Created a specific function for generating constraints for case

matchers, instead of relying on the one for functions.
This commit is contained in:
Erik Svedäng 2020-04-30 10:48:24 +02:00
parent 6ef83fe8d1
commit f2808686d8

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@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ genConstraints globalEnv root rootSig = fmap sort (gen root)
-- Match
XObj (Match matchMode) _ _ : expr : cases ->
do insideExprConstraints <- gen expr
casesLhsConstraints <- fmap join (mapM (gen . fst) (pairwise cases))
casesLhsConstraints <- fmap join (mapM (genConstraintsForCaseMatcher . fst) (pairwise cases))
casesRhsConstraints <- fmap join (mapM (gen . snd) (pairwise cases))
exprType <- toEither (ty expr) (ExpressionMissingType expr)
xobjType <- toEither (ty xobj) (DefMissingType xobj)
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ genConstraints globalEnv root rootSig = fmap sort (gen root)
-- Function application
func : args ->
do funcConstraints <- gen func
insideArgsConstraints <- fmap join (mapM gen args)
variablesConstraints <- fmap join (mapM gen args)
funcTy <- toEither (ty func) (ExpressionMissingType func)
case funcTy of
(FuncTy argTys retTy _) ->
@ -228,12 +228,12 @@ genConstraints globalEnv root rootSig = fmap sort (gen root)
Just xobjTy = ty xobj
retConstraint = Constraint xobjTy retTy xobj func xobj OrdFuncAppRet
in return (retConstraint : funcConstraints ++ argConstraints ++ insideArgsConstraints)
in return (retConstraint : funcConstraints ++ argConstraints ++ variablesConstraints)
funcVarTy@(VarTy _) ->
let fabricatedFunctionType = FuncTy ( forceTy args) (forceTy xobj) (VarTy "what?!")
expected = XObj (Sym (SymPath [] ("Calling '" ++ getName func ++ "'")) Symbol) (info func) Nothing
wholeTypeConstraint = Constraint funcVarTy fabricatedFunctionType func expected xobj OrdFuncAppVarTy
in return (wholeTypeConstraint : funcConstraints ++ insideArgsConstraints)
in return (wholeTypeConstraint : funcConstraints ++ variablesConstraints)
_ -> Left (NotAFunction func)
-- Empty list
@ -269,3 +269,32 @@ genConstraints globalEnv root rootSig = fmap sort (gen root)
return (headConstraint : insideExprConstraints ++ betweenExprConstraints)
_ -> Right []
genConstraintsForCaseMatcher :: XObj -> Either TypeError [Constraint]
genConstraintsForCaseMatcher = gen
-- | NOTE: This works very similar to generating constraints for function calls
-- | since the cases for sumtypes *are* functions. So we rely on those symbols to
-- | already have the correct type, e.g. in (match foo (Just x) x) the 'Just' case name
-- | has the type (Fn [Int] Maybe) which is exactly what we need to give 'x' the correct type.
gen xobj@(XObj (Lst (caseName : variables)) _ _) =
do caseNameConstraints <- gen caseName
variablesConstraints <- fmap join (mapM gen variables)
caseNameTy <- toEither (ty caseName) (ExpressionMissingType caseName)
case caseNameTy of
(FuncTy argTys retTy _) ->
if length variables /= length argTys then
Left (WrongArgCount caseName (length argTys) (length variables)) -- | TODO: This could be another error since this isn't an actual function call.
let expected t n = XObj (Sym (SymPath [] ("Expected " ++ enumerate n ++ " argument to '" ++ getName caseName ++ "'")) Symbol) (info caseName) (Just t)
argConstraints = zipWith4 (\a t aObj n -> Constraint a t aObj (expected t n) xobj OrdFuncAppArg)
( forceTy variables)
Just xobjTy = ty xobj
retConstraint = Constraint xobjTy retTy xobj caseName xobj OrdFuncAppRet
in return (retConstraint : caseNameConstraints ++ argConstraints ++ variablesConstraints)
_ -> Left (NotAFunction caseName) -- | TODO: This error could be better too.
gen (XObj (Sym _ _) _ _) = return []
gen x = error ("Fell through: " ++ pretty x ++ "\n\n" ++ show x)