mirror of
synced 2024-11-05 04:44:12 +03:00
Respect --check flag when reporting Eval errors.
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,6 +22,14 @@
;; (defvar p "foo.h")
;;(def m)
(defn f)
(defn foo [] (Int.+ 2 3))
(deftype a123 [x Int y klfb])
(deftype 123 [x Int])
(deftype Wrong
(A [(Ref String)])
@ -1,17 +1,5 @@
module Commands where
import Parsing
import Emit
import Obj
import Types
import Infer
import Deftype
import ColorText
import Template
import Util
import Lookup
import RenderDocs
import System.Directory
import System.Info (os)
import Control.Monad.State
@ -24,6 +12,19 @@ import qualified Data.Map as Map
import System.Process (callCommand, spawnCommand, waitForProcess)
import Control.Exception
import Parsing
import Emit
import Obj
import Types
import Infer
import Deftype
import ColorText
import Template
import Util
import Lookup
import RenderDocs
import TypeError
type CommandCallback = [XObj] -> StateT Context IO (Either (FilePathPrintLength -> EvalError) XObj)
data CarpException =
@ -161,10 +162,10 @@ commandProjectGetConfig [xobj@(XObj (Str key) _ _)] =
do ctx <- get
let proj = contextProj ctx
env = contextGlobalEnv ctx
case getVal proj of
case getVal ctx proj of
Right val -> return $ Right $ XObj val (Just dummyInfo) (Just StringTy)
Left err -> return $ Left err
where getVal proj = case key of
where getVal ctx proj = case key of
"cflag" -> Right $ Str $ show $ projectCFlags proj
"libflag" -> Right $ Str $ show $ projectLibFlags proj
"prompt" -> Right $ Str $ projectPrompt proj
@ -182,8 +183,7 @@ commandProjectGetConfig [xobj@(XObj (Str key) _ _)] =
"docs-styling" -> Right $ Str $ projectDocsStyling proj
"file-path-print-length" -> Right $ Str $ show (projectFilePathPrintLength proj)
_ ->
Left $ EvalError ("[CONFIG ERROR] Project.get-config can't understand the key '" ++
key) (info xobj)
Left $ EvalError ("[CONFIG ERROR] Project.get-config can't understand the key '" ++ key) (info xobj)
commandProjectGetConfig [faultyKey] =
do presentError ("First argument to 'Project.config' must be a string: " ++ pretty faultyKey) dynamicNil
@ -61,40 +61,40 @@ eval env xobj =
[XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "file") _) _ _] ->
case i of
Just info -> return (Right (XObj (Str (infoFile info)) i t))
Nothing -> return (Left (EvalError ("No information about object " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj) fppl))
Nothing -> return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("No information about object " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj))
[XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "line") _) _ _] ->
case i of
Just info ->
return (Right (XObj (Num IntTy (fromIntegral (infoLine info))) i t))
Nothing ->
return (Left (EvalError ("No information about object " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj) fppl))
return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("No information about object " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj))
[XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "column") _) _ _] ->
case i of
Just info ->
return (Right (XObj (Num IntTy (fromIntegral (infoColumn info))) i t))
Nothing ->
return (Left (EvalError ("No information about object " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj) fppl))
return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("No information about object " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj))
[XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "file") _) _ _, XObj _ infoToCheck _] ->
case infoToCheck of
Just info -> return (Right (XObj (Str (infoFile info)) i t))
Nothing -> return (Left (EvalError ("No information about object " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj) fppl))
Nothing -> return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("No information about object " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj))
[XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "line") _) _ _, XObj _ infoToCheck _] ->
case infoToCheck of
Just info ->
return (Right (XObj (Num IntTy (fromIntegral (infoLine info))) i t))
Nothing ->
return (Left (EvalError ("No information about object " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj) fppl))
return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("No information about object " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj))
[XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "column") _) _ _, XObj _ infoToCheck _] ->
case infoToCheck of
Just info ->
return (Right (XObj (Num IntTy (fromIntegral (infoColumn info))) i t))
Nothing ->
return (Left (EvalError ("No information about object " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj) fppl))
return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("No information about object " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj))
XObj Do _ _ : rest ->
do evaledList <- fmap sequence (mapM (eval env) rest)
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ eval env xobj =
Left e -> return (Left e)
Right ok ->
case ok of
[] -> return (Left (EvalError "No forms in 'do' statement." (info xobj) fppl))
[] -> return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing "No forms in 'do' statement." (info xobj))
_ -> return (Right (last ok))
XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "list") _) _ _ : rest ->
@ -128,10 +128,10 @@ eval env xobj =
XObj (Bol bb) _ _ ->
if bb then Right trueXObj else Right falseXObj
_ ->
Left (EvalError ("Can't perform logical operation (and) on " ++ pretty okB) (info okB) fppl)
makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("Can't perform logical operation (and) on " ++ pretty okB) (info okB)
else Right falseXObj
_ ->
Left (EvalError ("Can't perform logical operation (and) on " ++ pretty okA) (info okA) fppl)
makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("Can't perform logical operation (and) on " ++ pretty okA) (info okA)
[XObj (Sym (SymPath ["Dynamic"] "or") _) _ _, a, b] ->
do evaledA <- eval env a
@ -146,9 +146,9 @@ eval env xobj =
XObj (Bol bb) _ _ ->
if bb then Right trueXObj else Right falseXObj
_ ->
Left (EvalError ("Can't perform logical operation (or) on " ++ pretty okB) (info okB) fppl)
makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("Can't perform logical operation (or) on " ++ pretty okB) (info okB)
_ ->
Left (EvalError ("Can't perform logical operation (or) on " ++ pretty okA) (info okA) fppl)
makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("Can't perform logical operation (or) on " ++ pretty okA) (info okA)
[XObj If _ _, condition, ifTrue, ifFalse] ->
do evaledCondition <- eval env condition
@ -158,21 +158,21 @@ eval env xobj =
Bol b -> if b
then eval env ifTrue
else eval env ifFalse
_ -> return (Left (EvalError ("`if` condition contains non-boolean value: " ++ pretty okCondition) (info okCondition) fppl))
_ -> return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("`if` condition contains non-boolean value: " ++ pretty okCondition) (info okCondition))
Left err -> return (Left err)
[defnExpr@(XObj Defn _ _), name, args@(XObj (Arr a) _ _), body] ->
if all isSym a
then specialCommandDefine xobj
else return (Left (EvalError ("`defn` requires all arguments to be symbols, but it got `" ++ pretty args ++ "`") (info xobj) fppl))
else return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("`defn` requires all arguments to be symbols, but it got `" ++ pretty args ++ "`") (info xobj))
where isSym (XObj (Sym _ _) _ _) = True
isSym _ = False
[defnExpr@(XObj Defn _ _), name, invalidArgs, _] ->
return (Left (EvalError ("`defn` requires an array of symbols as argument list, but it got `" ++ pretty invalidArgs ++ "`") (info xobj) fppl))
return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("`defn` requires an array of symbols as argument list, but it got `" ++ pretty invalidArgs ++ "`") (info xobj))
(defnExpr@(XObj Defn _ _) : _) ->
return (Left (EvalError ("I didn’t understand the `defn` at " ++ prettyInfoFromXObj xobj ++ ":\n\n" ++ pretty xobj ++ "\n\nIs it valid? Every `defn` needs to follow the form `(defn name [arg] body)`.") Nothing fppl))
return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("I didn’t understand the `defn` at " ++ prettyInfoFromXObj xobj ++ ":\n\n" ++ pretty xobj ++ "\n\nIs it valid? Every `defn` needs to follow the form `(defn name [arg] body)`.") Nothing)
[defExpr@(XObj Def _ _), name, expr] ->
specialCommandDefine xobj
@ -199,12 +199,12 @@ eval env xobj =
evaledBody <- eval envWithBindings body
return $ do okBody <- evaledBody
Right okBody
else return (Left (EvalError ("Uneven number of forms in `let`: " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj) fppl)) -- Unreachable?
else return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("Uneven number of forms in `let`: " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj)) -- Unreachable?
XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "register-type") _) _ _ : XObj (Sym (SymPath _ typeName) _) _ _ : rest ->
specialCommandRegisterType typeName rest
XObj (Sym (SymPath _ "register-type") _) _ _ : _ ->
return (Left (EvalError (show "Invalid args to `register-type`: " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj) fppl))
return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing (show "Invalid args to `register-type`: " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj))
XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "deftype") _) _ _ : nameXObj : rest ->
specialCommandDeftype nameXObj rest
@ -214,74 +214,74 @@ eval env xobj =
[XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "register") _) _ _, XObj (Sym (SymPath _ name) _) _ _, typeXObj, XObj (Str overrideName) _ _] ->
specialCommandRegister name typeXObj (Just overrideName)
XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "register") _) _ _ : _ ->
return (Left (EvalError ("Invalid args to `register`: " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj) fppl))
return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("Invalid args to `register`: " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj))
[XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "definterface") _) _ _, nameXObj@(XObj (Sym _ _) _ _), typeXObj] ->
specialCommandDefinterface nameXObj typeXObj
XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "definterface") _) _ _ : _ ->
return (Left (EvalError ("Invalid args to `definterface`: " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj) fppl))
return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("Invalid args to `definterface`: " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj))
[XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "defndynamic") _) _ _, (XObj (Sym (SymPath [] name) _) _ _), params, body] ->
specialCommandDefndynamic name params body
XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "defndynamic") _) _ _ : _ ->
return (Left (EvalError ("Invalid args to `defndynamic`: " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj) fppl))
return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("Invalid args to `defndynamic`: " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj))
[XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "defdynamic") _) _ _, (XObj (Sym (SymPath [] name) _) _ _), body] ->
specialCommandDefdynamic name body
[XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "defdynamic") _) _ _, (XObj (Sym (SymPath [] name) _) _ _), _, _] ->
return (Left (EvalError ("Invalid args to `defdynamic`: " ++ pretty xobj ++ " (did you try to define a dynamic function - use 'defndynamic' instead)") (info xobj) fppl))
return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("Invalid args to `defdynamic`: " ++ pretty xobj ++ " (did you try to define a dynamic function - use 'defndynamic' instead)") (info xobj))
XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "defdynamic") _) _ _ : _ ->
return (Left (EvalError ("Invalid args to `defdynamic`: " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj) fppl))
return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("Invalid args to `defdynamic`: " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj))
[XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "defmacro") _) _ _, (XObj (Sym (SymPath [] name) _) _ _), params, body] ->
specialCommandDefmacro name params body
XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "defmacro") _) _ _ : _ ->
return (Left (EvalError ("Invalid args to `defmacro`: " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj) fppl))
return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("Invalid args to `defmacro`: " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj))
XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "defmodule") _) _ _ : (XObj (Sym (SymPath [] moduleName) _) _ _) : innerExpressions ->
specialCommandDefmodule xobj moduleName innerExpressions
XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "defmodule") _) _ _ : _ ->
return (Left (EvalError ("Invalid args to `defmodule`: " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj) fppl))
return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("Invalid args to `defmodule`: " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj))
[XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "info") _) _ _, target@(XObj (Sym path @(SymPath _ name) _) _ _)] ->
specialCommandInfo target
XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "info") _) _ _ : _ ->
return (Left (EvalError ("Invalid args to `info`: " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj) fppl))
return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("Invalid args to `info`: " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj))
[XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "type") _) _ _, target] ->
specialCommandType target
XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "type") _) _ _ : _ ->
return (Left (EvalError ("Invalid args to `type`: " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj) fppl))
return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("Invalid args to `type`: " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj))
[XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "meta-set!") _) _ _, target@(XObj (Sym path @(SymPath _ name) _) _ _), (XObj (Str key) _ _), value] ->
specialCommandMetaSet path key value
XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "meta-set!") _) _ _ : _ ->
return (Left (EvalError ("Invalid args to `meta-set!`: " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj) fppl))
return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("Invalid args to `meta-set!`: " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj))
[XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "meta") _) _ _, target@(XObj (Sym path @(SymPath _ name) _) _ _), (XObj (Str key) _ _)] ->
specialCommandMetaGet path key
XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "meta") _) _ _ : _ ->
return (Left (EvalError ("Invalid args to `meta`: " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj) fppl))
return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("Invalid args to `meta`: " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj))
[XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "members") _) _ _, target] ->
specialCommandMembers target
XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "members") _) _ _ : _ ->
return (Left (EvalError ("Invalid args to `members`: " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj) fppl))
return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("Invalid args to `members`: " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj))
[XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "use") _) _ _, xobj@(XObj (Sym path _) _ _)] ->
specialCommandUse xobj path
XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "use") _) _ _ : _ ->
return (Left (EvalError ("Invalid args to `use`: " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj) fppl))
return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("Invalid args to `use`: " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj))
XObj With _ _ : xobj@(XObj (Sym path _) _ _) : forms ->
specialCommandWith xobj path forms
XObj With _ _ : _ ->
return (Left (EvalError ("Invalid args to `with`: " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj) fppl))
return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("Invalid args to `with`: " ++ pretty xobj) (info xobj))
f:args -> do evaledF <- eval env f
case evaledF of
Right (XObj (Lst [XObj Dynamic _ _, _, XObj (Arr params) _ _, body]) _ _) ->
case checkMatchingNrOfArgs fppl f params args of
case checkMatchingNrOfArgs ctx fppl f params args of
Left err -> return (Left err)
Right () ->
do evaledArgs <- fmap sequence (mapM (eval env) args)
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ eval env xobj =
Left err -> return (Left err)
Right (XObj (Lst [XObj Macro _ _, _, XObj (Arr params) _ _, body]) _ _) ->
case checkMatchingNrOfArgs fppl f params args of
case checkMatchingNrOfArgs ctx fppl f params args of
Left err ->
return (Left err)
Right () ->
@ -304,8 +304,8 @@ eval env xobj =
Right okArgs -> getCommand callback okArgs
Left err -> return (Left err)
_ ->
return (Left (EvalError ("Can't eval '" ++ pretty f ++ "' (it’s neither a macro nor a dynamic function) in " ++
pretty xobj) (info f) fppl))
return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("Can't eval '" ++ pretty f ++ "' (it’s neither a macro nor a dynamic function) in " ++
pretty xobj) (info f))
evalList _ = error "Can't eval non-list in evalList."
@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ eval env xobj =
Nothing ->
case lookupInEnv path env of
Just (_, Binder _ found) -> return (Right (resolveDef found))
Nothing -> return (Left (EvalError ("Can't find symbol '" ++ show path ++ "'") (info xobj) fppl))
Nothing -> return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("Can't find symbol '" ++ show path ++ "'") (info xobj))
evalSymbol _ = error "Can't eval non-symbol in evalSymbol."
evalArray :: XObj -> StateT Context IO (Either EvalError XObj)
@ -335,8 +335,8 @@ eval env xobj =
-- | Make sure the arg list is the same length as the parameter list
checkMatchingNrOfArgs :: FilePathPrintLength -> XObj -> [XObj] -> [XObj] -> Either EvalError ()
checkMatchingNrOfArgs fppl xobj params args =
checkMatchingNrOfArgs :: Context -> FilePathPrintLength -> XObj -> [XObj] -> [XObj] -> Either EvalError ()
checkMatchingNrOfArgs ctx fppl xobj params args =
let usesRestArgs = not (null (filter isRestArgSeparator (map getName params)))
paramLen = if usesRestArgs then length params - 2 else length params
argsLen = length args
@ -346,7 +346,9 @@ checkMatchingNrOfArgs fppl xobj params args =
else show paramLen
in if (usesRestArgs && argsLen > paramLen) || (paramLen == argsLen)
then Right ()
else Left (EvalError ("Wrong number of arguments in call to '" ++ pretty xobj ++ "', expected " ++ expected ++ " but got " ++ show argsLen) (info xobj) fppl)
else case makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("Wrong number of arguments in call to '" ++ pretty xobj ++ "', expected " ++ expected ++ " but got " ++ show argsLen) (info xobj) of
Left e -> Left e
Right _ -> Right ()
-- | Apply a function to some arguments. The other half of 'eval'.
apply :: Env -> XObj -> [XObj] -> [XObj] -> StateT Context IO (Either EvalError XObj)
@ -610,7 +612,7 @@ specialCommandDefine xobj =
expansionResult <- expandAll eval globalEnv xobj
ctxAfterExpansion <- get
case expansionResult of
Left err -> return (Left (EvalError (show err) Nothing fppl))
Left err -> return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing (show err) Nothing)
Right expanded ->
let xobjFullPath = setFullyQualifiedDefn expanded (SymPath pathStrings (getName xobj))
xobjFullSymbols = setFullyQualifiedSymbols typeEnv globalEnv innerEnv xobjFullPath
@ -648,8 +650,8 @@ specialCommandRegisterType typeName rest =
return dynamicNil
members ->
case bindingsForRegisteredType typeEnv globalEnv pathStrings typeName members i preExistingModule of
Left errorMessage ->
return (Left (EvalError (show errorMessage) Nothing fppl))
Left err ->
return (makeEvalError ctx (Just err) (show err) Nothing)
Right (typeModuleName, typeModuleXObj, deps) ->
let ctx' = (ctx { contextGlobalEnv = envInsertAt globalEnv (SymPath pathStrings typeModuleName) (Binder emptyMeta typeModuleXObj)
, contextTypeEnv = TypeEnv (extendEnv (getTypeEnv typeEnv) typeName typeDefinition)
@ -663,6 +665,9 @@ specialCommandDeftype nameXObj@(XObj (Sym (SymPath _ typeName) _) _ _) rest =
deftypeInternal nameXObj typeName [] rest
specialCommandDeftype (XObj (Lst (nameXObj@(XObj (Sym (SymPath _ typeName) _) _ _) : typeVariables)) _ _) rest =
deftypeInternal nameXObj typeName typeVariables rest
specialCommandDeftype nameXObj _ =
do ctx <- get
return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("Invalid name for type definition: " ++ pretty nameXObj) (info nameXObj))
deftypeInternal :: XObj -> String -> [XObj] -> [XObj] -> StateT Context IO (Either EvalError XObj)
deftypeInternal nameXObj typeName typeVariableXObjs rest =
@ -700,11 +705,9 @@ deftypeInternal nameXObj typeName typeVariableXObjs rest =
Right ok -> put ok
return dynamicNil
Left err ->
return (Left (EvalError ("Invalid type definition for '" ++ pretty nameXObj ++ "':\n\n" ++ show err) Nothing fppl))
return (makeEvalError ctx (Just err) ("Invalid type definition for '" ++ pretty nameXObj ++ "':\n\n" ++ show err) Nothing)
(_, Nothing) ->
return (Left (EvalError ("Invalid type variables for type definition: " ++ pretty nameXObj) (info nameXObj) fppl))
_ ->
return (Left (EvalError ("Invalid name for type definition: " ++ pretty nameXObj) (info nameXObj) fppl))
return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("Invalid type variables for type definition: " ++ pretty nameXObj) (info nameXObj))
specialCommandRegister :: String -> XObj -> Maybe String -> StateT Context IO (Either EvalError XObj)
specialCommandRegister name typeXObj overrideName =
@ -720,17 +723,13 @@ specialCommandRegister name typeXObj overrideName =
meta = existingMeta globalEnv registration
env' = envInsertAt globalEnv path (Binder meta registration)
in case registerInInterfaceIfNeeded ctx path t of
Left err ->
let prefix = case contextExecMode ctx of
Check -> let fppl = projectFilePathPrintLength (contextProj ctx)
in machineReadableInfoFromXObj fppl typeXObj ++ " "
_ -> ""
in return (Left (EvalError (prefix ++ err) (info typeXObj) fppl))
Left errorMessage ->
return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing errorMessage (info typeXObj))
Right ctx' ->
do put (ctx' { contextGlobalEnv = env' })
return dynamicNil
Nothing ->
return (Left (EvalError ("Can't understand type when registering '" ++ name ++ "'") (info typeXObj) fppl))
return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("Can't understand type when registering '" ++ name ++ "'") (info typeXObj))
specialCommandDefinterface :: XObj -> XObj -> StateT Context IO (Either EvalError XObj)
specialCommandDefinterface nameXObj@(XObj (Sym path@(SymPath [] name) _) _ _) typeXObj =
@ -753,8 +752,7 @@ specialCommandDefinterface nameXObj@(XObj (Sym path@(SymPath [] name) _) _ _) ty
in do put (ctx { contextTypeEnv = typeEnv' })
return dynamicNil
Nothing ->
return (Left (EvalError ("Invalid type for interface '" ++ name ++ "': " ++
pretty typeXObj) (info typeXObj) fppl))
return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("Invalid type for interface '" ++ name ++ "': " ++ pretty typeXObj) (info typeXObj))
specialCommandDefndynamic :: String -> XObj -> XObj -> StateT Context IO (Either EvalError XObj)
specialCommandDefndynamic name params body =
@ -811,7 +809,7 @@ specialCommandDefmodule xobj moduleName innerExpressions =
put (popModulePath ctxAfterModuleAdditions)
return dynamicNil -- TODO: propagate errors...
Just _ ->
return (Left (EvalError ("Can't redefine '" ++ moduleName ++ "' as module") (info xobj) fppl))
return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("Can't redefine '" ++ moduleName ++ "' as module") (info xobj))
Nothing ->
do let parentEnv = getEnv env pathStrings
innerEnv = Env (Map.fromList []) (Just parentEnv) (Just moduleName) [] ExternalEnv 0
@ -918,9 +916,9 @@ specialCommandMembers target =
return (Right (XObj (Arr (map (\(a, b) -> (XObj (Lst [a, b]) Nothing Nothing)) (pairwise members))) Nothing Nothing))
_ ->
return (Left (EvalError ("Can't find a struct type named '" ++ name ++ "' in type environment") (info target) fppl))
return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("Can't find a struct type named '" ++ name ++ "' in type environment") (info target))
_ ->
return (Left (EvalError ("Can't get the members of non-symbol: " ++ pretty target) (info target) fppl))
return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("Can't get the members of non-symbol: " ++ pretty target) (info target))
specialCommandUse :: XObj -> SymPath -> StateT Context IO (Either EvalError XObj)
specialCommandUse xobj path =
@ -937,7 +935,7 @@ specialCommandUse xobj path =
do put $ ctx { contextGlobalEnv = envReplaceEnvAt env pathStrings e' }
return dynamicNil
Nothing ->
return (Left (EvalError ("Can't find a module named '" ++ show path ++ "'") (info xobj) fppl))
return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("Can't find a module named '" ++ show path ++ "'") (info xobj))
specialCommandWith :: XObj -> SymPath -> [XObj] -> StateT Context IO (Either EvalError XObj)
specialCommandWith xobj path forms =
@ -974,7 +972,7 @@ specialCommandMetaSet path key value =
(Just dummyInfo)
(Just (VarTy "a"))))
(SymPath _ _) ->
return (Left (EvalError ("Special command 'meta-set!' failed, can't find '" ++ show path ++ "'") (info value) fppl))
return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("Special command 'meta-set!' failed, can't find '" ++ show path ++ "'") (info value))
setMetaOn :: Context -> Binder -> StateT Context IO (Either EvalError XObj)
setMetaOn ctx binder@(Binder metaData xobj) =
@ -1002,7 +1000,7 @@ specialCommandMetaGet path key =
Nothing ->
return dynamicNil
Nothing ->
return (Left (EvalError ("Special command 'meta' failed, can't find '" ++ show path ++ "'") Nothing fppl))
return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing ("Special command 'meta' failed, can't find '" ++ show path ++ "'") Nothing)
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import Types
import Obj
import Util
import Lookup
import TypeError
-- | Used for calling back to the 'eval' function in Eval.hs
type DynamicEvaluator = Env -> XObj -> StateT Context IO (Either EvalError XObj)
@ -98,9 +99,7 @@ expand eval env xobj =
matchExpr@(XObj Match _ _) : expr : rest ->
if null rest
then return (Left
(EvalError "I encountered a `match` without forms"
(info xobj) fppl))
then return (makeEvalError ctx Nothing "I encountered a `match` without forms" (info xobj))
else if even (length rest)
then do expandedExpr <- expand eval env expr
expandedPairs <- mapM (\(l,r) -> do expandedR <- expand eval env r
@ -330,6 +330,9 @@ machineReadableErrorStrings fppl err =
_ ->
[show err]
joinedMachineReadableErrorStrings :: FilePathPrintLength -> TypeError -> String
joinedMachineReadableErrorStrings fppl err = (joinWith "\n\n" (machineReadableErrorStrings fppl err))
recursiveLookupTy :: TypeMappings -> Ty -> Ty
recursiveLookupTy mappings t = case t of
(VarTy v) -> fromMaybe t (recursiveLookup mappings v)
@ -345,3 +348,17 @@ showTypeFromXObj mappings xobj =
case ty xobj of
Just t -> show (recursiveLookupTy mappings t)
Nothing -> "Type missing"
-- | Print type errors correctly when running the compiler in 'Check' mode
makeEvalError :: Context -> Maybe TypeError.TypeError -> String -> Maybe Info -> Either EvalError a
makeEvalError ctx err msg info =
let fppl = projectFilePathPrintLength (contextProj ctx)
in case contextExecMode ctx of
Check -> let messageWhenChecking = case err of
Just okErr -> joinedMachineReadableErrorStrings fppl okErr
Nothing ->
case info of
Just okInfo -> machineReadableInfo fppl okInfo ++ " " ++ msg
Nothing -> msg
in Left (EvalError messageWhenChecking Nothing fppl) -- Passing no info to avoid appending it at the end in 'show' instance for EvalError
_ -> Left (EvalError msg info fppl)
Normal file → Executable file
Normal file → Executable file
@ -1 +1 @@
I encountered a `match` without forms at no_forms_in_match.carp:4:3.
no_forms_in_match.carp:4:3 I encountered a `match` without forms
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