concretize: honor symbol mode on multisyms (fixes #288)

This commit is contained in:
hellerve 2018-09-18 16:38:12 +02:00
parent cf9286c35c
commit bcaf8a6904

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@ -216,22 +216,24 @@ concretizeXObj allowAmbiguityRoot typeEnv rootEnv visitedDefinitions root =
visitMultiSym allowAmbig env xobj@(XObj (MultiSym originalSymbolName paths) i t) =
let Just actualType = t
tys = map (typeFromPath env) paths
modes = map (modeFromPath env) paths
tysToPathsDict = zip tys paths
in case filter (matchingSignature actualType) tysToPathsDict of
tysPathsModes = zip3 tys paths modes
in case filter (matchingSignature3 actualType) tysPathsModes of
[] ->
--if allowAmbiguity
--then return (Right xobj)
return (Left (NoMatchingSignature xobj originalSymbolName actualType tysToPathsDict))
[(theType, singlePath)] -> let Just t' = t
fake1 = XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "theType") Symbol) Nothing Nothing
fake2 = XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "xobjType") Symbol) Nothing Nothing
Just i' = i
[(theType, singlePath, mode)] -> let Just t' = t
fake1 = XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "theType") Symbol) Nothing Nothing
fake2 = XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "xobjType") Symbol) Nothing Nothing
Just i' = i
in case solve [Constraint theType t' fake1 fake2 OrdMultiSym] of
Right mappings ->
let replaced = replaceTyVars mappings t'
suffixed = suffixTyVars ("_x" ++ show (infoIdentifier i')) replaced -- Make sure it gets unique type variables. TODO: Is there a better way?
normalSymbol = XObj (Sym singlePath (LookupGlobal CarpLand AFunction)) i (Just suffixed)
normalSymbol = XObj (Sym singlePath mode) i (Just suffixed)
in visitSymbol allowAmbig env $ --(trace ("Disambiguated " ++ pretty xobj ++ " at " ++ prettyInfoFromXObj xobj ++ " to " ++ show singlePath ++ " : " ++ show suffixed ++ ", used to be " ++ show t' ++ ", theType = " ++ show theType ++ ", mappings = " ++ show mappings))
Left failure@(UnificationFailure _ _) ->
@ -311,6 +313,10 @@ collectCapturedVars root = removeDuplicates (map toGeneralSymbol (visit root))
matchingSignature :: Ty -> (Ty, SymPath) -> Bool
matchingSignature tA (tB, _) = areUnifiable tA tB
-- | Do the signatures match (tuple arity 3 version)?
matchingSignature3 :: Ty -> (Ty, SymPath, SymbolMode) -> Bool
matchingSignature3 tA (tB, _, _) = areUnifiable tA tB
-- | Does the type of an XObj require additional concretization of generic types or some typedefs for function types, etc?
-- | If so, perform the concretization and append the results to the list of dependencies.
concretizeTypeOfXObj :: TypeEnv -> XObj -> State [XObj] (Either TypeError ())
@ -386,6 +392,23 @@ typeFromPath env p =
| otherwise -> error "Local bindings shouldn't be ambiguous."
Nothing -> error ("Couldn't find " ++ show p ++ " in env:\n" ++ prettyEnvironmentChain env)
-- | Get the mode of a symbol at a given path.
modeFromPath :: Env -> SymPath -> SymbolMode
modeFromPath env p =
case lookupInEnv p env of
Just (_, Binder _ (XObj (Lst ((XObj (External (Just overrideWithName)) _ _) : _)) _ _)) ->
LookupGlobalOverride overrideWithName
Just (_, Binder _ found@(XObj (Lst ((XObj (External _) _ _) : _)) _ _)) ->
LookupGlobal ExternalCode (definitionMode found)
Just (e, Binder _ found) ->
case envMode e of
ExternalEnv ->
LookupGlobal CarpLand (definitionMode found)
RecursionEnv -> LookupRecursive
-- TODO: how to find out whether we need to capture or not
_ -> LookupLocal Capture
Nothing -> error ("Couldn't find " ++ show p ++ " in env:\n" ++ prettyEnvironmentChain env)
-- | Given a definition (def, defn, template, external) and
-- a concrete type (a type without any type variables)
-- this function returns a new definition with the concrete