mirror of
synced 2024-11-04 01:25:04 +03:00
Split integer/floating point number representation. (#1006)
This commit is contained in:
@ -53,6 +53,9 @@ trueXObj = XObj (Bol True) Nothing Nothing
falseXObj :: XObj
falseXObj = XObj (Bol False) Nothing Nothing
boolToXObj :: Bool -> XObj
boolToXObj b = if b then trueXObj else falseXObj
-- | Use this function to register commands in the environment.
addCommand :: SymPath -> Int -> CommandCallback -> String -> String -> (String, Binder)
addCommand name arity callback doc example = addCommandConfigurable name (Just arity) callback doc example
@ -545,13 +548,13 @@ commandList ctx args =
commandLength :: CommandCallback
commandLength ctx [x] =
case x of
pure $ case x of
XObj (Lst lst) _ _ ->
return (ctx, (Right (XObj (Num IntTy (fromIntegral (length lst))) Nothing Nothing)))
(ctx, (Right (XObj (Num IntTy (Integral (length lst))) Nothing Nothing)))
XObj (Arr arr) _ _ ->
return (ctx, (Right (XObj (Num IntTy (fromIntegral (length arr))) Nothing Nothing)))
(ctx, (Right (XObj (Num IntTy (Integral (length arr))) Nothing Nothing)))
_ ->
return (evalError ctx ("Applying 'length' to non-list: " ++ pretty x) (info x))
(evalError ctx ("Applying 'length' to non-list: " ++ pretty x) (info x))
commandCar :: CommandCallback
commandCar ctx [x] =
@ -631,18 +634,11 @@ commandMacroLog ctx msgs = do
commandEq :: CommandCallback
commandEq ctx [a, b] =
return $ case cmp (a, b) of
pure $ case cmp (a, b) of
Left (a, b) -> evalError ctx ("Can't compare " ++ pretty a ++ " with " ++ pretty b) (info a)
Right True -> (ctx, Right trueXObj)
Right False -> (ctx, Right falseXObj)
Right b -> (ctx, Right (boolToXObj b))
cmp (XObj (Num IntTy aNum) _ _, XObj (Num IntTy bNum) _ _) =
Right $ (round aNum :: Int) == (round bNum :: Int)
cmp (XObj (Num LongTy aNum) _ _, XObj (Num LongTy bNum) _ _) =
Right $ (round aNum :: Int) == (round bNum :: Int)
cmp (XObj (Num FloatTy aNum) _ _, XObj (Num floatTy bNum) _ _) =
Right $ aNum == bNum
cmp (XObj (Num DoubleTy aNum) _ _, XObj (Num DoubleTy bNum) _ _) =
cmp (XObj (Num aTy aNum) _ _, XObj (Num bTy bNum) _ _) | aTy == bTy =
Right $ aNum == bNum
cmp (XObj (Str sa) _ _, XObj (Str sb) _ _) = Right $ sa == sb
cmp (XObj (Chr ca) _ _, XObj (Chr cb) _ _) = Right $ ca == cb
@ -679,70 +675,46 @@ commandEq ctx [a, b] =
cmp' _ (Right False) = Right False
cmp' elem (Right True) = cmp elem
commandComp :: (Number -> Number -> Bool) -> String -> CommandCallback
commandComp op opname ctx [XObj (Num aTy aNum) _ _, XObj (Num bTy bNum) _ _] | aTy == bTy = pure $ (ctx, Right (boolToXObj (op aNum bNum)))
commandComp _ opname ctx [a, b] = pure $ evalError ctx ("Can't compare (" ++ opname ++ ") " ++ pretty a ++ " with " ++ pretty b) (info a)
commandLt :: CommandCallback
commandLt ctx [a, b] =
return $ case (a, b) of
(XObj (Num IntTy aNum) _ _, XObj (Num IntTy bNum) _ _) ->
if (round aNum :: Int) < (round bNum :: Int)
then (ctx, Right trueXObj) else (ctx, Right falseXObj)
(XObj (Num LongTy aNum) _ _, XObj (Num LongTy bNum) _ _) ->
if (round aNum :: Int) < (round bNum :: Int)
then (ctx, Right trueXObj) else (ctx, Right falseXObj)
(XObj (Num FloatTy aNum) _ _, XObj (Num floatTy bNum) _ _) ->
if aNum < bNum
then (ctx, Right trueXObj) else (ctx, Right falseXObj)
(XObj (Num DoubleTy aNum) _ _, XObj (Num DoubleTy bNum) _ _) ->
if aNum < bNum
then (ctx, Right trueXObj) else (ctx, Right falseXObj)
_ -> evalError ctx ("Can't compare (<) " ++ pretty a ++ " with " ++ pretty b) (info a)
commandLt = commandComp (<) "<"
commandGt :: CommandCallback
commandGt ctx [a, b] =
return $ case (a, b) of
(XObj (Num IntTy aNum) _ _, XObj (Num IntTy bNum) _ _) ->
if (round aNum :: Int) > (round bNum :: Int)
then (ctx, Right trueXObj) else (ctx, Right falseXObj)
(XObj (Num LongTy aNum) _ _, XObj (Num LongTy bNum) _ _) ->
if (round aNum :: Int) > (round bNum :: Int)
then (ctx, Right trueXObj) else (ctx, Right falseXObj)
(XObj (Num FloatTy aNum) _ _, XObj (Num floatTy bNum) _ _) ->
if aNum > bNum
then (ctx, Right trueXObj) else (ctx, Right falseXObj)
(XObj (Num DoubleTy aNum) _ _, XObj (Num DoubleTy bNum) _ _) ->
if aNum > bNum
then (ctx, Right trueXObj) else (ctx, Right falseXObj)
_ -> evalError ctx ("Can't compare (>) " ++ pretty a ++ " with " ++ pretty b) (info a)
commandGt = commandComp (>) ">"
commandCharAt :: CommandCallback
commandCharAt ctx [a, b] =
return $ case (a, b) of
(XObj (Str s) _ _, XObj (Num IntTy n) _ _) ->
let i = (round n :: Int)
in if length s > i
then (ctx, Right (XObj (Chr (s !! i)) (Just dummyInfo) (Just IntTy)))
else evalError ctx ("Can't call char-at with " ++ pretty a ++ " and " ++ show i ++ ", index too large") (info a)
pure $ case (a, b) of
(XObj (Str s) _ _, XObj (Num IntTy (Integral i)) _ _) ->
if length s > i
then (ctx, Right (XObj (Chr (s !! i)) (Just dummyInfo) (Just IntTy)))
else evalError ctx ("Can't call char-at with " ++ pretty a ++ " and " ++ show i ++ ", index too large") (info a)
_ -> evalError ctx ("Can't call char-at with " ++ pretty a ++ " and " ++ pretty b) (info a)
commandIndexOf :: CommandCallback
commandIndexOf ctx [a, b] =
return $ case (a, b) of
pure $ case (a, b) of
(XObj (Str s) _ _, XObj (Chr c) _ _) ->
(ctx, Right (XObj (Num IntTy (getIdx c s)) (Just dummyInfo) (Just IntTy)))
(ctx, Right (XObj (Num IntTy (Integral (getIdx c s))) (Just dummyInfo) (Just IntTy)))
_ -> evalError ctx ("Can't call index-of with " ++ pretty a ++ " and " ++ pretty b) (info a)
where getIdx c s = fromIntegral $ fromMaybe (-1) $ elemIndex c s
where getIdx c s = fromMaybe (-1) $ elemIndex c s
commandSubstring :: CommandCallback
commandSubstring ctx [a, b, c] =
return $ case (a, b, c) of
(XObj (Str s) _ _, XObj (Num IntTy f) _ _, XObj (Num IntTy t) _ _) ->
(ctx, Right (XObj (Str (take (round t :: Int) (drop (round f :: Int) s))) (Just dummyInfo) (Just StringTy)))
pure $ case (a, b, c) of
(XObj (Str s) _ _, XObj (Num IntTy (Integral f)) _ _, XObj (Num IntTy (Integral t)) _ _) ->
(ctx, Right (XObj (Str (take t (drop f s))) (Just dummyInfo) (Just StringTy)))
_ -> evalError ctx ("Can't call substring with " ++ pretty a ++ ", " ++ pretty b ++ " and " ++ pretty c) (info a)
commandStringLength :: CommandCallback
commandStringLength ctx [a] =
return $ case a of
pure $ case a of
XObj (Str s) _ _ ->
(ctx, Right (XObj (Num IntTy (fromIntegral (length s))) (Just dummyInfo) (Just IntTy)))
(ctx, Right (XObj (Num IntTy (Integral (length s))) (Just dummyInfo) (Just IntTy)))
_ -> evalError ctx ("Can't call length with " ++ pretty a) (info a)
commandStringConcat :: CommandCallback
@ -783,8 +755,7 @@ commandSymFrom ctx [x@(XObj (Sym _ _) _ _)] = return (ctx, Right x)
commandSymFrom ctx [XObj (Str s) i t] = return (ctx, Right $ XObj (sFrom_ s) i t)
commandSymFrom ctx [XObj (Pattern s) i t] = return (ctx, Right $ XObj (sFrom_ s) i t)
commandSymFrom ctx [XObj (Chr c) i t] = return (ctx, Right $ XObj (sFrom_ (show c)) i t)
commandSymFrom ctx [XObj n@(Num _ _) i t] =
return (ctx, Right $ XObj (sFrom_ (simpleFromNum n)) i t)
commandSymFrom ctx [XObj n@(Num _ v) i t] = pure (ctx, Right $ XObj (sFrom_ (show v)) i t)
commandSymFrom ctx [XObj (Bol b) i t] = return (ctx, Right $ XObj (sFrom_ (show b)) i t)
commandSymFrom ctx [x] =
return $ evalError ctx ("Can’t call `from` with " ++ pretty x) (info x)
@ -797,10 +768,6 @@ commandSymStr ctx [x] =
sFrom_ s = Sym (SymPath [] s) (LookupGlobal CarpLand AVariable)
simpleFromNum (Num IntTy num) = show (round num :: Int)
simpleFromNum (Num LongTy num) = show (round num :: Int)
simpleFromNum (Num _ num) = show num
commandPathDirectory :: CommandCallback
commandPathDirectory ctx [a] =
return $ case a of
@ -816,43 +783,25 @@ commandPathAbsolute ctx [a] =
pure $ (ctx, Right (XObj (Str abs) (Just dummyInfo) (Just StringTy)))
_ -> pure $ evalError ctx ("Can't call `absolute` with " ++ pretty a) (info a)
commandArith :: (Number -> Number -> Number) -> String -> CommandCallback
commandArith op opname ctx [XObj (Num aTy aNum) _ _, XObj (Num bTy bNum) _ _] | aTy == bTy =
pure $ (ctx, Right (XObj (Num aTy (op aNum bNum)) (Just dummyInfo) (Just aTy)))
commandArith _ opname ctx [a, b] = pure $ evalError ctx ("Can't call " ++ opname ++ " with " ++ pretty a ++ " and " ++ pretty b) (info a)
commandPlus :: CommandCallback
commandPlus ctx [a, b] =
return $ case (a, b) of
(XObj (Num aty aNum) _ _, XObj (Num bty bNum) _ _) ->
if aty == bty
then (ctx, Right (XObj (Num aty (aNum + bNum)) (Just dummyInfo) (Just aty)))
else evalError ctx ("Can't call + with " ++ pretty a ++ " and " ++ pretty b) (info a)
_ -> evalError ctx ("Can't call + with " ++ pretty a ++ " and " ++ pretty b) (info a)
commandPlus = commandArith (+) "+"
commandMinus :: CommandCallback
commandMinus ctx [a, b] =
return $ case (a, b) of
(XObj (Num aty aNum) _ _, XObj (Num bty bNum) _ _) ->
if aty == bty
then (ctx, Right (XObj (Num aty (aNum - bNum)) (Just dummyInfo) (Just aty)))
else evalError ctx ("Can't call - with " ++ pretty a ++ " and " ++ pretty b) (info a)
_ -> evalError ctx ("Can't call - with " ++ pretty a ++ " and " ++ pretty b) (info a)
commandMinus = commandArith (-) "-"
commandDiv :: CommandCallback
commandDiv ctx [a, b] =
return $ case (a, b) of
(XObj (Num IntTy aNum) _ _, XObj (Num IntTy bNum) _ _) ->
(ctx, Right (XObj (Num IntTy (fromIntegral (quot (round aNum ::Int) (round bNum :: Int)))) (Just dummyInfo) (Just IntTy)))
(XObj (Num aty aNum) _ _, XObj (Num bty bNum) _ _) ->
if aty == bty
then (ctx, Right (XObj (Num aty (aNum / bNum)) (Just dummyInfo) (Just aty)))
else evalError ctx ("Can't call / with " ++ pretty a ++ " and " ++ pretty b) (info a)
_ -> evalError ctx ("Can't call / with " ++ pretty a ++ " and " ++ pretty b) (info a)
commandDiv ctx p@[XObj (Num _ (Integral _)) _ _, XObj (Num _ (Integral _)) _ _] = commandArith div "/" ctx p
commandDiv ctx p@[XObj (Num _ (Floating _)) _ _, XObj (Num _ (Floating _)) _ _] = commandArith (/) "/" ctx p
commandDiv ctx p = commandArith (error "div") "/" ctx p
commandMul :: CommandCallback
commandMul ctx [a, b] =
return $ case (a, b) of
(XObj (Num aty aNum) _ _, XObj (Num bty bNum) _ _) ->
if aty == bty
then (ctx, Right (XObj (Num aty (aNum * bNum)) (Just dummyInfo) (Just aty)))
else evalError ctx ("Can't call * with " ++ pretty a ++ " and " ++ pretty b) (info a)
_ -> evalError ctx ("Can't call * with " ++ pretty a ++ " and " ++ pretty b) (info a)
commandMul = commandArith (*) "*"
commandStr :: CommandCallback
commandStr ctx xs =
@ -867,13 +816,9 @@ commandStr ctx xs =
commandNot :: CommandCallback
commandNot ctx [x] =
case x of
XObj (Bol ab) _ _ ->
if ab
then return (ctx, Right falseXObj)
else return (ctx, Right trueXObj)
_ ->
return (evalError ctx ("Can't perform logical operation (not) on " ++ pretty x) (info x))
pure $ case x of
XObj (Bol ab) _ _ -> (ctx, Right (boolToXObj (not ab)))
_ -> evalError ctx ("Can't perform logical operation (not) on " ++ pretty x) (info x)
commandReadFile :: CommandCallback
commandReadFile ctx [filename] =
@ -906,8 +851,8 @@ commandWriteFile ctx [filename, contents] =
commandHostBitWidth :: CommandCallback
commandHostBitWidth ctx [] =
let bitSize = fromIntegral (finiteBitSize (undefined :: Int))
in return (ctx, Right (XObj (Num IntTy bitSize) (Just dummyInfo) (Just IntTy)))
let bitSize = Integral (finiteBitSize (undefined :: Int))
in pure (ctx, Right (XObj (Num IntTy bitSize) (Just dummyInfo) (Just IntTy)))
commandSaveDocsInternal :: CommandCallback
commandSaveDocsInternal ctx [modulePath] = do
@ -102,9 +102,9 @@ toC toCMode (Binder meta root) = emitterSrc (execState (visit startingIndent roo
Lst _ -> visitList indent xobj
Arr _ -> visitArray indent xobj
StaticArr _ -> visitStaticArray indent xobj
Num IntTy num -> return (show (round num :: Int))
Num LongTy num -> return (show (round num :: Int) ++ "l")
Num ByteTy num -> return (show (round num :: Int))
Num IntTy num -> return (show num)
Num LongTy num -> return (show num ++ "l")
Num ByteTy num -> return (show num)
Num FloatTy num -> return (show num ++ "f")
Num DoubleTy num -> return (show num)
Num _ _ -> error "Can't emit invalid number type."
@ -990,7 +990,7 @@ primitiveAnd _ ctx [a, b] = do
case evaledB of
Left e -> return (newCtx, Left e)
Right (XObj (Bol bb) _ _) ->
return (newCtx', if bb then Right trueXObj else Right falseXObj)
return (newCtx', Right (boolToXObj bb))
Right b -> return (evalError ctx ("Can’t call `or` on " ++ pretty b) (info b))
else return (newCtx, Right falseXObj)
Right a -> return (evalError ctx ("Can’t call `or` on " ++ pretty a) (info a))
@ -1008,6 +1008,6 @@ primitiveOr _ ctx [a, b] = do
case evaledB of
Left e -> return (newCtx, Left e)
Right (XObj (Bol bb) _ _) ->
return (newCtx', if bb then Right trueXObj else Right falseXObj)
return (newCtx', Right (boolToXObj bb))
Right b -> return (evalError ctx ("Can’t call `or` on " ++ pretty b) (info b))
Right a -> return (evalError ctx ("Can’t call `or` on " ++ pretty a) (info a))
@ -48,11 +48,51 @@ isLookupLocal _ = False
data MatchMode = MatchValue | MatchRef deriving (Eq, Show)
data Number = Floating Double | Integral Int deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Num Number where
(Floating a) + (Floating b) = Floating (a + b)
(Integral a) + (Integral b) = Integral (a + b)
_ + _ = error "+"
(Floating a) * (Floating b) = Floating (a * b)
(Integral a) * (Integral b) = Integral (a * b)
_ * _ = error "*"
negate (Floating a) = Floating (negate a)
negate (Integral a) = Integral (negate a)
abs (Floating a) = Floating (abs a)
abs (Integral a) = Integral (abs a)
signum (Floating a) = Floating (signum a)
signum (Integral a) = Integral (signum a)
fromInteger a = Integral (fromInteger a)
instance Real Number where
toRational (Integral a) = toRational a
toRational (Floating a) = toRational a
instance Enum Number where
toEnum a = Integral (toEnum a)
fromEnum (Integral a) = fromEnum a
instance Fractional Number where
fromRational a = Floating (fromRational a)
recip (Floating a) = Floating (recip a)
instance Integral Number where
quotRem (Integral a) (Integral b) = let (q,r) = quotRem a b in (Integral q, Integral r)
quotRem _ _ = error "quotRem"
toInteger (Integral a) = toInteger a
toInteger _ = error "toInteger"
instance Show Number where
show (Floating a) = show a
show (Integral a) = show a
-- | The canonical Lisp object.
data Obj = Sym SymPath SymbolMode
| MultiSym String [SymPath] -- refering to multiple functions with the same name
| InterfaceSym String -- refering to an interface. TODO: rename to InterfaceLookupSym?
| Num Ty Double
| Num Ty Number
| Str String
| Pattern String
| Chr Char
@ -270,7 +310,7 @@ pretty = visit 0
Arr arr -> "[" ++ joinWithSpace (map (visit indent) arr) ++ "]"
StaticArr arr -> "$[" ++ joinWithSpace (map (visit indent) arr) ++ "]"
Dict dict -> "{" ++ joinWithSpace (map (visit indent) (concatMap (\(a, b) -> [a, b]) (Map.toList dict))) ++ "}"
Num IntTy num -> show (round num :: Int)
Num IntTy num -> show num
Num LongTy num -> show num ++ "l"
Num ByteTy num -> show num ++ "b"
Num FloatTy num -> show num ++ "f"
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ double = do (i, num) <- maybeSigned
incColumn 1
decimals <- Parsec.many1 Parsec.digit
incColumn (length decimals)
return (XObj (Num DoubleTy (read (num ++ "." ++ decimals))) i Nothing)
pure (XObj (Num DoubleTy (Floating (read (num ++ "." ++ decimals)))) i Nothing)
float :: Parsec.Parsec String ParseState XObj
float = do (i, num) <- maybeSigned
@ -73,30 +73,30 @@ float = do (i, num) <- maybeSigned
incColumn (length decimals)
_ <- Parsec.char 'f'
incColumn 1
return (XObj (Num FloatTy (read (num ++ "." ++ decimals))) i Nothing)
pure (XObj (Num FloatTy (Floating (read (num ++ "." ++ decimals)))) i Nothing)
floatNoPeriod :: Parsec.Parsec String ParseState XObj
floatNoPeriod =
do (i, num) <- withBases
_ <- Parsec.char 'f'
incColumn 1
return (XObj (Num FloatTy (read num)) i Nothing)
pure (XObj (Num FloatTy (Floating (read num))) i Nothing)
integer :: Parsec.Parsec String ParseState XObj
integer = do (i, num) <- withBases
return (XObj (Num IntTy (read num)) i Nothing)
pure (XObj (Num IntTy (Integral (read num))) i Nothing)
byte :: Parsec.Parsec String ParseState XObj
byte = do (i, num) <- withBases
_ <- Parsec.char 'b'
incColumn 1
return (XObj (Num ByteTy (read num)) i Nothing)
pure (XObj (Num ByteTy (Integral (read num))) i Nothing)
long :: Parsec.Parsec String ParseState XObj
long = do (i, num) <- withBases
_ <- Parsec.char 'l'
incColumn 1
return (XObj (Num LongTy (read num)) i Nothing)
pure (XObj (Num LongTy (Integral (read num))) i Nothing)
number :: Parsec.Parsec String ParseState XObj
number = Parsec.try float <|>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user