(doc StaticArray "is a data type for static, immutable arrays. They are stack-allocated. For a more flexible, heap-allocated version, you might want to look at the [`Array`](./Array.html) module.") (defmodule StaticArray (doc map! "Maps a function over the static array `xs`, mutating it in place. The difference to Array.endo-map (which does the same thing internally) is that this function takes a ref (since you can never have static arrays as values) and that it returns ().") (defn map! [xs f] (for [i 0 (StaticArray.length xs)] (StaticArray.aset! xs i (~f (StaticArray.unsafe-nth xs i))))) (doc reverse! "Reverse array in place.") (defn reverse! [a] (let-do [i 0 j (Int.dec (length a))] (while (Int.< i j) (let-do [tmp @(unsafe-nth a i)] (aset! a i @(unsafe-nth a j)) (set! i (Int.inc i)) (aset! a j tmp) (set! j (Int.dec j)))))) (defndynamic foreach-internal [var xs expr] (let [xsym (gensym-with 'xs) len (gensym-with 'len) i (gensym-with 'i)] `(let [%xsym %xs %len (StaticArray.length %xsym)] (for [%i 0 %len] (let [%var (StaticArray.unsafe-nth %xsym %i)] %expr))))) (defmacro foreach [binding expr] (StaticArray.foreach-internal (car binding) (cadr binding) expr)) (defn reduce [f x xs] (let [total x] (do (for [i 0 (StaticArray.length xs)] (set! total (~f total (StaticArray.unsafe-nth xs i)))) total))) (doc scan! "Scans and replaces the array in-place, using a binary function. For example, give `(def numbers [1 1 1])`, a `scan!` using `Int.+` will mutate `numbers` to be `[1 2 3]`.") (defn scan! [f xs] (let [n (StaticArray.length xs)] (for [i 1 n] (StaticArray.aset! xs i (~f @(unsafe-nth xs (dec i)) @(unsafe-nth xs i)))))) (doc = "compares two static arrays.") (defn = [a b] (if (/= (StaticArray.length a) (StaticArray.length b)) false (let-do [eq true] (for [i 0 (StaticArray.length a)] (when (/= (StaticArray.unsafe-nth a i) (StaticArray.unsafe-nth b i)) (do (set! eq false) (break)))) eq))) (implements = StaticArray.=) (doc empty? "checks whether the array `a` is empty.") (defn empty? [a] (= (StaticArray.length a) 0)) (implements empty? StaticArray.empty?) (doc any? "checks whether any of the elements in `a` match the function `f`.") (defn any? [f a] (let-do [res false] (for [i 0 (length a)] (when (~f (unsafe-nth a i)) (do (set! res true) (break)))) res)) (doc all? "checks whether all of the elements in `a` match the function `f`.") (defn all? [f a] (let-do [res true] (for [i 0 (length a)] (when (not (~f (unsafe-nth a i))) (do (set! res false) (break)))) res)) (doc find "finds an element in `a` that matches the function `f` and wraps it in a `Just`. If it doesn’t find an element, `Nothing` will be returned.") (defn find [f a] (let-do [res (Maybe.Nothing)] (for [i 0 (length a)] (when (~f (unsafe-nth a i)) (do (set! res (Maybe.Just @(unsafe-nth a i))) (break)))) res)) (doc find-index "finds the index of the first element in `a` that matches the function `f` and wraps it in a `Just`. If it doesn’t find an index, `Nothing` will be returned.") (defn find-index [f a] (let-do [ret (Maybe.Nothing)] (for [i 0 (length a)] (when (~f (unsafe-nth a i)) (do (set! ret (Maybe.Just i)) (break)))) ret)) (doc unsafe-first "takes the first element of an array. Generates a runtime error if the array is empty.") (defn unsafe-first [a] @(unsafe-nth a 0)) (doc first "takes the first element of an array and returns a `Just`. Returns `Nothing` if the array is empty.") (defn first [a] (if (empty? a) (Maybe.Nothing) (Maybe.Just @(unsafe-nth a 0)))) (doc unsafe-last "takes the last element of an array. Generates a runtime error if the array is empty.") (defn unsafe-last [a] @(unsafe-nth a (Int.dec (length a)))) (doc last "takes the last element of an array and returns a `Just`. Returns `Nothing` if the array is empty.") (defn last [a] (if (empty? a) (Maybe.Nothing) (Maybe.Just @(unsafe-nth a (Int.dec (length a)))))) (doc maximum "gets the maximum in an array (elements must support `<`) and wraps it in a `Just`. If the array is empty, it returns `Nothing`.") (defn maximum [xs] (if (empty? xs) (Maybe.Nothing) (let-do [result (unsafe-nth xs 0) n (length xs)] (for [i 1 n] (let [x (unsafe-nth xs i)] (when (< result x) (set! result x)))) (Maybe.Just @result)))) (doc minimum "gets the minimum in an array (elements must support `>`) and wraps it in a `Just`. If the array is empty, returns `Nothing`") (defn minimum [xs] (if (empty? xs) (Maybe.Nothing) (let-do [result (unsafe-nth xs 0) n (length xs)] (for [i 1 n] (let [x (unsafe-nth xs i)] (when (> result x) (set! result x)))) (Maybe.Just @result)))) (doc sum "sums an array (elements must support `+` and `zero`).") (defn sum [xs] (reduce &(fn [x y] (+ x @y)) (zero) xs)) (doc index-of "gets the index of element `e` in an array and wraps it on a `Just`. If the element is not found, returns `Nothing`") (defn index-of [a e] (let-do [idx (Maybe.Nothing)] (for [i 0 (length a)] (when (= (unsafe-nth a i) e) (do (set! idx (Maybe.Just i)) (break)))) idx)) (doc element-count "counts the occurrences of element `e` in an array.") (defn element-count [a e] (let-do [c 0] (for [i 0 (length a)] (when (= e (unsafe-nth a i)) (set! c (Int.inc c)))) c)) (doc predicate-count "counts the number of elements satisfying the predicate function `pred` in an array.") (defn predicate-count [a pred] (let-do [c 0] (for [i 0 (length a)] (when (~pred (unsafe-nth a i)) (set! c (Int.inc c)))) c)) (doc unsafe-nth-value "returns the value at index `i` of a static array `a` (just like [unsafe-nth](#unsafe-nth)) but does not take its reference, and does *not* copy the value. Should only be used for optimizations and when you know what you're doing, circumvents the borrow checker!") (deftemplate unsafe-nth-value (Fn [(Ref (StaticArray a)) Int] a) "$a $NAME(Array *a, int i)" "$DECL { return (($a*)a->data)[i]; }") (doc aupdate! "transmutes (i.e. updates) the element at index `i` of an array `a` using the function `f` in place.") (defn aupdate! [a i f] (aset-uninitialized! a i (~f (unsafe-nth-value a i)))) (doc swap! "swaps the indices `i` and `j` of an array `a` in place.") (defn swap! [a i j] (let-do [x @(unsafe-nth a i) y @(unsafe-nth a j)] (aset! a i y) (aset! a j x))) (doc nth "gets a reference to the `n`th element from an array `arr` wrapped on a `Maybe`. If the `index` is out of bounds, return `Maybe.Nothing`") (defn nth [xs index] (if (and (>= index 0) (< index (length xs))) (Maybe.Just @(unsafe-nth xs index)) ; the copy will go away with lifetimes (Maybe.Nothing))) (doc contains? "checks wether an element exists in the array.") (defn contains? [arr el] (let-do [result false] (for [i 0 (length arr)] (when (= el (unsafe-nth arr i)) (do (set! result true) (break)))) result)) (doc unsafe-raw "returns an array a as a raw pointer—useful for interacting with C.") (deftemplate unsafe-raw (Fn [(Ref (StaticArray t))] (Ptr t)) "$t* $NAME(Array *a)" "$DECL { return a->data; }"))