
This commit is contained in:
Erik Svedäng 2018-08-29 10:05:28 +02:00
parent 19378c6bca
commit c64226fc82

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@ -87,11 +87,12 @@ concretizeXObj allowAmbiguityRoot typeEnv rootEnv visitedDefinitions root =
visitedBody <- visit allowAmbig envWithArgs body
case visitedBody of
Right (okBody) ->
let capturedVars = collectCapturedVars okBody
structMemberPairs = concatMap (\(XObj (Sym path _) _ (Just symTy)) ->
[XObj (Sym path Symbol) Nothing Nothing, tyToXObj symTy])
let -- Analyse the body of the lambda to find what variables it captures
capturedVars = collectCapturedVars okBody
-- Create a new (top-level) function that will be used when the lambda is called.
-- Its name will contain the name of the (normal, non-lambda) function it's contained within,
-- plus the identifier of the particular s-expression that defines the lambda.
lambdaName = "_Lambda_" ++ rootDefinitionName ++ "_" ++ show (infoIdentifier ii)
lambdaNameSymbol = XObj (Sym (SymPath [] lambdaName) Symbol) (Just dummyInfo) Nothing
extendedArgs = if null capturedVars
@ -103,6 +104,11 @@ concretizeXObj allowAmbiguityRoot typeEnv rootEnv visitedDefinitions root =
argsArr)) ai at
lambdaCallback = XObj (Lst [XObj Defn (Just dummyInfo) Nothing, lambdaNameSymbol, extendedArgs, okBody]) i t
-- The lambda will also carry with it a special made struct containing the variables it captures
-- (if it captures at least one variable)
structMemberPairs = concatMap (\(XObj (Sym path _) _ (Just symTy)) ->
[XObj (Sym path Symbol) Nothing Nothing, tyToXObj symTy])
environmentTypeName = lambdaName ++ "_env"
environmentStructTy = StructTy environmentTypeName []
environmentStruct = XObj (Lst (XObj (Typ environmentStructTy) Nothing Nothing :