring s (inc idx) len) \%)]
(if (= -1 next)
(if (< 1 (count args))
(if (< 1 (length args))
(macro-error "error in format string: too many arguments to format string")
(list 'format s (car args)))
(let [slice (String.substring s 0 (+ (inc idx) next))]

View File

@ -78,11 +78,11 @@
(defdynamic cond-internal [xs]
(if (= (count xs) 0)
(if (= (length xs) 0)
(if (= (count xs) 2)
(if (= (length xs) 2)
(macro-error "cond has even number of branches; add an else branch")
(if (= (count xs) 1)
(if (= (length xs) 1)
(car xs)
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
(cond-internal xs))
(defmacro for [settings :rest body] ;; settings = variable, from, to, <step>
(if (> (count body) 1)
(if (> (length body) 1)
(macro-error "Warning: the body of the 'for' loop can only contain one expression")
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
(list 'Int.< (car settings) (caddr settings))
(list 'do
(if (= (count body) 0)
(if (= (length body) 0)
(if (list? body)
(car body)
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
'set! (car settings)
(list 'Int.+
(car settings)
(if (= 4 (count settings)) ;; optional arg for step
(if (= 4 (length settings)) ;; optional arg for step
(cadddr settings)
@ -122,12 +122,12 @@
;; Old foreach, what's a better name for this? (it's just 'map' with side effects)
;; (defmacro foreach [f xs]
;; (list 'for ['i 0 (list 'Array.count (list 'ref xs))]
;; (list 'for ['i 0 (list 'Array.length (list 'ref xs))]
;; (list f (list 'Array.nth (list 'ref xs) 'i))))
(defdynamic foreach-internal [var xs expr]
(list 'let ['xs xs
'len (list 'Array.count 'xs)]
'len (list 'Array.length 'xs)]
(list 'for ['i 0 'len]
(list 'let [var (list 'Array.nth 'xs 'i)]
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
(macro-error "Binding has to be an array.")))
(defdynamic thread-first-internal [xs]
(if (= (count xs) 2)
(if (= (length xs) 2)
(if (list? (last xs))
(cons (caadr xs)
(cons (car xs)
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
(list (last xs) (thread-first-internal (all-but-last xs))))))
(defdynamic thread-last-internal [xs]
(if (= (count xs) 2)
(if (= (length xs) 2)
(if (list? (last xs))
(cons-last (car xs) (last xs))
(list (cadr xs) (car xs)))
@ -194,9 +194,9 @@
(defdynamic use-all-fn [names]
(if (= (count names) 0)
(if (= (length names) 0)
(macro-error "Trying to call use-all without arguments")
(if (= (count names) 1)
(if (= (length names) 1)
(list (list 'use (car names)))
(cons (list 'use (car names)) (use-all-fn (cdr names))))));(use-all (cdr names))))))
@ -228,11 +228,11 @@
(list 'while true (cons 'do forms)))
(defdynamic case-internal [name xs]
(if (= (count xs) 0)
(if (= (length xs) 0)
(if (= (count xs) 2)
(if (= (length xs) 2)
(macro-error "case has even number of branches; add an else branch")
(if (= (count xs) 1)
(if (= (length xs) 1)
(car xs)
(list 'if
(list '= name (car xs))
@ -243,9 +243,9 @@
(case-internal name forms))
(defdynamic build-vararg [fn forms]
(if (= (count forms) 0)
(if (= (length forms) 0)
(macro-error "vararg macro needs at least one argument")
(if (= (count forms) 1)
(if (= (length forms) 1)
(car forms)
(list fn (car forms) (build-vararg fn (cdr forms))))))
@ -256,9 +256,9 @@
(build-vararg 'or forms))
(defdynamic build-str* [forms]
(if (= (count forms) 0)
(if (= (length forms) 0)
(list "")
(if (= (count forms) 1)
(if (= (length forms) 1)
(list 'str (car forms))
(list 'StringCopy.append (list 'str (car forms)) (build-str* (cdr forms))))))

View File

@ -18,21 +18,21 @@
(defn sum [data]
(if (= 0 (Array.count data))
(if (= 0 (Array.length data))
(let [total @(Array.nth data 0)]
(for [i 1 (Array.count data)]
(for [i 1 (Array.length data)]
(set! total (+ total @(Array.nth data i))))
(defn mean [data]
(/ (Statistics.sum data) (from-int (Array.count data))))
(/ (Statistics.sum data) (from-int (Array.length data))))
(defn _pp [a mean]
(let [sum 0.0]
(for [i 0 (Array.count a)]
(for [i 0 (Array.length a)]
(let [tmp (Double.- (Double.copy (Array.nth a i)) mean)]
(set! sum (Double.* tmp tmp))))
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
(defn _xx [a mean]
(let [sum 0.0]
(for [i 0 (Array.count a)]
(for [i 0 (Array.length a)]
(set! sum (Double.- (Double.copy (Array.nth a i)) mean)))
@ -49,10 +49,10 @@
tmp (_xx data m)]
(Double.- (_pp data m)
(Double./ (Double.* tmp tmp)
(Double.from-int (Array.count data))))))
(Double.from-int (Array.length data))))))
(defn median [data]
(let [n (Array.count data)
(let [n (Array.length data)
sorted (Array.sort @data)]
(cond (= n 0) 0.0
(= (mod n 2) 1) @(Array.nth data (/ n 2))
@ -62,21 +62,21 @@
(defn low-median [data]
(let [n (Array.count data)
(let [n (Array.length data)
sorted (Array.sort @data)]
(cond (= n 0) 0.0
(= (mod n 2) 1) @(Array.nth data (/ n 2))
@(Array.nth data (dec (/ n 2)))))) ; else
(defn high-median [data]
(let [n (Array.count data)
(let [n (Array.length data)
sorted (Array.sort @data)]
(if (= n 0)
@(Array.nth data (/ n 2)))))
(defn grouped-median [data interval]
(let [n (Array.count data)
(let [n (Array.length data)
sorted (Array.sort @data)]
(cond (= n 0) 0.0
(= n 1) @(Array.nth data 0)
@ -88,12 +88,12 @@
(from-int f)))))))
(defn variance [data]
(let [n (Array.count data)
(let [n (Array.length data)
ss (_ss data)]
(/ ss (from-int (dec n)))))
(defn pvariance [data]
(let [n (Array.count data)
(let [n (Array.length data)
ss (_ss data)]
(/ ss (from-int n))))
@ -109,10 +109,10 @@
(defn median-abs-dev [data]
(let [med (median data)
zero 0.0
abs-devs (Array.replicate (Array.count data) &zero)
abs-devs (Array.replicate (Array.length data) &zero)
n 1.4826] ; taken from Rust and R, because thats how its done apparently
(for [i 0 (Array.count data)]
(for [i 0 (Array.length data)]
(Array.aset! &abs-devs i (abs (- med @(Array.nth data i)))))
(* (median &abs-devs) n))))
@ -121,12 +121,12 @@
(defn percentile-of-sorted [sorted pct]
(Int.= 0 (Array.count sorted)) -1.0 ; should abort here
(Int.= 0 (Array.length sorted)) -1.0 ; should abort here
(Double.< pct 0.0) -1.0 ; should abort here
(Double.> pct 100.0) -1.0 ; should abort here
(Int.= 1 (Array.count sorted)) @(Array.nth sorted 0)
(Double.= 100.0 pct) @(Array.nth sorted (Int.dec (Array.count sorted)))
(let [len (Int.dec (Array.count sorted))
(Int.= 1 (Array.length sorted)) @(Array.nth sorted 0)
(Double.= 100.0 pct) @(Array.nth sorted (Int.dec (Array.length sorted)))
(let [len (Int.dec (Array.length sorted))
rank (Double.* (Double./ pct 100.0) (Double.from-int len))
lrank (Double.floor rank)
d (Double.- rank lrank)
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
lo (Statistics.percentile-of-sorted tmp pct)
hi (Statistics.percentile-of-sorted tmp (Double.- 100.0 pct))]
(for [i 0 (Array.count tmp)]
(for [i 0 (Array.length tmp)]
(let [samp @(Array.nth tmp i)]
(> samp hi) (Array.aset! tmp i hi)

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(register append (Fn [&String &String] String))
(register delete (Fn [String] ()))
(register copy (Fn [&String] String))
(register count (Fn [&String] Int))
(register length (Fn [&String] Int))
(register cstr (Fn [&String] (Ptr Char)))
(register str (Fn [&String] String))
(register prn (Fn [&String] String))
@ -37,17 +37,17 @@
(defn pad-left [len pad s]
(let [x (Int.max 0 (- len (count s)))]
(let [x (Int.max 0 (- len (length s)))]
(append &(from-chars &(Array.replicate x &pad)) s)))
(defn pad-right [len pad s]
(let [x (Int.max 0 (- len (count s)))]
(let [x (Int.max 0 (- len (length s)))]
(append s &(from-chars &(Array.replicate x &pad)))))
(doc count-char "Returns the number of occurrences of `c` in the string `s`.")
(defn count-char [s c]
(let-do [n 0]
(for [i 0 (count s)]
(for [i 0 (length s)]
(when (= c (char-at s i))
(set! n ( n))))
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
(doc empty? "Check if the string is the empty string.")
(defn empty? [s]
(Int.= (count s) 0))
(Int.= (length s) 0))
(defn substring [s a b]
(from-chars &(Array.subarray &(chars s) a b)))
@ -73,35 +73,35 @@
(doc starts-with? "Check if the string `s` begins with the string `sub`.")
(defn starts-with? [s sub]
(= sub &(prefix-string s (count sub))))
(= sub &(prefix-string s (length sub))))
(doc starts-with? "Check if the string `s` ends with the string `sub`.")
(defn ends-with? [s sub]
(= sub &(suffix-string s (- (count s) (count sub)))))
(= sub &(suffix-string s (- (length s) (length sub)))))
(doc zero "The empty string.")
(defn zero [] @"")
(doc sum-count "Returns the sum of counts from an array of Strings.")
(defn sum-count [strings]
(doc sum-length "Returns the sum of lengths from an array of Strings.")
(defn sum-length [strings]
(let-do [sum 0
lstrings (Array.count strings)]
lstrings (Array.length strings)]
(for [i 0 lstrings]
(set! sum (+ sum (String.count (Array.nth strings i)))))
(set! sum (+ sum (String.length (Array.nth strings i)))))
(doc concat "Returns a new string which is the concatenation of the provided `strings`.")
(defn concat [strings]
;; This is using a StringBuilder pattern to only perform one allocation and
;; to only copy each of the incoming strings once.
;; This currently performs wasted String.count calls, as we call it for each
;; string once here and once in sum-count.
;; This currently performs wasted String.length calls, as we call it for each
;; string once here and once in sum-length.
(let-do [j 0
lstrings (Array.count strings)
result (String.allocate (sum-count strings) \ )]
lstrings (Array.length strings)
result (String.allocate (sum-length strings) \ )]
(for [i 0 lstrings]
(let-do [str (Array.nth strings i)
len (String.count str)]
len (String.length str)]
(string-set-at! &result j str)
(set! j (+ j len))))
@ -109,14 +109,14 @@
(doc join "Returns a new string which is the concatenation of the provided `strings` separated by string `sep`.")
(defn join [sep strings]
(let-do [j 0
lstrings (Array.count strings)
lstrings (Array.length strings)
num-seps (- lstrings 1)
sep-length (String.count &sep)
sep-length (String.length &sep)
seps-size (* num-seps sep-length)
result (String.allocate (+ seps-size (sum-count strings)) \ )]
result (String.allocate (+ seps-size (sum-length strings)) \ )]
(for [i 0 lstrings]
(let-do [str (Array.nth strings i)
len (String.count str)]
len (String.length str)]
(when (> i 0)
(string-set-at! &result j &sep)
@ -129,12 +129,12 @@
(defn join-with-char [sep strings]
;; (= (join-with-char \ ["Hello" "world"]) (join " " ["Hello" "world"]))
(let-do [j 0
lstrings (Array.count strings)
sep-count (- lstrings 1)
result (String.allocate (+ sep-count (sum-count strings)) \ )]
lstrings (Array.length strings)
sep-length (- lstrings 1)
result (String.allocate (+ sep-length (sum-length strings)) \ )]
(for [i 0 lstrings]
(let-do [str (Array.nth strings i)
len (String.count str)]
len (String.length str)]
(when (> i 0)
(string-set! &result j sep)
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
(defdynamic string-join- [strs]
(if (= (count strs) 0)
(if (= (length strs) 0)
'(String.copy "")
(list 'StringCopy.append (car strs) (string-join- (cdr strs)))))

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
[@"bg-cyan" @"46"]
[@"bg-white" @"47"]])
(def len-color-table (Array.count &color-table))
(def len-color-table (Array.length &color-table))
(defn color-name-to-ansi [cname]
(let [res @""]
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
(defdynamic with-test-internal [name forms]
(if (= (count forms) 1)
(if (= (length forms) 1)
(list (list 'set! name (list 'ref (car forms))))
(cons (list 'set! name (list 'ref (car forms)))
(with-test-internal name (cdr forms)))))

View File

@ -216,9 +216,9 @@
(defn zip- [f a b]
(let [total []]
(for [i 0 (Array.count a)]
(for [i 0 (Array.length a)]
(set! total (Array.push-back @&total (f @(Array.nth a i) @(Array.nth b i)))))
(VN.init (Array.count a) total))))
(VN.init (Array.length a) total))))
(defn zip [f a b]
(if (= @(VN.n a) @(VN.n b))

View File

@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ String StringCopy_append(String a, String b) {
return buffer;
int String_count(String *s) {
int String_length(String *s) {
return strlen(*s);

View File

@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ you need to qualify it with the module name, like this: ```Float.cos```.
If there are several used modules that contain symbols with the same name, the type inferer will try to figure
out which one of the symbols you really mean (based on the types in your code). If it can't, it will display an error.
For example, both the module ```String``` and ```Array``` contain a function named 'count'. In the following code it's
For example, both the module ```String``` and ```Array``` contain a function named 'length'. In the following code it's
possible to see that it's the array version that is needed, and that one will be called:
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ possible to see that it's the array version that is needed, and that one will be
(use Array)
(defn f []
(count [1 2 3 4 5]))
(length [1 2 3 4 5]))
In the following example it's not possible to figure out which type is intended:
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ In the following example it's not possible to figure out which type is intended:
(use Array)
(defn f [x]
(count x))
(length x))
Specifying the type solves this error:
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ Specifying the type solves this error:
(use Array)
(defn f [x]
(String.count x))
(String.length x))
### Structs

View File

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ A simple piece of code:
(defn say-hi [text]
(while true
(if (< (count &text) 10)
(if (< (length &text) 10)
(println "Too short!")
(println &text))))
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ void say_MINUS_hi(string text) {
bool _5 = true;
while (_5) {
string* _14 = &text; // ref
int _12 = String_count(_14);
int _12 = String_length(_14);
bool _10 = Int__LT_(_12, 10);
if (_10) {
string _19 = "Too short!";
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ If-statements are kind of tricky in regards to memory management:
(defn say-what [text]
(let [manage (copy &text)]
(if (< (count &text) 10)
(if (< (length &text) 10)
(copy "Too short")
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ string say_MINUS_what(string text) {
string manage = _9;
string _13;
string* _19 = &text; // ref
int _17 = String_count(_19);
int _17 = String_length(_19);
bool _15 = Int__LT_(_17, 10);
if (_15) {
string _24 = "Too short";

View File

@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
(println (refstr after)))))
(defn get-last-string [xs] ;; Should be generic preferably...
(let [i (dec (Array.count &xs))]
(let [i (dec (Array.length &xs))]
(String.copy (Array.nth &xs i))))
(defn print-last-string []
@ -179,11 +179,11 @@
;; This used to be a bug becuase of multisym:s getting the same type variables:
(defn two-counts-in-same-func []
(defn two-lengths-in-same-func []
(let [a [[1]]
b [1 2 3]
c1 (count &a)
c2 (count &b)]
c1 (length &a)
c2 (length &b)]
(println* &(str (+ c1 c2)))))
(defn changing-target-of-ref []
@ -226,6 +226,6 @@

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@ -65,14 +65,14 @@
(defn energy [bodies]
(let-do [e 0.0]
(for [i 0 (count bodies)]
(for [i 0 (length bodies)]
(let-do [b (nth bodies i)]
(set! e (+ e (* 0.5 (* (Planet.mass b)
(+ (ipow (Planet.vx b) 2)
(+ (ipow (Planet.vy b) 2)
(ipow (Planet.vz b) 2)))))))
(for [j (+ i 1) (count bodies)]
(for [j (+ i 1) (length bodies)]
(let [b2 (nth bodies j)
dx (- (Planet.x b) (Planet.x b2))
dy (- (Planet.y b) (Planet.y b2))
@ -91,9 +91,9 @@
(defn advance [bodies dt]
(for [i 0 (count bodies)]
(for [i 0 (length bodies)]
(let [b (nth bodies i)]
(for [j (+ i 1) (count bodies)]
(for [j (+ i 1) (length bodies)]
(let [b2 (nth bodies j)
dx (- (Planet.x b) (Planet.x b2))
dy (- (Planet.y b) (Planet.y b2))
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
(Planet.set-vy! b2 (+ (Planet.vy b2) (* dy (* (Planet.mass b) mag))))
(Planet.set-vz! b2 (+ (Planet.vz b2) (* dz (* (Planet.mass b) mag)))))))))
(for [i 0 (count bodies)]
(for [i 0 (length bodies)]
(update-planet i bodies dt))))
; defining bodies outside main (`def`) results in c compile error:

View File

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
(SDL.rect (* x 2) 80 16 16)
(SDL.rect (* x 4) 112 16 16)
(SDL.rect (* x 8) 144 16 16)]
n (count &rects)]
n (length &rects)]
(SDL.render-fill-rects rend (raw rects) n))
(SDL.set-render-draw-color rend 255 50 100 255)
(for [x 0 512 16]
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
(SDL.render-draw-line rend 512 (+ 256 (/ x 2)) 0 512)))
(SDL.set-render-draw-color rend 0 0 0 255)
(let [lines (random-lines)
n (count &lines)]
n (length &lines)]
(SDL.render-draw-lines rend (raw lines) n))
(let [img @(Images.img1 &images)]
(SDL.render-copy-ex rend

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
(defn lookup [bucket lookup-key]
(let-do [pairs (Bucket.entries bucket)
result (zero)]
(for [i 0 (count pairs)]
(for [i 0 (length pairs)]
(let [pair (nth pairs i)]
(when (= (Entry.key pair) &lookup-key)
(set! result @(Entry.value pair)))))

View File

@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
g h i]))))
(defn tick [world newWorld]
(for [i 0 (count world)]
(for [i 0 (length world)]
(let [x (mod i height)
y (/ i width)
total (neighbours world x y)

View File

@ -29,17 +29,17 @@
(def grid-size 32)
(defn draw-snake [rend snake]
(let [body-count (count (body snake))]
(for [i 0 body-count]
(let [body-length (length (body snake))]
(for [i 0 body-length]
(let [part (nth (body snake) i)
x (* grid-size (to-int @(Vector2.V2.x part)))
y (* grid-size (to-int @(Vector2.V2.y part)))]
(if (= i 0)
(SDL.set-render-draw-color rend 200 255 (+ 100 (* body-count 10)) 255)
(SDL.set-render-draw-color rend 200 255 (+ 100 (* body-length 10)) 255)
(SDL.render-fill-rect rend (address (SDL.rect x y grid-size grid-size))))
(SDL.set-render-draw-color rend 200 (+ 50 (* i (/ 200 body-count))) 100 255)
(SDL.set-render-draw-color rend 200 (+ 50 (* i (/ 200 body-length))) 100 255)
(SDL.render-fill-rect rend (address (SDL.rect x y grid-size grid-size)))))))))
(defn draw-human [rend human]
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
(defn shift-body [body]
(let [i (- (Array.count body) 2)]
(let [i (- (Array.length body) 2)]
(while (> i -1)
(aset! body (inc i) @(nth body i))

View File

@ -6,6 +6,6 @@
(defn main []
(with-test test
(assert-equal test 1 2 "1 == 2")
(assert-true test (Int.> (Array.count &[1 2 3]) 1) "len([1 2 3]) == 1")
(assert-true test (Int.> (Array.length &[1 2 3]) 1) "len([1 2 3]) == 1")
(assert-not-equal test "hi" "bye" "hi != bye")
(print-test-results test)))

View File

@ -239,9 +239,9 @@ templateAsetUninitializedBang = defineTypeParameterizedTemplate templateCreator
(const [])
templateCount :: (String, Binder)
templateCount = defineTypeParameterizedTemplate templateCreator path t
where path = (SymPath ["Array"] "count")
templateLength :: (String, Binder)
templateLength = defineTypeParameterizedTemplate templateCreator path t
where path = (SymPath ["Array"] "length")
t = (FuncTy [RefTy (StructTy "Array" [VarTy "t"])] IntTy)
templateCreator = TemplateCreator $
\typeEnv env ->

View File

@ -438,12 +438,12 @@ commandIsSymbol [x] =
XObj (Sym _ _) _ _ -> return (Right trueXObj)
_ -> return (Right falseXObj)
commandCount :: CommandCallback
commandCount [x] =
commandLength :: CommandCallback
commandLength [x] =
case x of
XObj (Lst lst) _ _ -> return (Right (XObj (Num IntTy (fromIntegral (length lst))) Nothing Nothing))
XObj (Arr arr) _ _ -> return (Right (XObj (Num IntTy (fromIntegral (length arr))) Nothing Nothing))
_ -> return (Left (EvalError ("Applying 'count' to non-list: " ++ pretty x ++ " at " ++ prettyInfoFromXObj x)))
_ -> return (Left (EvalError ("Applying 'length' to non-list: " ++ pretty x ++ " at " ++ prettyInfoFromXObj x)))
commandCar :: CommandCallback
commandCar [x] =
@ -597,13 +597,13 @@ commandSubstring [a, b, c] =
_ ->
Left (EvalError ("Can't call substring with " ++ pretty a ++ ", " ++ pretty b ++ " and " ++ pretty c))
commandStringCount :: CommandCallback
commandStringCount [a] =
commandStringLength :: CommandCallback
commandStringLength [a] =
return $ case a of
XObj (Str s) _ _ ->
Right (XObj (Num IntTy (fromIntegral (length s))) (Just dummyInfo) (Just IntTy))
_ ->
Left (EvalError ("Can't call count with " ++ pretty a))
Left (EvalError ("Can't call length with " ++ pretty a))
commandStringJoin :: CommandCallback
commandStringJoin [a] =

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ arrayModule = Env { envBindings = bindings, envParent = Nothing, envModuleName =
, templateAset
, templateAsetBang
, templateAsetUninitializedBang
, templateCount
, templateLength
, templatePushBack
, templatePopBack
, templateDeleteArray
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ dynamicModule = Env { envBindings = bindings, envParent = Nothing, envModuleName
[ addCommand "list?" 1 commandIsList
, addCommand "array?" 1 commandIsArray
, addCommand "symbol?" 1 commandIsSymbol
, addCommand "count" 1 commandCount
, addCommand "length" 1 commandLength
, addCommand "car" 1 commandCar
, addCommand "cdr" 1 commandCdr
, addCommand "last" 1 commandLast
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ dynamicStringModule = Env { envBindings = bindings, envParent = Nothing, envModu
where bindings = Map.fromList [ addCommand "char-at" 2 commandCharAt
, addCommand "index-of" 2 commandIndexOf
, addCommand "substring" 3 commandSubstring
, addCommand "count" 1 commandStringCount
, addCommand "length" 1 commandStringLength
, addCommand "join" 1 commandStringJoin
, addCommand "directory" 1 commandStringDirectory

View File

@ -41,11 +41,11 @@
(defn all-eq [a b]
(if (/= (Array.count a) (Array.count b))
(if (/= (Array.length a) (Array.length b))
(let [eq true]
(for [i 0 (Array.count a)]
(for [i 0 (Array.length a)]
(if (/= @(Array.nth a i) @(Array.nth b i))
(set! eq false)

View File

@ -279,11 +279,11 @@
;; TODO! Failing to compile this...
;; (defmodule ArrayCompareExtension
;; (defn < [a b]
;; (Int.< (Array.count a)
;; (Array.count b)))
;; (Int.< (Array.length a)
;; (Array.length b)))
;; (defn > [a b]
;; (Int.> (Array.count a)
;; (Array.count b))))
;; (Int.> (Array.length a)
;; (Array.length b))))
;; (defn array-sort-1 []
;; (let [xs [[0 0] [0 0 0] [0 0 0 0] [0]]
;; ys (Array.sort xs)]
@ -306,7 +306,7 @@
(defn array-copy-map-1 []
(let [xs [@"a" @"bb" @"ccc"]
ys (Array.copy-map String.count &xs)]
ys (Array.copy-map String.length &xs)]
(assert (= &[1 2 3] &ys))))
(defn str-ref [r]

View File

@ -4,22 +4,22 @@
(use-all Double Test Statistics)
(defn all-eq [a b]
(if (Int./= (Array.count a) (Array.count b))
(if (Int./= (Array.length a) (Array.length b))
(let [res true]
(for [i 0 (Array.count a)]
(for [i 0 (Array.length a)]
(if (not (Double.= @(Array.nth a i) @(Array.nth b i)))
(set! res false)
(defn all-approx [a b]
(if (Int./= (Array.count a) (Array.count b))
(if (Int./= (Array.length a) (Array.length b))
(let [res true]
(for [i 0 (Array.count a)]
(for [i 0 (Array.length a)]
(if (not (Double.approx @(Array.nth a i) @(Array.nth b i)))
(set! res false)

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@ -290,7 +290,7 @@
(assert-equal test
(count &(allocate 5 \a))
(length &(allocate 5 \a))
"allocate works correctly III"
(assert-equal test