Move Byte Order type outside of the Binary module

Issue #698 points out an bug related to reloading. The illustious
hellerve@ has discovered that the issue relates to types defined in
modules--for some reason, upon reloading, the type's delete, copy, etc.
functions are doubly defined, resulting in too high or a number of
functions for Carp to work out the dependencies.
This commit is contained in:
scottolsen 2020-03-20 19:02:55 -04:00
parent 55bfbb0c5e
commit a66a5126e6
2 changed files with 77 additions and 75 deletions

View File

@ -54,8 +54,9 @@
(Just y3) (Just (~f x y z x2 y2 z2 x3 y3)))))))))))
(defmodule Binary
(doc Order
;; Temporary fix for issue #698
;; The underlying issue is deeper, and should probably be fixed.
(doc ByteOrder
"The type of byte orders.
LittleEndian designates the little endian ordering, and indicates the least
@ -63,8 +64,9 @@
BigEndian designates the big endian ordering, and indicates the most
significant byte occurs first in a given byte sequence.")
(deftype Order LittleEndian BigEndian)
(deftype ByteOrder LittleEndian BigEndian)
(defmodule Binary
(register to-int16 (λ [Byte Byte] Uint16))
(register to-int32 (λ [Byte Byte Byte Byte] Uint32))
(register to-int64 (λ [Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte] Uint64))
@ -114,21 +116,21 @@
(doc system-endianness
"Returns the endianness of the host system.")
(sig system-endianness (λ [] Order))
(sig system-endianness (λ [] ByteOrder))
(defn system-endianness []
(if (= (system-endianness-internal) 1)
(doc unsafe-bytes->int16
"Interprets the first two bytes in a byte sequence as an Uint16 value.
**This operation is unsafe.**")
(sig unsafe-bytes->int16 (Fn [Order (Ref (Array Byte) a)] Uint16))
(sig unsafe-bytes->int16 (Fn [ByteOrder (Ref (Array Byte) a)] Uint16))
(defn unsafe-bytes->int16 [order bs]
(match order
(to-int16 @(Array.unsafe-nth bs 0) @(Array.unsafe-nth bs 1))
(to-int16 @(Array.unsafe-nth bs 1) @(Array.unsafe-nth bs 0))))
(doc bytes->int16
@ -136,28 +138,28 @@
If the first two bytes are inaccessible, or the given array contains less
than two bytes, returns Maybe.Nothing.")
(sig bytes->int16 (Fn [Order (Ref (Array Byte) a)] (Maybe Uint16)))
(sig bytes->int16 (Fn [ByteOrder (Ref (Array Byte) a)] (Maybe Uint16)))
(defn bytes->int16 [order bytes]
(match order
( &to-int16 (Array.nth bytes 0) (Array.nth bytes 1))
( &to-int16 (Array.nth bytes 1) (Array.nth bytes 0))))
(doc int16->bytes
"Converts a Uint16 to a sequence of bytes representing the value using the provided `order`")
(sig int16->bytes (Fn [Order Uint16] (Array Byte)))
(sig int16->bytes (Fn [ByteOrder Uint16] (Array Byte)))
(defn int16->bytes [order i]
(match order
(Array.copy-map &int16-to-byte &[i (Uint16.bit-shift-right i (Uint16.from-long 8l))])
(Array.copy-map &int16-to-byte &[(Uint16.bit-shift-right i (Uint16.from-long 8l)) i])))
(doc unsafe-bytes->int16-seq
"Interprets a sequence of bytes as a sequence of Uint16 values.
**This operation is unsafe.**")
(sig unsafe-bytes->int16-seq (Fn [Order (Ref (Array Byte) a)] (Array Uint16)))
(sig unsafe-bytes->int16-seq (Fn [ByteOrder (Ref (Array Byte) a)] (Array Uint16)))
(defn unsafe-bytes->int16-seq [order bs]
(let [partitions (Array.partition bs 2)
f (fn [b] (unsafe-bytes->int16 order b))]
@ -167,7 +169,7 @@
"Interprets a sequence of bytes as a sequence of Uint16 values.
Returns a pair containing interpreted values and the number of bytes that were not interpreted.")
(sig bytes->int16-seq (Fn [Order (Ref (Array Byte) a)] (Pair (Array Uint16) Int)))
(sig bytes->int16-seq (Fn [ByteOrder (Ref (Array Byte) a)] (Pair (Array Uint16) Int)))
(defn bytes->int16-seq [order bs]
(let [partitions (Array.partition bs 2)
f (byte-converter &bytes->int16 order)]
@ -178,7 +180,7 @@
"Attempts to interpret a given byte sequence as an exact sequence of Uint16 values.
If successful, returns the interpreted values. If unsuccessful, returns the number of excess bytes.")
(sig bytes->int16-seq-exact (Fn [Order (Ref (Array Byte) a)] (Result (Array Uint16) Int)))
(sig bytes->int16-seq-exact (Fn [ByteOrder (Ref (Array Byte) a)] (Result (Array Uint16) Int)))
(defn bytes->int16-seq-exact [order bs]
(let [r (bytes->int16-seq order bs)]
(if (= 0 @(Pair.b &r))
@ -187,7 +189,7 @@
(doc int16-seq->bytes
"Converts an array of Uint16 values into byte sequences.")
(sig int16-seq->bytes (Fn [Order (Ref (Array Uint16) a)] (Array (Array Byte))))
(sig int16-seq->bytes (Fn [ByteOrder (Ref (Array Uint16) a)] (Array (Array Byte))))
(defn int16-seq->bytes [order is]
(let [f (fn [i] (int16->bytes order @i))]
(Array.copy-map &f is)))
@ -195,13 +197,13 @@
(doc unsafe-bytes->int32
"Interprets the first four bytes in a byte sequence as an Uint32 value.
**This operation is unsafe.**")
(sig unsafe-bytes->int32 (Fn [Order (Ref (Array Byte))] Uint32))
(sig unsafe-bytes->int32 (Fn [ByteOrder (Ref (Array Byte))] Uint32))
(defn unsafe-bytes->int32 [order bs]
(match order
(to-int32 @(Array.unsafe-nth bs 0) @(Array.unsafe-nth bs 1)
@(Array.unsafe-nth bs 2) @(Array.unsafe-nth bs 3))
(to-int32 @(Array.unsafe-nth bs 3) @(Array.unsafe-nth bs 2)
@(Array.unsafe-nth bs 1) @(Array.unsafe-nth bs 0))))
@ -210,33 +212,33 @@
If the first four bytes are inaccessible, or the given array contains less
than four bytes, returns Maybe.Nothing.")
(sig bytes->int32 (Fn [Order (Ref (Array Byte))] (Maybe Uint32)))
(sig bytes->int32 (Fn [ByteOrder (Ref (Array Byte))] (Maybe Uint32)))
(defn bytes->int32 [order bs]
(match order
(Maybe.zip4 &to-int32 (Array.nth bs 0) (Array.nth bs 1)
(Array.nth bs 2) (Array.nth bs 3))
(Maybe.zip4 &to-int32 (Array.nth bs 3) (Array.nth bs 2)
(Array.nth bs 1) (Array.nth bs 0))))
(doc int32->bytes
"Converts a Uint32 to a sequence of bytes representing the value using the provided `order`")
(sig int32->bytes (Fn [Order Uint32] (Array Byte)))
(sig int32->bytes (Fn [ByteOrder Uint32] (Array Byte)))
(defn int32->bytes [order i]
(let [shift (fn [lng] (Uint32.bit-shift-right i (Uint32.from-long lng)))]
(match order
(Array.copy-map &int32-to-byte
&[i (shift 8l) (shift 16l) (shift 24l)])
(Array.copy-map &int32-to-byte
&[(shift 24l) (shift 16l) (shift 8l) i]))))
(doc unsafe-bytes->int32-seq
"Interprets a sequence of bytes as a sequence of Uint32 values.
**This operation is unsafe.**")
(sig unsafe-bytes->int32-seq (Fn [Order (Ref (Array Byte) a)] (Array Uint32)))
(sig unsafe-bytes->int32-seq (Fn [ByteOrder (Ref (Array Byte) a)] (Array Uint32)))
(defn unsafe-bytes->int32-seq [order bs]
(let [partitions (Array.partition bs 4)
f (fn [b] (unsafe-bytes->int32 order b))]
@ -246,7 +248,7 @@
"Interprets a sequence of bytes as a sequence of Uint32 values.
Returns a pair containing interpreted values and the number of bytes that were not interpreted.")
(sig bytes->int32-seq (Fn [Order (Ref (Array Byte) a)] (Pair (Array Uint32) Int)))
(sig bytes->int32-seq (Fn [ByteOrder (Ref (Array Byte) a)] (Pair (Array Uint32) Int)))
(defn bytes->int32-seq [order bs]
(let [partitions (Array.partition bs 4)
f (byte-converter &bytes->int32 order)]
@ -257,7 +259,7 @@
"Attempts to interpret a given byte sequence as an exact sequence of Uint32 values.
If successful, returns the interpreted values. If unsuccessful, returns the number of excess bytes.")
(sig bytes->int32-seq-exact (Fn [Order (Ref (Array Byte) a)] (Result (Array Uint32) Int)))
(sig bytes->int32-seq-exact (Fn [ByteOrder (Ref (Array Byte) a)] (Result (Array Uint32) Int)))
(defn bytes->int32-seq-exact [order bs]
(let [r (bytes->int32-seq order bs)]
(if (= 0 @(Pair.b &r))
@ -266,7 +268,7 @@
(doc int32-seq->bytes
"Converts an array of Uint32 values into byte sequences.")
(sig int32-seq->bytes (Fn [Order (Ref (Array Uint32) a)] (Array (Array Byte))))
(sig int32-seq->bytes (Fn [ByteOrder (Ref (Array Uint32) a)] (Array (Array Byte))))
(defn int32-seq->bytes [order is]
(let [f (fn [i] (int32->bytes order @i))]
(Array.copy-map &f is)))
@ -274,15 +276,15 @@
(doc unsafe-bytes->int64
"Interprets the first eight bytes in a byte sequence as an Uint64 value.
**This operation is unsafe.**")
(sig unsafe-bytes->int64 (Fn [Order (Ref (Array Byte) a)] Uint64))
(sig unsafe-bytes->int64 (Fn [ByteOrder (Ref (Array Byte) a)] Uint64))
(defn unsafe-bytes->int64 [order bs]
(match order
(to-int64 @(Array.unsafe-nth bs 0) @(Array.unsafe-nth bs 1)
@(Array.unsafe-nth bs 2) @(Array.unsafe-nth bs 3)
@(Array.unsafe-nth bs 4) @(Array.unsafe-nth bs 5)
@(Array.unsafe-nth bs 6) @(Array.unsafe-nth bs 7))
(to-int64 @(Array.unsafe-nth bs 7) @(Array.unsafe-nth bs 6)
@(Array.unsafe-nth bs 5) @(Array.unsafe-nth bs 4)
@(Array.unsafe-nth bs 3) @(Array.unsafe-nth bs 2)
@ -293,31 +295,31 @@
If the first eight bytes are inaccessible, or the given array contains less
than eight bytes, returns Maybe.Nothing.")
(sig bytes->int64 (Fn [Order (Ref (Array Byte) a)] (Maybe Uint64)))
(sig bytes->int64 (Fn [ByteOrder (Ref (Array Byte) a)] (Maybe Uint64)))
(defn bytes->int64 [order bs]
(match order
(Maybe.zip8 &to-int64 (Array.nth bs 0) (Array.nth bs 1)
(Array.nth bs 2) (Array.nth bs 3)
(Array.nth bs 4) (Array.nth bs 5)
(Array.nth bs 6) (Array.nth bs 7))
(Maybe.zip8 &to-int64 (Array.nth bs 7) (Array.nth bs 6)
(Array.nth bs 5) (Array.nth bs 4)
(Array.nth bs 3) (Array.nth bs 2)
(Array.nth bs 1) (Array.nth bs 0))))
(doc int64->bytes
"Converts a Uint64 to a sequence of bytes representing the value using the provided `order`")
(sig int64->bytes (Fn [Order Uint64] (Array Byte)))
(sig int64->bytes (Fn [ByteOrder Uint64] (Array Byte)))
(defn int64->bytes [order i]
(let [shift (fn [lng] (Uint64.bit-shift-right i (Uint64.from-long lng)))]
(match order
(Array.copy-map &int64-to-byte
&[i (shift 8l) (shift 16l)
(shift 24l) (shift 32l)
(shift 40l) (shift 48l) (shift 56l)])
(Array.copy-map &int64-to-byte
&[(shift 56l) (shift 48l)
(shift 40l) (shift 32l)
@ -326,7 +328,7 @@
(doc unsafe-bytes->int64-seq
"Interprets a sequence of bytes as a sequence of Uint64 values.
**This operation is unsafe.**")
(sig unsafe-bytes->int64-seq (Fn [Order (Ref (Array Byte) a)] (Array Uint64)))
(sig unsafe-bytes->int64-seq (Fn [ByteOrder (Ref (Array Byte) a)] (Array Uint64)))
(defn unsafe-bytes->int64-seq [order bs]
(let [partitions (Array.partition bs 8)
f (fn [b] (unsafe-bytes->int64 order b))]
@ -336,7 +338,7 @@
"Interprets a sequence of bytes as a sequence of Uint64 values.
Returns a pair containing interpreted values and the number of bytes that were not interpreted.")
(sig bytes->int64-seq (Fn [Order (Ref (Array Byte) a)] (Pair (Array Uint64) Int)))
(sig bytes->int64-seq (Fn [ByteOrder (Ref (Array Byte) a)] (Pair (Array Uint64) Int)))
(defn bytes->int64-seq [order bs]
(let [partitions (Array.partition bs 8)
f (byte-converter &bytes->int64 order)]
@ -347,7 +349,7 @@
"Attempts to interpret a given byte sequence as an exact sequence of Uint64 values.
If successful, returns the interpreted values. If unsuccessful, returns the number of excess bytes.")
(sig bytes->int64-seq-exact (Fn [Order (Ref (Array Byte) a)] (Result (Array Uint64) Int)))
(sig bytes->int64-seq-exact (Fn [ByteOrder (Ref (Array Byte) a)] (Result (Array Uint64) Int)))
(defn bytes->int64-seq-exact [order bs]
(let [r (bytes->int64-seq order bs)]
(if (= 0 @(Pair.b &r))
@ -356,7 +358,7 @@
(doc int64-seq->bytes
"Converts an array of Uint64 values into byte sequences.")
(sig int64-seq->bytes (Fn [Order (Ref (Array Uint64) a)] (Array (Array Byte))))
(sig int64-seq->bytes (Fn [ByteOrder (Ref (Array Uint64) a)] (Array (Array Byte))))
(defn int64-seq->bytes [order is]
(let [f (fn [i] (int64->bytes order @i))]
(Array.copy-map &f is)))

View File

@ -7,37 +7,37 @@
;; int16 tests
(assert-equal test
(Uint16.from-long 2051l)
(unsafe-bytes->int16 (Binary.Order.LittleEndian) &[3b 8b])
(unsafe-bytes->int16 (ByteOrder.LittleEndian) &[3b 8b])
"Unsafe little endian unsafe-bytes->int16 works as expected.")
(assert-equal test
(Uint16.from-long 776l)
(unsafe-bytes->int16 (Binary.Order.BigEndian) &[3b 8b])
(unsafe-bytes->int16 (ByteOrder.BigEndian) &[3b 8b])
"Unsafe big endian unsafe-bytes->int16 works as expected.")
(assert-equal test
&(Maybe.Just (Uint16.from-long 2051l))
&(bytes->int16 (Binary.Order.LittleEndian) &[3b 8b])
&(bytes->int16 (ByteOrder.LittleEndian) &[3b 8b])
"Unsafe little endian bytes->int16 works as expected.")
(assert-equal test
&(Maybe.Just (Uint16.from-long 776l))
&(bytes->int16 (Binary.Order.BigEndian) &[3b 8b])
&(bytes->int16 (ByteOrder.BigEndian) &[3b 8b])
"Unsafe big endian bytes->int16 works as expected.")
(assert-equal test
&(bytes->int16 (Binary.Order.LittleEndian) &[3b])
&(bytes->int16 (ByteOrder.LittleEndian) &[3b])
"bytes->int16 returns Nothing on insufficient data.")
(assert-equal test
&[(Uint16.from-long 2051l) (Uint16.from-long 776l)]
&(unsafe-bytes->int16-seq (Binary.Order.LittleEndian) &[3b 8b 8b 3b])
&(unsafe-bytes->int16-seq (ByteOrder.LittleEndian) &[3b 8b 8b 3b])
"Unsafe little endian bytes->int16-seq works as expected.")
(assert-equal test
&(Pair.init [(Uint16.from-long 776l) (Uint16.from-long 2051l)] 1)
&(bytes->int16-seq (Binary.Order.BigEndian) &[3b 8b 8b 3b 2b])
&(bytes->int16-seq (ByteOrder.BigEndian) &[3b 8b 8b 3b 2b])
"Big endian bytes->int16-seq works as expected.")
;; We unwrap the error here since it's simpler than defining equality over
@ -45,119 +45,119 @@
;; TODO: Define equality for arrays of non-ref values.
(assert-equal test
&(Result.unsafe-from-error (the (Result (Array Uint16) Int) (Result.Error 1)))
&(Result.unsafe-from-error (bytes->int16-seq-exact (Binary.Order.BigEndian) &[3b 8b 8b 3b 2b]))
&(Result.unsafe-from-error (bytes->int16-seq-exact (ByteOrder.BigEndian) &[3b 8b 8b 3b 2b]))
"Big endian bytes->int16-seq-exact works as expected.")
(assert-equal test
&[3b 8b]
&(int16->bytes (Binary.Order.LittleEndian) (Uint16.from-long 2051l))
&(int16->bytes (ByteOrder.LittleEndian) (Uint16.from-long 2051l))
"Little endian int16->bytes works as expected.")
(assert-equal test
&[[3b 8b] [8b 3b]]
&(int16-seq->bytes (Binary.Order.LittleEndian) &[(Uint16.from-long 2051l) (Uint16.from-long 776l)])
&(int16-seq->bytes (ByteOrder.LittleEndian) &[(Uint16.from-long 2051l) (Uint16.from-long 776l)])
"Little endian int16->bytes works as expected.")
;; int32 tests
(assert-equal test
(Uint32.from-long 67305985l)
(unsafe-bytes->int32 (Binary.Order.LittleEndian) &[1b 2b 3b 4b])
(unsafe-bytes->int32 (ByteOrder.LittleEndian) &[1b 2b 3b 4b])
"Unsafe little endian unsafe-bytes->int32 works as expected.")
(assert-equal test
(Uint32.from-long 16909060l)
(unsafe-bytes->int32 (Binary.Order.BigEndian) &[1b 2b 3b 4b])
(unsafe-bytes->int32 (ByteOrder.BigEndian) &[1b 2b 3b 4b])
"Unsafe big endian unsafe-bytes->int32 works as expected.")
(assert-equal test
&(Maybe.Just (Uint32.from-long 67305985l))
&(bytes->int32 (Binary.Order.LittleEndian) &[1b 2b 3b 4b])
&(bytes->int32 (ByteOrder.LittleEndian) &[1b 2b 3b 4b])
"Unsafe little endian bytes->int32 works as expected.")
(assert-equal test
&(Maybe.Just (Uint32.from-long 16909060l))
&(bytes->int32 (Binary.Order.BigEndian) &[1b 2b 3b 4b])
&(bytes->int32 (ByteOrder.BigEndian) &[1b 2b 3b 4b])
"Unsafe big endian bytes->int32 works as expected.")
(assert-equal test
&(bytes->int32 (Binary.Order.LittleEndian) &[3b])
&(bytes->int32 (ByteOrder.LittleEndian) &[3b])
"bytes->int32 returns Nothing on insufficient data.")
(assert-equal test
&[(Uint32.from-long 67305985l) (Uint32.from-long 16909060l)]
&(unsafe-bytes->int32-seq (Binary.Order.LittleEndian) &[1b 2b 3b 4b 4b 3b 2b 1b])
&(unsafe-bytes->int32-seq (ByteOrder.LittleEndian) &[1b 2b 3b 4b 4b 3b 2b 1b])
"Unsafe little endian bytes->int32-seq works as expected.")
(assert-equal test
&(Pair.init [(Uint32.from-long 16909060l) (Uint32.from-long 67305985l)] 1)
&(bytes->int32-seq (Binary.Order.BigEndian) &[1b 2b 3b 4b 4b 3b 2b 1b 5b])
&(bytes->int32-seq (ByteOrder.BigEndian) &[1b 2b 3b 4b 4b 3b 2b 1b 5b])
"Big endian bytes->int32-seq works as expected.")
(assert-equal test
&(Result.unsafe-from-error (the (Result (Array Uint32) Int) (Result.Error 1)))
&(Result.unsafe-from-error (bytes->int32-seq-exact (Binary.Order.BigEndian) &[1b 2b 3b 4b 4b 3b 2b 1b 5b]))
&(Result.unsafe-from-error (bytes->int32-seq-exact (ByteOrder.BigEndian) &[1b 2b 3b 4b 4b 3b 2b 1b 5b]))
"Big endian bytes->int32-seq-exact works as expected.")
(assert-equal test
&[1b 2b 3b 4b]
&(int32->bytes (Binary.Order.LittleEndian) (Uint32.from-long 67305985l))
&(int32->bytes (ByteOrder.LittleEndian) (Uint32.from-long 67305985l))
"Little endian int32->bytes works as expected.")
(assert-equal test
&[[1b 2b 3b 4b] [4b 3b 2b 1b]]
&(int32-seq->bytes (Binary.Order.LittleEndian) &[(Uint32.from-long 67305985l) (Uint32.from-long 16909060l)])
&(int32-seq->bytes (ByteOrder.LittleEndian) &[(Uint32.from-long 67305985l) (Uint32.from-long 16909060l)])
"Little endian int32-seq->bytes works as expected.")
;; int64 tests
;; We only go up to 6b in the 6th position--going higher seems to cause precision loss (at least on my system).
(assert-equal test
(Uint64.from-long 6618611909121l)
(unsafe-bytes->int64 (Binary.Order.LittleEndian) &[1b 2b 3b 4b 5b 6b 0b 0b])
(unsafe-bytes->int64 (ByteOrder.LittleEndian) &[1b 2b 3b 4b 5b 6b 0b 0b])
"Unsafe little endian unsafe-bytes->int64 works as expected.")
(assert-equal test
(Uint64.from-long 72623859790381056l)
(unsafe-bytes->int64 (Binary.Order.BigEndian) &[1b 2b 3b 4b 5b 6b 0b 0b])
(unsafe-bytes->int64 (ByteOrder.BigEndian) &[1b 2b 3b 4b 5b 6b 0b 0b])
"Unsafe big endian unsafe-bytes->int64 works as expected.")
(assert-equal test
&(Maybe.Just (Uint64.from-long 6618611909121l))
&(bytes->int64 (Binary.Order.LittleEndian) &[1b 2b 3b 4b 5b 6b 0b 0b])
&(bytes->int64 (ByteOrder.LittleEndian) &[1b 2b 3b 4b 5b 6b 0b 0b])
"Unsafe little endian bytes->int64 works as expected.")
(assert-equal test
&(Maybe.Just (Uint64.from-long 72623859790381056l))
&(bytes->int64 (Binary.Order.BigEndian) &[1b 2b 3b 4b 5b 6b 0b 0b])
&(bytes->int64 (ByteOrder.BigEndian) &[1b 2b 3b 4b 5b 6b 0b 0b])
"Unsafe big endian bytes->int64 works as expected.")
(assert-equal test
&(bytes->int64 (Binary.Order.LittleEndian) &[3b])
&(bytes->int64 (ByteOrder.LittleEndian) &[3b])
"bytes->int64 returns Nothing on insufficient data.")
(assert-equal test
&[(Uint64.from-long 6618611909121l) (Uint64.from-long 72623859790381056l)]
&(unsafe-bytes->int64-seq (Binary.Order.LittleEndian) &[1b 2b 3b 4b 5b 6b 0b 0b 0b 0b 6b 5b 4b 3b 2b 1b])
&(unsafe-bytes->int64-seq (ByteOrder.LittleEndian) &[1b 2b 3b 4b 5b 6b 0b 0b 0b 0b 6b 5b 4b 3b 2b 1b])
"Unsafe little endian bytes->int64-seq works as expected.")
(assert-equal test
&(Pair.init [(Uint64.from-long 72623859790381056l) (Uint64.from-long 6618611909121l)] 1)
&(bytes->int64-seq (Binary.Order.BigEndian) &[1b 2b 3b 4b 5b 6b 0b 0b 0b 0b 6b 5b 4b 3b 2b 1b 5b])
&(bytes->int64-seq (ByteOrder.BigEndian) &[1b 2b 3b 4b 5b 6b 0b 0b 0b 0b 6b 5b 4b 3b 2b 1b 5b])
"Unsafe big endian bytes->int64-seq works as expected.")
(assert-equal test
&(Result.unsafe-from-error (the (Result (Array Uint64) Int) (Result.Error 1)))
&(Result.unsafe-from-error (bytes->int64-seq-exact (Binary.Order.BigEndian) &[1b 2b 3b 4b 5b 6b 0b 0b 0b 0b 6b 5b 4b 3b 2b 1b 5b]))
&(Result.unsafe-from-error (bytes->int64-seq-exact (ByteOrder.BigEndian) &[1b 2b 3b 4b 5b 6b 0b 0b 0b 0b 6b 5b 4b 3b 2b 1b 5b]))
"Unsafe big endian bytes->int64-seq-exact works as expected.")
(assert-equal test
&[1b 2b 3b 4b 5b 6b 0b 0b]
&(int64->bytes (Binary.Order.LittleEndian) (Uint64.from-long 6618611909121l))
&(int64->bytes (ByteOrder.LittleEndian) (Uint64.from-long 6618611909121l))
"Little endian int64->bytes works as expected.")
(assert-equal test
&[[1b 2b 3b 4b 5b 6b 0b 0b] [0b 0b 6b 5b 4b 3b 2b 1b]]
&(int64-seq->bytes (Binary.Order.LittleEndian) &[ (Uint64.from-long 6618611909121l) (Uint64.from-long 72623859790381056l)])
&(int64-seq->bytes (ByteOrder.LittleEndian) &[ (Uint64.from-long 6618611909121l) (Uint64.from-long 72623859790381056l)])
"Little endian int64-seq->bytes works as expected.")