BUGFIX: Prevent infinite loop in constraint solver.

This commit is contained in:
Erik Svedäng 2018-06-12 10:57:59 +02:00
parent d61103b37e
commit b1248ac376
4 changed files with 64 additions and 45 deletions

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
* Unsorted Todo:s
* Critical Bugs
** 0.3
*** Defining a local variable messes up unqualified lookup of function with the same name, e.g. (let [words (words &s)] ...). Infinite loop now!
*** Defining a local variable messes up unqualified lookup of function with the same name, e.g. (let [words (words &s)] ...)
*** References must keep track of their origin and prevent usage of them if the origin has been given away.
Currently it's possible to set a ref so it points to a value in a more short-lived scope, leads to 'stack-use-after-scope' error in clang-sanitizer.
*** Can't define '=' in terms of '=' on generic members of type, see Pair.=

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@ -45,7 +45,9 @@
;; (set! r &xs))
;; (println* r)))
(defn f [] (the t0 123))
;; Local name in 'let' shadows other symbols
(defn shadow [] 123)
(defn main []
(defn f []
(let [shadow (shadow)]

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@ -16,6 +16,10 @@ import Obj
import Types
data ConstraintOrder = OrdNo
| OrdFunc
| OrdStruct
| OrdPtr
| OrdRef
| OrdFuncAppRet
| OrdArrHead
| OrdArg
@ -98,7 +102,7 @@ debugSolveOne mappings constraint = let m' = solveOneInternal mappings constrain
solveOneInternal :: TypeMappings -> Constraint -> Either UnificationFailure TypeMappings
solveOneInternal mappings constraint =
case constraint of
case constraint of --trace ("SOLVE " ++ show constraint) constraint of
-- Two type variables
Constraint aTy@(VarTy aName) bTy@(VarTy bName) _ _ _ ->
if aTy == bTy
@ -142,51 +146,55 @@ solveOneInternal mappings constraint =
then Right mappings
else Left (UnificationFailure constraint mappings)
mkConstraint :: XObj -> XObj -> Ty -> Ty -> Constraint
mkConstraint xobj1 xobj2 t1 t2 = Constraint t1 t2 xobj1 xobj2 OrdNo
mkConstraint :: ConstraintOrder -> XObj -> XObj -> Ty -> Ty -> Constraint
mkConstraint order xobj1 xobj2 t1 t2 = Constraint t1 t2 xobj1 xobj2 order
checkForConflict :: TypeMappings -> Constraint -> String -> Ty -> Either UnificationFailure TypeMappings
checkForConflict mappings constraint name otherTy =
let (Constraint _ _ xobj1 xobj2 _) = constraint
found = recursiveLookup mappings name
case recursiveLookup mappings name of
Just (VarTy _) -> ok
Just (StructTy structName structTyVars) ->
case otherTy of
StructTy otherStructName otherTyVars | structName == otherStructName ->
foldM solveOneInternal mappings (zipWith (mkConstraint xobj1 xobj2) structTyVars otherTyVars)
VarTy _ -> Right mappings
_ -> Left (UnificationFailure constraint mappings)
Just (FuncTy argTys retTy) ->
case otherTy of
FuncTy otherArgTys otherRetTy -> do m <- foldM solveOneInternal mappings (zipWith (mkConstraint xobj1 xobj2) argTys otherArgTys)
solveOneInternal m (mkConstraint xobj1 xobj2 retTy otherRetTy)
VarTy _ -> Right mappings
_ -> Left (UnificationFailure constraint mappings)
Just (PointerTy innerTy) ->
case otherTy of
PointerTy otherInnerTy -> solveOneInternal mappings (mkConstraint xobj1 xobj2 innerTy otherInnerTy)
VarTy _ -> Right mappings
_ -> Left (UnificationFailure constraint mappings)
Just (RefTy innerTy) ->
case otherTy of
RefTy otherInnerTy -> solveOneInternal mappings (mkConstraint xobj1 xobj2 innerTy otherInnerTy)
VarTy _ -> Right mappings
_ -> Left (UnificationFailure constraint mappings)
Just foundNonVar -> case otherTy of
(VarTy v) -> case recursiveLookup mappings v of
Just (VarTy _) -> Right mappings
Just otherNonVar -> if foundNonVar == otherNonVar
then Right mappings
else Left (UnificationFailure constraint mappings)
Nothing -> Right mappings
_ -> if otherTy == foundNonVar
then ok
else Left (UnificationFailure constraint mappings)
-- Not found, no risk for conflict:
Nothing -> ok
ok = Right (Map.insert name otherTy mappings)
if doesTypeContainTyVarWithName name otherTy
then Left (UnificationFailure constraint mappings)
case found of --trace ("CHECK CONFLICT " ++ show constraint ++ " with name " ++ name ++ ", otherTy: " ++ show otherTy ++ ", found: " ++ show found) found of
Just (VarTy _) -> ok
Just (StructTy structName structTyVars) ->
case otherTy of
StructTy otherStructName otherTyVars | structName == otherStructName ->
foldM solveOneInternal mappings (zipWith (mkConstraint OrdStruct xobj1 xobj2) structTyVars otherTyVars)
VarTy _ -> Right mappings
_ -> Left (UnificationFailure constraint mappings)
Just (FuncTy argTys retTy) ->
case otherTy of
FuncTy otherArgTys otherRetTy -> do m <- foldM solveOneInternal mappings (zipWith (mkConstraint OrdFunc xobj1 xobj2) argTys otherArgTys)
solveOneInternal m (mkConstraint OrdFunc xobj1 xobj2 retTy otherRetTy)
VarTy _ -> Right mappings
_ -> Left (UnificationFailure constraint mappings)
Just (PointerTy innerTy) ->
case otherTy of
PointerTy otherInnerTy -> solveOneInternal mappings (mkConstraint OrdPtr xobj1 xobj2 innerTy otherInnerTy)
VarTy _ -> Right mappings
_ -> Left (UnificationFailure constraint mappings)
Just (RefTy innerTy) ->
case otherTy of
RefTy otherInnerTy -> solveOneInternal mappings (mkConstraint OrdRef xobj1 xobj2 innerTy otherInnerTy)
VarTy _ -> Right mappings
_ -> Left (UnificationFailure constraint mappings)
Just foundNonVar -> case otherTy of
(VarTy v) -> case recursiveLookup mappings v of
Just (VarTy _) -> Right mappings
Just otherNonVar -> if foundNonVar == otherNonVar
then Right mappings
else Left (UnificationFailure constraint mappings)
Nothing -> Right mappings
_ -> if otherTy == foundNonVar
then ok
else Left (UnificationFailure constraint mappings)
-- Not found, no risk for conflict:
Nothing -> ok
ok = Right (Map.insert name otherTy mappings)
debugResolveFully :: TypeMappings -> String -> Either UnificationFailure TypeMappings
debugResolveFully mappings var = trace ("Mappings: " ++ show mappings ++ ", will resolve " ++ show var) (resolveFully mappings var)

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@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ module Types ( TypeMappings
, typesCopyFunctionType
, isFullyGenericType
, consPath
, doesTypeContainTyVarWithName
) where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
@ -111,6 +112,14 @@ isTypeGeneric (PointerTy p) = isTypeGeneric p
isTypeGeneric (RefTy r) = isTypeGeneric r
isTypeGeneric _ = False
doesTypeContainTyVarWithName :: String -> Ty -> Bool
doesTypeContainTyVarWithName name (VarTy n) = name == n
doesTypeContainTyVarWithName name (FuncTy argTys retTy) = any (doesTypeContainTyVarWithName name) argTys || (doesTypeContainTyVarWithName name) retTy
doesTypeContainTyVarWithName name (StructTy _ tyArgs) = any (doesTypeContainTyVarWithName name) tyArgs
doesTypeContainTyVarWithName name (PointerTy p) = doesTypeContainTyVarWithName name p
doesTypeContainTyVarWithName name (RefTy r) = doesTypeContainTyVarWithName name r
doesTypeContainTyVarWithName _ _ = False
-- | Map type variable names to actual types, eg. t0 => Int, t1 => Float
type TypeMappings = Map.Map String Ty