feat: beautify type variables on unification failure (#1167)

* feat: beautify type variables on unification failure

Co-authored-by: jacereda <jacereda@gmail.com>

* refactor: reorganize functions to avoid orphan instances

Co-authored-by: jacereda <jacereda@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
Veit Heller 2021-02-04 08:40:18 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent c52dae9417
commit 9d7ab83be2
No known key found for this signature in database
4 changed files with 53 additions and 40 deletions

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@ -65,19 +65,3 @@ beautifyTypeVariables root =
(map (VarTy . (: [])) ['a' ..])
in assignTypes mappings root
typeVariablesInOrderOfAppearance :: Ty -> [Ty]
typeVariablesInOrderOfAppearance (FuncTy argTys retTy ltTy) =
concatMap typeVariablesInOrderOfAppearance argTys ++ typeVariablesInOrderOfAppearance retTy ++ typeVariablesInOrderOfAppearance ltTy
typeVariablesInOrderOfAppearance (StructTy n typeArgs) =
case n of
t@(VarTy _) -> typeVariablesInOrderOfAppearance t ++ concatMap typeVariablesInOrderOfAppearance typeArgs
_ -> concatMap typeVariablesInOrderOfAppearance typeArgs
typeVariablesInOrderOfAppearance (RefTy innerTy lifetimeTy) =
typeVariablesInOrderOfAppearance innerTy ++ typeVariablesInOrderOfAppearance lifetimeTy
typeVariablesInOrderOfAppearance (PointerTy innerTy) =
typeVariablesInOrderOfAppearance innerTy
typeVariablesInOrderOfAppearance t@(VarTy _) =
typeVariablesInOrderOfAppearance _ =

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@ -43,3 +43,6 @@ map f (Map m) = Map $ M.map f m
union :: Ord k => Map k v -> Map k v -> Map k v
union (Map m) (Map m') = (Map (M.union m m'))
assocs :: Map k a -> [(k, a)]
assocs (Map m) = M.assocs m

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@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
module RenderDocs where
import AssignTypes (typeVariablesInOrderOfAppearance)
import CMark
import Control.Monad (when)
import qualified Data.List as List
@ -17,6 +16,7 @@ import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Pretty (renderHtml)
import Text.Blaze.Html5 ((!))
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as H
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as A
import TypeError (typeVariablesInOrderOfAppearance)
import Types
-- TODO: Move the beautification to a much earlier place, preferably when the function is defined/concretized-

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module TypeError where
import Constraints
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Info
import qualified Map
@ -135,29 +136,10 @@ instance Show TypeError where
++ prettyInfoFromXObj xobj
++ ".\n\nI need exactly one body form. For multiple forms, try using `do`."
show (UnificationFailed (Constraint a b aObj bObj ctx _) mappings _) =
"I cant match the types `" ++ show (recursiveLookupTy mappings a)
++ "` and `"
++ show (recursiveLookupTy mappings b)
++ "`"
"I cant match the types `" ++ showTy a ++ "` and `" ++ showTy b ++ "`."
++ extra
++ ".\n\n"
--show aObj ++ "\nWITH\n" ++ show bObj ++ "\n\n" ++
" "
++ pretty aObj
++ " : "
++ showTypeFromXObj mappings aObj
++ "\n At "
++ prettyInfoFromXObj aObj
++ ""
++ "\n\n"
++ " "
++ pretty bObj
++ " : "
++ showTypeFromXObj mappings bObj
++ "\n At "
++ prettyInfoFromXObj bObj
++ "\n"
++ showObj aObj
++ showObj bObj
-- ++ "Constraint: " ++ show constraint ++ "\n\n"
-- "All constraints:\n" ++ show constraints ++ "\n\n" ++
@ -167,6 +149,14 @@ instance Show TypeError where
if length s > 25
then take 15 s ++ " ... " ++ drop (length s - 5) s
else s
beautifulTy = beautifyTy mappings . recursiveLookupTy mappings
showTy = show . beautifulTy
showObjTy = fromMaybe "Type missing" . fmap showTy . xobjTy
showObj o =
"\n\n " ++ pretty o ++ " : " ++ showObjTy o
++ "\n At "
++ prettyInfoFromXObj o
++ ""
show (CantDisambiguate xobj originalName theType options) =
"I found an ambiguous symbol `" ++ originalName ++ "` of type `"
++ show theType
@ -460,7 +450,7 @@ evalError :: Context -> String -> Maybe Info -> (Context, Either EvalError a)
evalError ctx = makeEvalError ctx Nothing
-- | Print type errors correctly when running the compiler in 'Check' mode
makeEvalError :: Context -> Maybe TypeError.TypeError -> String -> Maybe Info -> (Context, Either EvalError a)
makeEvalError :: Context -> Maybe TypeError -> String -> Maybe Info -> (Context, Either EvalError a)
makeEvalError ctx err msg info =
let fppl = projectFilePathPrintLength (contextProj ctx)
history = contextHistory ctx
@ -489,3 +479,39 @@ keysInEnvEditDistance path@(SymPath (p : ps) name) env distance =
case envParent env of
Just parent -> keysInEnvEditDistance path parent distance
Nothing -> []
beautifyTy :: TypeMappings -> Ty -> Ty
beautifyTy mappings = f
f :: Ty -> Ty
f (FuncTy argTys retTy lifetime) = FuncTy (f <$> argTys) (f retTy) (f lifetime)
f (StructTy n typeArgs) = StructTy n (f <$> typeArgs)
f (RefTy innerTy lifetime) = RefTy (f innerTy) (f lifetime)
f (PointerTy innerTy) = PointerTy $ f innerTy
f t@(VarTy n) = case Map.lookup n bmappings of
Just nn -> VarTy nn
Nothing -> t
f t = t
bmappings = beautification mappings
beautification :: TypeMappings -> Map.Map String String
beautification m =
Map.fromList $ zip (map (\(VarTy name) -> name) tys) ((: []) <$> ['a' ..])
tys = nub $ concat $ typeVariablesInOrderOfAppearance <$> tys'
tys' = snd <$> Map.assocs m
typeVariablesInOrderOfAppearance :: Ty -> [Ty]
typeVariablesInOrderOfAppearance (FuncTy argTys retTy ltTy) =
concatMap typeVariablesInOrderOfAppearance argTys ++ typeVariablesInOrderOfAppearance retTy ++ typeVariablesInOrderOfAppearance ltTy
typeVariablesInOrderOfAppearance (StructTy n typeArgs) =
case n of
t@(VarTy _) -> typeVariablesInOrderOfAppearance t ++ concatMap typeVariablesInOrderOfAppearance typeArgs
_ -> concatMap typeVariablesInOrderOfAppearance typeArgs
typeVariablesInOrderOfAppearance (RefTy innerTy lifetimeTy) =
typeVariablesInOrderOfAppearance innerTy ++ typeVariablesInOrderOfAppearance lifetimeTy
typeVariablesInOrderOfAppearance (PointerTy innerTy) =
typeVariablesInOrderOfAppearance innerTy
typeVariablesInOrderOfAppearance t@(VarTy _) =
typeVariablesInOrderOfAppearance _ =