Macros: Make map more lispy

I've updated the implementation of map to make it similar to
implementations in other lisps. Calling map either calls an
implementation of the traditional `map` if a single list is provided as
an argument, or to `zip/zip-with` if multiple forms are provided as

In order to facilitate this implementation, I've also implemented
several utility functions:

empty?: returns true if a data literal is empty.
and-internal: boolean and (the prior and macro doesn't work for our
purposes because it returns a form).
or-internal: boolean or, ditto regarding the existing or macro.
apply: applies a function to a list of arguments.
zip-internal: the implementation of zip-with we use in map.
reduce: works in the traditional way, folds a list of values into a
single value using a binary function and some initial value.
This commit is contained in:
Scott Olsen 2019-09-14 23:51:16 -04:00
parent 79c88b7395
commit c049394fa3

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@ -103,29 +103,101 @@
(list 'quote
(collect-into-internal xs (f) f)))
(defndynamic map-internal [f xs acc]
(doc empty?
"Returns true if the provided data literal is empty, false otherwise.")
(defndynamic empty? [xs]
(if (= 0 (length xs))
(defndynamic and-internal [x y]
(if x y false))
(defndynamic or-internal [x y]
(if x true y))
(doc reduce
"Reduces or 'folds' a data literal, such as a list or array, into a single
value through successive applications of `f`.")
(defndynamic reduce [f x xs]
(if (empty? xs)
(reduce f (f x (car xs)) (cdr xs))))
(defndynamic apply-internal [argument-list acc]
(if (empty? argument-list)
(apply-internal (cdr argument-list) (append acc (list (car
(doc apply
"Applies the function `f` to the provided argument list, passing each value
in the list as an argument to the function.")
(defndynamic apply [f argument-list]
;; The let clause here is a tad mysterious at first glance. When passed a
;; standalone function name (i.e. not an application (f x), carp evaluates
;; it into the function's defining form, e.g. foo becomes (defn foo [x] x),
;; commands such as + become (command +) etc. ;; The binding here accounts
;; for that case, allowing users to pass the function name to apply
;; unquoted.
;; This is necessary for parity across map-internal, zip, and apply.
;; Since map calls its function directly, it takes it as is. Apply, on the
;; other hand, would have to take the quoted form, since it builds a list
;; that serves as the actual application.
;; This is problematic for the user facing map function, since it makes
;; calls to map or zip (which uses apply) as appropriate--unless we support
;; the quoted function name argument in map-internal or the unquoted one in
;; apply, we can't use zip and map-internal in map.
;; TODO: Once issue #555 is fixed, we shouldn't need to call (list 'quote...
;; here
(let [function-name (list (cadr f))]
(apply-internal argument-list function-name)))
(defndynamic map-internal [f xs acc]
(if (empty? xs)
(map-internal f (cdr xs) (append acc (list (f (car xs)))))))
(defndynamic zip-internal [f forms acc]
(if (reduce or-internal false (map-internal empty? forms (list)))
(map-internal cdr forms (list))
(let [result (list (apply f (map-internal car forms (list))))]
(append acc result)))))
(defndynamic zip [f :rest forms]
(zip-internal f forms (list)))
(doc map
"Applies a function `f` to `forms` and returns a list dynamic data literal
containing the result of the function applications.
containing the result of the function applications. If a single form is
provided, the function is applied to each member of the form. If multiple
forms are provided, the function is applied to the members of each form in
succession. If the members of a single form are exhuasted, the result of the
applications thus far is returned, and any remaining members in the other
forms are ignored.
Note: because this function returns a list, you need to quote it's
result to prevent immediate evaluation of the result in the REPL.
For example:
'(map symbol? 'a 'b 'c)
'(map symbol? '(a b c))
=> (true true true)
(collect-into (map length '[a b c] '[d] '[e f]) array)
=> [3 1 2]
'(map car '(Maps of the world) '(Are never lacking) '(Great expanses))
=> (Maps Are Great)
'(map + '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6))
=> ((+ 1 4) (2 5) (6 3))
'(map + '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6) '(7))
=> ((+ 1 4 7))
(defndynamic map [f :rest forms]
(map-internal f forms (list)))
(if (= 1 (length forms))
(map-internal f forms (list))
(zip-internal f forms (list))))
(defndynamic cond-internal [xs]