docs: more documentation work

This commit is contained in:
hellerve 2018-05-09 00:43:07 +02:00
parent 03b52d73ba
commit f3e559dc28
6 changed files with 22 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
(doc approx "checks whether x and y are approximately (i.e. margin of error of 0.00001) equal")
(defn approx [x y]
(if (> x y)
(< (- x y) 0.00001)

View File

@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
(use Array)
(private append-slash)
(hidden append-slash)
(defn append-slash [s]
(str* s "/"))
(str* s "/"))
(doc dir-from-path "Removes the file-name part of a path to a file.")
(defn dir-from-path [path]

View File

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
(doc approx "checks whether x and y are approximately (i.e. margin of error of 0.00001) equal")
(defn approx [x y]
(if (> x y)
(< (- x y) 0.00001f)

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
(private fmt-internal)
(hidden fmt-internal)
(defdynamic fmt-internal [s args]
(let [idx (String.index-of s \%)
len (String.count s)]
@ -21,5 +23,6 @@
(fmt-internal (String.substring s (+ (inc idx) next) len)
(cdr args)))))))))))
(doc fmt "fmt formats a string. It supports all of the string interpolations defined in format of the type that should be interpolated (e.g. %d and %x on integers).")
(defmacro fmt [s :rest args]
(fmt-internal s args))

View File

@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
(defmodule Geometry
(doc degree-to-radians "Converts degrees expressed as a double into radians.")
(defn degree-to-radians [n]
(Double.* n (Double./ Double.pi 180.0)))
(doc radians-to-degree "Converts radians expressed as a double into degree.")
(defn radians-to-degree [n]
(Double.* n (Double./ 180.0 Double.pi)))

View File

@ -3,18 +3,30 @@
(register-type FILE)
(defmodule IO
(doc println "prints a string ref to stdout, appends a newline.")
(register println (Fn [(Ref String)] ()))
(doc print "prints a string ref to stdout, does not append a newline.")
(register print (Fn [(Ref String)] ()))
(doc get-line "gets a line from stdin.")
(register get-line (Fn [] String))
(doc get-char "gets a character from stdin.")
(register get-char (Fn [] Char) "getchar")
(doc read-file "returns the contents of a file passed as argument as a string.")
(register read-file (Fn [&String] String))
(doc exit "exit the current program with a return code.")
(register exit (Fn [Int] a))
(register EOF Char)
(doc EOF "the End-Of-File character as a literal.")
(doc fopen "opens a file by name using a mode (one or multiple of [r]ead, [w]rite, and [a]ppend), returns a file pointer.")
(register fopen (Fn [&String &String] (Ptr FILE)))
(doc fclose "closes a file pointer.")
(register fclose (Fn [(Ptr FILE)] ()))
(doc fgetc "gets a character from a file pointer.")
(register fgetc (Fn [(Ptr FILE)] Char))
(doc fwrite "writes to a file pointer.")
(register fwrite (Fn [a Int Int (Ptr FILE)] ()) "fwrite")
(doc read->EOF "reads a file given by name until the End-Of-File character is reached.")
(defn read->EOF [filename]
(let [f (IO.fopen filename "rb")
c (Char.from-int 0)