(load "Color.carp") (defmodule Test (deftype State [passed Int, failed Int]) (use Color.Id) (hidden handler) (defn handler [state expected actual descr what op] (if (op expected actual) (do (IO.colorize (Green) &(str* @"Test '" @descr @"' passed\n")) (State.update-passed (State.copy state) &Int.inc)) (do (IO.color (Red)) (IO.println &(str* @"Test '" @descr @"' failed:")) (IO.print &(str* @"\tExpected " @what @": '")) (IO.print &(str expected)) (IO.println &(str* @"', actual value: '" (str actual) @"'")) (IO.color (Reset)) (State.update-failed (State.copy state) &Int.inc)))) (doc assert-op "Assert that op returns true when given x and y.") (defn assert-op [state x y descr op] (handler state x y descr "value" op)) (doc assert-equal "Assert that x and y are equal. Equality needs to be implemented for their type.") (defn assert-equal [state x y descr] (handler state x y descr "value" =)) (doc assert-not-equal "Assert that x and y are not equal. Equality needs to be implemented for their type.") (defn assert-not-equal [state x y descr] (handler state x y descr "not value" /=)) (doc assert-true "Assert that x is true.") (defn assert-true [state x descr] (assert-equal state true x descr)) (doc assert-false "Assert that x is false.") (defn assert-false [state x descr] (assert-equal state false x descr)) (doc assert-ref-equal "Assert that x and y are equal by reference. Reference equality needs to be implemented for their type.") (defn assert-ref-equal [state x y descr] (handler state &x &y descr "value" =)) (doc assert-just "Assert that x is a `Just`.") (defn assert-just [state x descr] (assert-true state (Maybe.just? x) descr)) (doc assert-nothing "Assert that x is a `Nothing`.") (defn assert-nothing [state x descr] (assert-true state (Maybe.nothing? x) descr)) (doc assert-success "Assert that x is a `Success`.") (defn assert-success [state x descr] (assert-true state (Result.success? x) descr)) (doc assert-error "Assert that x is an `Error`.") (defn assert-error [state x descr] (assert-true state (Result.error? x) descr)) (doc reset "Reset test state.") (defn reset [state] (State.set-failed (State.set-passed state 0) 0)) (not-on-windows (hidden run-child) (defn run-child [x] (let [pid (System.fork) status 0] (if (= pid 0) (do (x) 0) (do (ignore (System.wait (address status))) (System.get-exit-status status))))) (hidden handle-signal) (defn handle-signal [x] (System.exit x)) (hidden run-child-signals) (defn run-child-signals [x] (let [pid (System.fork) status 0] (if (= pid 0) (do (System.signal System.signal-abort handle-signal) (System.signal System.signal-fpe handle-signal) (System.signal System.signal-ill handle-signal) (System.signal System.signal-segv handle-signal) (System.signal System.signal-term handle-signal) (x) 0) (do (ignore (System.wait (address status))) (System.get-exit-status status))))) (doc assert-exit "Assert that function f exits with exit code exit-code.") (defn assert-exit [state exit-code f descr] (assert-equal state exit-code (run-child f) descr)) (doc assert-signal "Assert that function f aborts with OS signal signal.") (defn assert-signal [state signal x descr] (assert-equal state signal (run-child-signals x) descr))) (windows-only (defndynamic assert-exit [state exit-code f descr] (macro-error "assert-exit is not implemented on Windows.")) (defndynamic assert-signal [state signal x descr] (macro-error "assert-signal is not implemented on Windows."))) (doc print-test-results "Print test results.") (defn print-test-results [state] (let [passed @(State.passed state) failed @(State.failed state)] (do (IO.println "Results:") (if (Int.> (Int.+ passed failed) 0) (do (IO.color (Green)) (when (Int.> passed 0) (IO.print &(String.append "\t|" &(String.allocate passed \=)))) (when (Int.= failed 0) (IO.print "|")) (IO.color (Red)) (when (Int.= passed 0) (IO.print "\t|")) (when (Int.> failed 0) (IO.print &(String.append &(String.allocate failed \=) "|"))) (IO.println "")) ()) (IO.color (Green)) (IO.print "\tPassed: ") (IO.print &(Int.str passed)) (IO.color (Red)) (IO.print "\tFailed: ") (IO.println &(Int.str failed)) (IO.color (Reset)))))) (defndynamic with-test-internal [name forms] (if (= (length forms) 1) (list (list 'set! name (list 'ref (car forms)))) (cons (list 'set! name (list 'ref (car forms))) (with-test-internal name (cdr forms))))) (defmacro with-test [name :rest forms] (list 'let (array name '&(Test.State.init 0 0)) (cons-last (list 'Int.copy (list 'Test.State.failed name)) (cons-last (list 'Test.print-test-results name) (cons 'do (with-test-internal name forms)))) )) (defmacro deftest [name :rest forms] (eval (list 'defn 'main (array) (list 'let (array name '&(Test.State.init 0 0)) (cons-last (list 'Int.copy (list 'Test.State.failed name)) (cons-last (list 'Test.print-test-results name) (cons 'do (with-test-internal name forms))))))))