Use different command types for each arity (#1063)

* refactor: Use different command types for each arity

* feat: Improved evaluation error messages in arity checks
This commit is contained in:
jacereda 2020-12-13 23:34:56 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent ccd9af500e
commit a0a3976441
No known key found for this signature in database
6 changed files with 466 additions and 389 deletions

View File

@ -51,41 +51,55 @@ falseXObj = XObj (Bol False) Nothing Nothing
boolToXObj :: Bool -> XObj
boolToXObj b = if b then trueXObj else falseXObj
-- | Use this function to register commands in the environment.
addCommand :: SymPath -> Int -> CommandCallback -> String -> String -> (String, Binder)
addCommand name arity callback doc example = addCommandConfigurable name (Just arity) callback doc example
addCommandConfigurable :: SymPath -> Maybe Int -> CommandCallback -> String -> String -> (String, Binder)
addCommandConfigurable path maybeArity callback doc example =
let cmd =
( Lst
[ XObj (Command (CommandFunction f)) (Just dummyInfo) Nothing,
XObj (Sym path Symbol) Nothing Nothing,
(Just dummyInfo)
(Just DynamicTy)
SymPath _ name = path
meta = Meta.set "doc" (XObj (Str docString) Nothing Nothing) emptyMeta
in (name, Binder meta cmd)
addCmd :: SymPath -> CommandFunctionType -> String -> String -> (String, Binder)
addCmd path callback doc example =
(name, Binder meta cmd)
f = case maybeArity of
Just arity -> withArity arity
Nothing -> callback
docString = doc ++ "\n\n" ++ exampleUsage
SymPath _ name = path
exampleUsage = "Example Usage:\n```\n" ++ example ++ "\n```\n"
withArity arity ctx args =
if length args == arity
then callback ctx args
else pure (evalError ctx ("Invalid args to '" ++ show path ++ "' command: " ++ joinWithComma (map pretty args) ++ "\n\n" ++ exampleUsage) Nothing)
unfoldArgs =
case maybeArity of
Just arity ->
let tosym x = (XObj (Sym (SymPath [] x) Symbol) Nothing Nothing)
in XObj (Arr (map (tosym . intToArgName) [1 .. arity])) Nothing Nothing
Nothing -> XObj (Arr [(XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "") Symbol) Nothing Nothing)]) Nothing Nothing
docString = doc ++ "\n\n" ++ exampleUsage
meta = Meta.set "doc" (XObj (Str docString) Nothing Nothing) emptyMeta
cmd =
( Lst
[ XObj (Command callback) (Just dummyInfo) Nothing,
XObj (Sym path Symbol) Nothing Nothing,
( Arr args
(Just dummyInfo)
(Just DynamicTy)
args = (\x -> XObj (Arr [XObj (Sym (SymPath [] x) Symbol) Nothing Nothing]) Nothing Nothing) <$> argnames
argnames = case callback of
NullaryCommandFunction _ -> []
UnaryCommandFunction _ -> ["x"]
BinaryCommandFunction _ -> ["x", "y"]
TernaryCommandFunction _ -> ["x", "y", "z"]
VariadicCommandFunction _ -> []
-- | Use this function to register nullary commands in the environment.
addNullaryCommand :: SymPath -> NullaryCommandCallback -> String -> String -> (String, Binder)
addNullaryCommand p = addCmd p . NullaryCommandFunction
-- | Use this function to register unary commands in the environment.
addUnaryCommand :: SymPath -> UnaryCommandCallback -> String -> String -> (String, Binder)
addUnaryCommand p = addCmd p . UnaryCommandFunction
-- | Use this function to register binary commands in the environment.
addBinaryCommand :: SymPath -> BinaryCommandCallback -> String -> String -> (String, Binder)
addBinaryCommand p = addCmd p . BinaryCommandFunction
-- | Use this function to register ternary commands in the environment.
addTernaryCommand :: SymPath -> TernaryCommandCallback -> String -> String -> (String, Binder)
addTernaryCommand p = addCmd p . TernaryCommandFunction
-- | Use this function to register n-ary commands in the environment.
addVariadicCommand :: SymPath -> VariadicCommandCallback -> String -> String -> (String, Binder)
addVariadicCommand p = addCmd p . VariadicCommandFunction
presentErrorWithLabel :: MonadIO m => String -> String -> a -> m a
presentErrorWithLabel label msg ret =
@ -100,8 +114,8 @@ presentError msg ret =
pure ret
-- | Command for changing various project settings.
commandProjectConfig :: CommandCallback
commandProjectConfig ctx [xobj@(XObj (Str key) _ _), value] = do
commandProjectConfig :: BinaryCommandCallback
commandProjectConfig ctx xobj@(XObj (Str key) _ _) value = do
let proj = contextProj ctx
newProj = case key of
"cflag" -> do
@ -182,13 +196,12 @@ commandProjectConfig ctx [xobj@(XObj (Str key) _ _), value] = do
case newProj of
Left errorMessage -> presentErrorWithLabel "CONFIG ERROR" errorMessage (ctx, dynamicNil)
Right ok -> pure (ctx {contextProj = ok}, dynamicNil)
commandProjectConfig ctx [faultyKey, _] =
commandProjectConfig ctx faultyKey _ =
presentError ("First argument to 'Project.config' must be a string: " ++ pretty faultyKey) (ctx, dynamicNil)
commandProjectConfig _ _ = error "commandprojectconfig"
-- | Command for changing various project settings.
commandProjectGetConfig :: CommandCallback
commandProjectGetConfig ctx [xobj@(XObj (Str key) _ _)] =
commandProjectGetConfig :: UnaryCommandCallback
commandProjectGetConfig ctx xobj@(XObj (Str key) _ _) =
let proj = contextProj ctx
xstr s = XObj s (Just dummyInfo) (Just StringTy)
getVal _ = case key of
@ -218,20 +231,19 @@ commandProjectGetConfig ctx [xobj@(XObj (Str key) _ _)] =
in pure $ case getVal ctx of
Right val -> (ctx, Right $ xstr val)
Left k -> (evalError ctx (labelStr "CONFIG ERROR" ("Project.get-config can't understand the key '" ++ k)) (xobjInfo xobj))
commandProjectGetConfig ctx [faultyKey] =
commandProjectGetConfig ctx faultyKey =
presentError ("First argument to 'Project.config' must be a string: " ++ pretty faultyKey) (ctx, dynamicNil)
commandProjectGetConfig _ _ = error "commandprojectgetconfig"
-- | Command for exiting the REPL/compiler
commandQuit :: CommandCallback
commandQuit ctx _ =
commandQuit :: NullaryCommandCallback
commandQuit ctx =
_ <- liftIO exitSuccess
pure (ctx, dynamicNil)
-- | Command for printing the generated C output (in out/main.c)
commandCat :: CommandCallback
commandCat ctx _ = do
commandCat :: NullaryCommandCallback
commandCat ctx = do
let outDir = projectOutDir (contextProj ctx)
outMain = outDir </> "main.c"
liftIO $ do
@ -239,8 +251,8 @@ commandCat ctx _ = do
pure (ctx, dynamicNil)
-- | Command for running the executable generated by the 'build' command.
commandRunExe :: CommandCallback
commandRunExe ctx _ = do
commandRunExe :: NullaryCommandCallback
commandRunExe ctx = do
let proj = contextProj ctx
outDir = projectOutDir proj
quoted x = "\"" ++ x ++ "\""
@ -257,8 +269,8 @@ commandRunExe ctx _ = do
pure (ctx, dynamicNil)
-- | Command for building the project, producing an executable binary or a shared library.
commandBuild :: Bool -> Context -> [XObj] -> IO (Context, Either EvalError XObj)
commandBuild shutUp ctx _ = do
commandBuild :: Bool -> NullaryCommandCallback
commandBuild shutUp ctx = do
let env = contextGlobalEnv ctx
typeEnv = contextTypeEnv ctx
proj = contextProj ctx
@ -330,8 +342,8 @@ setProjectCanExecute value ctx =
in ctx {contextProj = proj'}
-- | Command for printing all the bindings in the current environment.
commandListBindings :: CommandCallback
commandListBindings ctx _ =
commandListBindings :: NullaryCommandCallback
commandListBindings ctx =
liftIO $ do
putStrLn "Types:\n"
putStrLn (prettyEnvironment (getTypeEnv (contextTypeEnv ctx)))
@ -341,24 +353,24 @@ commandListBindings ctx _ =
pure (ctx, dynamicNil)
-- | Command for printing information about the current project.
commandProject :: CommandCallback
commandProject ctx _ = do
commandProject :: NullaryCommandCallback
commandProject ctx = do
liftIO (print (contextProj ctx))
pure (ctx, dynamicNil)
-- | Command for getting the name of the operating system you're on.
commandHostOS :: CommandCallback
commandHostOS ctx _ =
commandHostOS :: NullaryCommandCallback
commandHostOS ctx =
pure (ctx, (Right (XObj (Str os) (Just dummyInfo) (Just StringTy))))
-- | Command for getting the native architecture.
commandHostArch :: CommandCallback
commandHostArch ctx _ =
commandHostArch :: NullaryCommandCallback
commandHostArch ctx =
pure (ctx, (Right (XObj (Str arch) (Just dummyInfo) (Just StringTy))))
-- | Command for adding a header file include to the project.
commandAddInclude :: (String -> Includer) -> CommandCallback
commandAddInclude includerConstructor ctx [x] =
commandAddInclude :: (String -> Includer) -> UnaryCommandCallback
commandAddInclude includerConstructor ctx x =
case x of
XObj (Str file) _ _ -> do
let proj = contextProj ctx
@ -372,130 +384,115 @@ commandAddInclude includerConstructor ctx [x] =
pure (ctx {contextProj = proj'}, dynamicNil)
_ ->
pure (evalError ctx ("Argument to 'include' must be a string, but was `" ++ pretty x ++ "`") (xobjInfo x))
commandAddInclude _ _ _ = error "commandaddinclude"
commandAddSystemInclude :: CommandCallback
commandAddSystemInclude :: UnaryCommandCallback
commandAddSystemInclude = commandAddInclude SystemInclude
commandAddRelativeInclude :: CommandCallback
commandAddRelativeInclude ctx [x] =
commandAddRelativeInclude :: UnaryCommandCallback
commandAddRelativeInclude ctx x =
case x of
XObj (Str file) i@(Just info) t ->
let compiledFile = infoFile info
in commandAddInclude
[ XObj (Str $ takeDirectory compiledFile </> file) i t
(XObj (Str $ takeDirectory compiledFile </> file) i t)
_ ->
pure (evalError ctx ("Argument to 'include' must be a string, but was `" ++ pretty x ++ "`") (xobjInfo x))
commandAddRelativeInclude _ _ = error "commandaddrelativeinclude"
commandIsList :: CommandCallback
commandIsList ctx [x] =
commandIsList :: UnaryCommandCallback
commandIsList ctx x =
pure $ case x of
XObj (Lst _) _ _ -> (ctx, Right trueXObj)
_ -> (ctx, Right falseXObj)
commandIsList _ _ = error "commandislist"
commandIsArray :: CommandCallback
commandIsArray ctx [x] =
commandIsArray :: UnaryCommandCallback
commandIsArray ctx x =
pure $ case x of
XObj (Arr _) _ _ -> (ctx, Right trueXObj)
_ -> (ctx, Right falseXObj)
commandIsArray _ _ = error "commandisarray"
commandIsSymbol :: CommandCallback
commandIsSymbol ctx [x] =
commandIsSymbol :: UnaryCommandCallback
commandIsSymbol ctx x =
pure $ case x of
XObj (Sym _ _) _ _ -> (ctx, Right trueXObj)
_ -> (ctx, Right falseXObj)
commandIsSymbol _ _ = error "commandissymbol"
commandArray :: CommandCallback
commandArray :: VariadicCommandCallback
commandArray ctx args =
pure (ctx, Right (XObj (Arr args) (Just dummyInfo) Nothing))
commandList :: CommandCallback
commandList :: VariadicCommandCallback
commandList ctx args =
pure (ctx, Right (XObj (Lst args) (Just dummyInfo) Nothing))
commandLength :: CommandCallback
commandLength ctx [x] =
commandLength :: UnaryCommandCallback
commandLength ctx x =
pure $ case x of
XObj (Lst lst) _ _ ->
(ctx, (Right (XObj (Num IntTy (Integral (length lst))) Nothing Nothing)))
XObj (Arr arr) _ _ ->
(ctx, (Right (XObj (Num IntTy (Integral (length arr))) Nothing Nothing)))
_ -> evalError ctx ("Applying 'length' to non-list: " ++ pretty x) (xobjInfo x)
commandLength _ _ = error "commandlength"
commandCar :: CommandCallback
commandCar ctx [x] =
commandCar :: UnaryCommandCallback
commandCar ctx x =
pure $ case x of
XObj (Lst (car : _)) _ _ -> (ctx, Right car)
XObj (Arr (car : _)) _ _ -> (ctx, Right car)
_ -> evalError ctx ("Applying 'car' to non-list: " ++ pretty x) (xobjInfo x)
commandCar _ _ = error "commandcar"
commandCdr :: CommandCallback
commandCdr ctx [x] =
commandCdr :: UnaryCommandCallback
commandCdr ctx x =
pure $ case x of
XObj (Lst (_ : cdr)) i _ -> (ctx, Right (XObj (Lst cdr) i Nothing))
XObj (Arr (_ : cdr)) i _ -> (ctx, Right (XObj (Arr cdr) i Nothing))
_ -> evalError ctx "Applying 'cdr' to non-list or empty list" (xobjInfo x)
commandCdr _ _ = error "commandcdr"
commandLast :: CommandCallback
commandLast ctx [x] =
commandLast :: UnaryCommandCallback
commandLast ctx x =
pure $ case x of
XObj (Lst lst@(_ : _)) _ _ -> (ctx, Right (last lst))
XObj (Arr arr@(_ : _)) _ _ -> (ctx, Right (last arr))
_ -> evalError ctx "Applying 'last' to non-list or empty list." (xobjInfo x)
commandLast _ _ = error "commandlast"
commandAllButLast :: CommandCallback
commandAllButLast ctx [x] =
commandAllButLast :: UnaryCommandCallback
commandAllButLast ctx x =
pure $ case x of
XObj (Lst lst) i _ -> (ctx, Right (XObj (Lst (init lst)) i Nothing))
XObj (Arr arr) i _ -> (ctx, Right (XObj (Arr (init arr)) i Nothing))
_ -> evalError ctx "Applying 'all-but-last' to non-list or empty list." (xobjInfo x)
commandAllButLast _ _ = error "commandallbutlast"
commandCons :: CommandCallback
commandCons ctx [x, xs] =
commandCons :: BinaryCommandCallback
commandCons ctx x xs =
pure $ case xs of
XObj (Lst lst) _ _ ->
(ctx, Right (XObj (Lst (x : lst)) (xobjInfo x) (xobjTy x))) -- TODO: probably not correct to just copy 'i' and 't'?
XObj (Arr arr) _ _ -> (ctx, Right (XObj (Arr (x : arr)) (xobjInfo x) (xobjTy x)))
_ -> evalError ctx "Applying 'cons' to non-list or empty list." (xobjInfo xs)
commandCons _ _ = error "commandcons"
commandConsLast :: CommandCallback
commandConsLast ctx [x, xs] =
commandConsLast :: BinaryCommandCallback
commandConsLast ctx x xs =
pure $ case xs of
XObj (Lst lst) i t ->
(ctx, Right (XObj (Lst (lst ++ [x])) i t)) -- TODO: should they get their own i:s and t:s
_ -> evalError ctx "Applying 'cons-last' to non-list or empty list." (xobjInfo xs)
commandConsLast _ _ = error "commandconslast"
commandAppend :: CommandCallback
commandAppend ctx [xs, ys] =
commandAppend :: BinaryCommandCallback
commandAppend ctx xs ys =
pure $ case (xs, ys) of
(XObj (Lst lst1) i t, XObj (Lst lst2) _ _) ->
(ctx, Right (XObj (Lst (lst1 ++ lst2)) i t)) -- TODO: should they get their own i:s and t:s
(XObj (Arr arr1) i t, XObj (Arr arr2) _ _) -> (ctx, Right (XObj (Arr (arr1 ++ arr2)) i t))
_ -> evalError ctx "Applying 'append' to non-array/list or empty list." (xobjInfo xs)
commandAppend _ _ = error "commandappend"
commandMacroError :: CommandCallback
commandMacroError ctx [msg] =
commandMacroError :: UnaryCommandCallback
commandMacroError ctx msg =
pure $ case msg of
XObj (Str smsg) _ _ -> evalError ctx smsg (xobjInfo msg)
x -> evalError ctx (pretty x) (xobjInfo msg)
commandMacroError _ _ = error "commandmacroerror"
commandMacroLog :: CommandCallback
commandMacroLog :: VariadicCommandCallback
commandMacroLog ctx msgs = do
liftIO (mapM_ (putStr . logify) msgs)
liftIO (putStr "\n")
@ -506,8 +503,8 @@ commandMacroLog ctx msgs = do
XObj (Str msg) _ _ -> msg
x -> pretty x
commandEq :: CommandCallback
commandEq ctx [a, b] =
commandEq :: BinaryCommandCallback
commandEq ctx a b =
pure $ case cmp (a, b) of
Left (a', b') -> evalError ctx ("Can't compare " ++ pretty a' ++ " with " ++ pretty b') (xobjInfo a')
Right b' -> (ctx, Right (boolToXObj b'))
@ -549,153 +546,138 @@ commandEq ctx [a, b] =
cmp' _ invalid@(Left _) = invalid
cmp' _ (Right False) = Right False
cmp' elt (Right True) = cmp elt
commandEq _ _ = error "commandeq"
commandComp :: (Number -> Number -> Bool) -> String -> CommandCallback
commandComp op _ ctx [XObj (Num aTy aNum) _ _, XObj (Num bTy bNum) _ _] | aTy == bTy = pure $ (ctx, Right (boolToXObj (op aNum bNum)))
commandComp _ opname ctx [a, b] = pure $ evalError ctx ("Can't compare (" ++ opname ++ ") " ++ pretty a ++ " with " ++ pretty b) (xobjInfo a)
commandComp _ _ _ _ = error "commandcomp"
commandComp :: (Number -> Number -> Bool) -> String -> BinaryCommandCallback
commandComp op _ ctx (XObj (Num aTy aNum) _ _) (XObj (Num bTy bNum) _ _) | aTy == bTy = pure $ (ctx, Right (boolToXObj (op aNum bNum)))
commandComp _ opname ctx a b = pure $ evalError ctx ("Can't compare (" ++ opname ++ ") " ++ pretty a ++ " with " ++ pretty b) (xobjInfo a)
commandLt :: CommandCallback
commandLt :: BinaryCommandCallback
commandLt = commandComp (<) "<"
commandGt :: CommandCallback
commandGt :: BinaryCommandCallback
commandGt = commandComp (>) ">"
commandCharAt :: CommandCallback
commandCharAt ctx [a, b] =
commandCharAt :: BinaryCommandCallback
commandCharAt ctx a b =
pure $ case (a, b) of
(XObj (Str s) _ _, XObj (Num IntTy (Integral i)) _ _) ->
if length s > i
then (ctx, Right (XObj (Chr (s !! i)) (Just dummyInfo) (Just IntTy)))
else evalError ctx ("Can't call char-at with " ++ pretty a ++ " and " ++ show i ++ ", index too large") (xobjInfo a)
_ -> evalError ctx ("Can't call char-at with " ++ pretty a ++ " and " ++ pretty b) (xobjInfo a)
commandCharAt _ _ = error "commandcharat"
commandIndexOf :: CommandCallback
commandIndexOf ctx [a, b] =
commandIndexOf :: BinaryCommandCallback
commandIndexOf ctx a b =
pure $ case (a, b) of
(XObj (Str s) _ _, XObj (Chr c) _ _) ->
(ctx, Right (XObj (Num IntTy (Integral (getIdx c s))) (Just dummyInfo) (Just IntTy)))
_ -> evalError ctx ("Can't call index-of with " ++ pretty a ++ " and " ++ pretty b) (xobjInfo a)
getIdx c s = fromMaybe (-1) $ elemIndex c s
commandIndexOf _ _ = error "commandindexof"
commandSubstring :: CommandCallback
commandSubstring ctx [a, b, c] =
commandSubstring :: TernaryCommandCallback
commandSubstring ctx a b c =
pure $ case (a, b, c) of
(XObj (Str s) _ _, XObj (Num IntTy (Integral f)) _ _, XObj (Num IntTy (Integral t)) _ _) ->
(ctx, Right (XObj (Str (take t (drop f s))) (Just dummyInfo) (Just StringTy)))
_ -> evalError ctx ("Can't call substring with " ++ pretty a ++ ", " ++ pretty b ++ " and " ++ pretty c) (xobjInfo a)
commandSubstring _ _ = error "commandsubstring"
commandStringLength :: CommandCallback
commandStringLength ctx [a] =
commandStringLength :: UnaryCommandCallback
commandStringLength ctx a =
pure $ case a of
XObj (Str s) _ _ ->
(ctx, Right (XObj (Num IntTy (Integral (length s))) (Just dummyInfo) (Just IntTy)))
_ -> evalError ctx ("Can't call length with " ++ pretty a) (xobjInfo a)
commandStringLength _ _ = error "commandstringlength"
commandStringConcat :: CommandCallback
commandStringConcat ctx [a] =
commandStringConcat :: UnaryCommandCallback
commandStringConcat ctx a =
pure $ case a of
XObj (Arr strings) _ _ ->
case mapM unwrapStringXObj strings of
Left err -> evalError ctx err (xobjInfo a)
Right result -> (ctx, Right (XObj (Str (join result)) (Just dummyInfo) (Just StringTy)))
_ -> evalError ctx ("Can't call concat with " ++ pretty a) (xobjInfo a)
commandStringConcat _ _ = error "commandconcat"
commandStringSplitOn :: CommandCallback
commandStringSplitOn ctx [XObj (Str sep) _ _, XObj (Str s) _ _] =
commandStringSplitOn :: BinaryCommandCallback
commandStringSplitOn ctx (XObj (Str sep) _ _) (XObj (Str s) _ _) =
pure $ (ctx, Right (XObj (Arr (xstr <$> splitOn sep s)) (Just dummyInfo) Nothing))
xstr o = XObj (Str o) (Just dummyInfo) (Just StringTy)
commandStringSplitOn ctx [sep, s] =
commandStringSplitOn ctx sep s =
pure $ evalError ctx ("Can't call split-on with " ++ pretty sep ++ ", " ++ pretty s) (xobjInfo sep)
commandStringSplitOn _ _ = error "commandstringspliton"
commandSymConcat :: CommandCallback
commandSymConcat ctx [a] =
commandSymConcat :: UnaryCommandCallback
commandSymConcat ctx a =
pure $ case a of
XObj (Arr syms) _ _ ->
case mapM unwrapSymPathXObj syms of
Left err -> evalError ctx err (xobjInfo a)
Right result -> (ctx, Right (XObj (Sym (SymPath [] (join (map show result))) (LookupGlobal CarpLand AVariable)) (Just dummyInfo) Nothing))
_ -> evalError ctx ("Can't call concat with " ++ pretty a) (xobjInfo a)
commandSymConcat _ _ = error "commandsymconcat"
commandSymPrefix :: CommandCallback
commandSymPrefix ctx [XObj (Sym (SymPath [] prefix) _) _ _, XObj (Sym (SymPath [] suffix) _) i t] =
commandSymPrefix :: BinaryCommandCallback
commandSymPrefix ctx (XObj (Sym (SymPath [] prefix) _) _ _) (XObj (Sym (SymPath [] suffix) _) i t) =
pure $ (ctx, Right (XObj (Sym (SymPath [prefix] suffix) (LookupGlobal CarpLand AVariable)) i t))
commandSymPrefix ctx [x, XObj (Sym (SymPath [] _) _) _ _] =
commandSymPrefix ctx x (XObj (Sym (SymPath [] _) _) _ _) =
pure $ evalError ctx ("Cant call `prefix` with " ++ pretty x) (xobjInfo x)
commandSymPrefix ctx [_, x] =
commandSymPrefix ctx _ x =
pure $ evalError ctx ("Cant call `prefix` with " ++ pretty x) (xobjInfo x)
commandSymPrefix _ _ = error "commandsymprefix"
commandSymFrom :: CommandCallback
commandSymFrom ctx [x@(XObj (Sym _ _) _ _)] = pure (ctx, Right x)
commandSymFrom ctx [XObj (Str s) i t] = pure (ctx, Right $ XObj (sFrom_ s) i t)
commandSymFrom ctx [XObj (Pattern s) i t] = pure (ctx, Right $ XObj (sFrom_ s) i t)
commandSymFrom ctx [XObj (Chr c) i t] = pure (ctx, Right $ XObj (sFrom_ (show c)) i t)
commandSymFrom ctx [XObj (Num _ v) i t] = pure (ctx, Right $ XObj (sFrom_ (show v)) i t)
commandSymFrom ctx [XObj (Bol b) i t] = pure (ctx, Right $ XObj (sFrom_ (show b)) i t)
commandSymFrom ctx [x] =
commandSymFrom :: UnaryCommandCallback
commandSymFrom ctx x@(XObj (Sym _ _) _ _) = pure (ctx, Right x)
commandSymFrom ctx (XObj (Str s) i t) = pure (ctx, Right $ XObj (sFrom_ s) i t)
commandSymFrom ctx (XObj (Pattern s) i t) = pure (ctx, Right $ XObj (sFrom_ s) i t)
commandSymFrom ctx (XObj (Chr c) i t) = pure (ctx, Right $ XObj (sFrom_ (show c)) i t)
commandSymFrom ctx (XObj (Num _ v) i t) = pure (ctx, Right $ XObj (sFrom_ (show v)) i t)
commandSymFrom ctx (XObj (Bol b) i t) = pure (ctx, Right $ XObj (sFrom_ (show b)) i t)
commandSymFrom ctx x =
pure $ evalError ctx ("Cant call `from` with " ++ pretty x) (xobjInfo x)
commandSymFrom _ _ = error "commandsymfrom"
commandSymStr :: CommandCallback
commandSymStr ctx [XObj (Sym s _) i _] =
commandSymStr :: UnaryCommandCallback
commandSymStr ctx (XObj (Sym s _) i _) =
pure (ctx, Right $ XObj (Str (show s)) i (Just StringTy))
commandSymStr ctx [x] =
commandSymStr ctx x =
pure $ evalError ctx ("Cant call `str` with " ++ pretty x) (xobjInfo x)
commandSymStr _ _ = error "commandsymstr"
sFrom_ :: String -> Obj
sFrom_ s = Sym (SymPath [] s) (LookupGlobal CarpLand AVariable)
commandPathDirectory :: CommandCallback
commandPathDirectory ctx [a] =
commandPathDirectory :: UnaryCommandCallback
commandPathDirectory ctx a =
pure $ case a of
XObj (Str s) _ _ ->
(ctx, Right (XObj (Str (takeDirectory s)) (Just dummyInfo) (Just StringTy)))
_ -> evalError ctx ("Can't call `directory` with " ++ pretty a) (xobjInfo a)
commandPathDirectory _ _ = error "commandpathdirectory"
commandPathAbsolute :: CommandCallback
commandPathAbsolute ctx [a] =
commandPathAbsolute :: UnaryCommandCallback
commandPathAbsolute ctx a =
case a of
XObj (Str s) _ _ -> do
abs <- makeAbsolute s
pure $ (ctx, Right (XObj (Str abs) (Just dummyInfo) (Just StringTy)))
_ -> pure $ evalError ctx ("Can't call `absolute` with " ++ pretty a) (xobjInfo a)
commandPathAbsolute _ _ = error "commandpathabsolute"
commandArith :: (Number -> Number -> Number) -> String -> CommandCallback
commandArith op _ ctx [XObj (Num aTy aNum) _ _, XObj (Num bTy bNum) _ _]
commandArith :: (Number -> Number -> Number) -> String -> BinaryCommandCallback
commandArith op _ ctx (XObj (Num aTy aNum) _ _) (XObj (Num bTy bNum) _ _)
| aTy == bTy =
pure $ (ctx, Right (XObj (Num aTy (op aNum bNum)) (Just dummyInfo) (Just aTy)))
commandArith _ opname ctx [a, b] = pure $ evalError ctx ("Can't call " ++ opname ++ " with " ++ pretty a ++ " and " ++ pretty b) (xobjInfo a)
commandArith _ _ _ _ = error "commandarith"
commandArith _ opname ctx a b = pure $ evalError ctx ("Can't call " ++ opname ++ " with " ++ pretty a ++ " and " ++ pretty b) (xobjInfo a)
commandPlus :: CommandCallback
commandPlus :: BinaryCommandCallback
commandPlus = commandArith (+) "+"
commandMinus :: CommandCallback
commandMinus :: BinaryCommandCallback
commandMinus = commandArith (-) "-"
commandDiv :: CommandCallback
commandDiv ctx p@[XObj (Num _ (Integral _)) _ _, XObj (Num _ (Integral _)) _ _] = commandArith div "/" ctx p
commandDiv ctx p@[XObj (Num _ (Floating _)) _ _, XObj (Num _ (Floating _)) _ _] = commandArith (/) "/" ctx p
commandDiv ctx p = commandArith (error "div") "/" ctx p
commandDiv :: BinaryCommandCallback
commandDiv ctx p@(XObj (Num _ (Integral _)) _ _) q@(XObj (Num _ (Integral _)) _ _) = commandArith div "/" ctx p q
commandDiv ctx p@(XObj (Num _ (Floating _)) _ _) q@(XObj (Num _ (Floating _)) _ _) = commandArith (/) "/" ctx p q
commandDiv ctx p q = commandArith (error "div") "/" ctx p q
commandMul :: CommandCallback
commandMul :: BinaryCommandCallback
commandMul = commandArith (*) "*"
commandStr :: CommandCallback
commandStr :: VariadicCommandCallback
commandStr ctx xs =
pure (ctx, Right (XObj (Str (join (map f xs))) (Just dummyInfo) (Just StringTy)))
@ -707,15 +689,14 @@ commandStr ctx xs =
escape ('\\' : y) = "\\\\" ++ escape y
escape (x : y) = x : escape y
commandNot :: CommandCallback
commandNot ctx [x] =
commandNot :: UnaryCommandCallback
commandNot ctx x =
pure $ case x of
XObj (Bol ab) _ _ -> (ctx, Right (boolToXObj (not ab)))
_ -> evalError ctx ("Can't perform logical operation (not) on " ++ pretty x) (xobjInfo x)
commandNot _ _ = error "commandnot"
_ -> evalError ctx ("can't perform logical operation (not) on " ++ pretty x) (xobjInfo x)
commandReadFile :: CommandCallback
commandReadFile ctx [filename] =
commandReadFile :: UnaryCommandCallback
commandReadFile ctx filename =
case filename of
XObj (Str fname) _ _ -> do
exceptional <- liftIO ((try $ slurp fname) :: (IO (Either IOException String)))
@ -723,10 +704,9 @@ commandReadFile ctx [filename] =
Right contents -> (ctx, Right (XObj (Str contents) (Just dummyInfo) (Just StringTy)))
Left _ -> (evalError ctx ("The argument to `read-file` `" ++ fname ++ "` does not exist") (xobjInfo filename))
_ -> pure (evalError ctx ("The argument to `read-file` must be a string, I got `" ++ pretty filename ++ "`") (xobjInfo filename))
commandReadFile _ _ = error "commandreadfile"
commandWriteFile :: CommandCallback
commandWriteFile ctx [filename, contents] =
commandWriteFile :: BinaryCommandCallback
commandWriteFile ctx filename contents =
case filename of
XObj (Str fname) _ _ ->
case contents of
@ -737,16 +717,14 @@ commandWriteFile ctx [filename, contents] =
Left _ -> evalError ctx ("Cannot write to argument to `" ++ fname ++ "`, an argument to `write-file`") (xobjInfo filename)
_ -> pure (evalError ctx ("The second argument to `write-file` must be a string, I got `" ++ pretty contents ++ "`") (xobjInfo contents))
_ -> pure (evalError ctx ("The first argument to `write-file` must be a string, I got `" ++ pretty filename ++ "`") (xobjInfo filename))
commandWriteFile _ _ = error "commandwritefile"
commandHostBitWidth :: CommandCallback
commandHostBitWidth ctx [] =
commandHostBitWidth :: NullaryCommandCallback
commandHostBitWidth ctx =
let bitSize = Integral (finiteBitSize (undefined :: Int))
in pure (ctx, Right (XObj (Num IntTy bitSize) (Just dummyInfo) (Just IntTy)))
commandHostBitWidth _ _ = error "commandhostbitwidth"
commandSaveDocsInternal :: CommandCallback
commandSaveDocsInternal ctx [modulePath] = do
commandSaveDocsInternal :: UnaryCommandCallback
commandSaveDocsInternal ctx modulePath = do
let globalEnv = contextGlobalEnv ctx
case modulePath of
XObj (Lst xobjs) _ _ ->
@ -768,23 +746,22 @@ commandSaveDocsInternal ctx [modulePath] = do
Left ("I cant generate documentation for `" ++ pretty x ++ "` because it isnt a module")
Nothing ->
Left ("I cant find the module `" ++ show path ++ "`")
commandSaveDocsInternal _ _ = error "commandsavedocsinternal"
saveDocs :: Context -> [(SymPath, Binder)] -> IO (Context, Either a XObj)
saveDocs ctx pathsAndEnvBinders = do
liftIO (saveDocsForEnvs (contextProj ctx) pathsAndEnvBinders)
pure (ctx, dynamicNil)
commandSexpression :: CommandCallback
commandSexpression :: VariadicCommandCallback
commandSexpression ctx [xobj, (XObj (Bol b) _ _)] =
commandSexpressionInternal ctx [xobj] b
commandSexpressionInternal ctx xobj b
commandSexpression ctx [xobj] =
commandSexpressionInternal ctx [xobj] False
commandSexpressionInternal ctx xobj False
commandSexpression ctx xobj =
pure $ evalError ctx ("s-expr expects a symbol argument and an optional bool, but got: " ++ unwords (map pretty xobj)) (Just dummyInfo)
commandSexpressionInternal :: Context -> [XObj] -> Bool -> IO (Context, Either EvalError XObj)
commandSexpressionInternal ctx [xobj] bol =
commandSexpressionInternal :: Context -> XObj -> Bool -> IO (Context, Either EvalError XObj)
commandSexpressionInternal ctx xobj bol =
let tyEnv = getTypeEnv $ contextTypeEnv ctx
in case xobj of
(XObj (Lst [inter@(XObj (Interface ty _) _ _), path]) i t) ->
@ -824,7 +801,6 @@ commandSexpressionInternal ctx [xobj] bol =
combine _ _ = error "combine"
_ ->
pure $ evalError ctx ("can't get an s-expression for: " ++ pretty xobj ++ " is it a bound symbol or literal s-expression?") (Just dummyInfo)
commandSexpressionInternal _ _ _ = error "commandsexpressioninternal"
toSymbols :: XObj -> XObj
toSymbols (XObj (Mod e) i t) =

View File

@ -114,61 +114,62 @@ toC toCMode (Binder meta root) = emitterSrc (execState (visit startingIndent roo
Globals -> 4
All -> 0
visit :: Int -> XObj -> State EmitterState String
visit indent xobj = let dontVisit = error (show (DontVisitObj xobj)) in
case xobjObj xobj of
Lst _ -> visitList indent xobj
Arr _ -> visitArray indent xobj
StaticArr _ -> visitStaticArray indent xobj
Num IntTy num -> pure (show num)
Num LongTy num -> pure (show num ++ "l")
Num ByteTy num -> pure (show num)
Num FloatTy num -> pure (show num ++ "f")
Num DoubleTy num -> pure (show num)
Num _ _ -> error "Can't emit invalid number type."
Bol b -> pure (if b then "true" else "false")
Str _ -> visitString indent xobj
Pattern _ -> visitString indent xobj
Chr c -> pure $ case c of
'\t' -> "'\\t'"
'\n' -> "'\\n'"
'\\' -> "'\\\\'"
x -> show (ord x) ++ "/*" ++ show x ++ "*/" -- ['U', '\'', x, '\'']
Closure elt _ -> visit indent elt
Sym _ _ -> visitSymbol indent xobj
Mod _ -> error (show (CannotEmitModKeyword xobj))
External _ -> error (show (CannotEmitExternal xobj))
(Defn _) -> dontVisit
Def -> dontVisit
Let -> dontVisit
If -> dontVisit
Break -> dontVisit
While -> dontVisit
Do -> dontVisit
(Deftype _) -> dontVisit
(DefSumtype _) -> dontVisit
ExternalType _ -> dontVisit
(Command _) -> dontVisit
(Primitive _) -> dontVisit
(Deftemplate _) -> dontVisit
(Instantiate _) -> dontVisit
(Defalias _) -> dontVisit
(MultiSym _ _) -> dontVisit
(InterfaceSym _) -> dontVisit
Address -> dontVisit
SetBang -> dontVisit
Macro -> dontVisit
Dynamic -> dontVisit
DefDynamic -> dontVisit
The -> dontVisit
Ref -> dontVisit
Deref -> dontVisit
(Interface _ _) -> dontVisit
(Dict _) -> dontVisit
(Fn _ _) -> dontVisit
LetDef -> dontVisit
(Match _) -> dontVisit
With -> dontVisit
MetaStub -> dontVisit
visit indent xobj =
let dontVisit = error (show (DontVisitObj xobj))
in case xobjObj xobj of
Lst _ -> visitList indent xobj
Arr _ -> visitArray indent xobj
StaticArr _ -> visitStaticArray indent xobj
Num IntTy num -> pure (show num)
Num LongTy num -> pure (show num ++ "l")
Num ByteTy num -> pure (show num)
Num FloatTy num -> pure (show num ++ "f")
Num DoubleTy num -> pure (show num)
Num _ _ -> error "Can't emit invalid number type."
Bol b -> pure (if b then "true" else "false")
Str _ -> visitString indent xobj
Pattern _ -> visitString indent xobj
Chr c -> pure $ case c of
'\t' -> "'\\t'"
'\n' -> "'\\n'"
'\\' -> "'\\\\'"
x -> show (ord x) ++ "/*" ++ show x ++ "*/" -- ['U', '\'', x, '\'']
Closure elt _ -> visit indent elt
Sym _ _ -> visitSymbol indent xobj
Mod _ -> error (show (CannotEmitModKeyword xobj))
External _ -> error (show (CannotEmitExternal xobj))
(Defn _) -> dontVisit
Def -> dontVisit
Let -> dontVisit
If -> dontVisit
Break -> dontVisit
While -> dontVisit
Do -> dontVisit
(Deftype _) -> dontVisit
(DefSumtype _) -> dontVisit
ExternalType _ -> dontVisit
(Command _) -> dontVisit
(Primitive _) -> dontVisit
(Deftemplate _) -> dontVisit
(Instantiate _) -> dontVisit
(Defalias _) -> dontVisit
(MultiSym _ _) -> dontVisit
(InterfaceSym _) -> dontVisit
Address -> dontVisit
SetBang -> dontVisit
Macro -> dontVisit
Dynamic -> dontVisit
DefDynamic -> dontVisit
The -> dontVisit
Ref -> dontVisit
Deref -> dontVisit
(Interface _ _) -> dontVisit
(Dict _) -> dontVisit
(Fn _ _) -> dontVisit
LetDef -> dontVisit
(Match _) -> dontVisit
With -> dontVisit
MetaStub -> dontVisit
visitStr' indent str i =
-- This will allocate a new string every time the code runs:
-- do let var = freshVar i

View File

@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ eval ctx xobj@(XObj o info ty) preference =
then (ctx, Right (XObj (Closure (XObj (Lst l) info ty) (CCtx ctx)) info ty))
else evalError ctx ("`fn` requires all arguments to be unqualified symbols, but it got `" ++ pretty args ++ "`") (xobjInfo args)
XObj (Closure (XObj (Lst [XObj (Fn _ _) _ _, XObj (Arr params) _ _, body]) _ _) (CCtx c)) _ _ : args ->
case checkArity params args of
case checkArity "<closure>" params args of
Left err -> pure (evalError ctx err (xobjInfo xobj))
Right () ->
@ -295,8 +295,8 @@ eval ctx xobj@(XObj o info ty) preference =
(_, res) <- apply c body params okArgs
pure (newCtx, res)
Left err -> pure (newCtx, Left err)
XObj (Lst [XObj Dynamic _ _, _, XObj (Arr params) _ _, body]) i _ : args ->
case checkArity params args of
XObj (Lst [XObj Dynamic _ _, sym, XObj (Arr params) _ _, body]) i _ : args ->
case checkArity (getName sym) params args of
Left err ->
pure (evalError ctx err i)
Right () ->
@ -305,8 +305,8 @@ eval ctx xobj@(XObj o info ty) preference =
case evaledArgs of
Right okArgs -> apply newCtx body params okArgs
Left err -> pure (newCtx, Left err)
XObj (Lst [XObj Macro _ _, _, XObj (Arr params) _ _, body]) i _ : args ->
case checkArity params args of
XObj (Lst [XObj Macro _ _, sym, XObj (Arr params) _ _, body]) i _ : args ->
case checkArity (getName sym) params args of
Left err -> pure (evalError ctx err i)
Right () -> do
-- Replace info so that the macro which is called gets the source location info of the expansion site.
@ -315,13 +315,43 @@ eval ctx xobj@(XObj o info ty) preference =
case res of
Right xobj' -> macroExpand ctx' xobj'
Left _ -> pure (ctx, res)
XObj (Lst [XObj (Command callback) _ _, _, _]) _ _ : args ->
[XObj (Lst [XObj (Command (NullaryCommandFunction nullary)) _ _, _, _]) _ _] ->
(_, evaledArgs) <- foldlM successiveEval (ctx, Right []) []
case evaledArgs of
Right [] -> nullary ctx
Right _ -> error "eval nullary"
Left err -> pure (ctx, Left err)
[XObj (Lst [XObj (Command (UnaryCommandFunction unary)) _ _, _, _]) _ _, x] ->
(_, evaledArgs) <- foldlM successiveEval (ctx, Right []) [x]
case evaledArgs of
Right [x'] -> unary ctx x'
Right _ -> error "eval unary"
Left err -> pure (ctx, Left err)
[XObj (Lst [XObj (Command (BinaryCommandFunction binary)) _ _, _, _]) _ _, x, y] ->
(_, evaledArgs) <- foldlM successiveEval (ctx, Right []) [x, y]
case evaledArgs of
Right [x', y'] -> binary ctx x' y'
Right _ -> error "eval binary"
Left err -> pure (ctx, Left err)
[XObj (Lst [XObj (Command (TernaryCommandFunction ternary)) _ _, _, _]) _ _, x, y, z] ->
(_, evaledArgs) <- foldlM successiveEval (ctx, Right []) [x, y, z]
case evaledArgs of
Right [x', y', z'] -> ternary ctx x' y' z'
Right _ -> error "eval ternary"
Left err -> pure (ctx, Left err)
XObj (Lst [XObj (Command (VariadicCommandFunction variadic)) _ _, _, _]) _ _ : args ->
(_, evaledArgs) <- foldlM successiveEval (ctx, Right []) args
case evaledArgs of
Right okArgs -> getCommand callback ctx okArgs
Right xs -> variadic ctx xs
Left err -> pure (ctx, Left err)
x@(XObj (Lst [XObj (Primitive prim) _ _, _, _]) _ _) : args -> (getPrimitive prim) x ctx args
XObj (Lst [XObj (Command _) _ _, sym, XObj (Arr params) _ _]) i _ : args ->
badArity (getName sym) params args i
x@(XObj (Lst [XObj (Primitive prim) _ _, _, _]) _ _) : args -> getPrimitive prim x ctx args
XObj (Lst (XObj (Defn _) _ _ : _)) _ _ : _ -> pure (ctx, Left (HasStaticCall xobj info))
XObj (Lst (XObj (Interface _ _) _ _ : _)) _ _ : _ -> pure (ctx, Left (HasStaticCall xobj info))
XObj (Lst (XObj (Instantiate _) _ _ : _)) _ _ : _ -> pure (ctx, Left (HasStaticCall xobj info))
@ -361,9 +391,11 @@ eval ctx xobj@(XObj o info ty) preference =
[XObj Address _ _, value] ->
specialCommandAddress ctx value
[] -> pure (ctx, dynamicNil)
_ -> do
pure (evalError ctx ("I did not understand the form `" ++ pretty xobj ++ "`") (xobjInfo xobj))
checkArity params args =
_ -> pure (evalError ctx ("I did not understand the form `" ++ pretty xobj ++ "`") (xobjInfo xobj))
badArity name params args i = case checkArity name params args of
Left err -> pure (evalError ctx err i)
Right () -> error "badarity"
checkArity name params args =
let la = length args
withRest = any ((":rest" ==) . getName) params
lp = length params - (if withRest then 2 else 0)
@ -373,7 +405,9 @@ eval ctx xobj@(XObj o info ty) preference =
if la < lp
( "expected " ++ show lp
( name
++ " expected "
++ show lp
++ " arguments but received only "
++ show la
++ ".\n\nYoull have to provide "
@ -382,7 +416,10 @@ eval ctx xobj@(XObj o info ty) preference =
( "expected " ++ show lp ++ " arguments, but received "
( name
++ " expected "
++ show lp
++ " arguments, but received "
++ show la
++ ".\n\nThe arguments "
++ intercalate ", " (map pretty (drop lp args))
@ -772,19 +809,17 @@ primitiveDefmodule _ ctx [] =
-- | "NORMAL" COMMANDS (just like the ones in Command.hs, but these need access to 'eval', etc.)
-- | Command for loading a Carp file.
commandLoad :: CommandCallback
commandLoad ctx [xobj@(XObj (Str path) i _)] =
commandLoad :: UnaryCommandCallback
commandLoad ctx xobj@(XObj (Str path) i _) =
loadInternal ctx xobj path i DoesReload
commandLoad ctx [x] =
commandLoad ctx x =
pure $ evalError ctx ("Invalid args to `load`: " ++ pretty x) (xobjInfo x)
commandLoad _ _ = error "commandload"
commandLoadOnce :: CommandCallback
commandLoadOnce ctx [xobj@(XObj (Str path) i _)] =
commandLoadOnce :: UnaryCommandCallback
commandLoadOnce ctx xobj@(XObj (Str path) i _) =
loadInternal ctx xobj path i Frozen
commandLoadOnce ctx [x] =
commandLoadOnce ctx x =
pure $ evalError ctx ("Invalid args to `load-once`: " ++ pretty x) (xobjInfo x)
commandLoadOnce _ _ = error "commandloadonce"
loadInternal :: Context -> XObj -> String -> Maybe Info -> ReloadMode -> IO (Context, Either EvalError XObj)
loadInternal ctx xobj path i reloadMode = do
@ -942,10 +977,10 @@ loadInternal ctx xobj path i reloadMode = do
fileToLoad = fpath </> realName
mainToLoad = fpath </> "main.carp"
in do
(newCtx, res) <- commandLoad ctx [XObj (Str fileToLoad) Nothing Nothing]
(newCtx, res) <- commandLoad ctx (XObj (Str fileToLoad) Nothing Nothing)
case res of
ret@(Right _) -> pure (newCtx, ret)
Left _ -> commandLoad ctx [XObj (Str mainToLoad) Nothing Nothing]
Left _ -> commandLoad ctx (XObj (Str mainToLoad) Nothing Nothing)
-- | Load several files in order.
loadFiles :: Context -> [FilePath] -> IO Context
@ -954,19 +989,19 @@ loadFiles = loadFilesExt commandLoad
loadFilesOnce :: Context -> [FilePath] -> IO Context
loadFilesOnce = loadFilesExt commandLoadOnce
loadFilesExt :: CommandCallback -> Context -> [FilePath] -> IO Context
loadFilesExt :: UnaryCommandCallback -> Context -> [FilePath] -> IO Context
loadFilesExt loadCmd ctxStart filesToLoad = foldM load ctxStart filesToLoad
load :: Context -> FilePath -> IO Context
load ctx file = do
(newCtx, ret) <- loadCmd ctx [XObj (Str file) Nothing Nothing]
(newCtx, ret) <- loadCmd ctx (XObj (Str file) Nothing Nothing)
case ret of
Left err -> throw (EvalException err)
Right _ -> pure newCtx
-- | Command for reloading all files in the project (= the files that has been loaded before).
commandReload :: CommandCallback
commandReload ctx _ = do
commandReload :: NullaryCommandCallback
commandReload ctx = do
let paths = projectFiles (contextProj ctx)
f :: Context -> (FilePath, ReloadMode) -> IO Context
f context (_, Frozen) | not (projectForceReload (contextProj context)) = pure context
@ -984,14 +1019,13 @@ commandReload ctx _ = do
pure (newCtx, dynamicNil)
-- | Command for expanding a form and its macros.
commandExpand :: CommandCallback
commandExpand ctx [xobj] = macroExpand ctx xobj
commandExpand _ _ = error "commandexpand"
commandExpand :: UnaryCommandCallback
commandExpand ctx xobj = macroExpand ctx xobj
-- | This function will show the resulting C code from an expression.
-- | i.e. (Int.+ 2 3) => "_0 = 2 + 3"
commandC :: CommandCallback
commandC ctx [xobj] = do
commandC :: UnaryCommandCallback
commandC ctx xobj = do
let globalEnv = contextGlobalEnv ctx
typeEnv = contextTypeEnv ctx
(newCtx, result) <- expandAll evalDynamic ctx xobj
@ -1007,7 +1041,6 @@ commandC ctx [xobj] = do
c = cDeps ++ cXObj
liftIO (putStr c)
pure (newCtx, dynamicNil)
commandC _ _ = error "commandc"
-- | Helper function for commandC
printC :: XObj -> String

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@ -201,8 +201,24 @@ expand eval ctx xobj =
Right (XObj (Lst [XObj Macro _ _, _, XObj (Arr _) _ _, _]) _ _) ->
--trace ("Found macro: " ++ pretty xobj ++ " at " ++ prettyInfoFromXObj xobj)
eval ctx'' xobj
Right (XObj (Lst [XObj (Command callback) _ _, _]) _ _) ->
getCommand callback ctx args
Right (XObj (Lst [XObj (Command (NullaryCommandFunction nullary)) _ _, _, _]) _ _) ->
nullary ctx''
Right (XObj (Lst [XObj (Command (UnaryCommandFunction unary)) _ _, _, _]) _ _) ->
case expandedArgs of
Right [x] -> unary ctx'' x
_ -> error "expanding args"
Right (XObj (Lst [XObj (Command (BinaryCommandFunction binary)) _ _, _, _]) _ _) ->
case expandedArgs of
Right [x, y] -> binary ctx'' x y
_ -> error "expanding args"
Right (XObj (Lst [XObj (Command (TernaryCommandFunction ternary)) _ _, _, _]) _ _) ->
case expandedArgs of
Right [x, y, z] -> ternary ctx'' x y z
_ -> error "expanding args"
Right (XObj (Lst [XObj (Command (VariadicCommandFunction variadic)) _ _, _, _]) _ _) ->
case expandedArgs of
Right ea -> variadic ctx'' ea
_ -> error "expanding args"
Right _ ->
( ctx'',

View File

@ -203,15 +203,32 @@ instance Eq PrimitiveFunctionType where
instance Show PrimitiveFunctionType where
show _ = "Primitive { ... }"
type CommandCallback = Context -> [XObj] -> IO (Context, Either EvalError XObj)
type NullaryCommandCallback = Context -> IO (Context, Either EvalError XObj)
newtype CommandFunctionType = CommandFunction {getCommand :: CommandCallback}
type UnaryCommandCallback = Context -> XObj -> IO (Context, Either EvalError XObj)
type BinaryCommandCallback = Context -> XObj -> XObj -> IO (Context, Either EvalError XObj)
type TernaryCommandCallback = Context -> XObj -> XObj -> XObj -> IO (Context, Either EvalError XObj)
type VariadicCommandCallback = Context -> [XObj] -> IO (Context, Either EvalError XObj)
data CommandFunctionType
= NullaryCommandFunction NullaryCommandCallback
| UnaryCommandFunction UnaryCommandCallback
| BinaryCommandFunction BinaryCommandCallback
| TernaryCommandFunction TernaryCommandCallback
| VariadicCommandFunction VariadicCommandCallback
instance Eq CommandFunctionType where
_ == _ = True
instance Show CommandFunctionType where
show _ = "CommandFunction { ... }"
show (NullaryCommandFunction _) = "NullaryCommandFunction { ... }"
show (UnaryCommandFunction _) = "UnaryCommandFunction { ... }"
show (BinaryCommandFunction _) = "BinaryCommandFunction { ... }"
show (TernaryCommandFunction _) = "TernaryCommandFunction { ... }"
show (VariadicCommandFunction _) = "VariadicCommandFunction { ... }"
newtype TemplateCreator = TemplateCreator {getTemplateCreator :: TypeEnv -> Env -> Template}
@ -319,12 +336,12 @@ setPath (XObj (Lst [extr@(XObj (External _) _ _), XObj (Sym _ _) si st, ty]) i t
setPath x _ =
error ("Can't set path on " ++ show x)
-- | Convert an Obj to a pretty string representation.
-- | Reuses `pretty`.
prettyObj :: Obj -> String
prettyObj = pretty . buildXObj
where buildXObj o = XObj o Nothing Nothing
buildXObj o = XObj o Nothing Nothing
-- | Convert an XObj to a pretty string representation.
pretty :: XObj -> String

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@ -225,82 +225,96 @@ dynamicModule =
path = ["Dynamic"]
spath = SymPath path
bindings =
Map.fromList $
[ addCommand (SymPath path "list?") 1 commandIsList "checks whether the argument is a list." "(list? '()) ; => true",
addCommand (SymPath path "array?") 1 commandIsArray "checks whether the arguments is an array." "(array? []) ; => true",
addCommand (SymPath path "symbol?") 1 commandIsSymbol "checks whether the argument is a symbol." "(symbol? 'x) ; => true",
addCommand (SymPath path "length") 1 commandLength "returns the length of the argument (must be an array, string or list)." "(length '(1 2 3)) ; => 3",
addCommand (SymPath path "car") 1 commandCar "gets the head of a list or array." "(car '(1 2 3)) ; => 1",
addCommand (SymPath path "cdr") 1 commandCdr "gets the tail of a list or array." "(cdr '(1 2 3)) ; => '(2 3)",
addCommand (SymPath path "last") 1 commandLast "gets the last element of a list or array." "(last '(1 2 3)) ; => 3",
addCommand (SymPath path "all-but-last") 1 commandAllButLast "gets all elements except for the last one of a list or array." "(all-but-last '(1 2 3)) ; => '(1 2)",
addCommand (SymPath path "cons") 2 commandCons "adds an element to the front of an array or list" "(cons 1 '(2 3)) ; => '(1 2 3)",
addCommand (SymPath path "cons-last") 2 commandConsLast "adds an element to the back of an array or list" "(cons-last 3 '(1 2)) ; => '(1 2 3)",
addCommand (SymPath path "append") 2 commandAppend "appends two lists or arrays." "(append '(1 2) '(3 4)) ; => '(1 2 3 4)",
addCommandConfigurable (SymPath path "array") Nothing commandArray "creates an array from a collection of elements." "(array 1 2 3) ; => [1 2 3]",
addCommandConfigurable (SymPath path "list") Nothing commandList "creates an array from a collection of elements." "(list 1 2 3) ; => (1 2 3)",
addCommand (SymPath path "macro-error") 1 commandMacroError "logs an error and errors out of a macro." "(macro-error \"this is wrong\")",
addCommandConfigurable (SymPath path "macro-log") Nothing commandMacroLog "logs a message in a macro." "(macro-log \"this will be printed at compile time\")",
addCommandConfigurable (SymPath path "str") Nothing commandStr "stringifies its arguments." "(str 1 \" \" 2 \" \" 3) ; => \"1 2 3\"",
addCommand (SymPath path "not") 1 commandNot "negates its boolean argument." "(not false) ; => true",
addCommand (SymPath path "=") 2 commandEq "compares its arguments for equality." "(= 1 2) ; => false",
addCommand (SymPath path "<") 2 commandLt "checks whether its first argument is less than its second." "(< 1 2) ; => true",
addCommand (SymPath path ">") 2 commandGt "checks whether its first argument is greater than its second." "(> 1 2) ; => false",
addCommand (SymPath path "+") 2 commandPlus "adds its two arguments." "(+ 1 2) ; => 3",
addCommand (SymPath path "-") 2 commandMinus "subtracts its second argument from its first." "(- 1 2) ; => -1",
addCommand (SymPath path "/") 2 commandDiv "divides its first argument by its second." "(/ 4 2) ; => 2",
addCommand (SymPath path "*") 2 commandMul "multiplies its two arguments." "(* 2 3) ; => 6",
addCommand (SymPath path "c") 1 commandC "prints the C code emitted for a binding." "(c '(+ 2 3)) ; => int _3 = Int__PLUS_(2, 3);",
addCommand (SymPath path "quit") 0 commandQuit "quits the program." "(quit)",
addCommand (SymPath path "cat") 0 commandCat "spits out the generated C code." "(cat)",
addCommand (SymPath path "run") 0 commandRunExe "runs the built executable." "(run)",
addCommand (SymPath path "build") 0 (commandBuild False) "builds the current code to an executable." "(build)",
addCommand (SymPath path "reload") 0 commandReload "reloads all currently loaded files that werent marked as only loading once (see `load` and `load-once`)." "(reload)",
addCommand (SymPath path "env") 0 commandListBindings "lists all current bindings." "(env)",
addCommand (SymPath path "project") 0 commandProject "prints the current project state." "(project)",
addCommand (SymPath path "load") 1 commandLoad "loads a file into the current environment." "(load \"myfile.carp\")",
addCommand (SymPath path "load-once") 1 commandLoadOnce "loads a file and prevents it from being reloaded (see `reload`)." "(load-once \"myfile.carp\")",
addCommand (SymPath path "expand") 1 commandExpand "expands a macro and prints the result." "(expand '(when true 1)) ; => (if true 1 ())",
addCommand (SymPath path "host-arch") 0 commandHostArch "prints the host architecture (as returned by the Haskell function `System.Info.arch`)." "(host-arch)",
addCommand (SymPath path "host-os") 0 commandHostOS "prints the host operating system (as returned by the Haskell function `System.Info.os`)." "(host-os)",
addCommand (SymPath path "system-include") 1 commandAddSystemInclude "adds a system include, i.e. a C `#include` with angle brackets (`<>`)." "(system-include \"stdint.h\")",
addCommand (SymPath path "relative-include") 1 commandAddRelativeInclude "adds a relative include, i.e. a C `include` with quotes. It also prepends the current directory." "(relative-include \"myheader.h\")",
addCommand (SymPath path "save-docs-internal") 1 commandSaveDocsInternal "is the internal companion command to `save-docs`. `save-docs` should be called instead." "(save-docs-internal 'Module)",
addCommand (SymPath path "read-file") 1 commandReadFile "reads a file into a string." "(read-file \"myfile.txt\")",
addCommand (SymPath path "write-file") 2 commandWriteFile "writes a string to a file." "(write-file \"myfile\" \"hello there!\")",
addCommand (SymPath path "host-bit-width") 0 commandHostBitWidth "gets the bit width of the host platform." "(host-bit-width) ; => your host machines bit width, e.g. 32 or 64",
addCommandConfigurable (SymPath path "s-expr") Nothing commandSexpression "returns the s-expression associated with a binding. When the binding is a type, the deftype form is returned instead of the type's module by default. Pass an optional bool argument to explicitly request the module for a type instead of its definition form. If the bool is true, the module for the type will be returned. Returns an error when no definition is found for the binding." "(s-expr foo), (s-expr foo true)",
makePrim "quote" 1 "quotes any value." "(quote x) ; where x is an actual symbol" (\_ ctx [x] -> pure (ctx, Right x)),
makeVarPrim "file" "returns the file a symbol was defined in." "(file mysymbol)" primitiveFile,
makeVarPrim "line" "returns the line a symbol was defined on." "(line mysymbol)" primitiveLine,
makeVarPrim "column" "returns the column a symbol was defined on." "(column mysymbol)" primitiveColumn,
makePrim "info" 1 "prints all information associated with a symbol." "(info mysymbol)" primitiveInfo,
makeVarPrim "register-type" "registers a new type from C." "(register-type Name <optional: c-name> <optional: members>)" primitiveRegisterType,
makePrim "defmacro" 3 "defines a new macro." "(defmacro name [args :rest restargs] body)" primitiveDefmacro,
makePrim "defndynamic" 3 "defines a new dynamic function, i.e. a function available at compile time." "(defndynamic name [args] body)" primitiveDefndynamic,
makePrim "defdynamic" 2 "defines a new dynamic value, i.e. a value available at compile time." "(defdynamic name value)" primitiveDefdynamic,
makePrim "members" 1 "returns the members of a type as an array." "(members MyType)" primitiveMembers,
makeVarPrim "defmodule" "defines a new module in which `expressions` are defined." "(defmodule MyModule <expressions>)" primitiveDefmodule,
makePrim "meta-set!" 3 "sets a new key and value pair on the meta map associated with a symbol." "(meta-set! mysymbol \"mykey\" \"myval\")" primitiveMetaSet,
makePrim "meta" 2 "gets the value under `\"mykey\"` in the meta map associated with a symbol. It returns `()` if the key isnt found." "(meta mysymbol \"mykey\")" primitiveMeta,
makePrim "definterface" 2 "defines a new interface (which could be a function or symbol)." "(definterface mysymbol MyType)" primitiveDefinterface,
makeVarPrim "register" "registers a new function. This is used to define C functions and other symbols that will be available at link time." "(register name <signature> <optional: override>)" primitiveRegister,
makeVarPrim "deftype" "defines a new sumtype or struct." "(deftype Name <members>)" primitiveDeftype,
makePrim "use" 1 "uses a module, i.e. imports the symbols inside that module into the current module." "(use MyModule)" primitiveUse,
makePrim "eval" 1 "evaluates a list." "(eval mycode)" primitiveEval,
makePrim "defined?" 1 "checks whether a symbol is defined." "(defined? mysymbol)" primitiveDefined,
makePrim "deftemplate" 4 "defines a new C template." "(deftemplate symbol Type declString defString)" primitiveDeftemplate,
makePrim "implements" 2 "designates a function as an implementation of an interface." "(implements zero" primitiveImplements,
makePrim "type" 1 "prints the type of a symbol." "(type mysymbol)" primitiveType,
makePrim "kind" 1 "prints the kind of a symbol." "(kind mysymbol)" primitiveKind,
makeVarPrim "help" "prints help." "(help)" primitiveHelp
++ [ ("String", Binder emptyMeta (XObj (Mod dynamicStringModule) Nothing Nothing)),
("Symbol", Binder emptyMeta (XObj (Mod dynamicSymModule) Nothing Nothing)),
("Project", Binder emptyMeta (XObj (Mod dynamicProjectModule) Nothing Nothing)),
("Path", Binder emptyMeta (XObj (Mod dynamicPathModule) Nothing Nothing))
Map.fromList $ nullaries ++ unaries ++ binaries ++ variadics ++ prims
nullaries =
let f = addNullaryCommand . spath
in [ f "quit" commandQuit "quits the program." "(quit)",
f "cat" commandCat "spits out the generated C code." "(cat)",
f "run" commandRunExe "runs the built executable." "(run)",
f "build" (commandBuild False) "builds the current code to an executable." "(build)",
f "reload" commandReload "reloads all currently loaded files that werent marked as only loading once (see `load` and `load-once`)." "(reload)",
f "env" commandListBindings "lists all current bindings." "(env)",
f "project" commandProject "prints the current project state." "(project)",
f "host-arch" commandHostArch "prints the host architecture (as returned by the Haskell function `System.Info.arch`)." "(host-arch)",
f "host-os" commandHostOS "prints the host operating system (as returned by the Haskell function `System.Info.os`)." "(host-os)",
f "host-bit-width" commandHostBitWidth "gets the bit width of the host platform." "(host-bit-width) ; => your host machines bit width, e.g. 32 or 64"
unaries =
let f = addUnaryCommand . spath
in [ f "list?" commandIsList "checks whether the argument is a list." "(list? '()) ; => true",
f "array?" commandIsArray "checks whether the arguments is an array." "(array? []) ; => true",
f "symbol?" commandIsSymbol "checks whether the argument is a symbol." "(symbol? 'x) ; => true",
f "length" commandLength "returns the length of the argument (must be an array, string or list)." "(length '(1 2 3)) ; => 3",
f "car" commandCar "gets the head of a list or array." "(car '(1 2 3)) ; => 1",
f "cdr" commandCdr "gets the tail of a list or array." "(cdr '(1 2 3)) ; => '(2 3)",
f "last" commandLast "gets the last element of a list or array." "(last '(1 2 3)) ; => 3",
f "all-but-last" commandAllButLast "gets all elements except for the last one of a list or array." "(all-but-last '(1 2 3)) ; => '(1 2)",
f "macro-error" commandMacroError "logs an error and errors out of a macro." "(macro-error \"this is wrong\")",
f "not" commandNot "negates its boolean argument." "(not false) ; => true",
f "c" commandC "prints the C code emitted for a binding." "(c '(+ 2 3)) ; => int _3 = Int__PLUS_(2, 3);",
f "load" commandLoad "loads a file into the current environment." "(load \"myfile.carp\")",
f "load-once" commandLoadOnce "loads a file and prevents it from being reloaded (see `reload`)." "(load-once \"myfile.carp\")",
f "expand" commandExpand "expands a macro and prints the result." "(expand '(when true 1)) ; => (if true 1 ())",
f "system-include" commandAddSystemInclude "adds a system include, i.e. a C `#include` with angle brackets (`<>`)." "(system-include \"stdint.h\")",
f "relative-include" commandAddRelativeInclude "adds a relative include, i.e. a C `include` with quotes. It also prepends the current directory." "(relative-include \"myheader.h\")",
f "save-docs-internal" commandSaveDocsInternal "is the internal companion command to `save-docs`. `save-docs` should be called instead." "(save-docs-internal 'Module)",
f "read-file" commandReadFile "reads a file into a string." "(read-file \"myfile.txt\")"
binaries =
let f = addBinaryCommand . spath
in [ f "cons" commandCons "adds an element to the front of an array or list" "(cons 1 '(2 3)) ; => '(1 2 3)",
f "cons-last" commandConsLast "adds an element to the back of an array or list" "(cons-last 3 '(1 2)) ; => '(1 2 3)",
f "append" commandAppend "appends two lists or arrays." "(append '(1 2) '(3 4)) ; => '(1 2 3 4)",
f "=" commandEq "compares its arguments for equality." "(= 1 2) ; => false",
f "<" commandLt "checks whether its first argument is less than its second." "(< 1 2) ; => true",
f ">" commandGt "checks whether its first argument is greater than its second." "(> 1 2) ; => false",
f "+" commandPlus "adds its two arguments." "(+ 1 2) ; => 3",
f "-" commandMinus "subtracts its second argument from its first." "(- 1 2) ; => -1",
f "/" commandDiv "divides its first argument by its second." "(/ 4 2) ; => 2",
f "*" commandMul "multiplies its two arguments." "(* 2 3) ; => 6",
f "write-file" commandWriteFile "writes a string to a file." "(write-file \"myfile\" \"hello there!\")"
variadics =
let f = addVariadicCommand . spath
in [ f "array" commandArray "creates an array from a collection of elements." "(array 1 2 3) ; => [1 2 3]",
f "list" commandList "creates an array from a collection of elements." "(list 1 2 3) ; => (1 2 3)",
f "macro-log" commandMacroLog "logs a message in a macro." "(macro-log \"this will be printed at compile time\")",
f "str" commandStr "stringifies its arguments." "(str 1 \" \" 2 \" \" 3) ; => \"1 2 3\"",
f "s-expr" commandSexpression "returns the s-expression associated with a binding. When the binding is a type, the deftype form is returned instead of the type's module by default. Pass an optional bool argument to explicitly request the module for a type instead of its definition form. If the bool is true, the module for the type will be returned. Returns an error when no definition is found for the binding." "(s-expr foo), (s-expr foo true)"
prims =
[ makePrim "quote" 1 "quotes any value." "(quote x) ; where x is an actual symbol" (\_ ctx [x] -> pure (ctx, Right x)),
makeVarPrim "file" "returns the file a symbol was defined in." "(file mysymbol)" primitiveFile,
makeVarPrim "line" "returns the line a symbol was defined on." "(line mysymbol)" primitiveLine,
makeVarPrim "column" "returns the column a symbol was defined on." "(column mysymbol)" primitiveColumn,
makePrim "info" 1 "prints all information associated with a symbol." "(info mysymbol)" primitiveInfo,
makeVarPrim "register-type" "registers a new type from C." "(register-type Name <optional: c-name> <optional: members>)" primitiveRegisterType,
makePrim "defmacro" 3 "defines a new macro." "(defmacro name [args :rest restargs] body)" primitiveDefmacro,
makePrim "defndynamic" 3 "defines a new dynamic function, i.e. a function available at compile time." "(defndynamic name [args] body)" primitiveDefndynamic,
makePrim "defdynamic" 2 "defines a new dynamic value, i.e. a value available at compile time." "(defdynamic name value)" primitiveDefdynamic,
makePrim "members" 1 "returns the members of a type as an array." "(members MyType)" primitiveMembers,
makeVarPrim "defmodule" "defines a new module in which `expressions` are defined." "(defmodule MyModule <expressions>)" primitiveDefmodule,
makePrim "meta-set!" 3 "sets a new key and value pair on the meta map associated with a symbol." "(meta-set! mysymbol \"mykey\" \"myval\")" primitiveMetaSet,
makePrim "meta" 2 "gets the value under `\"mykey\"` in the meta map associated with a symbol. It returns `()` if the key isnt found." "(meta mysymbol \"mykey\")" primitiveMeta,
makePrim "definterface" 2 "defines a new interface (which could be a function or symbol)." "(definterface mysymbol MyType)" primitiveDefinterface,
makeVarPrim "register" "registers a new function. This is used to define C functions and other symbols that will be available at link time." "(register name <signature> <optional: override>)" primitiveRegister,
makeVarPrim "deftype" "defines a new sumtype or struct." "(deftype Name <members>)" primitiveDeftype,
makePrim "use" 1 "uses a module, i.e. imports the symbols inside that module into the current module." "(use MyModule)" primitiveUse,
makePrim "eval" 1 "evaluates a list." "(eval mycode)" primitiveEval,
makePrim "defined?" 1 "checks whether a symbol is defined." "(defined? mysymbol)" primitiveDefined,
makePrim "deftemplate" 4 "defines a new C template." "(deftemplate symbol Type declString defString)" primitiveDeftemplate,
makePrim "implements" 2 "designates a function as an implementation of an interface." "(implements zero" primitiveImplements,
makePrim "type" 1 "prints the type of a symbol." "(type mysymbol)" primitiveType,
makePrim "kind" 1 "prints the kind of a symbol." "(kind mysymbol)" primitiveKind,
makeVarPrim "help" "prints help." "(help)" primitiveHelp
++ [ ("String", Binder emptyMeta (XObj (Mod dynamicStringModule) Nothing Nothing)),
("Symbol", Binder emptyMeta (XObj (Mod dynamicSymModule) Nothing Nothing)),
("Project", Binder emptyMeta (XObj (Mod dynamicProjectModule) Nothing Nothing)),
("Path", Binder emptyMeta (XObj (Mod dynamicPathModule) Nothing Nothing))
-- | A submodule of the Dynamic module. Contains functions for working with strings in the repl or during compilation.
dynamicStringModule :: Env
@ -316,14 +330,22 @@ dynamicStringModule =
path = ["Dynamic", "String"]
bindings =
[ addCommand (SymPath path "char-at") 2 commandCharAt "gets the nth character of a string." "(String.char-at \"hi\" 1) ; => \\i",
addCommand (SymPath path "index-of") 2 commandIndexOf "gets the index of a character in a string (or returns `-1` if the character is not found)." "(index-of \"hi\" \\i) ; => 1",
addCommand (SymPath path "slice") 3 commandSubstring "creates a substring from a beginning index to an end index." "(String.slice \"hello\" 1 3) ; => \"ell\"",
addCommand (SymPath path "length") 1 commandStringLength "gets the length of a string." "(String.length \"hi\") ; => 2",
addCommand (SymPath path "concat") 1 commandStringConcat "concatenates a list of strings together." "(String.concat [\"hi \" \"there\"]) ; => \"hi there\"",
addCommand (SymPath path "split-on") 2 commandStringSplitOn "split a string at separator." "(String.split-on \"-\" \"hi-there\") ; => [\"hi \" \"there\"]"
Map.fromList $unaries ++ binaries ++ ternaries
spath = SymPath path
unaries =
let f = addUnaryCommand . spath
in [ f "length" commandStringLength "gets the length of a string." "(String.length \"hi\") ; => 2",
f "concat" commandStringConcat "concatenates a list of strings together." "(String.concat [\"hi \" \"there\"]) ; => \"hi there\""
binaries =
let f = addBinaryCommand . spath
in [ f "char-at" commandCharAt "gets the nth character of a string." "(String.char-at \"hi\" 1) ; => \\i",
f "index-of" commandIndexOf "gets the index of a character in a string (or returns `-1` if the character is not found)." "(index-of \"hi\" \\i) ; => 1",
f "split-on" commandStringSplitOn "split a string at separator." "(String.split-on \"-\" \"hi-there\") ; => [\"hi \" \"there\"]"
ternaries =
let f = addTernaryCommand . spath
in [f "slice" commandSubstring "creates a substring from a beginning index to an end index." "(String.slice \"hello\" 1 3) ; => \"ell\""]
-- | A submodule of the Dynamic module. Contains functions for working with symbols in the repl or during compilation.
dynamicSymModule :: Env
@ -338,13 +360,18 @@ dynamicSymModule =
path = ["Dynamic", "Symbol"]
bindings =
[ addCommand (SymPath path "concat") 1 commandSymConcat "concatenates a list of symbols together." "(Symbol.concat ['x 'y 'z]) ; => 'xyz",
addCommand (SymPath path "prefix") 2 commandSymPrefix "prefixes a symbol with a module." "(Symbol.prefix 'Module 'fun) ; =>",
addCommand (SymPath path "from") 1 commandSymFrom "converts a variety of types to a symbol." "(Symbol.from true) ; => True",
addCommand (SymPath path "str") 1 commandSymStr "converts a symbol to a string." "(Symbol.str 'x) ; => \"x\""
bindings = Map.fromList $unaries ++ binaries
spath = SymPath path
unaries =
let f = addUnaryCommand . spath
in [ f "concat" commandSymConcat "concatenates a list of symbols together." "(Symbol.concat ['x 'y 'z]) ; => 'xyz",
f "from" commandSymFrom "converts a variety of types to a symbol." "(Symbol.from true) ; => True",
f "str" commandSymStr "converts a symbol to a string." "(Symbol.str 'x) ; => \"x\""
binaries =
let f = addBinaryCommand . spath
in [ f "prefix" commandSymPrefix "prefixes a symbol with a module." "(Symbol.prefix 'Module 'fun) ; =>"
-- | A submodule of the Dynamic module. Contains functions for working with the active Carp project.
dynamicProjectModule :: Env
@ -359,11 +386,16 @@ dynamicProjectModule =
path = ["Dynamic", "Project"]
bindings =
[ addCommand (SymPath path "config") 2 commandProjectConfig "sets a project config key." "(Project.config \"paren-balance-hints\" false)",
addCommand (SymPath path "get-config") 1 commandProjectGetConfig "gets a project config value under a key." "(Project.get-config \"paren-balance-hints\")"
bindings = Map.fromList $unaries ++ binaries
spath = SymPath path
unaries =
let f = addUnaryCommand . spath
in [ f "get-config" commandProjectGetConfig "gets a project config value under a key." "(Project.get-config \"paren-balance-hints\")"
binaries =
let f = addBinaryCommand . spath
in [ f "config" commandProjectConfig "sets a project config key." "(Project.config \"paren-balance-hints\" false)"
-- | A submodule of the Dynamic module. Contains functions for working with paths.
dynamicPathModule :: Env
@ -378,11 +410,13 @@ dynamicPathModule =
path = ["Dynamic", "Path"]
bindings =
[ addCommand (SymPath path "directory") 1 commandPathDirectory "takes the basename of a string taken to be a filepath.\n\nHistorical note: this is a command because it used to power one of the `include` macros." "( \"dir/file\") ; => \"dir\"",
addCommand (SymPath path "absolute") 1 commandPathAbsolute "converts a filepath to absolute." "(Path.absolute \"dir/file\") ; => \"/home/foo/dir/file\""
bindings = Map.fromList unaries
spath = SymPath path
unaries =
let f = addUnaryCommand . spath
in [ f "directory" commandPathDirectory "takes the basename of a string taken to be a filepath.\n\nHistorical note: this is a command because it used to power one of the `include` macros." "( \"dir/file\") ; => \"dir\"",
f "absolute" commandPathAbsolute "converts a filepath to absolute." "(Path.absolute \"dir/file\") ; => \"/home/foo/dir/file\""
-- | The global environment before any code is run.
startingGlobalEnv :: Bool -> Env