Type signature sig affects the type of a form properly.

This commit is contained in:
Erik Svedäng 2020-02-21 11:51:49 +01:00
parent b88479ee64
commit a0517dd2fe
7 changed files with 81 additions and 52 deletions

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@ -21,12 +21,22 @@
;; Adding pre-existing functions to interface when it's defined
(defmodule Foo
(defn tripoli [x y z] (Int.= 0 (+ x (+ y z)))))
;; (defmodule Foo
;; (defn tripoli [x y z] (Int.= 0 (+ x (+ y z)))))
;; 'foo' will match this interface that is defined AFTER foo
(definterface tripoli (λ [Int Int Int] Bool))
;; ;; 'foo' will match this interface that is defined AFTER foo
;; (definterface tripoli (λ [Int Int Int] Bool))
;; This should still be added, obviously
(defmodule Goo
(defn tripoli [x y z] (Int.= 0 (+ x (+ y z)))))
;; ;; This should still be added, obviously
;; (defmodule Goo
;; (defn tripoli [x y z] (Int.= 0 (+ x (+ y z)))))
;; Type signatures
(sig f (Fn [Int Bool] Float))
(defn f [] 123)
(sig x Int)
(def x 2.3)

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@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ data ConstraintOrder = OrdNo
| OrdArrBetween
| OrdMultiSym
| OrdInterfaceSym
| OrdSignatureAnnotation
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
data Constraint = Constraint Ty Ty XObj XObj XObj ConstraintOrder deriving Eq

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@ -556,12 +556,6 @@ catcher ctx exception =
BuildAndRun -> exitWith (ExitFailure returnCode)
Check -> exitSuccess
existingMeta :: Env -> XObj -> MetaData
existingMeta globalEnv xobj =
case lookupInEnv (getPath xobj) globalEnv of
Just (_, Binder meta _) -> meta
Nothing -> emptyMeta
-- | Sort different kinds of definitions into the globalEnv or the typeEnv.
define :: Bool -> Context -> XObj -> IO Context
define hidden ctx@(Context globalEnv typeEnv _ proj _ _) annXObj =
@ -582,15 +576,7 @@ define hidden ctx@(Context globalEnv typeEnv _ proj _ _) annXObj =
XObj (Lst (XObj (DefSumtype _) _ _ : _)) _ _ ->
return (ctx { contextTypeEnv = TypeEnv (envInsertAt (getTypeEnv typeEnv) (getPath annXObj) (Binder adjustedMeta annXObj)) })
_ ->
do case Map.lookup "sig" (getMeta adjustedMeta) of
Just foundSignature ->
do let Just sigTy = xobjToTy foundSignature
unless (areUnifiable (forceTy annXObj) sigTy) $
throw $ EvalException (EvalError ("Definition at " ++ prettyInfoFromXObj annXObj ++ " does not match `sig` annotation " ++
show sigTy ++ ", actual type is `" ++ show (forceTy annXObj) ++ "`.") Nothing fppl)
Nothing ->
return ()
when (projectEchoC proj) $
do when (projectEchoC proj) $
putStrLn (toC All (Binder emptyMeta annXObj))
case previousType of
Just previousTypeUnwrapped ->
@ -638,6 +624,19 @@ registerInInterfaceIfNeeded ctx path@(SymPath _ name) definitionSignature =
Nothing ->
return ctx
getSigFromDefnOrDef :: Env -> XObj -> StateT Context IO (Either EvalError (Maybe (Ty, XObj)))
getSigFromDefnOrDef globalEnv xobj =
let metaData = existingMeta globalEnv xobj
in case Map.lookup "sig" (getMeta metaData) of
Just foundSignature ->
case xobjToTy foundSignature of
Just t -> let sigToken = XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "sig") Symbol) Nothing Nothing
nameToken = XObj (Sym (SymPath [] (getName xobj)) Symbol) Nothing Nothing
recreatedSigForm = XObj (Lst [sigToken, nameToken, foundSignature]) Nothing (Just MacroTy)
in return (Right (Just (t, recreatedSigForm)))
Nothing -> error ("TODO: Return error here, failed to convert " ++ pretty foundSignature ++ " to a type.")
Nothing -> return (Right Nothing)
annotateWithinContext :: Bool -> XObj -> StateT Context IO (Either EvalError (XObj, [XObj]))
annotateWithinContext qualifyDefn xobj =
do ctx <- get
@ -646,23 +645,27 @@ annotateWithinContext qualifyDefn xobj =
globalEnv = contextGlobalEnv ctx
typeEnv = contextTypeEnv ctx
innerEnv = getEnv globalEnv pathStrings
sig <- getSigFromDefnOrDef globalEnv xobj
expansionResult <- expandAll eval globalEnv xobj
ctxAfterExpansion <- get
case expansionResult of
Left err -> return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing (show err) Nothing)
Right expanded ->
let xobjFullPath = if qualifyDefn then setFullyQualifiedDefn expanded (SymPath pathStrings (getName xobj)) else expanded
xobjFullSymbols = setFullyQualifiedSymbols typeEnv globalEnv innerEnv xobjFullPath
in case annotate typeEnv globalEnv xobjFullSymbols of
Left err ->
case contextExecMode ctx of
Check ->
let fppl = projectFilePathPrintLength (contextProj ctx)
in return (Left (EvalError (joinWith "\n" (machineReadableErrorStrings fppl err)) Nothing fppl))
_ ->
return (Left (EvalError (show err) Nothing fppl))
Right ok ->
return (Right ok)
case sig of
Left err -> return (Left err)
Right okSig ->
case expansionResult of
Left err -> return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing (show err) Nothing)
Right expanded ->
let xobjFullPath = if qualifyDefn then setFullyQualifiedDefn expanded (SymPath pathStrings (getName xobj)) else expanded
xobjFullSymbols = setFullyQualifiedSymbols typeEnv globalEnv innerEnv xobjFullPath
in case annotate typeEnv globalEnv xobjFullSymbols okSig of
Left err ->
case contextExecMode ctx of
Check ->
let fppl = projectFilePathPrintLength (contextProj ctx)
in return (Left (EvalError (joinWith "\n" (machineReadableErrorStrings fppl err)) Nothing fppl))
_ ->
return (Left (EvalError (show err) Nothing fppl))
Right ok ->
return (Right ok)
-- | SPECIAL FORM COMMANDS (needs to get access to unevaluated arguments, which makes them "special forms" in Lisp lingo)
@ -1284,7 +1287,7 @@ commandC [xobj] =
case result of
Left err -> return (Left (EvalError (show err) (info xobj)))
Right expanded ->
case annotate typeEnv globalEnv (setFullyQualifiedSymbols typeEnv globalEnv globalEnv expanded) of
case annotate typeEnv globalEnv (setFullyQualifiedSymbols typeEnv globalEnv globalEnv expanded) Nothing of
Left err -> return (Left (EvalError (show err) (info xobj)))
Right (annXObj, annDeps) ->
do let cXObj = printC annXObj

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, fromMaybe)
import Data.Set as Set
import Data.List as List
import Data.Map as Map (lookup)
import Debug.Trace (trace)
import Types
@ -16,8 +17,8 @@ import TypeError
import Lookup
-- | Will create a list of type constraints for a form.
genConstraints :: TypeEnv -> XObj -> Either TypeError [Constraint]
genConstraints typeEnv root = fmap sort (gen root)
genConstraints :: Env -> XObj -> Maybe (Ty, XObj) -> Either TypeError [Constraint]
genConstraints globalEnv root rootSig = fmap sort (gen root)
where genF xobj args body captures =
do insideBodyConstraints <- gen body
xobjType <- toEither (ty xobj) (DefnMissingType xobj)
@ -25,6 +26,10 @@ genConstraints typeEnv root = fmap sort (gen root)
let (FuncTy argTys retTy lifetimeTy) = xobjType
bodyConstr = Constraint retTy bodyType xobj body xobj OrdDefnBody
argConstrs = zipWith3 (\a b aObj -> Constraint a b aObj xobj xobj OrdArg) (List.map forceTy args) argTys args
-- The constraint generated by type signatures, like (sig foo (Fn ...)):
sigConstr = case rootSig of
Just (rootSigTy, rootSigXObj) -> [Constraint rootSigTy xobjType rootSigXObj xobj xobj OrdSignatureAnnotation]
Nothing -> []
captureList :: [XObj]
captureList = Set.toList captures
capturesConstrs = mapMaybe id
@ -38,7 +43,7 @@ genConstraints typeEnv root = fmap sort (gen root)
(List.map forceTy captureList)
return (bodyConstr : argConstrs ++ insideBodyConstraints ++ capturesConstrs)
return (bodyConstr : argConstrs ++ insideBodyConstraints ++ capturesConstrs ++ sigConstr)
gen xobj =
case obj xobj of
Lst lst -> case lst of
@ -56,7 +61,10 @@ genConstraints typeEnv root = fmap sort (gen root)
xobjType <- toEither (ty xobj) (DefMissingType xobj)
exprType <- toEither (ty expr) (ExpressionMissingType xobj)
let defConstraint = Constraint xobjType exprType xobj expr xobj OrdDefExpr
return (defConstraint : insideExprConstraints)
sigConstr = case rootSig of
Just (rootSigTy, rootSigXObj) -> [Constraint rootSigTy xobjType rootSigXObj xobj xobj OrdSignatureAnnotation]
Nothing -> []
return (defConstraint : insideExprConstraints ++ sigConstr)
-- Let
[XObj Let _ _, XObj (Arr bindings) _ _, body] ->

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@ -29,30 +29,30 @@ import Concretize
-- | Returns a list of all the bindings that need to be added for the new form to work.
-- | The concretization of MultiSym:s (= ambiguous use of symbols, resolved by type usage)
-- | makes it possible to solve more types so let's do it several times.
annotate :: TypeEnv -> Env -> XObj -> Either TypeError (XObj, [XObj])
annotate typeEnv globalEnv xobj =
annotate :: TypeEnv -> Env -> XObj -> Maybe (Ty, XObj) -> Either TypeError (XObj, [XObj])
annotate typeEnv globalEnv xobj rootSig =
do initiated <- initialTypes typeEnv globalEnv xobj
(annotated, dependencies) <- annotateUntilDone typeEnv globalEnv initiated [] 100
(annotated, dependencies) <- annotateUntilDone typeEnv globalEnv initiated rootSig [] 100
(final, deleteDeps) <- manageMemory typeEnv globalEnv annotated
finalWithNiceTypes <- beautifyTypeVariables final
return (finalWithNiceTypes, dependencies ++ deleteDeps)
-- | Call the 'annotateOne' function until nothing changes
annotateUntilDone :: TypeEnv -> Env -> XObj -> [XObj] -> Int -> Either TypeError (XObj, [XObj])
annotateUntilDone typeEnv globalEnv xobj deps limiter =
annotateUntilDone :: TypeEnv -> Env -> XObj -> Maybe (Ty, XObj) -> [XObj] -> Int -> Either TypeError (XObj, [XObj])
annotateUntilDone typeEnv globalEnv xobj rootSig deps limiter =
if limiter <= 0
then Left (TooManyAnnotateCalls xobj)
else do (xobj', deps') <- annotateOne typeEnv globalEnv xobj True
else do (xobj', deps') <- annotateOne typeEnv globalEnv xobj rootSig True
let newDeps = deps ++ deps'
if xobj == xobj' -- Is it the same?
then return (xobj', newDeps)
else annotateUntilDone typeEnv globalEnv xobj' newDeps (limiter - 1)
else annotateUntilDone typeEnv globalEnv xobj' rootSig newDeps (limiter - 1)
-- | Performs ONE step of annotation. The 'annotate' function will call this function several times.
-- | TODO: Remove the allowAmbiguity flag?
annotateOne :: TypeEnv -> Env -> XObj -> Bool -> Either TypeError (XObj, [XObj])
annotateOne typeEnv env xobj allowAmbiguity = do
constraints <- genConstraints typeEnv xobj
annotateOne :: TypeEnv -> Env -> XObj -> Maybe (Ty, XObj) -> Bool -> Either TypeError (XObj, [XObj])
annotateOne typeEnv env xobj rootSig allowAmbiguity = do
constraints <- genConstraints env xobj rootSig
mappings <- solveConstraintsAndConvertErrorIfNeeded constraints -- (trace ("Constraints for '" ++ getName xobj ++ "':\n" ++ joinWith "\n" (map show constraints)) constraints)
typed <- assignTypes mappings xobj -- (trace ("Mappings for '" ++ getName xobj ++ ": " ++ show mappings) mappings) xobj
concretizeXObj allowAmbiguity typeEnv env [] typed

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@ -231,3 +231,9 @@ bindingNames = concatMap select . envBindings
where select :: Binder -> [String]
select (Binder _ (XObj (Mod i) _ _)) = bindingNames i
select (Binder _ obj) = [getName obj]
existingMeta :: Env -> XObj -> MetaData
existingMeta globalEnv xobj =
case lookupInEnv (getPath xobj) globalEnv of
Just (_, Binder meta _) -> meta
Nothing -> emptyMeta

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@ -378,6 +378,7 @@ metaIsTrue metaData key =
_ -> False
-- | Wraps and holds an XObj in an environment.
data Binder = Binder { binderMeta :: MetaData, binderXObj :: XObj } deriving Eq