Add docs on interfaces and implements

Interfaces are now explicitly implemented using the `implements` key
word (in the past, implementation of an interface was implicit based on
matching names and function signatures).

This commit updates the language guide to account for this change and
includes an illustrative example to provide guidance on using
This commit is contained in:
scottolsen 2020-09-21 15:59:13 -04:00
parent 456eadd077
commit af62b6f1b8

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@ -69,6 +69,77 @@ foo ; symbol
(defmodule <name> <definition1> <definition2> ...) ;; The main way to organize your program into smaller parts
#### Interfaces
Interfaces specify a generic function signature that multiple concrete
functions may implement. You can define an interface using
`definterface`, passing a name and type signature of a function:
(definterface speak (Fn [a] String))
You can declare a function as an implementation of an interface using
`implements`. For example, the following snippet declares `Dog.bark`
and `Cat.meow` as an implementation of `speak`:
(definterface speak (Fn [a] String))
(defmodule Dog
(defn bark [aggressive?]
(if aggressive? @"WOOF!" @"woof!"))
(implements speak Dog.bark))
(defmodule Cat
(defn meow [times] (String.repeat times "meow!"))
(implements speak Cat.meow))
Only functions that satisfy an interface's singature can implement
it. For exmaple, the following function isn't a valid implementation
of `speak` because it has the wrong number of arguments and its return
type does not match the return type of `speak`:
(defmodule Number
;; who knew numbers could talk?
(defn holler [] "WOO!")
(implements speak Number.holler))
=> [INTERFACE ERROR] Number.holler : (Fn [] (Ref String a)) doesn't match the interface signature (Fn [a] String)
When you call an interface by name, Carp uses the current context and
the type signature of each implementation to call an implementation
that type checks:
(speak 2) ;; Int -> String, Cat.meow
=> "meow!meow!"
(speak false) ;; Bool -> String, Dog.bark
=> "woof!"
If more than one interface implementation satisfies Carp's type
checker in a given context, Carp will complain about the ambiguity:
(defmodule Pikachu
(defn pika [times] (String.repeat times "pika!"))
(implements speak Pikachu.pika))
(speak 2) ;; Int -> String, Cat.meow OR Pikachu.pika
=> There are several exact matches for the interface `speak` of type `(Fn [Int] String)` at line 1, column 2 in 'REPL'
Cat.meow : (Fn [Int] String)
Pikachu.pika : (Fn [Int] String) at REPL:1:1.
In such cases, you'll have to help the Carp compiler disambiguate the
call by calling the implementing function you need
directly. It usually isn't useful to provide multiple
implementations that have the same function signature.
### Conditional statements with `cond`
The ```cond``` statement executes a block of code if a specified condition is true. If the condition is false, another block of code can be executed.