Merge pull request #263 from hellerve/dependencies

Dependency management
This commit is contained in:
Erik Svedäng 2018-08-07 09:02:49 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit c4139b9b9e
No known key found for this signature in database
3 changed files with 89 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ defaultProject =
, projectFiles = []
, projectAlreadyLoaded = []
, projectEchoC = False
, projectLibDir = ".carp/libs/"
, projectCarpDir = "./"
, projectOutDir = "./out/"
, projectDocsDir = "./docs/"
@ -81,6 +82,11 @@ main = do args <- SystemEnvironment.getArgs
runInputT settings (repl finalContext "")
Build -> do _ <- executeString True finalContext ":b" "Compiler (Build)"
return ()
Install thing ->
do _ <- executeString True finalContext
("(load \"" ++ thing ++ "\")")
return ()
BuildAndRun -> do _ <- executeString True finalContext ":bx" "Compiler (Build & Run)"
-- TODO: Handle the return value from executeString and return that one to the shell
return ()
@ -103,6 +109,7 @@ parseArgs args = parseArgsInternal [] Repl [] args
case arg of
"-b" -> parseArgsInternal filesToLoad Build otherOptions restArgs
"-x" -> parseArgsInternal filesToLoad BuildAndRun otherOptions restArgs
"-i" -> parseArgsInternal filesToLoad (Install (head restArgs)) otherOptions (tail restArgs)
"--check" -> parseArgsInternal filesToLoad Check otherOptions restArgs
"--no-core" -> parseArgsInternal filesToLoad execMode (NoCore : otherOptions) restArgs
"--log-memory" -> parseArgsInternal filesToLoad execMode (LogMemory : otherOptions) restArgs

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@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
module Eval where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List (foldl', null)
import Data.List.Split (splitWhen)
import Data.List (foldl', null, isSuffixOf)
import Data.List.Split (splitOn, splitWhen)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, mapMaybe, isJust)
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy (StateT(..), runStateT, liftIO, modify, get, put)
import System.Exit (exitSuccess, exitFailure, exitWith, ExitCode(..))
import qualified System.IO as SysIO
import System.Directory (doesPathExist, canonicalizePath)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist, canonicalizePath, createDirectoryIfMissing, getCurrentDirectory, getHomeDirectory, setCurrentDirectory)
import System.Process (readProcess, readProcessWithExitCode)
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, mapMaybe, isJust)
@ -447,6 +448,7 @@ catcher ctx exception =
case contextExecMode ctx of
Repl -> return ctx
Build -> exitWith (ExitFailure returnCode)
Install _ -> exitWith (ExitFailure returnCode)
BuildAndRun -> exitWith (ExitFailure returnCode)
Check -> exitWith ExitSuccess
@ -917,22 +919,23 @@ specialCommandMetaGet path key =
commandLoad :: CommandCallback
commandLoad [xobj@(XObj (Str path) _ _)] =
do ctx <- get
home <- liftIO $ getHomeDirectory
let proj = contextProj ctx
libDir = home ++ "/" ++ projectLibDir proj
carpDir = projectCarpDir proj
fullSearchPaths =
path :
("./" ++ path) : -- the path from the current directory
map (++ "/" ++ path) (projectCarpSearchPaths proj) ++ -- user defined search paths
[carpDir ++ "/core/" ++ path]
[carpDir ++ "/core/" ++ path] ++
[libDir ++ "/" ++ path]
-- putStrLn ("Full search paths = " ++ show fullSearchPaths)
existingPaths <- liftIO (filterM doesPathExist fullSearchPaths)
existingPaths <- liftIO (filterM doesFileExist fullSearchPaths)
case existingPaths of
[] ->
return $ Left $ EvalError $ case contextExecMode ctx of
Check ->
(machineReadableInfoFromXObj xobj) ++ " Invalid path: '" ++ path ++ "'"
_ ->
"Invalid path: '" ++ path ++ "'"
if elem '@' path
then tryInstall path
else return $ invalidPath ctx path
firstPathFound : _ ->
do canonicalPath <- liftIO (canonicalizePath firstPathFound)
let alreadyLoaded = projectAlreadyLoaded proj
@ -951,6 +954,71 @@ commandLoad [xobj@(XObj (Str path) _ _)] =
newCtx <- liftIO $ executeString True (ctx { contextProj = proj' }) contents canonicalPath
put newCtx
return dynamicNil
invalidPath ctx path =
Left $ EvalError $
(case contextExecMode ctx of
Check ->
(machineReadableInfoFromXObj xobj) ++ " Invalid path: '" ++ path ++ "'"
_ -> "Invalid path: '" ++ path ++ "'") ++
"\n\nIf you tried loading an external package, try appending a version string (like `@master`)."
invalidPathWith ctx path stderr =
Left $ EvalError $
(case contextExecMode ctx of
Check ->
(machineReadableInfoFromXObj xobj) ++ " Invalid path: '" ++ path ++ "'"
_ -> "Invalid path: '" ++ path ++ "'") ++
"\n\nTried interpreting statement as git import, but got: " ++ stderr
tryInstall path =
let split = splitOn "@" path
in tryInstallWithCheckout (joinWith "@" (init split)) (last split)
fromURL url =
let split = splitOn "/" url
fst = split !! 0
in if elem fst ["https:", "http:"]
then joinWith "/" (tail split)
if elem '@' fst
then joinWith "/" (joinWith "@" (tail (splitOn "@" fst)) : tail split)
else url
tryInstallWithCheckout path toCheckout = do
ctx <- get
home <- liftIO $ getHomeDirectory
let proj = contextProj ctx
let libDir = home ++ "/" ++ projectLibDir proj
let fpath = libDir ++ "/" ++ fromURL path ++ "/" ++ toCheckout
cur <- liftIO $ getCurrentDirectory
_ <- liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True fpath
_ <- liftIO $ setCurrentDirectory fpath
_ <- liftIO $ readProcessWithExitCode "git" ["init"] ""
_ <- liftIO $ readProcessWithExitCode "git" ["remote", "add", "origin", path] ""
(x0, _, stderr0) <- liftIO $ readProcessWithExitCode "git" ["fetch"] ""
case x0 of
ExitFailure _ -> do
_ <- liftIO $ setCurrentDirectory cur
return $ invalidPathWith ctx path stderr0
ExitSuccess -> do
(x1, _, stderr1) <- liftIO $ readProcessWithExitCode "git" ["checkout", toCheckout] ""
_ <- liftIO $ setCurrentDirectory cur
case x1 of
ExitSuccess ->
let fName = last (splitOn "/" path)
realName' = if isSuffixOf ".git" fName
then take (length fName - 4) fName
else fName
realName = if isSuffixOf ".carp" realName'
then realName'
else realName' ++ ".carp"
fileToLoad = fpath ++ "/" ++ realName
mainToLoad = fpath ++ "/main.carp"
in do
res <- commandLoad [XObj (Str fileToLoad) Nothing Nothing]
case res of
ret@(Right _) -> return ret
Left _ -> commandLoad [XObj (Str mainToLoad) Nothing Nothing]
ExitFailure _ -> do
return $ invalidPathWith ctx path stderr1
-- | Load several files in order.
loadFiles :: Context -> [FilePath] -> IO Context

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@ -420,6 +420,7 @@ data Project = Project { projectTitle :: String
, projectFiles :: [FilePath]
, projectAlreadyLoaded :: [FilePath]
, projectEchoC :: Bool
, projectLibDir :: FilePath
, projectCarpDir :: FilePath
, projectOutDir :: FilePath
, projectDocsDir :: FilePath
@ -444,6 +445,7 @@ instance Show Project where
@ -467,6 +469,7 @@ instance Show Project where
, "Can execute: " ++ if canExecute then "true" else "false"
, "Output directory: " ++ outDir
, "Docs directory: " ++ docsDir
, "Library directory: " ++ libDir
, "CARP_DIR: " ++ carpDir
, "Prompt: " ++ prompt
, "Using Core: " ++ show core
@ -618,7 +621,7 @@ forceTy :: XObj -> Ty
forceTy xobj = fromMaybe (error ("No type in " ++ show xobj)) (ty xobj)
-- | How should the compiler be run? Interactively or just build / build & run and then quit?
data ExecutionMode = Repl | Build | BuildAndRun | Check deriving (Show, Eq)
data ExecutionMode = Repl | Build | BuildAndRun | Install String | Check deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | Information needed by the REPL
data Context = Context { contextGlobalEnv :: Env