Merge pull request #827 from jacereda/cmdline-eval

Command line switches to evaluate code
This commit is contained in:
Erik Svedäng 2020-05-24 11:45:44 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit ea372b1728
No known key found for this signature in database
14 changed files with 196 additions and 132 deletions

View File

@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ library
, blaze-html
, blaze-markup
, text
, ansi-terminal >= 0.9
, ansi-terminal >= 0.10.3
, cmark
, edit-distance
@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ executable carp
, filepath
, haskeline
, process
, optparse-applicative
default-language: Haskell2010
executable carp-header-parse
@ -90,8 +91,8 @@ executable carp-header-parse
, CarpHask
, containers
, directory
, cmdargs
, parsec
, optparse-applicative
default-language: Haskell2010
test-suite CarpHask-test

View File

@ -2,7 +2,9 @@ module Main where
import qualified System.Environment as SystemEnvironment
import System.Console.Haskeline (runInputT)
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import GHC.IO.Encoding
import Data.Maybe
import ColorText
import Obj
@ -14,12 +16,20 @@ import Util
import Path
import Info
import Options.Applicative
defaultProject :: Project
defaultProject =
Project { projectTitle = "Untitled"
, projectIncludes = []
, projectCFlags = [""]
, projectLibFlags = [""]
, projectCFlags = case platform of
_ -> [ "-fPIC"
, "-g"
, projectLibFlags = case platform of
Windows -> []
_ -> [ "-lm" ]
, projectFiles = []
, projectAlreadyLoaded = []
, projectEchoC = False
@ -39,8 +49,8 @@ defaultProject =
, projectCarpSearchPaths = []
, projectPrintTypedAST = False
, projectCompiler = case platform of
Windows -> "clang-cl.exe -D _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS"
_ -> "clang -fPIC -lm -g"
Windows -> "clang-cl.exe"
_ -> "clang"
, projectCore = True
, projectEchoCompilationCommand = False
, projectCanExecute = False
@ -54,94 +64,103 @@ main :: IO ()
main = do setLocaleEncoding utf8
args <- SystemEnvironment.getArgs
sysEnv <- SystemEnvironment.getEnvironment
let (argFilesToLoad, execMode, otherOptions) = parseArgs args
logMemory = LogMemory `elem` otherOptions
noCore = NoCore `elem` otherOptions
noProfile = NoProfile `elem` otherOptions
optimize = Optimize `elem` otherOptions
generateOnly = GenerateOnly `elem` otherOptions
projectWithFiles = defaultProject { projectCFlags = ["-D LOG_MEMORY" | logMemory] ++
["-O3 -D NDEBUG" | optimize] ++
projectCFlags defaultProject,
projectCore = not noCore,
projectGenerateOnly = generateOnly}
fullOpts <- execParser $ (parseFull <**> helper) fullDesc
let execMode = optExecMode fullOpts
otherOptions = optOthers fullOpts
argFilesToLoad = optFiles fullOpts
logMemory = otherLogMemory otherOptions
core = not $ otherNoCore otherOptions
profile = not $ otherNoProfile otherOptions
optimize = otherOptimize otherOptions
generateOnly = otherGenerateOnly otherOptions
prompt = otherPrompt otherOptions
applySettings p = p { projectCFlags = ["-D LOG_MEMORY" | logMemory] ++
["-O3 -D NDEBUG" | optimize]
++ projectCFlags p
, projectCore = core
, projectGenerateOnly = generateOnly
, projectCarpDir = fromMaybe (projectCarpDir p) $ lookup "CARP_DIR" sysEnv
, projectPrompt = fromMaybe (projectPrompt p) prompt
project = applySettings defaultProject
noArray = False
coreModulesToLoad = if noCore then [] else coreModules (projectCarpDir projectWithCarpDir)
projectWithCarpDir = case lookup "CARP_DIR" sysEnv of
Just carpDir -> projectWithFiles { projectCarpDir = carpDir }
Nothing -> projectWithFiles
projectWithCustomPrompt = setCustomPromptFromOptions projectWithCarpDir otherOptions
startingContext = Context
(startingGlobalEnv noArray)
(TypeEnv startingTypeEnv)
context <- loadFilesOnce startingContext coreModulesToLoad
(startingGlobalEnv noArray)
(TypeEnv startingTypeEnv)
coreModulesToLoad = if core then coreModules (projectCarpDir project) else []
execStr :: String -> String -> Context -> IO Context
execStr info str ctx = executeString True False ctx str info
execStrs :: String -> [String] -> Context -> IO Context
execStrs info strs ctx = foldM (\ctx str -> execStr info str ctx) ctx strs
preloads = optPreload fullOpts
postloads = optPostload fullOpts
load = flip loadFiles
carpProfile <- configPath "profile.carp"
hasProfile <- doesFileExist carpProfile
context' <- if (not noProfile) && hasProfile
then loadFiles context [carpProfile]
else return context
finalContext <- loadFiles context' argFilesToLoad
case execMode of
Repl -> do putStrLn "Welcome to Carp 0.3.0"
putStrLn "This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY."
putStrLn "Evaluate (help) for more information."
_ <- runRepl finalContext
return ()
Build -> do _ <- executeString True False finalContext "(build)" "Compiler (Build)"
return ()
Install thing ->
do _ <- executeString True False finalContext
("(load \"" ++ thing ++ "\")")
return ()
BuildAndRun -> do _ <- executeString True False finalContext "(do (build) (run))" "Compiler (Build & Run)"
-- TODO: Handle the return value from executeString and return that one to the shell
return ()
Check -> return ()
_ <- loadFilesOnce startingContext coreModulesToLoad
>>= load [carpProfile | hasProfile]
>>= execStrs "Preload" preloads
>>= load argFilesToLoad
>>= execStrs "Postload" postloads
>>= \ctx -> case execMode of
Repl -> do putStrLn "Welcome to Carp 0.3.0"
putStrLn "This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY."
putStrLn "Evaluate (help) for more information."
snd <$> runRepl ctx
Build -> execStr "Compiler (Build)" "(build)" ctx
Install thing -> execStr "Installation" ("(load \"" ++ thing ++ "\")") ctx
BuildAndRun -> execStr "Compiler (Build & Run)" "(do (build) (run))" ctx
Check -> execStr "Check" "" ctx
-- TODO: Handle the return value from executeString and return that one to the shell
pure ()
-- | Options for how to run the compiler.
data OtherOptions = NoCore
| NoProfile
| LogMemory
| Optimize
| GenerateOnly
| SetPrompt String
deriving (Show, Eq)
data FullOptions = FullOptions
{ optExecMode :: ExecutionMode
, optOthers :: OtherOptions
, optPreload :: [String]
, optPostload :: [String]
, optFiles :: [FilePath]
} deriving Show
-- | Parse the arguments sent to the compiler from the terminal.
-- | TODO: Switch to 'cmdargs' library for parsing these!
parseArgs :: [String] -> ([FilePath], ExecutionMode, [OtherOptions])
parseArgs args = parseArgsInternal [] Repl [] args
where parseArgsInternal filesToLoad execMode otherOptions [] =
(filesToLoad, execMode, otherOptions)
parseArgsInternal filesToLoad execMode otherOptions (arg:restArgs) =
case arg of
"-b" -> parseArgsInternal filesToLoad Build otherOptions restArgs
"-x" -> parseArgsInternal filesToLoad BuildAndRun otherOptions restArgs
"-i" -> parseArgsInternal filesToLoad (Install (head restArgs)) otherOptions (tail restArgs)
"--check" -> parseArgsInternal filesToLoad Check otherOptions restArgs
"--no-core" -> parseArgsInternal filesToLoad execMode (NoCore : otherOptions) restArgs
"--no-profile" -> parseArgsInternal filesToLoad execMode (NoProfile : otherOptions) restArgs
"--log-memory" -> parseArgsInternal filesToLoad execMode (LogMemory : otherOptions) restArgs
"--optimize" -> parseArgsInternal filesToLoad execMode (Optimize : otherOptions) restArgs
"--generate-only" -> parseArgsInternal filesToLoad execMode (GenerateOnly : otherOptions) restArgs
"--prompt" -> case restArgs of
newPrompt : restRestArgs ->
parseArgsInternal filesToLoad execMode (SetPrompt newPrompt : otherOptions) restRestArgs
_ ->
error "No prompt given after --prompt"
file -> parseArgsInternal (filesToLoad ++ [file]) execMode otherOptions restArgs
parseFull :: Parser FullOptions
parseFull = FullOptions
<$> parseExecMode
<*> parseOther
<*> many (strOption (long "eval-preload" <> metavar "CODE" <> help "Eval CODE after loading config and before FILES"))
<*> many (strOption (long "eval-postload" <> metavar "CODE" <> help "Eval CODE after loading FILES"))
<*> parseFiles
setCustomPromptFromOptions :: Project -> [OtherOptions] -> Project
setCustomPromptFromOptions project (o:os) =
case o of
SetPrompt newPrompt -> setCustomPromptFromOptions (project { projectPrompt = newPrompt }) os
_ -> setCustomPromptFromOptions project os
setCustomPromptFromOptions project _ =
data OtherOptions = OtherOptions
{ otherNoCore :: Bool
, otherNoProfile :: Bool
, otherLogMemory :: Bool
, otherOptimize :: Bool
, otherGenerateOnly :: Bool
, otherPrompt :: Maybe String
} deriving Show
parseOther :: Parser OtherOptions
parseOther = OtherOptions
<$> switch (long "no-core" <> help "Don't load Core.carp")
<*> switch (long "no-profile" <> help "Don't load profile.carp")
<*> switch (long "log-memory" <> help "Log memory allocations")
<*> switch (long "optimize" <> help "Optimized build")
<*> switch (long "generate-only" <> help "Stop after generating the C code")
<*> optional (strOption (long "prompt" <> help "Set REPL prompt"))
parseExecMode :: Parser ExecutionMode
parseExecMode =
flag' Check (long "check" <> help "Check project")
<|> flag' Build (short 'b' <> help "Build project")
<|> flag' BuildAndRun (short 'x' <> help "Build an run project")
<|> Install <$> strOption (short 'i' <> help "Install built product")
<|> pure Repl
parseFiles :: Parser [FilePath]
parseFiles = many (argument str (metavar "FILES..."))

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if [ -z "$CARP" ]
if [ -z "$NIX_CC" ]
@ -7,4 +8,4 @@ then
CARP="cabal -v0 run carp"
$CARP $BUILD_OPTS $"--" $*

View File

@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
(system-include "carp_safe_int.h")
(defmodule Int
(not-on-windows ; this seems to generate invalid code on some windows machines
(doc safe-add "Performs an addition and checks whether it overflowed.")
(register safe-add (λ [Int Int (Ref Int)] Bool))
(doc safe-sub "Performs an substraction and checks whether it overflowed.")
(register safe-sub (λ [Int Int (Ref Int)] Bool))
(doc safe-mul "Performs an multiplication and checks whether it overflowed.")
(register safe-mul (λ [Int Int (Ref Int)] Bool))
(doc safe-add "Performs an addition and checks whether it overflowed.")
(register safe-add (λ [Int Int (Ref Int)] Bool))
(doc safe-sub "Performs an substraction and checks whether it overflowed.")
(register safe-sub (λ [Int Int (Ref Int)] Bool))
(doc safe-mul "Performs an multiplication and checks whether it overflowed.")
(register safe-mul (λ [Int Int (Ref Int)] Bool))

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Long Long__MUL_(Long x, Long y) {
Long Long__DIV_(Long x, Long y) {
return x / y;
#ifndef _WIN32
#if defined __GNUC__
bool Long_safe_MINUS_add(Long x, Long y, Long* res) {
return __builtin_add_overflow(x, y, res);
@ -20,6 +20,22 @@ bool Long_safe_MINUS_sub(Long x, Long y, Long* res) {
bool Long_safe_MINUS_mul(Long x, Long y, Long* res) {
return __builtin_mul_overflow(x, y, res);
bool Long_safe_MINUS_add(Long x, Long y, Long* res) {
Long r = x + y;
*res = r;
return (y > 0) && (x > (INT64_MAX - y)) || (y < 0) && (x < (INT64_MIN - y));
bool Long_safe_MINUS_sub(Long x, Long y, Long* res) {
Long r = x - y;
*res = r;
return (y > 0 && x < (INT64_MIN + y)) || (y < 0 && x > (INT64_MAX + y));
bool Long_safe_MINUS_mul(Long x, Long y, Long* res) {
Long r = x * y;
*res = r;
return y == 0 || (r / y) != x;
bool Long__EQ_(Long x, Long y) {
return x == y;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#ifndef _WIN32
#if defined __GNUC__
bool Int_safe_MINUS_add(int x, int y, int* res) {
return __builtin_add_overflow(x, y, res);
@ -8,4 +8,21 @@ bool Int_safe_MINUS_sub(int x, int y, int* res) {
bool Int_safe_MINUS_mul(int x, int y, int* res) {
return __builtin_mul_overflow(x, y, res);
bool Int_safe_MINUS_add(int x, int y, int* res) {
int r = x + y;
*res = r;
return (y > 0) && (x > (INT_MAX - y)) || (y < 0) && (x < (INT_MIN - y));
bool Int_safe_MINUS_sub(int x, int y, int* res) {
int r = x - y;
*res = r;
*res = x - y;
return (y > 0 && x < (INT_MIN + y)) || (y < 0 && x > (INT_MAX + y));
bool Int_safe_MINUS_mul(int x, int y, int* res) {
int r = x * y;
*res = r;
return y == 0 || (r / y) != x;

View File

@ -11,9 +11,10 @@ let
optionals = nixpkgs.stdenv.lib.optionals;
linuxOnly = optionals nixpkgs.stdenv.isLinux;
f = { mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, blaze-html, blaze-markup
, cmark, cmdargs, containers, directory, edit-distance, filepath
, haskeline, HUnit, mtl, parsec, process, split, stdenv, text
f = { mkDerivation, stdenv
, ansi-terminal, base, blaze-html, blaze-markup
, cmark, containers, directory, edit-distance, filepath
, haskeline, HUnit, mtl, optparse-applicative, parsec, process, split, text
, darwin, glfw3, SDL2, SDL2_image, SDL2_gfx, SDL2_mixer, SDL2_ttf
, ghc-prof-flamegraph
, clang , makeWrapper
@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ let
[ glfw3 SDL2 SDL2_image SDL2_gfx SDL2_mixer SDL2_ttf ]
++ linuxOnly [ libXext libXcursor libXinerama libXi libXrandr libXScrnSaver libXxf86vm libpthreadstubs libXdmcp libGL];
executableHaskellDepends = [
base cmdargs containers directory haskeline parsec process
base containers directory haskeline optparse-applicative parsec process
executableFrameworkDepends = with darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks; optionals stdenv.isDarwin [
@ -73,6 +74,6 @@ in
if pkgs.lib.inNixShell
then drv.env.overrideAttrs (o: {
buildInputs = with pkgs; o.buildInputs ++ [ haskellPackages.cabal-install clang gdb ]
++ linuxOnly [ flamegraph linuxPackages.perf ];
++ linuxOnly [ flamegraph linuxPackages.perf tinycc ];
else drv

View File

@ -234,4 +234,5 @@

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
module Main where
import System.Console.CmdArgs
import Options.Applicative hiding ((<|>))
import Text.Parsec ((<|>))
import qualified Text.Parsec as Parsec
import Data.Char (toLower, isUpper)
@ -12,16 +12,18 @@ import Types
import Obj
import Path
data Args = Args { sourcePath :: String
, prefixToRemove :: String
data Args = Args { prefixToRemove :: String
, kebabCase :: Bool
} deriving (Show, Data, Typeable)
, sourcePath :: String
} deriving Show
main = do parsedArgs <- cmdArgs (Args { sourcePath = def &= argPos 0
, prefixToRemove = def
, kebabCase = False
&= summary "Carp Header Parse 0.0.1")
parseArgs :: Parser Args
parseArgs = Args
<$> strOption (long "prefixtoremove" <> short 'p' <> metavar "ITEM" <> value "")
<*> switch (long "kebabcase" <> short 'f')
<*> argument str (metavar "FILE")
main = do parsedArgs <- execParser $ (parseArgs <**> helper) fullDesc
let path = sourcePath parsedArgs
if path /= ""
then do source <- slurp path

View File

@ -702,10 +702,12 @@ memberToDecl indent (memberName, memberType) =
defStructToDeclaration :: Ty -> SymPath -> [XObj] -> String
defStructToDeclaration structTy@(StructTy typeName typeVariables) path rest =
let indent' = indentAmount
let indent = indentAmount
typedefCaseToMemberDecl :: XObj -> State EmitterState [()]
typedefCaseToMemberDecl (XObj (Arr members) _ _) = mapM (memberToDecl indent') (pairwise members)
-- ANSI C doesn't allow empty structs, insert a dummy member to keep the compiler happy.
typedefCaseToMemberDecl (XObj (Arr []) _ _) = sequence $ pure $ appendToSrc (addIndent indent ++ "char __dummy;\n")
typedefCaseToMemberDecl (XObj (Arr members) _ _) = mapM (memberToDecl indent) (pairwise members)
typedefCaseToMemberDecl _ = error "Invalid case in typedef."
-- Note: the names of types are not namespaced

View File

@ -814,18 +814,21 @@ printC xobj =
buildMainFunction :: XObj -> XObj
buildMainFunction xobj =
XObj (Lst [ XObj (Defn Nothing) (Just dummyInfo) Nothing
, XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "main") Symbol) (Just dummyInfo) Nothing
, XObj (Arr []) (Just dummyInfo) Nothing
, case ty xobj of
Just UnitTy -> xobj
Just (RefTy _ _) -> XObj (Lst [XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "println*") Symbol) (Just dummyInfo) Nothing, xobj])
(Just dummyInfo) (Just UnitTy)
Just _ -> XObj (Lst [XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "println*") Symbol) (Just dummyInfo) Nothing,
XObj (Lst [XObj Ref (Just dummyInfo) Nothing, xobj])
(Just dummyInfo) (Just UnitTy)])
(Just dummyInfo) (Just UnitTy)
]) (Just dummyInfo) (Just (FuncTy [] UnitTy StaticLifetimeTy))
XObj (Lst [ XObj (Defn Nothing) di Nothing
, XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "main") Symbol) di Nothing
, XObj (Arr []) di Nothing
, XObj (Lst [ XObj Do di Nothing
, case ty xobj of
Just UnitTy -> xobj
Just (RefTy _ _) -> XObj (Lst [XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "println*") Symbol) di Nothing, xobj])
di (Just UnitTy)
Just _ -> XObj (Lst [XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "println*") Symbol) di Nothing,
XObj (Lst [XObj Ref di Nothing, xobj])
di (Just UnitTy)])
di (Just UnitTy)
, XObj (Num IntTy 0) di Nothing
]) di Nothing]) di (Just (FuncTy [] UnitTy StaticLifetimeTy))
where di = Just dummyInfo
primitiveDefdynamic :: Primitive
primitiveDefdynamic _ ctx [XObj (Sym (SymPath [] name) _) _ _, value] = do

View File

@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ resetAlreadyLoadedFiles context =
proj' = proj { projectAlreadyLoaded = [] }
in context { contextProj = proj' }
runRepl :: Context -> IO ((), Context)
runRepl context = do
historyFile <- configPath "history"
createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory historyFile)

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
# resolver:
# name: custom-snapshot
# location: "./custom-snapshot.yaml"
resolver: lts-14.9
resolver: lts-15.3
# User packages to be built.
# Various formats can be used as shown in the example below.
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ packages:
- '.'
# Dependency packages to be pulled from upstream that are not in the resolver
# (e.g., acme-missiles-0.3)
extra-deps: [ansi-terminal-0.9]
extra-deps: []
# Override default flag values for local packages and extra-deps
flags: {}

View File

@ -6,4 +6,6 @@
;; The one allocation left after 'carp_init_globals' should be 'g' itself:
(defn main []
(assert (= 1l (Debug.memory-balance))))
(assert (= 1l (Debug.memory-balance)))