reworked the array-to-ast function

This commit is contained in:
Erik Svedäng 2016-03-10 10:03:16 +01:00
parent 6053b3cbcc
commit 833bcf0845
6 changed files with 59 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
# Compiler
- Need let polymorphism before array literals can be nested
- Better (shorter, using < and >) names for generic functions
- Automatically implement for structs and arrays:
- copy
- delete

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@ -33,8 +33,15 @@
(defn nest [a index array-name-symbol]
(match a
[] array-name-symbol
[x & xs] (list 'array-set (nest xs (inc index) array-name-symbol) index x)))
[] (literal-or-lookup-to-ast array-name-symbol)
[x & xs]
;;(println (str "nest x & xs: " x " & " xs))
(let [array-set-signature (list :fn (list (list :Array (gen-typevar)) :int (gen-typevar)) (list :Array (gen-typevar)))]
{:node :app
:type (gen-typevar)
:head (assoc (literal-or-lookup-to-ast 'array-set) :type array-set-signature)
:tail (list (nest xs (inc index) array-name-symbol) (literal-or-lookup-to-ast index) (form-to-ast x))}))))
(def array-to-ast-var-name-counters (copy {}))
@ -42,10 +49,20 @@
(let [a-count (count a)
array-name-symbol (symbol (gen-var-name array-to-ast-var-name-counters "array"))
nested-calls (nest a 0 array-name-symbol)
array-setup-ast (form-to-ast (list 'let [array-name-symbol (list 'array-of-size a-count)]
;; array-form (list 'let [array-name-symbol (list 'array-of-size a-count)]
;; nested-calls)
;;array-setup-ast (form-to-ast array-form)
array-setup-ast {:node :let
:type (gen-typevar)
:bindings (list {:node :binding
:type (gen-typevar)
:name array-name-symbol
:value (form-to-ast (list 'array-of-size a-count))})
:body nested-calls}
;;(println (str "array-setup-ast:\n" array-setup-ast))
;;(println (str "\narray-setup-ast:\n" array-setup-ast))
;;(println (str "\narray-form:\n" array-form))
(defn list-to-ast [l]

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@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
(concat func-arg-constrs (cons func-ret-constr new-constraints)))
:app (let [ret-constr {:a (get ast :type) :b (get-in ast '(:head :type 2)) :doc "ret-constr for :app"}
arg-constrs (map2 (fn (a b) {:a a :b b :doc "app-arg"}) (get-in ast '(:head :type 1)) (map :type (:tail ast)))
arg-constrs (map2 (fn (a b) {:a a :b b :doc (str "app-arg " a " vs " b)}) (get-in ast '(:head :type 1)) (map :type (:tail ast)))
head-constrs (generate-constraints-internal '() (:head ast) type-env)
tail-constrs (reduce (fn (constrs tail-form) (generate-constraints-internal constrs tail-form type-env))
'() (:tail ast))
@ -280,7 +280,7 @@
(do (when log-substs (println "Current binding do not match new value"))
(if (or (= :any lhs) (typevar? value-lookup))
(error (str "Can't unify typevar \n" existing " with \n" value-lookup)))))))))))
(error (str "Can't unify typevar \n\n" existing "\n\nwith\n\n" value-lookup "\n\nLocation: " (meta-get value :doc))))))))))))
;; Not a typevar:
(if (list? lhs)
(let [value-lookup (lookup substs value)]
@ -312,7 +312,11 @@
(defn solve-contraint-internal (substs constraint)
(let [a (:a constraint)
b (:b constraint)]
(solve (solve substs a b) b a))) ; Solving from both directions!
;; TODO: set meta earlier in process
(meta-set! a :doc (get-maybe constraint :doc))
(meta-set! b :doc (get-maybe constraint :doc))
(solve (solve substs a b) b a)))) ; Solving from both directions!
;; Returns a substitution map from type variables to actual types
(defn solve-constraints (constraints)

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@ -11,3 +11,29 @@
;; (defn no-nesting []
;; [666])
;;(def ast1 (lambda-to-ast (code no-nesting)))
;;(def con1 (gencon1))
;; (defn nesting1 []
;; [(string-copy "hej")])
;; (def ast1 (annotate-ast (lambda-to-ast (code nesting1))))
;; (defn nesting2 []
;; [3.0 2.0 1.0])
;; (def ast2 (annotate-ast (lambda-to-ast (code nesting2))))
;; (defn nesting3 []
;; [[1000 2000 3000]])
;; (def ast3 (annotate-ast (lambda-to-ast (code nesting3))))
(defn nesting []
[[(string-copy "hej")]])
(def ast (lambda-to-ast (code nesting)))
(def con (gencon ast))
;;(def asta (annotate-ast ast2))

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@ -995,8 +995,8 @@ void eval_text(Obj *env, char *text, bool print, Obj *filename) {
if(eval_error) {
printf("\e[31mERROR: %s\e[0m\n", obj_to_string_not_prn(eval_error)->s);
/* printf("\n"); */
/* stack_print(); */
eval_error = NULL;
printf("Running GC after error occured:\n");

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@ -59,9 +59,6 @@ void repl(Obj *env) {
if(paren_balance(input) <= 0) {
eval_text(env, input, true, obj_new_string("repl"));
if(!eval_error && stack_pos != 0) {
printf("WARNING: Stack pos should be 0 but is now: %d\n", stack_pos);