;; The following generic functions make use of the interfaces (defmodule Generics (defn one [] (inc (zero))) (defn minus-one [] (dec (zero))) (defn two [] (inc (one))) (defn three [] (inc (two))) (defn minus-two [] (* (two) (minus-one))) (defn four [] (+ (two) (two))) (defn five [] (+ (four) (one))) (defn ten [] (+ (five) (five))) (defn hundred [] (* (ten) (ten))) (defn thousand [] (* (hundred) (ten))) (defn hundred-thousand [] (* (hundred) (thousand))) (defn million [] (* (thousand) (thousand))) (defn minus-four [] (* (four) (minus-one))) (defn twice [x] (* (two) x)) (defn halved [x] (/ x (two))) (defn squared [x] (* x x)) (defn inverse [x] (/ (one) x)) (defn half [] (halved (one))) (defn half-pi [] (halved pi)) (defn tau [] (twice pi)) (defn ninety [] (* (two) (* (* (three) (three)) (five)))) (defn one-hundred-eighty [] (* (two) (ninety))) (defn small [] (inverse (hundred-thousand))) (doc approx-margin "checks whether `x` and `y` are approximately equal within a `margin`.") (defn approx-margin [x y margin] (if (> x y) (< (- x y) margin) (< (- y x) margin))) (doc approx "checks whether `x` and `y` are approximately equal within a margin. The margin of error is 0.00001.") (defn approx [a b] (approx-margin a b (small))) ) (with Generics ;; These are defined in the global scope. (defn <= [a b] (or (< a b) (= a b))) (defn >= [a b] (or (> a b) (= a b))) (defn cmp [a b] (if (= a b) 0 (if (< a b) -1 1))) (defn max [a b] (if (> a b) a b)) (defn min [a b] (if (< a b) a b)) (defn zero? [x] (= (zero) x)) (defn pos? [x] (< (zero) x)) (defn neg? [x] (< x (zero))) (defn not-neg? [x] (not (neg? x))) (defn id [x] x) (defn const [x] (fn [_] x)) (defn null? [p] (Pointer.eq NULL (the (Ptr t) p))) (defn not-null? [p] (not (null? p))) (defn clamp [min, max, val] (if (> val max) max (if (< val min) min val))) (defn clamp--1-1 [v] (clamp (minus-one) (one) v)) (defn lerp [from to amount] (+ from (* (- to from) amount))) (defn between [x l u] (and (>= x l) (<= x u))) (defn random-0-1 [] (random-between (zero) (one))) (defn random--1-1 [] (random-between (minus-one) (one))) (defn /= [a b] (not (= a b))) ) (doc enum-to-int "converts an enum `e` to an integer.") (deftemplate enum-to-int (Fn [a] Int) "int $NAME($a e)" "$DECL { return (int)e; }")