(system-include "carp_float.h") (defmodule Float (def pi 3.1415926536f) (register MAX Float "CARP_FLT_MAX") (register neg (Fn [Float] Float)) (register + (Fn [Float Float] Float)) (register - (Fn [Float Float] Float)) (register * (Fn [Float Float] Float)) (register / (Fn [Float Float] Float)) (register to-int (Fn [Float] Int)) (register to-bytes (Fn [Float] Int)) (register from-int (Fn [Int] Float)) (register copy (Fn [(Ref Float)] Float)) (register = (Fn [Float Float] Bool)) (register < (Fn [Float Float] Bool)) (register > (Fn [Float Float] Bool)) (implements pi Float.pi) (implements + Float.+) (implements - Float.-) (implements * Float.*) (implements / Float./) (implements < Float.<) (implements > Float.>) (implements = Float.=) (implements copy Float.copy) (implements neg Float.neg) (implements to-int Float.to-int) (implements from-int Float.from-int) (defn clamp [min, max, val] (if (> val max) max (if (< val min) min val))) (doc approx "checks whether `x` and `y` are approximately equal. The margin of error is 0.00001.") (defn approx [x y] (Generics.approx x y)) (register copy (Fn [(Ref Float)] Float)) (register abs (Fn [Float] Float)) (register acos (Fn [Float] Float)) (register asin (Fn [Float] Float)) (register atan (Fn [Float] Float)) (register atan2 (Fn [Float Float] Float)) (register ceil (Fn [Float] Float)) (register cos (Fn [Float] Float)) (register cosh (Fn [Float] Float)) (register exp (Fn [Float] Float)) (register floor (Fn [Float] Float)) (register frexp (Fn [Float (Ref Int)] Float)) (register ldexp (Fn [Float Int] Float)) (register log (Fn [Float] Float)) (register log10 (Fn [Float] Float)) (register mod (Fn [Float Float] Float)) (register modf (Fn [Float (Ref Float)] Float)) (register pow (Fn [Float Float] Float)) (register sin (Fn [Float] Float)) (register sinh (Fn [Float] Float)) (register sqrt (Fn [Float] Float)) (register tan (Fn [Float] Float)) (register tanh (Fn [Float] Float)) (implements abs Float.abs) (implements acos Float.acos) (implements asin Float.asin) (implements atan Float.atan) (implements atan2 Float.atan2) (implements ceil Float.ceil) (implements cos Float.cos) (implements cosh Float.cosh) (implements exp Float.exp) (implements floor Float.floor) (implements frexp Float.frexp) (implements ldexp Float.ldexp) (implements log Float.log) (implements log10 Float.log10) (implements mod Float.mod) (implements modf Float.modf) (implements pow Float.pow) (implements sin Float.sin) (implements sinh Float.sinh) (implements sqrt Float.sqrt) (implements tan Float.tan) (implements tanh Float.tanh) (doc zero "returns `0.0f`.") (defn zero [] 0.0f) (implements zero Float.zero) (defn inc [x] (+ 1.0f x)) (implements inc Float.inc) (defn dec [x] (- x 1.0f)) (implements dec Float.dec) (defn add-ref [x y] (Float.+ @x @y)) (implements add-ref Float.add-ref) ) (defmodule FloatRef (defn = [a b] (Float.= @a @b)) (implements = FloatRef.=) (defn < [a b] (Float.< @a @b)) (implements < FloatRef.<) (defn > [a b] (Float.> @a @b)) (implements > FloatRef.>) )